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[Music] wow [Music] [Music] my [Music] now [Music] i [Music] [Music] [Music] nowhere [Music] see [Music] don't [Music] my [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] we cannot make it without you lord we need you jesus [Music] my [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is worthy tonight can we all rise to our feet hallelujah let's just praise the lord you've paid a lot of money to be here tonight hallelujah i'm gonna need you to help me a bit i just i just need that whistle a bit because [Music] toto [Music] [Music] [Music] um my [Music] me [Music] level [Music] me [Music] is [Music] me me [Applause] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] say [Music] [Music] jesus i [Music] am yeah what's up [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah our bishop has taught us that we are spiritual beings having a human experience hallelujah this world is not our home hallelujah we are just visitors hallelujah i don't know about you but i'm ready for jerusalem a high is [Music] kids [Music] we are [Music] [Music] we are ready for jerusalem [Music] [Music] [Music] we are ready [Music] hallelujah [Music] foreign [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] we are ready [Music] others are worried about tomorrow's curry others are worried about what they are going to wear to church barcelona in the presence of the lord there is fullness of joy hallelujah man get you on your marks you clear yourself up get set up you go grace let's check it i say check if ni was once was a new match get set we are ready [Music] we are ready [Music] we are ready [Music] we where we are today is as a result of the choices and the the decisions that we made yesterday nothing in life happens by chance nothing in life happens by accident it happens because somebody take a decision somebody made up in their mind that they were going to pay the price that is necessary for success the person that goes to the grave without fulfilling the purpose for which they were born never really lived [Music] let me repeat [Music] the person that goes to the grave without having fulfilled and lived the purpose for which they were born really never lived you came but you did not show up this morning i was prayerfully considering the words of jesus there's something [Music] that happens when a person is willing to die for what you believe in jesus says for this purpose came i into the world he was willing to pay the ultimate sacrifice for what he believed to be the will of god for his life it is in your discovery of god's immutable unchangeable will for your life and your commitment towards that end that you will be able to weather the storms of life [Applause] it sounds philosophical but it isn't let me explain can i explain all right i explain when a human being discovers god's purpose for their life and they clear about it and they ask themselves the realistic question what price am i willing to pay in order to have the manifestation of what i believe to be god's design and purpose for my life the most logical conclusion would be i am willing to sacrifice my life and give all in order to see the fulfillment of this design so death then becomes the ultimate sacrifice that you would be willing to pay are you with me so everything in between i'll illustrate this for you there's the goal there's the purpose i want to get to the stage are you with me that's the ultimate design the ultimate purpose that's what i want them for i want to get to the stage but there are so many challenges and obstacles on my way to the stage but because i have made up my mind i am willing to die if need be to get to the stage i am not going to allow the obstacles to stop me from getting there i may fall but i've taken the decision if need be i'll die so falling is not going to stop me i'm going to go to the winter but the winter the cold is not going to stop me because i've committed myself already benjamin to the ultimate sacrifice which is death i'm willing to die for this so winter is not going to stop me i've lost my friends i've lost relationships i've lost my business i've lost my husband my wife have lost but despite everything that i've lost i've made a commitment mandela said it this way he said this is an ideal my lord i am [Music] willing to live for and if need be an ideal for which i am willing to die so the prison is not going to stop me but mandela don't you understand these people might throw you in jail they might hang you i have already committed myself to that end so whether it be in life or in death i cannot stop because i have made the ultimate commitment so they're gonna take you madiba and they're going to throw you into a jail cell for 27 years it's all right because it's not worse than what i have committed myself to i am not just willing to go to jail i'm willing to die for this thing what are you willing to die for what is keeping you going what is keeping you alive what wakes you up in the morning what gives meaning to life if a person doesn't have something worth dying for you've got nothing for which to live because everything in life will affects you and it will deter you and it will stop you and it will frustrate you why because you have not made the ultimate commitment i'm willing to die for this thing all of the great leaders in history got to that place mahatma gandhi i watched this film i don't know how many times his life story his biography autobiography was willing to die he set the goal and debt was the ultimate sacrifice he embraced it and said i am willing to work to ensure that the people of india uh find and get their emancipation and he paid that ultimate price he was stabbed and they tried to kill him and so on but nothing could deter him nothing could stop him martin luther king [Music] was another example it says i've been to the mountaintop i've seen the promised land i may not be with you when you get their parts he made that ultimate sacrifice he committed himself to that end they took him they threw him in a jail they released dogs on them they had water cannons you see that's the reason why many people just a little bump just a little just not nothing significant just a sneeze make them catch pneumonia you are flaky and you're inconsistent you you're not firm you're not immovable you're not abounding why because you are undecided your life is not lived by conviction it's lived by convenience i've come to preach but you don't hear me jesus did not live a life of convenience he lived a life of conviction peter said to him you know what i'm going to draw my salt i'm i'm going to define defend you and i'm going to fight until the end he said do you think that i'm not willing to drink this cup nothing could stop him one minute there's 70 people in his church they get offended everybody leaves the church there's 12 remaining he says to them well why don't you leave as well you know because i know what i'm born i know i'm yeah your being here or you going has got absolutely nothing to do with where god is taking me look at paul look at peter there you are thinking that paul is going to give up when he is incarcerated he's in the middle of a jail he's locked in blocks his black is his back is bleeding and the young pastor that is with him doesn't understand but what the heck is going on at midnight they begin to sing [Music] [Music] is listening we are [Music] oh [Music] i'm bleeding but i'm willing to pay the ultimate sacrifice i've got my eyes set on the price i'm going to push i'm going to prevail no matter what the enemy does i'm not giving up i'm not surrendering i'm not retreating i'm not going back i gotta go all the way all the way all the way i'm not stopping i'm not giving up i'm not taking no no matter what comes my way [Music] [Applause] i'm pushing i'm going to finish strong [Applause] [Music] i'm going to do what god wants me to do no matter who is with me who is against me no matter what happens [Music] no matter how they misunderstand [Applause] looking unto jesus the order the finish of our or for the joy that was sent before him he endure the cross he despised the shame stand on your feet with me please the presence of god is in this place this morning lift your hands to him you are a man and a woman of significance a man and a woman of greatness you've got talent you've got power you've got ability god has called you for a time such as this [Music] don't waver don't fear don't be intimidated [Music] commit yourself commit yourself commit yourself to that end that end that god has spoken to you about just commit yourself and say i'm willing to pay the price to become all that god wants me to become no matter what comes my way no matter what happens no matter the storm the cycle the season of life i'm willing to pay the ultimate and the supreme sacrifice until i hear him [Music] i want you to pray over yourself just take a minute and just pray over yourself just pray over your destiny pray over where you know you are supposed to go just pray over your family pray over the circumstance in which you find yourself just pray call upon the name of the lord and commit yourself to that end because at the end of the day you are going to stand before god and you will have to give an account for what you have done with the talents and with the abilities and with the gifts that god has given you just commit yourself to him through prayer for a few minutes the spirit of god is in this place he's here to remove every burden his year to destroy every yoke he's here to annihilate and obliterate the spirit of fear divinity in security and intimidation you are the seed of abraham you are the righteousness of god you've got capacity you've got quality you are blessed you are not cursed you are highly free but you are chosen of the lord you've got to make up your mind today forget about the person on the left the person on the right forget about your critics and your name says look unto jesus the order the finisher of your fate make up your own mind that lord i'm going to do what i have to do i'm going to live my life for your glory for your honor for your praise no matter what happens on the left no matter what happens on the right no matter the trial the difficulty the challenge no matter how many doors are shut before my face i'm going to continue to continue i'm going to continue to keep on holding on i'm going to march i'm going to walk [Music] [Applause] [Music] to fulfill the purpose of almighty god i will do just that i will do just that i will do just that sunday [Music] resulted in [Music] yes [Music] that's in you than he that is in the world the same spirit that raised jesus from the dead dwells in you he who raised jesus from the dead will also quicken your mortal body by his spirit that dwells in you come on give him praise yourselves to him commit yourself to him commit your future commit your tomorrow commit your fears your insecurities your innovations your inconsistent [Music] god [Music] foreign [Music] foreign oh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus oh god no god help us to become all that you've designed us to become help us not to give up help us not to quit help us not to surrender help us not to walk away from our dreams but help us to be consistent to the eternally mutable plan of god for our lives help us to march forward lord with decisiveness and what power and what authority in the name of jesus help us not to look back help us not to turn around oh god in the name of jesus for the glory of all mighty god help us not to give up on our dreams help us not to give up oh god on our vision help us to know that we've got capacity we've got plenty we've got agility we've got the power of god locked up in our personal [Music] [Music] thank you jesus oh thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you lord [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] we are [Music] [Applause] yes yay [Music] [Applause] me [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh we are we are [Music] one more time for the glory of our money jesus [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign songs [Music] oh [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] my [Music] [Music] god wants you to [Music] live your life to the fullest and he wants you to be a success you have to go home go and find meaning go and find purpose for your life ask yourself the question what am i willing to die for and until such time that you find something that you are willing to die for you've got no reason for which to live may god give you the grace the strength and the power and the wisdom to find the answer to the question may now the grace of our lord jesus christ the love of god our father and the fellowship of the holy spirit abide with these thy precious people and the church says amen you
Channel: Grace Bible Church - Longdale
Views: 849
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: B5Iu5a2iC3w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 5sec (2945 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 22 2021
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