Bishop Carlton Pearson Kicks off COF's 10th Anv.

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I'm excited this morning to be sharing in the house of Allah with you all bishop Pearson this is actually not his first time coming she came to us in March of 2006 who was in our first year and he was transitioning coming to Chicago and the Lord some kind of way allowed us to is that my uncle god bless you God's been faithful so good to see him coming in the house of the Lord this morning I was a young man about 20 years old in Tulsa Oklahoma sitting in the balcony and hard to mention watching Bishop Pearson change the world and he's still changing the world let me say this I don't have private friends if I'm your friend I'm your friend yes in public and in private and I pastor the city of faith and so I extend the invitations for people to come and he's here for a reason one of the reasons that he's never lifted up his hand or his mouth to harm us he's always prayed for us he's always cared about what was happening what was going on and he's extended himself to us and I love him for that so many transitions that are taking place in his life and my life over the last 10 years I lost we lost I father went to be with the Lord year before last and his father just went home to be with the Lord this past February and so we thank God that through it all we did learn how to trust him God has been so good to us so I'm excited that he's going to come and share the word of the Lord this morning I'm just excited thank you for saying yes we're grateful for the goodness and gladness of the cross for the fine tuning of our faith in holiness thank you for the articulation of truth of the distinctions within our being of our humanity and our divinity thank you for this powerful you literature Bishop for these who make the vision possible for where there is no vision the people perish where there are no people the vision perishes thank you that there is a camaraderie and we are participating in your glory in this house in this house of faith making this situation and city okay bless the singers and musicians and the volunteers who make this experience possible that maybe will love you we honor you we thank you for multiplying the time back to us and now be the intelligence of the Holy Spirit bring for the revelation with clarity we seek your face more than your hand Great God I comment and the name of nature of the Christ and we're gonna say hallelujah thank you God so it is amen thank you be seated give the singers a big round of applause hits a big brother right here didn't know what he doing my friends as well to the queen mother of course for her presence in their love and support for her Simon's and their Cuban even though she's a widow what she's gorgeous you look at Tony watch watch it Lucia she'll be good to see you again when I came here ten years ago when you were just starting he slipped in and wasn't actually playing regularly but said to the keyboards and just flows so beautifully with me has continued to do that over the years whatever we've had that opportunity is a good man he know what he's daring do you know what either the organ man that the keyboards thank you my brother at the drums nice they don't ask for nothing we don't give him that no I'm kidding laughs right you might give them a little changes of each week so when you give remember that these guys a gift it's hard to get good musician to the day like this because they're all with this discounted suppose of churches yes and oh my assistive a show clearly this morning she runs the office here in Chicago I've been going on they come once a month and I'm glad that I was able to come in this I need to be here our services at two o'clock downtown of course we were at the memorial services yesterday for the Apostle a Richard D whom I've known all my life literally all my life and as a little child they become to send you and preach so we've been friends for many many years that it was a wonderful honor to be there yesterday passed away Friday night I went yesterday and I think that y'all were longer Friday night that we were it's hard to cram for the 80 some years into an hour and a half yeah this city has experienced a lot of transitions and ministers the last weekend understand about 60 pastors one died in his pulpit one in his fifties one is 60s the clay Evans could be there yesterday because he was doing two memorial services so there's a lot of transition going on that you have but a young charming smart anointed young pastor you should take good care of him friends over the years and I watch them evolve I want some transition I've watched him endure and and last and that's not always easy I have been ordained in the ministry now 45 years who's the father of the Presiding Bishop of the Church of God in Christ Charles believe those are my we're like family I recently priest of the oldest brother J who is now ambition and saying they go to our home church it was a joy so I know something about ministry for the next few minutes I want to talk to you from the scriptures I'm gonna begin with Matthew 13:44 which is a scripture I use a lot when I go through difficult transitions in my life 2015 has been one of the most extraordinary years of my life because I lost my godmother who helped to raise me thank you and she was 90 years old so when quickly she sort of prepared us for it but it never could never be fully prepared for it but um which is when made her an apostle to July and went back for her 90th birthday and loved on her but in January she just woke up one morning had a stroke it was going before midnight that's a night it's the most difficult transition I've ever had to Lina the money the more difficult that my father who left two months later because I wasn't expecting God to go so quickly my dad I moved back to Tulsa to be with him for seven months we had seven months with to attend him directly he was 88 but my godmother won in January my favorite uncle my busy in January but he wouldn't respond first time he's ever not responded he seems so relaxed in the nursing home and but I cried I thanked because he should let me borrow his suit back when I wore sevens and his shoes his suits I had to go to my prom in his I had never what nothing matching we did my course it's in our family they didn't buy another we didn't ask for anything indeed they did give us anything when you have six kids starving we weren't starving but we were living on a tight budget daddy could barely read and ride they worked two or three jobs you just didn't ask you took hand-me-downs I remember the day of coughed i purr so we had hand-me-down down wouldn't know hand-me-down pampers hand-me-down diapers hanging up on the line so when you older one to remember that in shoes I don't remember getting a lot of new things I had to take whatever my brother had left or sometimes we had leftover shoes or something we just had to we made it that way so I borrowed from my uncle and he was precious and he never woke up and died in February that my dad made his transition in March two days after my 62nd birthday to spill one of those years of transition later Tina has continued throughout the u.s. shifts and transitions and painful experiences but I'm still here but Stanley good to see he's one of my dear dear friends and I always have support of what we do in this era we'll see beginning to and he's just a precious man he's a genius actually yeah and historian kind of like your dad was just he just knows this town he's a professor he's so educated and scholarly but he can play the keyboards we think he's gonna turn out to be some from Matthew 13 first actually woke up with another scripture on my mind but I want to start with Matthew 13:44 the Kingdom of Heaven which means the higher reaches and regions of consciousness it's not just a place physically or even spiritually it's a it's a state of mind the kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field when a man found it he hid it again and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field the kingdom of heaven is like a treasure that Greek word would be Casares which means they found him to ignore his safety deposit or place something very valuable to you priceless to you something that means a lot to you when I think about ministry and sustaining in ministry as you all have done here I think of the treasure that you consider worth your time before I go any further just think what you bounty and that those days this story would have related to the people who are destitute that nobody had banks so they didn't deposit their money in banks or safety account savings accounts they did what my great grandmother did and what many of the older Saints did and members of my family when you got cash back in those days we were paid with cash and nobody had checking accounts when I was a boy they take the money cash it if they had a check they cash it and dig a hole in the ground or and hey I'll put it it wrap it up in some newspaper put Fraser's so you think is fish alright did a whole lot of pillow they kept their cash my grandmother my great-grandmother mine my mother went women can hide money to talk kidding signs my great-grandmother would big hole in the ground and put the money in it and she did that for almost 40 years nobody ever knew where she dug the hole that where she planted the money they did this in the ancient world because they didn't have banks but one of my grandmother died I remember before we could get her in the ground with us out there digging in the ground where she's living I try to find that money and nobody found it live the ones if somebody did they didn't tell nobody you know if I won the lottery I wouldn't want y'all to know I'm not that I try to win but I gave my members permission to give good the Bible say they cast lots as scriptural term that's where they got to it's a biblical term so if you if you play the lottery and win i absolve you of all your sins if you create a type of that money and puts in the Church of Jesus they money answer to all things but they would have understood the story of a man anybody just digging in the field which means you're just trying to live your searching and seeking and digging around and asking questions and you're curious if you're trying to find yourself and find your soul and find your set of being and why you're here the kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field when a man found it and we're all digging not everybody finds it one of the worst things you can experience in your life is to never know what your treasure is or to never know where it is to not seek and search until you find it when a man found it he hid it again he made it a secret secret trust many people don't share their treasure they again because nobody's gonna respect or treasure the way you respect your treasure he hid it again and then in his joy I went home and sold all he had and bought the field he did not necessarily walk the field he wanted the treasure in the field but in order to get the treasure he had to buy the whole field which means responsibility is the other side of privilege if you want the treasure you must own the field if you want this thing you call valuable you must be willing to take the responsibility of what it means to maintain it you would have lasted two years if you are irresponsible yeah responsibilities no response accountability at work and you greater is He Who is in you than he who is in the world he's a little exceeding abundantly above anything you ask or think according to the power that is at work within you turn to the right side I can work at me but easy to exceeding abundantly above everybody succeeding so you're asking them you're thinking at the same cuz you're asking for one thing and seeking another I just love something to get around and think it over BMW for just a little house a little something and you're thinking much larger when you get you in it doesn't matter what to ask for thing for as long as you're asking to think of the same thing that's because that's what's coming to turn it supposed to get you actually actions and asking and thinking together said you asking together so this man found any part all he had soul only had a bought the entire field what first of all is is valuable what is most fun if I asked you could you answer me today what do you value most in life yeah I'm not talking about a piece of mind maybe it is for your piece of furniture or some artifact a family heirloom what you have at the bank your education some relationship you have our don't have what do you value what what are you willing to make any sacrifice for and why why do you value that why is it important and impacting to you why do you care why do you share why do you sacrifice for it and what is it deep down in your heart what are you willing to sell everything for to ohm remember you don't just own the treasure you're on the field and sometimes nobody knows the treasure is in the field but you don't you hate it both the field and didn't tell my them did temple here we ready yeah they don't know what's in the field may not be that attractive the field is the wide expanse of everything that counts or doesn't count or it's discounted all the stuff the rocks and rills and weeds and and the lawns that have to be Mourning the ups and downs at the different levels of the sentiment of the field and whatever is in there nobody knows what's really in there but you nobody will tell me with the way you value it what do you have deep in your soul of your mind that know what everything knows but you are like you and nobody values I have some things I've never shared with anybody but they're tremendously valuable to me and they're relate only to me in my soul yeah I'm not just talking about external things there's an inner knowing there's an inner self and it takes a different kind of faith to recognize it and realize it make it real in you I always ask this question everywhere I go I love but the blank stares that we get sometimes when I asked it what's working for you in your life what's working for you yes and the next one will be what is not working for you and if you were to make a list of what is working what it isn't working would you be the longest list what's working for you what's not working for you what's working on you what keeps you awake at night or wakes you up in the middle of the night what's working as you how do you show up in the world how do you show up in relationships how do you show up on the job tomorrow what energy do you bring what sign do you put out into the universe would you walk in a room in other words were these your significance what is your signature what do you endorse with your soul what is the signal you are what people are around you what do you signify in their lives and what do you really signify in your life talking about a city of faith faith is the substance of things Oh Vinnie said y'all know you better know that all right I let take out my building that you've been named that did years faith is a substance sucked something under you to stand on faith is the substance of things 104 the Greek word is LPS it means happy anticipation of good and/or of God what are you standing on that you are anticipating or expecting spectating looking for faith is the substance of things all the forth and the very evidence of things that you don't see well we look now some things which are seen but the things which are not seen for the things which are seen are temporal temporary things which are not seen are eternal I like to talk about the IKE not the God that the Ori supports it to the to the minute Athens the unknown God they had all these emblems and symbols symbols and all the stuff but he said I want to talk to you about the one on that gifts so words get something rough this is to the unknown God I want to talk to you about the non-physical God about the timeless spaceless reality y'all call come and talk to you about the God who is spirit and they that worship Him must worship in spirit the word is new mama but we get the more nomadic or pneumonia or no one has the quick word for the lung God is breath that's what that word means the very breath you breathe before I formed you in the womb I knew you before you had physical form you were known behind the divine mind that created you and you knew that my mind I don't like to tell everybody away everywhere I go we probably agreed to come here but forgot it before you head them hips and lips and nose and toes all right before my form to give you physicality I knew you and that's a that's a reciprocal term it's an intimate term you knew God you knew creation you agreed with God to come here you may have forgotten it and these are you panicked because you start asking why is this stuff happening I tell everybody Airways shift Shi ft mom sister smell it boy happens turns them I said shift tap come on you see you scared to see cuz he Norma here I said again shift happened I'm trying to get my together now trick with which tip we're struggling on trying to make those - holy shift it's shift that is divinely inspired there's nothing negative about the transition I'm going things I'm not in trouble I'm in transition tell somebody I'm not in trouble transition we are going to get ordained after all of the Lord 10 is the number of divine order - where was the number of divine government in biblical numerology you are in the number of divine ordinations that's good order comes from the things that are ordained for you they lie and all ordered up for you are going to occur in your life for you from your mother's womb turned as a man says don't happen this year my ear this church spirit this will be a spiritual here no weapon formed against you my vision my three what is the treasure in your life what do you really want I believe the only thing you really want is that which is ordained the thing that you want deeply in your soul your soul isn't me your soul summons it you're so positive force faith is the substance of things hoped for the Scriptures faith cometh by hearing the the Greek word for hearing is our cool part cool for Wikipedia's word acoustics the bouncing around a sound yeah drums are particularly known for that supported mr. perkupp is a precautionary instrument so when you hit the membranes is something penetrates it it's a vibration we're 80 percent water physically so vibrations are important you know you can drip throw a rock water just ripples yeah that's why not only what your name but what you're called causes physical chemical responses inside that's how powerful sound is you hear sounds the Greek word for Sun is eight cost the English word is echo and an echo is a sound from the past so you're gonna begin to have it I am at 62 years and having these crazy deja Vu's it's like I've been in before or hurry this before I did this record wait a minute i must have signed up with but I've been around I'm not a stranger to this excursion and in my leisure I panicked I'm supposed to be here there's no such thing as a mistake it's just business reputation certain thoughts certain realities everything all things would work together work in concert for a higher purpose and a higher cost my dad was looking at death and with mine he talked to the prison where he didn't want to live he said son I don't even have a reason to to wake up a little own get up I'm 88 years old y'all didn't let me out of here I didn't rich I've got a kids and grandkids a we listened and he stopped eating could barely get him to drink one time my sisters call me their heads and prostate issues but I wouldn't just hardness chest as long as it my sisters in the house was people were trying to catheterize it and they screamed they repent daddy will take the catheter for their death so this daddy is 80 years old he don't wanna be yeah you'd survive leave him alone that he's arrested I do not want to eat he said a spoon to me is different I'm in another round he said I go up to heaven does he uh she said this is I come back down to earth he said I come back down into hell to see what the hell is going on he was reaching these are the hacen a bit looking at me he said you trying to force-feed me I don't even need food where I am I don't where I have all this is an illusion it's hard for us to imagine it he literally said I don't want a piece of stop trying to make me I'm through it then almost quickly when he said that said it I'm through I'm through with this round and I said Annie don't worry about us we release you don't feel like you're gonna hang around here any longer eighty-eight years old you deserve rest of her Ward go home if you want to we will eat you he said I'll be gone in two days he put three fingers he actually left off the third day my first was on the 19th he left three days later 3:45 in the morning he said I'm out of here he said don't be looking for me to come back I'm through it is it don't be trying to dream about me all that stuff I ain't coming back here to check on nothing because where I been yes you said this I know they know everything is all right there is no worry where I'm going saying goodbye is saying hello in different wardrobe whatever you have to let go this year way to do by lecture if they say I have nothing to fear this is all ordained that day you start breathing of the day start leading Jesus said in my father's house are many mansions or dimensions many levels many places in space as an apartments and compartments so what that really means daddy just one my daddy my godmother and your loved ones just went to another floor still at the same house it's just a breath that you breathe I can actually breathe my father I can breathe my godmother Michael you know their essence still is in the earth Richard and I know that rejoicing over there this morning marks taking over the pass rate people are gonna be warning but what morning but when you cry you only Wheatley for the part of yourself you you miss you've heard me so many pervious days ago you say you love somebody you're saying I love the part of so that shows up yeah all right when I'm with that person I love my mother very much she's 85 said my house she stays over there everyone she wants to move in but I'm gonna say wait come anytime you want to she does she changes stuff around and fixing things and but that's my mother but I love her what I what I love about her is the part of me that shows up when she's there yeah anybody you love you're actually saying I love me the part of me that I experience if you say I don't like something like stand some because of my missing I don't like the part of me that I experience when I'm with that something or somebody so the person you never like the only person you'll ever like not like love or not love is you say I love me some me are you afraid to love you is that Ronald loving you jesus said love your neighbor as what do you love yourself who is the self the faith comes by hearing and hearing by the logos the logic the word the logistics of God there's different ways that God expresses itself in the earth the logistics of God my thoughts are not your thoughts my ways or not your ways they're higher that's why we named them the minister higher dimensions you know that passion because we were looking for those higher dimensions and floors and spaces and places I know now my little butterflies have been showing over my sister's we were actually up here and about a butterfly came my son was the girl they said that must be grandad because if it landed on me I never had a butterfly and we're at the big food thing and jeesus Chicago and this but if I just kept and I was doing like that and then I felt bad guys I'm beating flyweight but it came back and then my sister said we have a mark by four sisters and brother they all text stuff together my sisters were saying butterflies are short if you don't think that's daddy one of my sisters went and looked at butterflies and what the sign is it of course I was our imagination we want him to come back I don't give it a fly we just wanted daddy to come back so your imagination and there are a meet we saw daddy like a little butterfly who came back to check on us why but if I don't know he liked horses but when our face said that we want we just hold on to anything because death for us it's been a force a difficult life we die that we may die no more we live that we may live always death art is not displeasure for human gotta love first time the Google of death die first clean was punished with the living it's an it's an extravagant evolution we're not losing anything we're gaining a lot to live is Christ to what is gained so all the transitions so it's not the evolutions it's the transitions in our lives that take place and my faith says this and I'm almost missed my faith says everything is ok said that's what I know everything's okay that's what I know I just have problems believing yeah there's a difference of what you know and what you believe you know you're alright you in your soul you know you're exactly where you're supposed to be because there's no distance in this journey it's a journey without distance you're where you're supposed to be you've always been where you're supposed to be and what you're supposed to be but the part of me that doesn't know that is awakening to it so your belief system you believe what somebody told you or what you've been taught but you know what your soul has experienced and remembers I remember seen as I remember I remember with permission that I'm here on purpose with purpose I'm on a mission I am NOT a mistake exactly you'll be your accent set-top when my dad said all this stuff is an illusion all the stuff you fear all the stuff you fumble with you're wasting time change your focus he said I may need you I wish I'd have known that at 28 it's hard to know it shift my focus since then and I made my focus but what I feature in my life there are certain things that's a that's the corporate focus of the ministry here and then there are various features and aspects to this ministry like there is of your life so if I say what do you believe about you is it all about faith yeah okay just put that aside for a minute put your religion and your your your your your religious faith and the scriptures for aside for a minute let me ask you what do you believe about you I did say what did your mom believe your daddy believed in your lover's believed what do you believe what not what to cure we believe what do you believe about you and why do you believe that about you and how do those beliefs about you add to or subtract from the quality of your life I have to ask myself that every day what do I believe about me he can't be based on my last conversation or argument with somebody talk to me somebody can't be how they treat me on the job where I get the sit in church what he use me can you go to the to a neighborhood or a shopping center you compare yourself which we're about his house with yours and yours car mature so when assume with your somebody but you the bottom line is what do you believe about you if I asked you to answer that I'm asking you I'm not my mom not ask you to publicly answer but a few stupid answered and I said well tell me what you believe about you most of you get up and tell me what you do what you want to do that's not the question what do you believe about your essence you'll be your existence on the planet and why do you believe that where did you get those beliefs from and then if I said wonder you would absolutely know about yourself you might say not much or I know that I don't know much oh I know that I'm on my way to this awakening which Jesus said to Nicodemus Nicodemus keeping him by night the Bible says and said master we believe your teacher sent from God because no one could do these miracles I came by night so nobody could see was there pastor said he don't have no friends no private friends he overly invited me to this church and Pope's think I'm a heretic and why somewhere under the what I'm saying you know leavened is and you don't bleed I said let me tell you what I do believe in I believe in you in your beauty I believe in your what do you believe about you and why do you believe that where do those beliefs come from and how do you realize them in your life what's your next step put your arms around yourself so I believe in these to me the next course will be then what do you know faith cometh by hearing hearing by the Word of God by the echo of God is called um the speed of light light travels 186,000 miles per second right a light year is the distance that light can travel in one year at that speed figures out to be um seventeen trillion miles that's how fast light shines sound on the other hand travels only 1,100 feet per second so it takes longer to hear than it is to see you can see instantly you can see farther and faster but fate that combined see faint coming by and it sound takes a little longer but once it reaches you does that sound an echo which means when you when your mother's egg was fertilized by three or four hundred million microscopic seed one of them at least that's how many seeds or sperm in the Greek chase that one egg your mother released all of them died the one that fertilized and when that egg was fertilized instantly your genetic code was established your DNA would ultimately be still stamped on every cell of your body you were one in several hundred million all the other will see die every one of them died except that one that fertilizer Obama's one over one anything will you remember you want to quit and then you begin to evolve organically and become a your turn is another one in several hundred million which makes me sing your mama and your parents may have decided to have you but God decided to send you and apostle hit you see sanitize authorized and he was a I'm supposed to be here come on high five someone's house supposed to be here right now so ends are we leaving moving have our people hear the sound of a rushing mighty wind blowing deep down in my soul the witness the substance of things off for hope for what are you hoping for what do you have this happy anticipation for people died in plane crashes last night 200 on the way to Russia people were shot and killed with pill we feel somebody's sending around and I see you right now in a few minutes they'll hear the thing flatline how come you haven't stumbled down the stairwell and broke your neck how did you not some eyes and crack your skull how did you not get the sickness and die my chance to recover - I know maybe I should've been somebody's thinking hole a lotta people and prayed for God to kill me I'm still here and so are you and there's a purpose for your being there's a purpose for your coming what is that now refocus in the next weeks of this celebration 10 years why the city of faith exists the seat or situation or city the citizenry our faith why you exist because you're powerful there's a whole lot of people that want this preacher Boulevard churches was stealing a vicar or somebody liking yeah so now he's yours I know it's not about numbers because I've had thousands in my churches in my conferences in traffic jams every Sunday and still my soul was Restless every creature on that platform yesterday from the one who built the church James because I know them or most of them I've had in Azusa I know what Kraus is I know what ego is I know what testosterone is talk to me somebody I know what to drive I know what crowds are I know it all frames the big money and I know what back booth brothels are when they beg I don't brothels is that's right but you wouldn't know what you saved an order doofy I mean back to fight no all fries and stuff I know the excesses I know he accesses and I want what's real I know what a business to be hassled and hustled I'm tool nobody got time for that is there girl you know but I can't afford it I know the English at the anchor church folk and make you mad some folks who want to kill them and tell God you found them dead you can see what had happened God that beacon fell into my car wrestling to stay in your place and stay in your space and behold and I want you to feel hold right now if your hands up it release the indicator shake the hands like my grandmother used to do wish you'd help me step on your feet it just breathe and shifts away and I'm gonna leave you with this start listening more carefully to your own soul and your own self because your soul and yourself and your cells have memory and they will remind you of why you came here and they will demand that you agree that you will stop protesting contesting resisting or resenting things in your life just say yes there's a power that Noah's is a boring term there's no adventurers have been oh yes as exciting it curious an interesting is adventurous live on the edge take some risks if you're not living on the edge you're probably taking up too much space dare yourself don't be so caring that's you're not Gary yes Oh yes now we've last year at last week way the last 10 years the last relationship last job goodbye and see yes let's go to the new day the new yes artillery in my soul I said my soul says yes say to get my soul I'll even apostolic blessing on this house and I believe that you now own the field and now you're about to share the treasure hold this field to buy this field because there's a treasure waiting for me in there there's a treasure waiting to you there's a treasure waiting for you there's a treasure waiting for you in there but there's a treasure in there for you that's what your whole bonus brother Sherman said the God's unchanging a turn to serve as it is keep on keeping on baby come on setting and just keep on keeping on baby now the blessing of the Lord make it sure make it rich and add a little sorrow to it god bless this house i bless the head of this house and the headship of the same house the leadership and the laity that's a prophetic blessing an apostolic blessing that is all in this Sun would shine in this house and then whatever it is and however difficult and stunning it can be from time to time we went finish strong we thank you you
Channel: Glenda High
Views: 16,294
Rating: 4.5315313 out of 5
Keywords: MOSHIGH, Productions, Glenda, High, Patrick Shaffer, Cith of Faith Christian Church Chicago
Id: ud_U6Yi6sxc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 36sec (2916 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 01 2015
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