Bishop Joseph L. Garlington, Sr_A Brand New Anointing for a Brand New Day

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I am so delighted to to be here in your house and enjoying your ministry it's it's like some of you have probably no idea about the impact that your father this house has on the body of Christ in America and in habitation where we went passed away in McDowell that you know well they have a great love for him and I guess a couple of weeks ago they were celebrating their fourth anniversary and and I was I was the first speaker always like to go ahead and Sam because you have no idea what you have to deal with when you're following your pastor so it's a joy to be here and of course to see his beautiful wife again and you have amazing people that God's giving you [Applause] so the faith of God I believe is manifested in the kind of leaders he gives you and when you get good leaders it must be because God likes you and I believe God God loves this house this is my famous wife [Applause] [Music] [Applause] she's amazing and I love her with all of my heart [Music] [Applause] [Music] I tell her she's the most important person in my life she says well you're not the most important person in my life Jesus is and then you're next and so I just said that's religious yeah but she doesn't care but she's my she's my intercessor and my best friend and we have a lot of fun together and so she's going to she's gonna greet you and she's gonna pray for me and then we'll see what happens to pastor Sam and his beautiful wife and to this wonderful congregation it's just an honor and a privilege to be here and of course you could feel the love coming into this house there's such a beautiful wonderful spirit here and we're grateful to be able to take a little bit of this back with us when we go home pastor Sam was alluding to our our ages but we're not growing old we're growing younger we don't plan to retire we're plan to refire hallelujah and we love what the Lord is doing in this season that we're walking in we're seeing so many wonderful things that we prayed and hope to be able to see so I'm gonna pray for my wonderful husband he is my best friend we're asking you by the power of the Holy Spirit to give to my husband the words and you would have him to speak this morning let this house be encouraged let them hear a fresh word from the throne of God we know you know every knee that's here and by the power of the Holy Spirit you're able to meet every need so we honor you Jesus we thank you for your salvation and for all that you've done for us we bless you darling and we say deliver the word of the Lord amen [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you may be seated in heavenly places [Music] change me into your image Lord into your likeness Lord change me [Music] change me into your image law to your life let alone change me I wanna be like you I wanna be [Music] changed me [Music] I'll be changed for a lifetime in just one moment I'll be change for a lifetime in just one I have found that learning how to to say what God put in your heart to say sometimes understanding that what he put in your heart to say is something that he's given to someone else before you and so you're trying to figure out where do I go from here we've been in a season in our church where God has been speaking to us about refreshing and renewing and helping us to believe that it's time to believe him again prophetic words that have been spoken in your life things that God has said to you and it looks like it's just been a long long long time coming and that sudden you wake up and you're where God said you were supposed to be and you didn't know you got there and didn't know how you got there a prophetic word came to us two years ago and it said this is a season of acceleration what took a year it's going to take months what took months is gonna take weeks what took weeks is gonna take days and what took days is going to happen now remember when Jesus said for the time is coming and now is the time is coming and now as somebody say that the time is coming and now as you turn that down just a little bit the time is coming and now is I was getting ready to Menace with the word of the Lord in Philadelphia and and I awakened and I heard the Lord say recognize the season recognize the season would you say that please say it again and then the next statement that I heard was realized the reason realize the reason say that place and then thirdly rehearse the pleasin rehearse the pleasin some people might say the pleasing but it doesn't rhyme with reason so we say pleasing and lastly remember the treason remember the treason go with me please to second Samuel Chapter five I'm using the new American Standard Bible because I couldn't find the new African Standard Bible so I'm just using this one second Samuel chapter 5 verse 17 when the Philistines heard that they had anointed David king over Israel all the Philistines went up to seek out David and when David heard of it he went down to the stronghold now the Philistines came and spread themselves out in the valley of Ratheon then David inquired of the Lord saying shall I go up against the Philistines will you give them into my hand and the Lord said today that go up for I will certainly give the Philistines into your hand so David came to bail Peres seen and defeated them there and he said the Lord has broken through my enemies before me like the breakthrough of waters the Lord has broken through my enemies before me like the breakthrough of waters therefore he named the place bail perazim meaning lord of the breakthrough Lord of the breakthrough the scripture says they abandoned their idols there and so David and his men carried them away now the Philistines came up once again and spread themselves out in the valid reci and when David inquired the lor he said you shall not go directly up circle around behind them come at them in front of the balsam trees it shall be somebody say it shall be say it again right can I get all they all to say it it shall be great when you hear the sound of marching and the tops of the balsam trees then you shall act promptly for them the Lord will have gone out before you to strike the army of the Philistines then David said so just as the Lord had commanded him struck down the fill the shoes from giba as far as be sir I want to talk about a brand new anointing for a brand new day a brand new anointing for a brand new day number of years ago I was enjoying myself in ministering and leading our church and leading our network of churches and and a friend of mine called me and said I had an encounter with God and and he began to tell me about this encounter that he had and it was in a special time for him and when he told me what had happened I said man that's great and he said but you know what he said after our service he said I received the largest offering we ever received and that said now where did you go because at that moment I was in a building program and so my focus was money I don't have ever heard the song money money money money money money have you been in church for a long time you've never heard that song but it's uh it's part of where you are when you're focusing on finances and and so I win I just I had to go I wanted to go and see someplace where you could get touched by God and come back home and raise a lot of money what I what I had was an encounter with God it wasn't about money it was about are you hungry are you fresh are you okay is the ministry you you're doing is that something that you want to be doing and when I realized that where I was headed I couldn't go in the strength that I had been walking in for a long time if you always do what you've always done you'll always get what you always got and I watch people being touched by God and I said god I want some of that and what I needed was a brand new anointing I went with a sense of who I was and what I had accomplished then and sometimes you begin to feel pretty good about what you're doing and and then God has to help you realize it's not you it's me I remember being with some does anyone have any Jamaican relatives anybody from Jamaica here Jamaicans they're all over the world I was in England and some Jamaica's were driving us in a bus and they were going through a really narrow place and Jamaicans have a unique way of saying things and when we were driving through this narrow place one of the guys could see that the mirror on the outside of this bus was about to have a collision with the post and he wanted the man to pull over and he was trying to say in a short way you are too big for this space and you need to do something about it he didn't have time so her I heard him say small up yourself man small up to yourself I said okay and periodically I've been in places where I felt like I knew more about what was going on in the meeting then then the folks around me and I was in a service and the guy was speaking in tongues it's one of those long messages and tongues and the interpretation was just as long and I said a man and when he finished the interpretation he started to speak in tongues again and I I just said to the pastor come on man and then the guy interpreted his second message in tongues but this time it was it was the outline of the message that I was about to share and and I felt like the Holy Spirit said to me so you think you know tongues in interpretation and then he said smiling up yourself tell somebody smart up yourself that's the subtitle recognize the season recognize the season the season it's a time for war it's a time for war you say I don't like war you don't have an option here you serve a God who is called a man of war God is in warfare and the kind of warfare he's involved in we are recruited into an army army spiked armies have to do things the kingdom of God is under attack and you attack those who attack you and I'm not talking about humans I'm talking about the spiritual warfare that goes on all the time say God is a man of war in Exodus 15 verse 1 through 4 listen to this the message translation then Moses and the Israelites sang the song to God giving voice together I'm singing my heart up to God what a victory he pitched the horse and rider to the sea God is my strength God is my song and yes god is my salvation this is the kind of God I have and I'm telling the world this is the god of my father I'm spreading the news far and wide and here's the line I like God is a fighter God is a fighter pure God through and through Pharaoh's chariots and army he dumped into seed the elite of his officers he drowned in the Red Sea so when Pastor started that speck phrase it's one of my favorite songs I'm no longer a slave to fear and the net there's a chorus that says you split the sea so I can walk through it [Music] the greatest miracle in the Old Testament that whenever the folk refer to something that took place in the Old Testament and they want to talk about this great God we serve they always go to the Red Sea he opened the Red Sea now I know a lot of scholars so-called scholars say that was not a Red Sea it was the sea of reeds and it was only two feet of water then I said well then there's an even greater miracle and they say what's that that all of Egypt's armies got drowned into theater water you split the sea so I can walk right through it my fears were drowned and perfectly loved you're asking me so I can stand hi a child of God you split the sea say it you spent the sea you split the sea so I can walk right through my fears my trap you rescued me you rescued me so I God I'm a child of God [Music] more time [Music] [Music] worship is warfare worship is warfare when you really understand worship it's not just about singing sweet songs but it's about declaring something before God that the enemy needs to see there's a passage in 2nd Samuel when David is bringing the Ark of the Covenant back into Jerusalem and as he's bringing it back his his wife McCall watches him danced before the Lord with all of his might and she criticized him for it and he said something like this to her he says do you understand that what I'm doing he says I don't care how you feel about it he says I will yet play before the Lord I will play before the law and it's an interesting phrase because the word that's translated played has to do with warfare and worship when when I am in God's presence I am having fun I'm enjoying it it's it's not painful to me to worship when people say come on this is the church no see when I grew up I didn't understand church and my favorite song but I was mad when they said to me let's go to the house of the Lord cuz it wasn't fun I grew up in a Holiness Church a Pentecostal church I'd say penny D in and why cos the church nobody had fun in our church you couldn't do anything and go to heaven you couldn't play baseball you couldn't go to the movies I mean just what big could have put one word up on the backlog no and that taken care of everything and so I just I just I don't know if church is fun or not and then I found worship I found praise I found the song of the Lord I found that I could dance before him with all of my might and he could look at me and say he would do some more that let me give you a new song let me give you a new word let me give you a new phrase let me give you a new melody to go along with that David was a man of war he says he teaches my fingers to do battle so that when david is playing his guitar he's not just worshiping he's warring he's creating atmosphere that frees God to do what he wants to do when you understand that warfare is fun when you're on the winning side David was a man of war David was a man of worship David was a man of passion he was a man after God's own heart David knew that worship and warfare are inseparable number of years ago I wrote a book on worship the pattern of things in heaven and that discovered as I'm looking through the Scriptures how much how much worship the sacrifices of God the worship of God the praise of God are so much incorporated that whatever is going on in heaven what I worship this here on earth is a pattern of things in the heavenlies they're creatures in heaven that would frighten if you saw them alive but you know what they're all worshipping God they're all saying holy holy holy is the Lord Almighty holy holy holy is the Lord Almighty and then it was like they would see some of his glory and when they would see his glory they would fall on their faces and they would say holy holy and then when they would get over that they would get back up again and they would say holy holy holy my oldest brother when his son was real small he came down the stairs and his desire was to was to scare his daddy but he didn't know that one of the stairs had a squeak in it and his dad could hear him coming down the stairs and he waited till they got just close enough before he could scare him and he would raise the newspaper and he had a set of dentures that he could push up that looked like wolf teeth and he would push him up and he'd look at his son and say yeah and this kid was scream and run up this he said a few minutes later he heard the stairs squeak again and he heard this little voice say scare me again daddy there's something about worship that when you're before God and you he's showing his glory he shows you his face and you fall on your face but it's not enough because once you realize what he just shows you you get up and you just say scare me again do that again and he does it again you see a glory that you didn't see the last time and you fall on your face again and you get up again and you go down again and you get up again because worship is something that you enjoy and God enjoys it more than you do tell the person make sure I'm a man of war I'm a woman of war and Chronicles of scripture says when they begin singing and praising the Lord set ambushes against the sons of Haman when Jehoshaphat was ready to go out against the Moabites and ammonites are coming after him he said we're just going to take singers good singers everybody isn't a good singer and I don't say that to be mean I'm just simply saying some people couldn't carry a tune if it was in a bucket all right you miss that here would you carry this tune and so sometimes you're singing next to people and you can't sing and but when you want to do some serious stuff then you need to get some serious singers who understand melody and harmony and the intricacies of bringing those things together and you're lifting your voice and suddenly out there the enemy can't see it but he can hear it and when he hears it they look at one another say I think we're in trouble and they don't realize that your singing has brought out the angels of fare and they do the ambushing you're at working and trying to make something happen and all God says hey will you just worship me I'll take care of the heavy lifting it's a time for war ii realize the reason that the Philistines are gathered look at the text again verse 17 when the Philistines heard that they had anointed David king over Israel all the Philistines were up to seek out David and when David heard of that he went down to the stronghold David had three anointings three the first anointing came in the midst of his family Sanga said to David's dad Jesse I'm going to come to your house and I'm going to anoint your son and he says yeah if Saul finds out you're coming to do this we are going to get killed he says how are we gonna do this he says tell tell anybody who knows about it I'm going to come to your house and have dinner but while I'm there gonna know in a king he anointed David in the midst of his brothers I call it a family anointing there's some annoying things that don't start on the hill in a high place they start in a little quiet place where God is doing something significant if your family can't recognize your anointing how will the world recognize it [Music] if your family can't recognize your and I if my wife can't say you're a man of God then I'm not a man of God unless of course she's trying to manipulate me and she's done that on at least one occasion but that's not her habit come on honey I loved you get your act together she's a prophet she really is a prophet and you know and we're not like some churches in America that are nonprofit institutions so in this meeting and I'm struggling with something that's gone on in the home church and so she kept saying to me it's gonna be okay and I said how do you know it's gonna be okay whew sunny it's just gonna be okay and I said what makes you think it's gonna be okay and and the pastor said are you guys ready to go and I think it's gonna be time for you to speak sir and I said yeah we'll go inside it and as you're standing inside she was saying to me she in the room it's gonna be alright it's gonna be alright and I said how do you know how do you know she said it's gonna be alright so we're standing into place and the the worship leader is leading us at a time of worship and he says just before I turn the service over to my pastor I feel like I should sing this song is she he started singing this song did not tell you it would be all right I told you it would be all right I'm telling you it would be all right he told me to tell you it would be all right but she just said that to me and I'm asking her how she knew and then God confirmed it out there and the audience I wouldn't even look at her because I knew she was standing and she did everything but put her elbow in my side anointing somebody say anointing a family anointing and then after Saul died in second 72 the Bible says he was anointed among his brethren his tribe Judas tribe the anointing that increases starts with your family it goes from your family to your tribe and if you continue to grow in that you might become nationally recognized for your anointing some people are what we call legends in their own mind we call them legends in their own mind I'm you know some legends in their own time they're legends in their they think they're legends but they're not I love the way some people introduce themselves well I don't really love it I'm just thinking how did you have the nerve to say that about you who was who was helping you when you wrote out your biographical statement Jesus is the wonder see anointing and then lastly David is anointed by all the tribes and that's where we are a second Samuel 501 it says then all the tribes of Israel came to David to Hebron and said behold we are your bone in your flesh in verse three so all Israel Elizabeth came to the king of Hebron King David made a covenant with them before the Lord had heparin then they anointed David king over Israel he's anointed in his family he's anointed over his tribe now he's anointed over the whole nation and that's the point that troubles the the Phyllis's because the description says when the Philistines heard that they had anointed David king over all Israel they said we had to do something about that his anointing over his family enabled him to kill lions and bears his anointing enabled him to wipe out Philistines by the hundreds his anointing enabled him to kill Goliath now he's got a national anointing guys we need to do something it's you new house house raid house fearful the enemy was of you you stop being afraid of him [Applause] you're not a wimp you're in charge God's got his hand on you there's something about the anointing and I believe the enemy knows more about the anointing than we know about the anointing the scripture says and I said 1027 this you have come to pass in that day that his burden shall be taken away from off your shoulder and his yoke from off your neck and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing I want somebody to say the yoke will be destroyed because of the anointing or better you can say the anointing breaks the yoke some people are tied up and they don't know how they're tied they they're torn and they don't know how they're torn and then somebody with an anointing you'd come along and say you're free you're healed you're delivered God's doing something near family God's going to bring your son back God's going to restore this the anointing cuts through all of the stuff that a psychiatrist wants you to spend thousands of dollars to get while you're laying on a couch the anointing come along and say here's the word here's the issue there's the problem you're free I love the anointing I love the anointing someone wrote that song annoying [Music] 19 come lift your hands make it a prayer on 19th [Music] follow me [Music] [Applause] [Music] it breaks yokes it empowers the preaching of the gospel you can't preach the gospel without the anointing you can say it but you can't preach it because there's a declaration that comes when the anointing of the Holy Ghost in fills you and in fills your words it empowers the preaching of the gospel the anointing sets the captives free when Jesus came out of the wilderness has stepped into the synagogue and he said the Spirit of the Lord is upon me he has anointed me - he has anointed me - and that word means anointing is for purpose it's not make you feel good you can feel good but that's not the purpose yeah the purpose of the anointing is to set the captives free it's the open the blinded eyes it's to raise up it's to do something about the poor it's a it's to produce signs and wonders the anointing is the great equalizer was this into a friend of mine share a story about an amazing woman of God who had been invited to come to a conference where her whole purpose for being there was to let her give her testimony and then to ridicule her and she knew it and she came in she said I'm here because I love the Holy Spirit and the leaders that come said I love the Holy Spirit - she says all you do what would you like the Holy Spirit to do for you so anything what if he wants to do she says why don't you do this just say Holy Spirit do for me whatever I need and he said sure and she said it said Holy Spirit Diouf to me whenever I need and the Holy Spirit came on him not him down he was screaming and hollering he was up underneath the desk and he was looking at the Holy Ghost when I grew up in ten de casas and I came into the charismatic renewal they used to tell me that the Holy Ghost was a gentleman he would never make you do anything you didn't want to do and I kept going back to the Pentecostal days where I saw people get prayed for and gets slammed dunked on the floor and everybody was ready for it because they would had these little ladies who would come out and do a little curtains over them and the skirts and so forth and I'm just saying what kind of gentleman would not ladies now in public what about your free will he doesn't care about your free will doesn't matter to him when Saul came to attack David to go after them and to arrest him he came under the anointing that Samuel had and when when Saul got there the same Holy Spirit that had arrested the other three troops that he had said when he got there Saul was saying sometimes in order to get something done you gotta do it yourself he comes and stands in the middle of that prophetic company and the next year no Holy Ghost is on him and he's taking his clothes off taking all his clothes off all his clothes off all his clothes off naked and prophesying he prophesied no clothes on [Music] he prophesied on the Holy Ghost why are you doing that Holy Ghost hold it hold it go yes I said got up one morning and said just wife he says I've got to go to work and she says okay and he started taking his clothes off it's in Isaiah chapter 20 he took all his clothes off all his clothes off even his shoes and he walked around for three years naked prophesy now some people don't like that but I studied Hebrew in seminary and I found that naked in that verse in Isaiah was the same as naked in that verse in Genesis say God would never do that God but do anything he wants to do because he has this problem he thinks he's God and when the anointing comes it doesn't care about your stature it doesn't care about who you are it doesn't care about where you came from it doesn't care about your statute your name your recognition your finances your position the anointing makes us all the same size the same height it's the measurement thing that brings us all under the same umbrella your anointing you're gonna do what God says do say anointed God has some interesting ways and when the anointing is working weird things can happen your baby was being praised for and this she's being prayed for the Spirit of God came on as she fell and during that time as she's on the floor she's just started to cry and to cry and to cry and look like her heart was breaking and then all of a sudden she's have started to laugh laugh laugh and when she got done they were asking her what happened to you she said when I was a child I had to have my first communion and my mother told me I don't have money for a white dress and white shoes so you've been into my white dress and black shoes she said I know they're gonna make fun of me she said they did and I've carried that hurt in my heart for years and when I was on the floor all of that came back to him and I could see friends standing around and they said he's about why did you survive he said suddenly Jesus came and he stood at me and he was smiling while I was crying but why you start laughing she said he pulled up his robe and he had black shoes on via 19th it'll break your yoke the anointing is not something that you can just say it's here it's there you can put it in a bottle be anointing that it can be it can be worn in a cloth David what would have an anointing Saul or Paul would happen anointing he would take his clothes and they would go out from him and they would touch people my grandfather was praying for a man he lived in one city in Virginia and and this man was in another city in Virginia and he said I can't come to you but I want to pray for you I want you to get a bottle of oil a bottle of olive oil and he got this oil and he says at seven o'clock tonight I want you to put it on the table you and your wife sit there and he says I will pray for you and for that oil he says i sat and watched that oil start to bubble at seven o'clock can you imagine what that kind of anointing can do for your life he teaches my fingers to do battle it can be carried in a bottle it can be contained in specific places and I love this thing about God God can choose a place and we will say well why did you choose that place lease is my privilege naman wanted to get healed of leprosy and he came down to Jordan and he was insulted that I should say dip in Jordan seven times and he says I've got better rivers at home than this and no one should learn this race just learn it and use it whenever you can it'll impress people say the scandal save the scandal a particularities say it again the scandal a particularity God can choose a place to move that you would despise but if you want to get healed you got to go to that place maybe you maybe you think you can get heat up in Obama and bar park but if your healing is in Jordan and you don't like the color of the water you don't like where it is why should I have to go all the way across over there to get here when I can get here right here because the scan of the particularity tells you you have to take it where God gives it to you the anointing is a scandal I sometimes look at some people that God has anointed and I sometimes ask a dumb question God well I by to choose that person he's an acquaintance of ours he was in a meeting and he said he's his son would you do something for me says sure God he says seed the man on the first row there he said yes he said I want you to go nipple on his ear and tell him I love him he said god I can't do that but you just told me you would though he's a god I mean just God I just can't do that and and he came back to begin he says would you do something for me he says what is it I want you nip along is a year and tell him I love it and he said ok now here's what I've discovered embarrassment is the price of breakthrough God if I do that what are people gonna say about me they're gonna say you broke through what if I mess up they're gonna sing you messed up yeah but how do can I avoid that you just can and so he says okay god I'll do it and he walks down off the platform walked right up to the guy leans over grabs him by the face and says sir I'm sorry for what's about to happen to you and he leaned over and nibbled on his ear and said I love you he was an atheist and he began to cry hard crying ugly crying and when he came to himself they asked him what had happened because in that moment that transaction he surrendered his life to the Lord and he said every night my wife who was a believer just before she died of cancer she would lean over and nibble on my ear and tell me how much God loved me the anointing sometimes may appear to be scandalous it's always the anointing say please it's always the anointing if I had been dead for some time long enough to have bones in the grave and a man came by who had died and it threw him in the grave where Elijah's bones were then next thing you know he's leaping up out of the grave because the anointing goes beyond your lifetime save rehearse the pleasin st. rehearse the please sing we've looked at two things already recognize the season it's a time for war realize the reason it's because of the anointing rehearse the please sing it's always by faith without faith it's impossible to please God sit please without faith it's impossible to please God listen to these phrases and what more shall I say for time will fail me if I tell you of gideon barak samson jephthah of david as samuel and the prophets who by faith conquered kingdoms performed acts of righteousness obtained promises shut the mouths of lions quenched the power of fire escaped the edge of the sword from weakness were made strong became mighty in war and put foreign armies to fight by faith all progress one of my mentors Derek Prince said this event one occasion he said all progress in the Christian life is by faith all progress in the Christian life is by faith without him without saying it doesn't say without faith is hard it says without faith it's impossible to please God you're trying to please God and you're doing it on your own energy it's not going to happen it takes faith it takes confidence in God it's six believing that what God said he will back up what God said he will do what God promised he will make good on it it's by faith somebody says by faith you're here by faith David was a man of faith people of faith don't always look like people of faith sometimes people of faith have ups and downs and it looks like I don't know I don't know people who fail often have moments when you just don't know how is it going to work how's it going to come out how's it gonna turn out and you're walking by faith you sustain God I need you God I need your help I need you to come and stand by me this is there's a song that produced a song called still and the phrase it goes like this [Music] under [Music] within your line when the oceans rise and thunders roar I will soar with you above the spa [Music] Oh I will be still [Music] when the oceans rise I will soar with you the spa [Music] I will be still high Oh fine rest [Music] in Christ though his dog Oh [Music] in choir [Music] and trust me [Music] I was solved [Music] [Applause] [Music] party [Music] I will be still come on [Applause] fine rest come on stand with me no we here in quietness and Trust windy washes arise [Music] I was sold I will [Music] father knew over I will be still know when the oceans rise when the and Oh [Music] I will be still I [Music] our God [Music] I will soar I will soar [Music] [Music] [Music] I I will [Music] I will be spilled [Music] someone said the master in the art of living makes little distinction between his work and his play his labor and his leisure his mind and his body his information and his recreation his love and his religion he hardly knows which is which he simply pursues his vision of excellence at whatever he does leaving others to decide whether he's working or playing to him he's always doing both if you and I could come to a place where we could become this is that last phrase we could become small and see ourselves that way because the problem with David's successor was when he was little in his own sight when he was little in his own sight that's when God chose [Music] God wants people who has seen themselves as small who will say I'm just a child but I'm no longer a child of fear I'm a servant of God so the question that I want to race with you today is are you ready to small up yourself [Music] get small so God gave me a shoe get small so that he could celebrate you while you celebrate him get small so that when it's all said and done you could say it was Jesus and when the oceans rise you said it today and thunders roar I will [Music] the little child runs swim the Thunder comes little child can go to the room or it can run to his parents and say hold on to me [Music] this is God out there who says recognize the season realize the reason you've come into something that God is doing in this season and God is up to something amazing and I believe the prophetic word over this house is that bigger and better fuller and richer look around you and make this declaration this place is limited this place is limited because God wants to do so much more in this house with you and not just with this house but with other houses and quite possibly one in New York City I've discovered this that Nigerians are everywhere they're in New Zealand of all places everywhere look at some I said we're everywhere and whenever we get there we take over now what you joined the hand of someone next year real quick [Music] I don't know if our pastor was speaking prophetically or just teasing you but I found some amazing prophetic words will come out in the moment when you don't realize that you are prophesying there's a hunger and was sick concerning this house your preacher your pastor is an extraordinary man of God and here's what I know about the Bible it says there is that scatters and yet increases there is that with holes and it becomes poverty there is an anointing in him that's bigger than this city it's bigger than this house it's bigger than this nation and when God puts his hand on men and women of God to establish them people have to say we want our sphere we want our art arena of authority to be increased even as our faith is increased and as the faith of this house is increased his sphere is enlarged even more there is something out there that needs the word that he has it's a unique word it's a unique way of sharing the gospel sharing the message of the kingdom you're privileged and you need to know you're privileged but you need to know you can't be privileged and selfish at the same time amen I'm not trying to scare you I'm just trying to say share share good things with everyone pastor Barbara would you lay hands on best of Sam can we have a microphone for her the Lord is saying to you then you have just begun you have come from a very long way but in your heart from a very young Christian you said Lord I'll go where you want me to go and I'll do what you want me to do so God is saying to you this morning that I'm getting ready to enlarge your borders I'm going to stretch you out in ways that you have only dreamed about your desire has been to do everything God wants you to do and he's saying this is the season I'm calling you out from the small place into a large place a place bigger than this house bigger than this city you're going to travel the world even in the US of A in our nation God's going to establish you there hallelujah these are his plans not our plans but his plans and God is a God that never fails he never disappoints us but he establishes us in the kingdom of God for such a time as this hallelujah hallelujah for the Lord with say my son this is a season of open doors these are not doors that you will have to kick open but I have already gone ahead of you to open those doors for you and one of the first things one of the first signs of the open door you will be approached by someone who says I heard you in this city and I heard you in that city and God told me to put your face on television you will not have to pay a dime you will not have to pay a cent and that word that you have cherished in your heart from the earliest days of your ministry that word is about to explode onto the nation of the United States and the nation surrounding its Canada and South Africa and South America you will hear your name being spoken in places that you've never been before in this season this house is ready to go to another level in this season this house is ready to go to another level do not say no but say yes and they man do not say no but say yes and a man now listen very carefully the man who nibbled on that man's here someone asked him the question why does God do unusual things in your life like that and he walked out of the room slammed the door and within minutes came back and opened the door and said I think it's because I never say no to God what can change if we took that posture in which we never say no and I believe as I've listened to your pastor share there isn't a no in him as far as God's concerned help him to say yes because when you say yes you will energize his yes when you say yes you a magnify his yes and when God hears that corporate yes things were changed save the person lecture we are going to another level say the game [Music] would you celebrate our pastor it's good for white up you man [Music]
Channel: Rev Sam Oye
Views: 7,143
Rating: 4.9310346 out of 5
Id: KltnTSl_gvM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 56sec (3896 seconds)
Published: Thu May 10 2018
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