Bishop Fulton Sheen, Fatima and Russia | The Kennedy Report

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[Music] welcome to the kennedy report i'm kennedy hall we're going to talk about bishop fulton sheen fatima and russia i'm sure many people watching this remember the great archbishop fulton sheen he was in some ways the first televangelist he captivated millions of people back in the day when there weren't that many channels to choose from people tuned into his radio broadcast and his television broadcasts for decades his books have been priceless for people in their searching for truth and in the spiritual life not least of which was life of christ which is an astonishing book i still consult his catechetical recordings and he had an on-screen presence that was astonishing i actually believe he was trained in classical theater which is probably a good thing if we think about our great saints of the past they were trained in rhetoric and public speaking i think that we saw sort of a modern edition of this he had a great love for fatima and he spoke about it on one of his most powerful film on television broadcast i think it was from 1954 and he also had a great love for the russian novelist fyodor dostoyevsky who wrote about the coming communist intrusion in russia so we thought let's comb through the archives and put together some of the greatest clips that this great bishop tells us about fatima and the errors of russian now before i continue please like and subscribe to the channel please consider a donation to help us with our efforts you can go to to stay on top of everything that we have going on to help spread the truth the message of fatima now let's see what the bishop had to say about fatima in his own words and it is of the historical event first of all that we would speak before we show you the movie the event itself might be called almost the birthday of the modern world because it was on that day that the forces of good and evil seem to reach their peak our modern world with its great crises began on the date of october 13 1917 we will take you quickly to three cities and show you what happened on that day first in moscow secondly in rome and third in a little village in portugal called fatima october 13 1917 moscow maria alexandrovich a young russian noble lady was teaching religion to a group of 200 children in the church of the iberian virgin and suddenly there was a distraction horsemen entered the front door down the middle aisle falls at the communion rail destroyed the icons the statuary the altar and then attacked the children killing many of them marie alexandrovich ran out of the church screaming she knew that there was an imminent revolution for the communists and she went to laney whom she knew when she said the most terrible thing has happened i was teaching catechism to my children horsemen came in charged them and killed some of them lenin said i know it i sent them it was one of the events that herald at the beginning of the terrible communist revolution that has since harrison they just don't make him like bishop full machine anymore do they the way that he speaks he says the birthplace of the modern world because the forces of good and evil seem to meet their peak this is his impression of what happened at fatima how true it is especially with what we suffer through right now which is basically advent of global communism which is unrelenting now he begins his story which was so fascinating talking about that event that happened in moscow it's a timely reminder from this great bishop that communism starts with the hatred of god it really is a demonic philosophy to think the evil that must possess a man to harm children in a church the way that they did at the advent of this unholy event the more and more i study communism the more i can smell sulfur all over it he then continues to show the connection between what was happening in russia to what was going on in rome and he explains this supernatural timing of this consecration of a certain bishop that took place on may 13 1917 of all dates imagine that what heavenly symmetry rome october 13 1917 the same hour midday church bells are ringing all through the city for joyful events a bishop was being consecrated his name eugenio pacelli man who then was not very well known would one day would come face to face with this great revolutionary force and would become the greatest spiritual force in the world against it after his consecration on that 13th day of october 1917 he went to munich that particular time the communists were very strong they were under the leadership in munich of karl leadnet then one of those curious women that communism spawns rosa luxembourg and in order went out to kill 325 so-called enemies and one of them was this same archbishop eugenio pacelli the commander of the southern communist army whose name was eilers brother siler and his aided camp ron grants brought in some soldiers with hand grenades seiler himself was armed they got into the house by a kind of a ruse and they hid behind a curtain waiting for the footfall of this man of whom we're speaking as he walked down the corridor tyler was hiding behind a curtain he threw out his gun to shoot him and the gun struck the pectoral cross on his breast fell to the floor archbishop of kelly reached over and picked it up handed it back to skyler said here's your gun kill me if you wish i am only interested in the souls of my people siler and ron grants went back and they were unable to explain why they did not get their man they could not explain why they were haunted by that lean figure there was only one thing they didn't know and that was that from that time on that man would be afraid of absolutely nothing in all the world that man became pius xii and that pectoral cross that he was wearing that night i am wearing now what an amazing tale the cross of the bishop who became pope pius xii that was what defended him against an attempt on his life with a gun according to bishop sheen this near-death experience made the man who became pope pius xii fearless and he feared nothing in the world it's amazing that bishop sheen was able not only to tell the story but he actually wore that cross while doing this broadcast because he really was a man who preached without fear and fought the communists tooth and nail pope pius xii swears that he saw the miracle of the sun which took place five months from the day he was consecrated bishop and he was laid to rest on october 13th in 1958 the links between this pope and fatima are astounding the good bishop then goes on to tell the story about his own time spent at fatima on october 13 1951 i was at fatima and there were one million people they gathered the night before and all night long it rained one of those cold rains on those one of these portuguese mountain tops but they stood and they knelt and they prayed for the peace of the world i stayed with them till three o'clock and i was one of the few that had a cot i went and laid down i was tired but you could not sleep the luxury of a cut and here are a million people most of whom are walked 50 75 and 100 miles over during several days in order to do penance so the only thing to do is to get out of bed and pray with them through the night and then the next morning pray for the peace of the world and when warner brothers did this particular film imagine a bishop so devoted to fatima one million people in prayer and supplication for peace in our world that's what we need a renewal of prayer and penance begging for god's mercy and the consecration of russia to the immaculate heart of mary as i said bishop sheen was a hero against the evils of communism and in another broadcast he explains the danger of the errors of russia the following clips are taken from a show he performed called the man who knew communism best and he describes some of the work of the great russian novelist fyodor dostoyevsky how fitting that a bishop so devoted to fatima would also be such a strong opponent of the evils of russia through the lens of an actual russian novelist around 1879 80 before he died in these works he describes communism that is to come and he describes it well first of all in crime and punishment where one of the characters is ross kolnikov the individual communists raskolnikov does not believe in a distinction between right and wrong good and bad but he's interested in the masses he's concerned about the poor wants to build up a social system he's concerned with the proletariat this new social system that loves the masses must be built up but in order to build it up says raskolnikov you have to have money so he kills a poor old woman pawn broker to get money to establish his socialistic state and he argues she was vermin anyway you see the system you kill one you ate a thousand of the masses that simple arithmetic that's communism no concern whatever for the individual person all that matters is the party state the totalitarian structure hence that individuals wherever they be in poland hungary albania anywhere else let them be wiped out all that matters is the regime that professes to love the poor and tramples on them wow we see dostoyevsky and he's writing in the mid to late 1800s and he's describing the communism that is to come the hypocrisy of sacrificing the poor to save the poor everything in communism is lies contradiction and hypocrisy all that matters is that the regime professes to love the poor but instead they trample on them this is the same thing as our lockdown communism make you unhealthy in the name of health keep you apart in the name of unity tell you that you're sick when you're not fulton sheen continues let's see what he has to say dostoyevsky's men in his work the possessed describes the state that has been set up by this philosophy it's no longer concerned now with the individual communists and verowinsky rarowinski says the russian revolution will begin with an atheistic base you see the characters of dostoyevsky my kirilov father of other brothers karamazov and others oh yes they're in pages here they are in the possessed but if these men they you cut a page blood comes out and they walk across the streets of russia they're living characters they just have other names stalin lenin bulganov burgani trouchov he wrote about them he knew them all he lived through them he saw it coming so verowinsky said that the foundation would be atheism and then he talks to savro jin and he tells stavros in just how he must develop this system and salvaging prepares for it and so he violates a girl and then after he's violated her he locks her in a room and there's a little opening in the door she sips tea can look at her until she goes mad he enjoys his tea and finally she goes mad and she hangs herself and stavro jin said now now i no longer know the distinction between right and wrong now i am ready to establish the system and so the characters walk out on the pages of the possessed would you not think that some of these i'm reading from the possessed some of these pages were written by someone who would pass through the experiences in communism today in russia he suggests a system of spy every member of society spies on the others and it is his duty to inform against them all are slaves and equal in their slavery see equality all comrades they will be banished and put to death cicero will have his tongue cut out copernicus will have his eyes put out shakespeare will be stoned slaves are bound to be equal there never has been any freedom or equality without despotism but in the herd everyone will be equal the moment you have family ties for love you get the desire for property we'll destroy that desire we will make use of drunkenness slander spying we'll make use of every incredible corruption we'll stifle every genius in its infancy we will reduce all to a common denominator complete equality only the necessary is the necessary that's the motto of the whole world from now on the world needs a shock and that's for us the dictators to look after absolute submission absolute loss of individuality we see here he's describing a system that's based on atheism it becomes a society where spying on everybody becomes the norm almost as if it's their duty to report he explains the tactics as they they make use of slander shaming canceling gaslighting we've been primed for this for years if fulton sheen was talking about this and he's talking about what was being said in the late 1800s we've been primed for this for years think of what tabloids are i mean people's main source of enjoyment from the grocery store shelves of buying magazine it's basically reveling in the shaming the slandering the canceling the gaslighting lies and contradicts about people's personal lives we're almost bloodthirsty in our day to know things about somebody's personal life and to hate them based on partial truths just for fun it's sick he says complete equality only the necessary is necessary that is the motto of the whole world we might say today instead of necessary we might say only the essential is the essential and in fact that has been the response of virtually the whole world he says the world needs a shock and that is for the dictators to look after absolute submission absolute loss of individuality a great shock perhaps a great reset it's up to the oligarchs just like it was up to the dictators submit to the lockdown or be made a pariah and speaking of individuality what a better way to take away the individuality of a man than to take away your ability to see his face this amazing this amazing bishop continues and then dostoyevsky knowing that this philosophy that has no respect for persons that speaks of the love of the masses will be a menace to the world tell us how it will win over does not mention america but how true he was writing too soon for us perhaps but he told how all the intelligentsia the riffraff the false liberals all of the people without a fine distinction of right and wrong will follow after these individuals and do you know says the leader that we are tremendously powerful already our party not only consists of those who commit murder and arson fire off pistols in the traditional fashion or bike kernels they're only a hindrance i reckon them all up a teacher who laughs with children at their god is on our side the lawyer who defends an educated murderer because he's more cultured than his victims and could not help murdering them to get money he's one of us the school boys who murder a peasant for the sake of sensation they are ours the juries who acquit every criminal player ours the prosecutor who trembles at a trial for fury should not seem advanced enough is ours and among the preachables and intelligence young literary men we have lots and lots of them he talks about the intelligentsia the false liberals this is exactly what we see today everyone's liberal but really they just want to make someone a slave to their vices he speaks of the children or the teacher who laughs with his children his students at god it's a pretty dramatic example but unfortunately if you were to spend time in a lot of public institutions especially certain schools and universities reading from the bible would be called hate speech and in fact if you did try to bring up for example the traditional doctrine of creation in a science class you might literally be laughed at by the pupils if not the teacher he talks about the lawyer who defends an educated murderer and this is quite the contradiction it shows just how legalistic society at that time had already become and for us how much more so evil men can go free because they have a higher class he goes on to say the prosecutor who trembles at a trial for fear he should not seem advanced enough what's another word for advancement being progressive progressivism this speaks to the ideology of progressivism this could extend to all professions think about the doctors who are trying to speak out against things in our current day that they know are wrong but they tremble at the fear of losing their jobs because they're not part of that progressive clique that progressive crowd you need to be seen as being advanced like he says or progressive and with the politically correct crowd in order to be taken seriously you'd be surprised if you talk to hospital workers right now and ask them their opinions on it in some places they won't tell you this publicly but in private it's 50 50 for and against this thing that's going on right now bishop sheen sure is fired up let's continue to be keen for shooting well there's going to be an upheaval there's going to be such an upset as the world has never seen before russia will be overwhelmed with darkness and the whole earth will weep for its gods in 1872 but did he despair though he knew the world would run after these rascalni cops and sigil sigeloffs and kyrie lofts no to the end of his life in the journal of an author he wrote about soldier socialist soldier who would say who said he would commit the worst crime that one could ever commit he would steal a host he stole a host invested sacrament and then said he would shoot it he leveled his gun and he saw the image of christ above him and he knelt down in penance and that the dostoyevsky is what russia would do to one day recover its soul when it got rid of these individuals would bought ruin upon it and then on another occasion he said remember the young man in the land of the jerusalem who was possessed with devils and the lord drove the devils out of the young man into the swine and the swine were driven into the sea said that's my russia my beloved russia full of sores putrefaction foul's corruption full even of devils but one day these devils the shigelops the kirilovs the raskolnikovs one day these devils will be driven out of russia and they will be pushed back and back and back into the sea and there there they will be drowned and it will be good enough for them and russia russia will sit at the feet of christ and learn i tell you you get shivers listening to him talk again bishops priests perhaps hang out with some shakespearean actors and learn how to speak like that but he says there will be such an upset that the world has never seen before russia will be overwhelmed with darkness and the whole earth will weep what does that mean in fatima terms if russia is not converted she will spread her errors over the whole world and the world will suffer he says the soldier would steal a host and commit the worst crime possible even shooting the eucharist this was taken from his novel the image of christ calling that soldier to conversion and instead he actually did penance that is an allegory for our time christ needs to be the heart of the conversion of those with hardened hearts he says that was one day what this is what one day russia would do but eventually she would recover her soul he's not specifically talking about fatima in this actual broadcast but what an incredible image he has of the fatima message here i really like the way that he describes the nation as a possessed man like the garrison demoniac from the bible i think this could could apply to much of the world right now speaking of the devils he says and there they will be driven back into the sea and russia will sit at the feet of christ and learn his gospel this sounds like the conversion of russia but a beautiful image to contemplate an entire nation coming to christ leaving behind errors and being filled with the love of god let us fervently continue to pray for the consecration of russia to the immaculate heart of mary even if even if it is with different terms that he spoke about it and let's take the words of the great russian author who knew that true peace and the defeat of communism and those errors could only come through jesus christ as we finish i think we should bring everything full circle and listen to bishop sheen's vision of what would happen in russia and the world if the message of fatima were truly spread and the consecration of russia to the immaculate heart had truly happened as i stood there on that altar overlooking that great crowd of one million people all of them waving the white handkerchiefs as white flags of purity and tribute to peace and to the lady of peace my mind left that white square and went to the red square of moscow where there were red flags tied red in the blood of the victims somehow i felt that on this day there was the great crisis between the white square of fatima and the red square of moscow somehow our other one felt certain and secure about peace if we could just magnify this crowd and these petitions and this spirit throughout the world in my imagination i could see a great change coming over the hammer on the sickle i could see that hammer that had beaten down so many homes and profaned so many sanctuaries i could see it being held aloft by millions of men and looking now like a cross and that sickle which the communists use to cut human life like unripe wheat i now saw as changing its figure and its symbolism and becoming as the book of the apocalypse said the moon under the lady's what a great bishop please like and subscribe to our channel visit to see what else we have going on to help spread the truth of the catholic faith and message fatima and please consider a donation i'm kennedy hall this has been the kennedy report until next time you
Channel: The Fatima Center
Views: 31,598
Rating: 4.9775839 out of 5
Keywords: religion, Catholic Faith, Prayer, Pope, Vatican, Fatima, Virgin Mary, The Fatima Center, catholic, Roman Catholic, Traditional catholicism, Our Lady of Fatima, The Kennedy Report, Our Lady of Fatima, Bishop Fulton Sheen
Id: U0h0PqMotBg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 51sec (1851 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 20 2021
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