Bishop Carlton Pearson - "Is There a Man In The House"

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[Music] [Music] jesus [Music] we glorify be glorified in the earth [Music] come on everybody lift your hands to the lord and say be [Music] glorified be glorified be lovely come on we want to glorify your name lord [Music] say it again be glorified jesus be glory finally one more time say be glorified [Music] come on and be glorified in the heavens be glorified [Music] in the earth everybody say jesus [Music] come on now be [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] sweet jesus [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] be glorified [Music] [Music] jesus [Applause] [Music] say jesus everybody jesus jesus [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] we give you the praise thank you jesus [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we can do [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] who deserves all glory and honor what name is above all other names seated at the right hand of the father is the only one that's worthy of [Music] and son of praise hold on who can face the test of all temptation with no iniquity found within [Music] [Music] i love to call him [Applause] [Music] do you love him this morning [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] come on and give jesus praise this morning and now let's join pastor carlton pearson for the anointed message is there a man in the house the main text is verse 30 of ezekiel 22 i looked for a man among them who would build up the wall or make a hedge which represents protection and stand before me in the gap in the breach in the deviation a violation in the rupture of society on behalf of the land so i would not have to destroy it but i found none so i will pour out my wrath my indignation on them and consume them with my fiery anger bringing down on their heads the bible said the husband is the head of the wife all they have done declares the sovereign lord there's an attack on headship there's attack attack on the male seat i am not opposed to women in leadership but the bible says the husband is the head in the head is the vision and the hearing and the thinking and the speaking and the smelling you can amputate a leg you can amputate an arm you can actually pla transplant a heart or a lung or kidney but you cannot amputate or transplant a head you've never seen anybody walking around with a prosthesis for a head you can even change the ear or put in an artificial eye or or surgically transplant a lens within the eye but you cannot transplant ahead the devil has gone about to transplant the head hood of the household he started by trying to transplant the head of the church jesus through beguilement he was not successful so ultimately he thought he would do it by killing him and he couldn't the bible says in genesis that the seed of a woman meaning the male here would bruise the head of the serpent now the bible says unto us speaking of jesus a child is born genetically the word born is janelle but unto us a son is given what is the significance the sun is a gift the male seed is a gift not because it has a higher quality but because in the male seed is the is the legacy of the father it is the other word means seed bearer or name or nature bearer unto us a child is born unto us a son is given jesus is the gift of god a son carrying on the legacy of heaven's love in the earth now the devil has sought when he says and i look for a man he used the word ish in hebrew which means a male person there are three words for man one is adam or adam it means ruddy or red face or blood in the face color in the face from the red already earth it means a human being that breathes and thinks it is a human species then there's the word ish which means a male person and email means the word male zakar in hebrew means to remember or to mark or to distinguish to designate to specially design the mail so that they will not be forgotten and they will be marked and designated for exclusivity and even in the animal kingdom the male species was always the more decorative particularly in the the bird world uh you see the plumage of a male bird is distinctively more decorative than the plumage of a female bird there's a reason god marked the man he marked the male and there's a reason for it the devil knows that let me start in this whole chapter of 23 22 ezekiel he's talking about jerusalem sin or the church's sins and i would say the same as it relates to the church today or america let me start at verse 23 and read down through this now remember being male is a matter of birth being a man is a matter of choice the world spells love l-o-v-e they spell sex l-u-s-t there is no reason for men to be so absent as they are it is wrong that 52 of the babies born to black women in this country are born outside of wedlock there's no daddy in the home any male can make babies but it takes a man to be a father and that's what god is trying to reestablish now stay with me because there's a lot in this you're going to need to get the tape and hear it over again again verse 23 the word of the lord came to me says the prophet son of man say to the land you are a land that has had no rain or showers no spiritual blessing is what that means in the day of wrath there is a conspiracy of her princess the king james has it profits a conspiracy of her prophets within her like a roaring lion tearing its prey they the prophets devour people take treasures and precious things and make many widows within her widows now that's not just an unmarried woman that's a woman whose husband is dead there's a spirit to kill the house man the word husband means house man there's a spirit to murder that which bans the house together it started in with adam and he attempted it with jesus and every time god gets ready to bring an earth-shaking movement a little boy is born somewhere and the devil starts killing the boys he did it with moses he did it with jesus it's interesting that pastor brent was telling us our sis uh uh janice brent who canceled count counsel so many women who have been involved in abortions and they pray and ask god to show them what kind of child it was that they aborted in and to give that child a name and give that baby some significance which they have allowed to be removed from their bodies surgically and wrongfully and legally in this country and as these women really seek god 90 of the women who aborted their babies that got some kind of revelation from god and prayed felt a strong impression in their heart that it was a male child that was aborted i wish there was a way for us to trace how many babies what kind of sexes have been aborted and i guarantee there's probably in there a large group of male seed that the devil is killing before it ever gets in the earth you know why because the bible says he the seed of the woman he will bruise the head of the serpent when men are in their place the devil can't stand us there's a demonic assault on the male seed out of that has grown lesbianism and homosexuality and perversions and the healing for this begins in the church of the living god it's one thing for a false prophet who has a record of false prophesying to prophesy a lie a prophet lie you know it but when a true prophet lies when one designated to be a see the word prophet means a seer that's the old testament mean those were the visions and that sometimes that's the politicians the prognosticators of the future those who are supposedly giving us the vision that might be a politician that might be a pastor that might be a principle that might be apparent but they're lying there's a spirit of deception in the land are y'all listening to me telling people lies in the name of rightness or philanthropy or humanitarianism it's very earthly but it's not of god her priests verse 26 do violence or they violate my standard my law and profane my holy things they do not distinguish between the holy or the special and the common or the insignificant or less significant they teach that there is no difference between unclean and clean and they shut their eyes to keeping my sabbaths which means they are blind to the holy rest and they're blind to the holiness of god there is no rest in their vision it is breaking our society stay with me so that i am profaned i am abused or i am desecrated i am not revered among them there is no reverence for god her officials within her are like the wolves tearing their prey for politicians within her are like wolves tearing their prey they shed blood and kill people and make unjust gain unfair the love of money is the root of all evil a lot of things we call racism is not really racism slavery is a result of man's ability to get money we reduced it to something less than it is that it's just a black and white issue it really isn't the love of money is the root of all evil slavery is not the root of all evil there are the many enslaved people who were not negroes but it's the money behind the commerce and merchandising of human beings that's happening in this country right now and there's no color associated with it whatsoever we've reduced it to something like that we want to call racism we stay on that that that stump but it's way deeper than that folks it's the love of money dishonest gain that is causing their advertising on television you can get a divorce for forty five dollars i mean you never thought you'd live in a day when they would advertise a cheap easy quick divorce marriage is under assault the male is under assault the nuclear family is under assault and somebody's got to do something about it i sought for a man to stand in the gap and i found no man that's that's gonna change hallelujah we're gonna find these men because god knows where they are [Applause] her prophets whitewash smear over these deeds for them by false visions false perceptions and lying divinations they say this is what the sovereign lord says when the lord has not spoken it i don't care how good it sounds i don't care how positive a confession is if god didn't say it it's a lie just because it's a good idea that doesn't mean it's a god idea we've been lied to too long and folks are crippled they don't know what to do the people of the land practice extortion it means to twist or to torture literally to force the hand of the innocent through intimidation and fear and commit robbery they oppress the poor and needy and mistreat the alien the immigrants denying them justice denying them decent and fair dealings it's interesting that they took the homeless veterans in the democratic convention and let them march and parade trying to act like they had compassion for the homeless then they sent those same men back to a homeless shelter they spent 32 million on the convention and gave the men 500 apiece somebody's lying to you now wake up and get the word of god in your heart and find out what the holy ghost is saying to the church today now we're going to talk about truth that sets you free truth as i told you the other week that exempts you from mortal liabilities men we got to be exempted from the liabilities of mortality because we're dying all the time we got to reverse the trend and start living again too many widows yes i'm not talking about in the literal sense some of you are married your husband is there but he's dead he is not functioning he is dysfunctional his brain is shut down his libido is dead his spirit is muffled and you are miserable and you are angry and you wonder why women get the way they are we are dealing with a whole nation of very angry women [Applause] now notice this attack on the male seed three out of four children are little boys the life expectancy of males is seven years less than females men are 75 percent of the suicide victims in this country men are 25 times more likely to be committed to a mental hospital than a female men commit 90 of violent crimes the male seed is under attack they're sick men commit nearly 100 of all rapes 94 of all drunk driving accidents are men men have 365 higher arrest rate than women 90 to 95 of the crimes of incest are perpetrated by men men suffer marital impediments 31 more than women men are affected in more severe ways by satanic onslaught than women at large the bible says in proverbs that the glory of the child is his father and that the glory of the man is the woman a child will tell you how beautiful his mother is but he'll tell you where his daddy works the bible says the husband or houseman is the head or capita the cap the focus of the wife but when men are not in headship they are out of place so they make women displaced and they make children misplaced and ultimately god is replaced america has got to have a revival of the holy ghost missing men i won't say missing in action i'll say missing inactive this this gender blender mentality is purely of the devil when a man no longer looks like a man you can't tell a man from a woman in the way they look this androgynous look that stuff's up the devil god made the word male means designated or marked for distinction he's not supposed to look like a woman adam was with his wife my beloved and he watched her have a satanic encounter and he did nothing about it she took the fruit ate it and gave it to her husband who was with her that's why god dealt harder with adam that he did with eve because he told adam not to eat from that tree he didn't even tell the woman the only way for her to have known it was through adam because eve wasn't even created when god told adam not to eat from that tree [Applause] women are frustrated because men are standing idly by letting them come confront confront these safe the satanic onslaught and they don't know what to do adam failed to fulfill his god-given and god-ordained destiny satan was able to get to the woman because the man wasn't there [Applause] satan can't get to these women if men would be in their place [Applause] i fought for a man to stand in the gap and to make up a hedge a while that means protection beloved to bridge the rupture of society the breach of humanity listen the whole christian doctrine is built upon a doctrine of reconciliation that god was reconciling the world to himself and has turned over to us both the message and ministry of reconciliation i sought for man until men rise up to be men the society will continue to deteriorate miles says that the word in his teaching on purpose says that the word abuse comes from two english words abnormal use and you abnormally use a thing when you don't know its purpose if we use this delicate machine inappropriately and use it abnormally we destroy it if we don't know the purpose if we don't know the purpose of this mic and we use it to hammer nails we'll destroy it men who abuse their wives abuse them because they don't know the purpose of the woman women who abuse their husbands abuse them because they don't know the purpose of the man and i'll tell you another thing if a husband shows disrespect for his wife continually the children then will disrespect her and if the wife's always going yo daddy is sorry i'm your daddy he's a i know he ain't gonna be he coming in here like he's always if the kid always hears that they begin to think that of their father if you mistreat the children of show favoritism the children tend to do the same thing with one another they have disrespect come on now whatever happens in the household the responsibility is the mail it's not always his fault but it's his responsibility to manage his household god put the man on the earth first first gave him the orders first put him on the earth put him in the garden and gave him a job before he ever gave him a wife [Applause] the bible says god placed a man in the garden of eden to work which means if you ain't got no job don't be asking nobody to marry you [Applause] get a job [Applause] remember again satan was able to get to the woman because the man was not in his place the man was not in his place missing men is there a man in the house black women perhaps more than any other race of women on the face of the earth have been exposed to and subjected to certain spirits by the long-lived and conspicuous absence of their men in general when the man is not in his place she's encountering these satanic spirits and when he's not there and 50 of the babies born to black women in this country are born outside of wedlock now look at me that must stop but let me tell you a little bit why they do not just black women but women in at large when there is no male around that child there's two basic reasons this is my conclusion that girls get pregnant out of wedlock and it's not just lust because they tend to be less lustful than men they want love they want attention they want male interaction if they don't get it from their father either the father is not there or he's cold and different and has no interaction with that girl is looking for male in fact both the male and the female get their sexual identity psychologists say from the relationship they have with their father a lot of homosexual men find themselves in their in their subconscious looking for a man's approval looking for some approbation from the male species which they should get from their fathers but if the father is not there then the woman is frustrated she gets angry she gets tense because she's trying to be mama and daddy and nurse maid and and chauffeur and and and and a counselor and man she's overburdened you find these women that's why these women are getting real sassy when the man is not there he makes the woman vulnerable to anger and to fear and a rejection these are spirits and loneliness and even death one of my young white friends said to me one time i black women they so you know they're cute but they just they always got their hand on the hip they're always mad about something always moving [Applause] sassy feisty mad vindic who you talking to you know this mentality that thing [Applause] i don't like it either but there's a reason why it's there she's angry she's rejected and i hear black men say you know white girls they seem to be so they nice they're just so more feminine they they speak softer they ain't been beat up as much as i'm being black now i'm making a generalization of course but this sassy stuff i told you back in the 50s and 60s it was common for a black man to say to his girlfriend say mama you sure as far you know i really love you and i've been looking at you and thinking about your stuff you know no i i just need somebody you know just stand with me in life you know just uh i mean i mean i don't have no job and stuff you know but uh that was common back in the 50s and 60s you know i don't know john stuff you know i see somebody you know staying with me and believe in me somebody you know to help me uh fill out my job application is done [Applause] now that went over in the 60s that's my mama and my grandma and my great-grandmama and my dad and my great and my granddad they were we'd had nobody had nothing in my community at least the blackboard we was all in mexicans we was all poor we was all working for white people in the day and the white people that we're poor as we are hated us more than anybody and the little black girl will go i understand you know because i know my mama she's still with my daddy because you know my daddy didn't hear nothing you know my granddad and my grandma you know she's still with my granddaddy because you know he didn't hear nothing and my great-grandmama you know she stood with my great-grandfather you know because he was a slave so yeah let's get married we ain't got nothing let's just don't have nothing together that went over in the 60s but brothers don't try that stuff today she ain't gonna have it [Applause] she'll be telling me you ain't gotta whack you want me to help you feel out of what you better get out of my face and get you a job then she drives off from her bmw [Applause] now on a more serious note that makes that black male angry it makes any male angry the anita hill and clarence thomas confrontation which never should have been on national television polarize this nation more definitively than at any other time and you've got all these women now you've got a women's movement i believe in femininity but feminism is of the devil but again you know whose fault and responsibility that is not the woman when adam and eve sinned god did not call eve he said adam get over here god was looking for a man adam where art thou man man man made in my image and in my likeness where are you he's still crying that in the garden today and he was hiding and why was he hiding because when it was time for him to step forward and say no we will not eat from this tree satan the lord rebuked you he said nothing god said let us make mankind the inference there is the human race in our image and likeness that's moral spiritual intellectual and social likeness and let them everybody say them now that was indicative that god even when he made the first mortal his plans were to make a multiplicity of them for they were to rule over the fish of the sea the birds of the air livestock of the ground creatures that move along the ground so god created that word in hebrew means something out of nothing so god created mankind the species mortals in his own image in the image of god he created him male of mankind and female he created them ultimately some of you have heard me say it a woman is a female man and a man is a male man even if he doesn't know where the post office is or the price of a stamp and god blessed them and said to them be fruitful and multiply look at me for a minute you've heard me say it before god is not equal but he is fair a woman is not equal to a man and a man is not equal to a woman in your own self you have your fair portion and nobody can beat you being you you know god is not equal look at the person sitting next to you you can tell looking at that person god didn't don't do things all equally but he does them fairly why we have trouble in our marriages because we're all pulling for equality you should work for fairness it's a sweeter word it's a softer word equality is an angry word if everything was equal the world would be a total bore but god's into fairness stay with me i can see a whole lot more on that i'm not going to all right it's one thing to know the difference between good and evil and another thing is to do good or evil when man elevated knowledge over his spirit he became deformed when the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good then she ate someone gave it to her husband who was with it there again adam let his wife have this satanic encounter and did nothing about it plunge the whole human race into great tragedy and here's the result to the woman i mean verse number 10 he answered i heard you in the garden after god had called them they were hiding from him i heard you in the garden i was afraid because i was naked so i hid and he said god said who told you you had no covering who told you you had no ethereal garment have you eaten from the tree i commanded you not to eat from the man verse 12 said the woman he didn't say yes or no whether he did this woman you gave me she gave me some fruit from the tree and i ate it now adam as miles would say the man was supposed to be giving to the woman and the only time the wife would give back to the man is that which he has first given her multiplied he gives her a house she gives him a home he gives a groceries she gives him dinner he gives a seed she multiplies them back with children when the men stop being the givers and the initiators the woman gives that which is forbidden sometimes a man loves us so much he won't rule her he won't guide her he won't god or he just it just goes over he loved that woman so much and this that's how devil tries to pervert love the love was wonderful god fixes it oh you know he fixes it but he loved her so much until he violated all principles the lord god said to the woman what is this you've done and then she blamed it on the serpent he did the serpent deceived me well where was adam he was standing up there who was talking the serpent the lord looked at the serpent and said because you've done this curse execrates de sanctified bitterly curse that's what the word cursed are you above all livestock all the animals you'll crawl you'll eat dust everybody say they'll eat dust sit again they'll eat dust now notice this who's made of dust every other creature came from the dust woman alone came from man so she'll never feel the tug of the knowing serpent in the way that a man who's made of dust she'll get her chair but it won't be like a man now he says so you will become his appetite his appetizer he will sustain himself on you that's why there's such an attack on that male seed also the devil strives and sustains himself on men but when that man is covered by the blood of jesus every time the serpent takes a nibble he tastes jesus [Music] the male has got to get god in his life jesus has got to be lord i'm gonna preach on that boy there's gonna be deliverance in it or not but wait wait a minute read just a minute you crawl on your belly you'll eat dust all the days of your life there'll be enmity between you and the woman you and the woman between your offspring and hers he he said he not she he the male speaking of jesus will crush your head men you cast the devil out when your woman is standing there being encountered by satanic caucism the real male steps in representing jesus and says leave my woman alone he said husbands love your wives that's what he's saying that's a protective enhancing embracing caressing love any real woman can submit to that she wants to submit to that when you find a woman rising up in anger it's because a man ain't where he's supposed to be [Applause] when she gets spicy and saucy and arrogant and vindictive and and winnie with a sharp tongue took on the nature of that serpent and my god i don't blame that woman i blame an absentee man somewhere i'll put enmity between the woman and you will crush her he will crush your head now what the devil has done is reverse that and tried to decapitate the man capitae comes with the word capita head the husband is the head the devil has reached up because the only way that and he says and the serpent will bruise your heel or strike your heel the only way the devil can strike our heel is that we stepping on his head so he wiggles away and reaches up and decapitates the man and you've got widows everywhere and headless leadership america's quaking for headship we want the fathering spirit we want a dad a baby can say dada easier and quicker than he can say mama the first thing that baby forms on its lips even in hebrew it's we cry abba father daddy god the first thing it says is data but the last thing it says is momo you know why it changes from dada to mama because when it said dada he didn't answer he wasn't there he was gone so the kid turns his attention and everything is mama mama mama man sitting up at home barely hanging over his down to his ankles dick stinky feet sitting up in there drinking a beer watching television and the telephone rings right next to him within grass and the white's back there cooking and cleaning and changing diapers changing clearing off the table and the phone rings and he go baby the phone is ringing decapitated sweetheart my hands are full can you answer the phone oh god hello yes this is smith residence yes it is well listen this is the electoral the electrical company calling yeah well hang on baby it's the electrical company it's the plumber it's the school i need the school it's calling police baby the police is on the phone the insurance man is calling god god is on the phone honey watch this daddy can i go outside oh mama daddy can i have a sandwich as your mama daddy can i go to camp ask your mama teddy can i breathe ask your mama then he stops asking daddy so daddy becomes increasingly insignificant he drops his guard and the enemy whacks his head off when the spirit of male who rises up in the church oh glory to god men take the headship like they're supposed to there's an anointing that's going to fall on the body of christ there's a healing that's going to come to this nation there's a deliverance that's coming to god's people glory to god glory well this is camp meeting we has already started glowing i got sit down and open your bottle easy chapter 22. [Music] my god my god [Applause] [Music] yay [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh my god you better stop looking and get yours i said you better stop looking and get yourself [Music] [Music] right [Music] [Music] yes [Music] hallelujah i say lord thank you that i'm loosed liberated in the soil of my heart to receive receive the seed word of faith may it be planted there take root germinate and yield the fruits of gladness in the name of jesus clap your hands in his presence one more time thank you and you may be seated [Music] the main text is verse 30 of ezekiel 22 i look for a man verse 30 among them who would number one build up the wall the wall always represents protection and stand before me in the gap or the breach the violation the rupture in society on behalf of the land so i will not have to destroy it but i found none god said so i will pour out my wrath on them and consume them with a fiery anger bringing down on their heads all they have done the husband is the head of his wife god is dealing with the male seed in a protective and corrective way demons diabolically have said a conspiracy against the male seed three out of four children are little boys the life expectancy of males is seven years less than females hear this men are 75 percent of suicide victims now they're not the most attempts there are more women who attempt suicide women are tempted sometimes just to get attention men mean business they kill themselves it's interesting that of all the different the number one group of of uh the largest percentage of suicides are young white males followed by young black males followed by young white females the smallest portion is young black women of suicides a black woman is not going to kill herself she will kill you before she kill herself those are the statistics the tight but it's right and i'll i'll tell you more about that later but the overall men are 75 of the suicide victims 25 times more likely to be committed to mental hospitals men the mail men commit 90 of violent crimes in america men commit nearly 100 of all rates and 94 of drunk driving accidents are perpetrated by men so they're drinking more 365 percent higher arrest rate than men than women men have 91 to 95 of the crimes of incest are committed by men men suffer marital impediments 31 more than women a man will become discontented the marriage and ready to leave it or cause the woman to be so uncomfortable in it until the marriage is very shaky 31 more than a woman men are affected in more severe ways by satanic onslaught than women and i made that clear this morning and some of the reasons why but i said this the bible says that the husband houseman the house the nuclear family in america is falling apart faster every day because husbands are not there the husband means house band that's the origination of the term in english to band the house together and the male or the husband when he's out of place he makes the woman displace the children misplaced and ultimately god replaced with something else that is the bane of our society and the scandal of our time there's almost hatred in the woman's heart toward the mail and it goes all the way back to men not filling their place and so tonight there is coming a deliverance in this house we don't have long to wait folks we got to get delivered quick we're losing ground fast let's take it back fast is anybody in here tonight ready to see god restore the mail [Applause] because a woman can never fulfill her calling until the man fulfills his now let's look at something over here in the book of genesis the lord god said it's not good now underline this i'm gonna do just with this verse it is not good for man to be alone now that's the first time he had said it is not good everything else he had done was good remember look all the way to the first chapter and that was good and the lord saw that that was good he made the trees and that was good he made the sun that was good he made the morning the night and that was good and that was good and everything was good the word good is the word tube in hebrew and it means fair or best or ultimate and the lord saw that that was complete or that was fulfilled the mission and purpose had been fulfilled that was good the first time he says it is not good is when he saw man was alone it is not good it is not the best it is not man's ultimate fulfillment to be alone the word alone is the hebrew word bod say it and that means only it is not best for the species to be only or it also means a branch of a tree it's not good for the species to be just a branch or bar it's not that he's to be the only one there needs to be other ones that's what he's saying it's not that he should be solitary not have solitude but be solitary there's a difference in being solitary and having solitude adam always wanted some solitude everybody wants solid dude even after you get married you want and need solitude but you still don't have to be solitary you can be solitary and and not have solitude and be off by yourself and weird so he said it's not good it's not the best for the species to be separation to have separation from the rest of the species all the other species have counterpart so i'm not going to make man and really that word bod is from the word baldad in hebrew now stay with me and that word vaude means to divide from the collective unity of the rest of creation or created life or there's another word that means divided fibers it's not good for man to just be a divided fiber or a line or thread it's better that he be a garment it's better that he have a linen or have a lineage and that word really means it's better that man have a history something to carry on my story his story that's what history is so i want to give man a story i want to give christ a story in man and if man remains solitary i can't carry on that's what i was referring to earlier when i quarterly is there unto us a child is born genetically but unto us a son is given because the history is in the seed of a male the devil has never liked his story capital h christ's story he wants to break the story up stop the story when it begins the devil takes pleasure in killing babies baby dreams baby ideas baby visions baby ministries young churches young marriages young people he killed all the babies when moses was born he killed all the baby i'll try to kill all the male when jesus was born there's a reason for that because one of these days his heel he knows that he is he's sentenced to be crushed by the heel of the male seed her seed the woman's seed now is to be that male in jesus and he will crush i'll get more into that that is i'll tell you what it means to be crushed what we really do to them devils glory to god listen you're going to walk out of here with your shoulders held erect your head held high demons are trembling right now i'm fixing to unveil something the holy ghost is showing us a system of warfare we're going to take some things back that the devil stole from us he took our masculinity away he took our mail hold away he's stealing our daddies there's a spirit spirit of widowhood even married women with husbands that are biologically physically alive are spiritually dead so they're spiritual widows because of the lack of a proper function of the priesthood and prophecy the men are dead in the water dead at home dead in the house dead in the bedroom dead on the job dead so women are going around mourning there's a spirit of mournful women all over america because they got a bunch of dead husbands somebody killed their husbands you wonder why the frustration you wonder why the tension you wonder why the stress too many dead heads the husband is the that doesn't mean he's always a leader i believe in female leadership but i believe in male headship deadhead say it come alive again deadheads be resurrected in the name of the lord jesus and the head is gone the vision is gone and where there is no vision that means that people cast off restraint they lose all discipline men rise up and act like men stand tall have a certain gait in your walk there ought to be a look of intelligence and effervescence and sparkle in your face not some yellow back weak limp pansy withered down beat over slithering along like a serpent you ain't got no business in the dust that's where the devil belongs human all on top of the devil he told us to rule and subdue and to dominate this earth [Applause] hold them show man you're gonna be walking through double doors sideways [Laughter] you know what is when a man works out and he feels his shoulders big ain't that big but you just feel like you you're going through 3d or you see you just gotta [Laughter] and the devil can tell when you're coming something different when that mama could be screaming a lot get over there put that down back there when daddy comes all right boy oh girl yeah you hear what your mother said yes i heard it all right my daddy said don't let me have to take my belt off don't you don't take your belt off uh you can keep them pants on from now on you don't have to take that belt man's the one that's so stiff the woman is usually a little bit more flexible god put enough strength and yet enough softness enough flexibility in you to curve you around watch this to stiffen the walls of the body of most vertebrates and protect the viscera what is the visceral from the word viscous an internal organ in the body simply you ever heard of a visceral person that means deep sensation instinctive appetites drives dealings with crude element emotions god took the woman from the rib which guards man's deepest drives emotions the liver the intestine the heart that's where he chose to take the woman not from his head to be over him not from his feet to be under him but from his rib cage guarding the tenderous organs in the chest cavity that's the only time the word rib is mentioned in the whole bible the woman's road in the mail and the male's working role with the woman will solidify society in a way that's why the devil is attacking and got us up to 52 of the marriages in and in divorce the woman came from the side one called along side to help yes that is the help meet stay with me let me go to verse 22 of of chapter two then the lord god made a woman from the river everybody's a woman from the ribs the curve bony but flexible protector of the heart that's why that help meet means to surround and protect ladies we need you not to fight us not to turn against us not to get angry not to start a feminist movement we need you to guard us to pray us through remember i share with you this morning mary and martha said lord the one you love is sick he wouldn't even come even after he died the women summoned him the sisters called him where is the sisters that know how to call call for the wailing women hear me sisters your role in worship and prayer is so intense you can pray the revival in all the men do is fertilize the egg but once that egg is fertilized the man stands back and the woman's body takes over glory to god that now the word eve means life-giver the devil is now making eve a life taker that's the spirit of abortion men aborted their roles and women aborted their babies we got to stop it when men are functioning in the role they should function the women are anxious to bring forth that baby they're glad to provide and produce fruit for that man every woman ought to be praying for a man praying for her husband not putting him down and when you pray god hears you you begin to sing and worship your hymns and songs and spiritual songs the more you worship the more we work men then start looking for devils men stop hiding and running away from responsibility and having babies out of wedlock and shirking the house men get on the front line eyes wide open acting like a bishop inspecting where's the next devil glory to god when that man rises up his eyes are open his focus is not fall he can see clearly and he's looking for the devil looking for something to oppose his family standing there to make up a wild and bridge the gap and stop the rupturing see the whole society is hemorrhaging i'm looking for a man to stand in the gap i'm looking for a man to be a wall men stand up right now [Applause] say i am a man in the name of jesus i am a male in the name of jesus and i will crush the head of the serpent men say it who is this uncircumcised philosophy who is this devil that's trying to take over my family let me at him yes you know when men get riled up enough to say wait a minute the bible says nobody stirs themselves up to seek the lord [Music] man we're going to the to the workout place what you call down there the gym and working our muscles up but let me ask you something what you're going to do with the muzzles [Applause] are you anything besides physique [Music] where is the action david said goliath he's thinking you better go lie down before i knock you down because i'm coming [Music] he said you come to me with a spear a sword a shield [Music] but i [Music] every man say ah [Music] say i'll run from you i come to you in the name of the lord god of the armies yes and goliath said david said goliath i'm going to knock your head clean off the king james version says i'm going to take thine head from thee everybody say devil we're going to knock your head off your kingdom's coming down you've had your last day we're coming over yeah come on lift up those hands man cry out i'm a man i'm anointed of god i am somebody i am [Applause] [Music] look at a lady around you and say lady you don't have to do my job no more i'm on the cutting edge i'm on the cutting edge i'm on the front line yeah i got the holy ghost down at me yeah and i'm gonna stop [Music] stand up and be counted you are needed needed to fulfill the purpose for which you were created you were created for the glory of god and to be in charge of all he has created you are the ceos of god's creation you are sea christ e elected and oh ordained my past is redeemed say it my present makes sense my presence my future is secure i am finished and done with low living side walking small planning smooth knees colorless dreams tame visions mundane talking chief giving and dwarf goals i no longer need preeminence prosperity position promotions plaudits or popularity i don't have to be right first tops recognized praised regarded or rewarded i now live by faith lean on his presence walk with patience live by prayer and leave her with power with power look at this my face is set my face come on my face is set my face my gate is fast my goal is heaven my road is narrow my way is rough my companions are few but my guide is reliable my mission is clear i cannot be bought compromised detoured lured away turn back deluded or delayed i will not flinch in the face of sacrifice or hesitate in the presence of the adversary negotiate at the table of the enemy ponder at the pool of popularity or meander in the maze of mediocrity hold your right hand up and say i won't give up shut up let up until i have stayed up stored up prayed up paid up spoken up for the cause of christ i am a disciple of jesus christ i'm a disciple of jesus i must go until he comes i must go to the end give till i drop preach to all i know and work till he stops me and when he comes for his own he will have no problem recognizing me my banner is clear i am part of a man with a vision and a purpose come on clap your hands and praise the name of the lord right now man let's humble ourselves before god stand with us ladies right now all over the house this is a holy moment thank you lord jacob thank you god now man this will be the biggest men in altar call we've ever seen even from the balcony don't sit down get down here right now every man in this house every man in this house balconies included get down here don't go back to your seat [Music] this is a powerful moment this is a night of correction look at the men look at the men [Music] wow ladies will you look at this this is incredible come on [Applause] come on man come on man look at the men oh this intimidates the devil [Applause] look at the men look at the men this is man's position of defense he folds his arms like this that's a position of defense i catch myself doing that when i'm not comfortable with something sometimes i i'm comfortable many times when something is intimidating me i pull my arms that's a this far no further instead of folding those arms for just a couple of seconds i want you to lift them up right now all over this house surrender surrender surrender in the name of jesus ladies pray ladies worship ladies sing right now come on let's do this together man we're going to work on ourselves we're going to work on our own gardens and the ladies are going to pray so come on ladies prevail we're the wailing women we're the wailing women pray us through come on act like midwives act like midlines the men are coming through demons are being cast out cast the devil out of your mind cast them out of their minds demons are going from this place demons are going out of here tonight the demons that are vexed and torn you the demons that have intimidated you the demons that have held you in bondage and in captivity god's breaking the curse in the holy ghost come on man come on women talk to god touch god relieve it we leave it jesus is cleansing it he's taking it away the holy ghost the holy ghost the holy ghost oh the holy spirit the holy spirit restore renew refresh revive cross for the lord jesus christ for the blessing of the holy ghost come on come on go with that come on come on ladies come on quite through right through right through right ladies entering [Applause] come on ladies come on brenda come on come on come on break through break through get it man get it oh here it comes here it comes here it comes here it comes it's coming it's coming it's coming come on ladies come on come on play through come on ladies quiet bring the man through all over this house tonight the glory of the lord come on through me and come on through come on through come on through come on two come on two come on [Music] now watch this keep your eyes closed every single one of you i would say 90 of you have been hurt by a dad tonight i want you to forgive your father forgive him please let him go release him release yourself from it the daddy wasn't there when you needed him the daddy who didn't say what you needed said the one who missed it at a time or two come on give it up give it up give it up forgive your dad forgive him now forgive your mother come on forgive her don't hold a grudge against her release her she may be dead and in the grave but forgive her come on let her go god's helping you god's releasing you the guilt is being lit oh the guilt is being lifted the burden is being lifted the yoke is being broken [Applause] now wrap your arms around yourself and before you forgive yourself every lady in the house say male seed i forgive you i turn away the violation i don't hold you charge you are forgiven men say ladies female seed i accept forgiveness your forgiveness i'm sorry we're sorry we let you have a satanic encounter and we weren't there say it that'll never happen again we're oh we're gonna take our rightful place now say this man god help me forgive me i forgive me i let it go the guilt is being lifted i accept my deliverance i accept my healing and i accept my wholeness from this night forward i will maximize manhood in the name of jesus come on everybody give god praise all over this house come on give god praise all over this house tonight let him go down let him go down let him go down get it look around at somebody and say you know what buddy i'm gonna be all right i wish you could see that how old are you son how old are you eleven he came out he talked t or streaming eleven years old weeping his little eyes god's doing something in year old boy he just turned him into a man right there how old are you huh 16 tears god's delivering 16 year old boys how old are you 32 tears so don't make no difference god's doing something here from little boys to full grown men there's a deliverance in this place tonight brother there's a deliverance in this place tonight brother i saw it happening i saw the holy ghost all over you saying the curse is broken and i am free yes yes yes yes yes yes yes [Music] glory hey chloe hey chloe chloe hey glory it's happening it's happening it's happening it's all over this place it's happening tonight the glory of the lord is making a difference god is breaking the yoke of bondage [Music] hallelujah pull it down come on come on pull it down [Music] come on pull it down turn around and give somebody a high five said man this is it my god i'll never be the same i'll never be the same i'll never be the same i'll never be the same every man watching my television this goes for you too enter into the blessing of the lord you've listened and you watched some of it you've not understood but the holy spirit will glorify it in your mind in your life men we're going to rise up we're going to confront satan head on our wives and the women of this society will never have to do it again they're angry they're hurt they're bruised and you're feeling insignificant but today something's rising up inside of you sir sitting there in that chair on that bed you sir you didn't even want to watch your wife begged you to watch it was hard for you to listen because your pride was holding you in hostage but something down inside of you is reaching out to this truth and i have been authorized and deputized by the lord tonight to release you to maximize manhood hallelujah to be all that god has called you to be to lack nothing to strengthen you with might by god's spirit and your inner person i pray and i release you the cancers the tumors the migraines the back problems the pressure the nervous tension i release you in the name of jesus i release you in the name of jesus you receive it now by the power of the holy ghost you
Channel: Trevon Dawson
Views: 1,707
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Black, Black Church, Church, Carlton Pearson, Preach, Preacher, Sermon, T.D. Jakes, Megachurch, Live at Azusa, Gospel Preaching, Praise, Bible
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 57sec (5217 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 20 2020
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