We Walk by Faith; Starting From the Top

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start calling yourself a sacrifice to god that is a lot start saying it i'm a sacrifice it's hard to stay arrogant when you're daily confessing you're a sacrifice it's hard to keep saying no to god when you're daily declaring to him you're a sacrifice a sacrifice that is alive internationally recognized for teaching and preaching the uncompromised word of god bishop clarency mclinden answers the prophetic and apostolic call upon his life by ministering the healing grace and miracle anointing of jesus christ around the world by his preaching and teaching the uncompromised gospel of jesus christ bishop mcclendon the teacher the preacher the apostle and an anointed prophet sent to the nations being used by the power of the holy spirit has led to the healing and deliverance of millions around the world during his healing crusades and conferences if you want to experience another level of worship witness the healing power of jesus learn the uncompromised word of god confirmed by notable miracles then we invite you to partake in the overwhelming power of the holy spirit by the moving of god's transforming grace colossians chapter 2 and verse number 8. i have been teaching now for several weeks three or four weeks at least uh from the subject living above the world and in doing so we have been looking at a very significant truth uh beginning in john chapter 17 when jesus prays for those of us who would believe after his first generation of apostles would preach and teach and all those he said who would believe because of their word and you and i are included in that because ultimately we are believers because of what that those first apostles believed and preached and jesus prays he says for for those who would believe in the generations following his crucifixion he prays to the father that they not be taken out of the world but that they be kept from or literally kept above what is happening in the world and jesus there also in john 17 17 gives insight into how that's going to be done he says sanctify them by thy truth and then he says your word is truth sanctify hagios separate them keep them separate keep them distinct by your word in other words your word is what is going to empower those who believe to live above the world live above the circumstances live above the happenings live above what is happening in the systems of the world and we've qualified what the world is we've talked about what the kingdom is in john 18 36 jesus declares my kingdom is not of this world which distinctly separates and distinguishes those of us who are living in the kingdom of god from those of us who are living in the world system and when you are born again or born from above literally we're going to go deeper into that even today you according to the scripture in this same book of colossians the bible says that when you were born again you and i when we were born again and became new creations in christ jesus because that's what it means to be born from above you are a new creation the bible says that you and i were the king james says translated the new king james says conveyed you and i were translated from the power of darkness and conveyed into the kingdom of god's dear son or one's translation says the son of his love which is a reference to the lord jesus christ so if you are born again you are in the kingdom and if you are in the kingdom then the world's systems and the world's principles no longer work for you they will not work for you in this kingdom this is what the scripture says and so you and i are supposed to be living above the world but the only way we're going to live above the world meaning whatever comes upon it sickness disease lack poverty including the coronavirus and any other virus or anything else that happens is by the word of god now when we say by the word of god we've got to take this now into another dimension of truth and understanding because it's not just going to be by parroting scripture see living by the word of god is not just parroting scripture and i am not diminishing the significance of confession because the confession of the word is essential it is powerful it is mighty but confessing the word is not just parroting scripture confessing the word is having knowledge of the truth of scripture and declaring or saying the same thing as god has said again the word confession homo laguelo homology whichever way you pronounce it homo meaning same logayo lodgos meaning word or thought confession is to say the same thing as god or to have the same thoughts as god to have the same thoughts as god so you say what he says because you think like he thinks see there are a lot of people who are trying to say what god says and even say what god says but don't think like he thinks and the reality is whoo but even if you're saying what he's saying but not thinking like he's thinking you won't be getting the results you should be getting which is why the bible teaches that one of the things that must happen and one thing is the word will do when the proper presentation of yourself is made to god romans 12 is that the proper presentation of yourself to god will change your mind about you then i'm going to say that again the proper presentation of yourself to god what does that mean the presentation of yourself in line with divine truth the proper presentation of yourself to god will change your mind see god doesn't change your mind the proper presentation of you to god is what changes your mind and once again the renewing of the mind is a significant thing goodness how'd i get in this the renewing of the mind is a significant thing and it is a necessary thing but we have attempted to get people to renew their minds have been books written on renewing the mind christian books you know good books and i'm not i'm not dogging anybody i'm not i'm not i'm not negating any truth what i'm doing many times is getting under the truth or getting to the root of the tree because the the renewing of the mind is a significant thing but we have preached it all too often like you need to renew your mind you need to renew your mind you need to renew your mind you need to get your mind renewed and so the focus is i i need i need to focus on my mind i need i need to get my mind renewed i need to focus on your mind when the fact of the matter is the bible doesn't tell you to renew your mind the bible tells you to make the proper presentation of yourself to god and that will renew your mind go to romans 12. didn't plan on going here but i'm in it so i might as well point it out romans 12 1. uh i'm still talking now about living above the world paul writes this i beseech you meaning i'm begging you basically pleading with you therefore brethren so he's talking to believers because he calls them brethren are you there so these are not people who are not already born again or born from above these are people that the apostle who wrote all this stuff we're preaching and teaching who had all the revelation about what we're sharing with you already knew and could tell by listening to the people that they didn't know what he knew so he says i am pleading with you brethren by the mercies of god now let me i'm pleading with you because god has been so merciful to you more merciful to you and i than we realize i'm pleading with you by the mercies of god that you present your bodies or your beings your person notice you present you everybody said you present you say it said and you present said you you present you i'm begging you that you i'm begging you because god has been more merciful to you than you believe translation because you are saying things about yourself that do not reflect the mercy and the grace god has given you because you are talking about yourself in line with the traditions of men in line with basic intellectual knowledge and not in line with the mercies and the grace that god has given you and remember the grace of god flows out of the mercy of god you say how do you know that because the bible says the first thing that you and i get at the throne of grace is not grace it's mercy he says are you are you there are you there i mean i told him that we may approach the throne of grace that we might obtain mercy and find grace so mercy comes before grace grace flows out of mercy god is gracious to us because he's already been merciful to us okay so i beseech you i'm begging you by the mercies of god that you change the way you're presenting yourself to god watch i beseech you therefore by the mercies of god that you present your bodies a living sacrifice present yourself as a sacrifice that is alive start calling yourself a sacrifice to god that is a lot start saying it i'm a sacrifice it's hard to stay arrogant when you're daily confessing you're a sacrifice it's hard to keep saying no to god when you're daily declaring to him you're a sacrifice a sacrifice that is alive so i'm a sacrifice well let me not go there all right that you present your body i'm i am beseeching you i'm begging you that you present yourself holy but wait a minute you don't know what i'm struggling with it doesn't matter if you're born again he said present yourself holy you start saying it why because i have said it about you and so i'm telling you watch this that you present yourself holy that you present yourself acceptable see most christians still think they are rejected and especially when they do something out of line with the scripture or the spirit or the word we think we are rejected god says i have already accepted you i accepted you in the beloved oh are y'all there this is why god says in an in an accepted time i have accepted you i accepted you when i accepted christ jesus sacrifice because you were together with him through the whole process remember so when i accepted him i accepted you so present yourself accepted god i'm coming to you this is the song that you've accepted this is your acceptable son clarence i can only speak for me you have to do it for you but watch it hey glory that you present yourself acceptable to god watch this which is your reasonable service and the actual translation of that in the greek is not reasonable service it's spiritual worship so now watch this he says and you can look it up he says i i beseech you that you that you change the way you're presenting yourself to god hey and when you start making the presentation of yourself to god in line with his mercies and his grace to you that is your spiritual worship that's what it means to worship god in spirit jesus and in truth it means i am worshiping him in line with what he has said about me and not in line with what i think about me but watch he says whoo and and and when you do that something will happen and do not be conformed to this world but be transformed notice he didn't say but you don't let yourself be conformed he said and he said do this and don't be did you get it do this and you won't be conformed to this world do this and your mind will start being renewed why because you're making the right presentation so the focus is not on renewing your mind it's on making the right presentation are you there are you there that that would be like like you know saying uh i'm asking you to get in the car and put your foot on the accelerator okay it means you can't put your foot on the accelerator if you don't get in the car the accelerator is only accessible once you're in the car see the renewing of your mind is only accessible once you start making the right presentation if you spend your life trying to put your foot on an accelerator without getting in a car guess what you're gonna have a rough time why because you're not yet in the place where the accelerator is accessible and in the same way if you are consistently making the wrong presentation of yourself to god the renewing of your mind is going to be a literal impossibility because faith comes by hearing and you keep hearing yourself call you a worm you keep hearing you call you a sinner you keep hearing you call you rejected you keep hearing you call you unworthy and so you have faith for worms unworthiness and rejection not holiness acceptability and righteousness that was not in my notes but stay with me so now we well let me just read the rest and do not be conformed as well but be transformed by the renewing of your mind be transformed not you transform you be transformed look if you do this it'll start happening now colossians chapter 2 verse number 8 beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit according to the traditions of men according to the basic principles of this world and not according to christ it is the same essence if you speak talk declare operate function according to the basic principles of the world according to the traditions of men according to the basic principle principles of the world and not according to what you have received through the anointed jesus and through the anointing you will be cheated cheating of what cheating of living above the world cheated of living on the level you're supposed to live cheated from living the victorious life that christ died and was raised to give now go down real quickly the verse uh well let me let me read on i keep wanting to skip this uh verse nine for him dwells all the fullness of the godhead bodily and you are complete in him meaning finished matured in him who is the head of all principality and power in him you were also circumcised with the circumcision made without hands by the putting off of the body of sins of the flesh by the circumcision of christ buried with him in baptism that is baptism into his death not water baptism in which you also were raised with him through faith in the working of god once again the king james there's their faith in the operation of god so what is being revealed to you is what god finished for you in the operation or what god did for you in the process of christ's passion crucifixion death burial resurrection ascension and seating okay that's the operation so uh you were buried with him in baptism in which you were also raised with him through faith in the working of god paul's speaking there that you and i must exercise our faith in that operation and in order to exercise our faith in it we've got to know some things about it and that's one of the reasons why many christians struggle with the things they struggle because they don't know what has occurred in that operation now stay with me go down to verse number 20. therefore if you died with christ again the the premise there if you died doesn't mean you might have and you might not have he is he has already asserted it as a reality earlier now he is coming to a concluding thought based on that argument saying now if that is true if you died with christ which you and i did in other words if heaven has registered that you died with christ from the basic principles of the world i want you to notice what the bible says see it says that in your being crucified with him and you're dying with him you did not only die to your sins you did die to your sins but that's not all you died to you also died to the basic principles of this world meaning that the basic principles of this world died for you you are no longer connected to them and they are no longer connected to you now once again this does not mean you know to be so heavily minded you're no earthly good not pay your bills not you know brush your teeth not you understand don't be ridiculous what i'm saying is the way the world works the way the systems operate that's not how you are to operate you died to those principles in christ and you were born again or born to begotten to another set of principles another set of principles for prospering another set of principles for walking in divine health another set of principles for being well and staying well and getting healed when you are sick another set of principles another set of principles for getting well another set of principles for promotion another set of principles for a relationship another set of principles stay with me so the scripture teaches that we have died to the basic principles of this world as a product of the operation of god or as a product of what god wrought in christ jesus through his passion death burial resurrection ascension and seating go to john chapter three verse one through three go to john chapter three i'm going over some stuff that i've gone over before but i'm going deeper in it so there's some stuff you haven't heard that i'm about to say get your ears open john chapter 3 verse 1 there was a man of the pharisees named nicodemus oh good lord there was a man of the pharisees named nicodemus a ruler of the jews this man came to jesus by night and said to him rabbi we know that you're a teacher come from god for no one can do these signs that you do unless god is with him jesus answered and said to him mostly surely i say to you unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of god everybody say he cannot see saying again he cannot see say it again he cannot see not not again jesus says this is important so that the born again experience is initially to empower you to see it's not to empower you first to do it to empower you first to see because you cannot do what you cannot see so the the born again experience is first to empower you to see to see what we'll see in just a moment watch jesus answered and said to him most surely i said to you you unless one is born again and once again that that it means born from the ball i'm going to take that in just a moment he cannot see the kingdom of god now watch this verse 4 nicodemus and i love the fact that the bible says jesus answered him and are y'all here are you there now notice the bible says in jesus in in john john 3 and verse 3 jesus answered him but notice nicodemus didn't ask a question see the word of god answers questions that people haven't even asked yet nicodemus hasn't asked a question he's made a statement we know you're teaching god no man can do the miracles you do except god be with him but jesus hears the question he said you know it jesus hears the question what nicodemus is saying i don't know how you're doing what you're doing i don't know how you're living the way you're living i don't know how you're manifesting what you've been mad i'm watching you man and i don't know how you're doing what you do and jesus the bible said jesus answered him and said here's the secret between what i'm doing and how you're living except you are born again you can't see the difference between how you're living and how i'm living is what i'm seeing and you can't you're not even a place where you can see this yet stay with me watch nicodemus said to him how can a man be born when he is old can he enter a second time into his mother's womb and be born jesus answered most surely i say to you unless one is born of water that is natural and the spirit that is the spiritual birth he cannot enter the kingdom of god notice again the distinction between seeing and entering he says unless you're born from from above you cannot see unless you're born of water and the spirit you cannot enter so the born again or born from above experience is so you can see things you're supposed to enter so that the child of god the new creation can walk in things that they're supposed to enter meaning so you can see things that you're supposed to live by so you can see the things that you're supposed to live by so you must first see and then you can enter say that out loud i must first see and then i can enter see i have to see divine health before i can enter it and i not only have to see that it's mine i have to know something about how i got it because see once you have it settled that your yo that it's yours the enemy is going to attack you on a deeper level why because it's his job to steal kill so that's his assignment are you there so so you have to see and then you can so once i see supernatural prosperity i can live in it because i only see that i got it i'm seeing the principles by which it works [Music] become a digital disciple of the gospel of jesus christ the word teaches that great grace comes with the boldness of spreading the gospel you can find our youtube channel by simply typing in on your search engine and there on your screen the message of grace and truth will be on demand will you have the boldness to subscribe and share be bold and share the message of the cross with your network
Channel: Bishop McClendon
Views: 5,906
Rating: 4.8692808 out of 5
Id: WsdWxCB-IPk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 20 2021
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