City Of Refuge UCC - Come Sunday Question & Answer

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again the full anthology now on the life and work of the Fellowship of affirming ministries we have a book written about us now by a wonderful sister named Ellen Ellen Lewin and from 2001 almost to the 18th year that the fellowship of affirming ministries has existed this is our history I'm so glad that we have it written not just with our lives but also with someone's pin and it goes down in history thanks be to God thanks be to God we have our questions in West pastor end alright and we're gonna hear from Nona and Winona she'll have shared with us we will go directly to the questions 1st Corinthians 2 and 9 says but it is written no eye has seen nor ear heard neither has it entered into the hearts of men all the things that God has in store for those who love him I'm going to dedicate this song to Bishop Pierson first and then to every listener it's beyond [Music] far beyond your wildest dream all of the things God has prepared for you [Music] never doubt his love for you no matter who you are or what your go I know you can't and see his hand but trust his word and know he has a plan [Applause] [Music] for he told us no I see no ear has heard no heart can conceive all of the thing [Music] God has prepared for those who love Him Wow all the planes he has prepared for those who [Music] the plan he has for you and me it's beyond our wildest treats Wow things prepared for those who love him got a question for you do you hallelujah but makes he has prepared for those who love yeah [Music] [Applause] amen it's good to see so many of you back for the question and answer it means we have questions and I think that is a wonderful thing what we tried to do was to group these in categories and I am of the opinion that we should begin with a comment as Malia still here stand up Malia so folks can see she's in the dining room she's in the dining room Malia is a little bitty person how old is Malia seven you're here come here Malia that's Malia and Malia I want to begin this if we can buy how did you become a bishop good question several Bishop John Muir's there should be two hosts uh Paul call those guys started asking me to consider the bishopric in the late 80s but I was single no children and to me a bishop was an old somebody I didn't want to be so I resisted it until I got till I had my first child and then I and that was in 1996 a college came in a bunch of older preachers in Charles Blake was the chief concentrator and that time Bishop Blake and Condor Wilson Mears Park Morton and several others but they all came in and iner did me well they actually are parented me Gardiner did and then there are a number of questions that kind of fall into this category that asks the questions what are your thoughts and feelings about atheists and those who have come to a peaceful understanding that there is no God and no no and no need for one or that Jesus was just a Jewish man who died how does this all inclusive in universal love and acceptance work for atheists well there are two kinds of atheists there's there's the kind of atheist that believes that nothing spiritual that life ends in this dimension there's nothing before or after it that's all speculation anyway because none of us knows and they tend to be angry but not always some church heard they think it's silly to believe it that it's and it's superstitious to believe in any spirit not just God but demons or angels or jinns or any entity outside of the flesh then there's another group of atheists who just don't believe in the biblical God because of his temperament he's too much like Trump and so they don't they don't like they don't believe in that God when somebody tells me I don't believe in God I say which one there's a whole bunch of them out there and by the time they get to describing the God they don't believe in I said I don't believe in that one either so the there is no historical proof or very very very little historical proof that that the historical Jesus ever really lived outside the Bible we can't fight we have no records of it the Romans are known for the the of all cultures the Roman Empire is known for very strict annals in their history in which his name neither pilot or Caiaphas is mentioned in their annals that doesn't mean Jesus didn't live but there's no proof outside of the Bible that the historical Christ no reliable proof ever lived that's bothersome to most of us I don't believe in Jesus because I'm afraid of Hell I believe in Jesus because I want to believe in Jesus I like Jesus I like what I know about him I like my imaginary experience with him and it's all imagination you know we we say God is speaking to us we're really talking to ourselves I've never heard God speak in an audible voice but when I think God's spoken to me it's not wouldn't be any clearer if it were audible I didn't hear an audible voice say there is no hell I asked myself why do you believe that in if hell was redemptive or remedial or purgative restorative in some way I would believe in some measure but eternal do condemn or condemnation is it has to has to exist while mercy endures forever how could mercy endure forever and torment into one wouldn't have to cancel out the other and I vote for mercy so the whole idea when you do the background research and study you find that the word hell that people get King James mixed up with King Jesus people actually act I think that the command go into all the world and preach the gospel came from King James Jesus said that while in Jerusalem he didn't even know the British Isles existed the world didn't know that at that time so we've because it comes to us in 16th century Kings English and the King James Version is the most inaccurate translation that we have I don't mean to sound unkind when I say that but because mama and mama would throw that Bible at me so fast when I tell the king the one that spoken so anyway it just takes a lot of research I'm not just coming with philosophies I've done the research to find out where these pagan ideas of our God who has serious anger-management problems comes from and that he throws tantrums and volcanoes and tornadoes and hurricanes and the earth quakes is supposed to hit California I've heard that all my life but I moved Oklahoma anyways someone asked a question that even though you prayed did you feel did you still feel scared when you spoke the truth and the people turned their backs on you and left the church it's it's a difference and you would know it too when people turn away from you they just leave it's another experience when they turn against you turn on you and start clawing at you most of the people who turned away didn't turn away because they didn't love us they were getting calls from you family and I mean family members and other saints you better get away from there you know what's wrong and only thing is you got to be careful and they did say so many times pastor I'm so sorry I you know we love you and I'm thinking yeah I got your tail out of jail oh yeah you love me yeah I hope you out when you car was running I think it hurt because those are my people I didn't mind others outside turning away and saying terrible things or hurtful things about me but when my own people did it that was the most torturous and to them to actually whoever asked this question the only doubt came because I stood in my pulpit and I said to my congregation and I was probably cocky when I said it but I said don't y'all know the way we done fasted and prayed and walk these grounds that God's not gonna let us lose out the church and I meant that and so when I did the young man who died on here felt forgiving of gamba when he contracted aids that said to him that God is angry he could I couldn't talk him out of it me losing the property was the same concept losing the property the church building was like a sign of God's disapproval it wasn't but it seemed like it you know I'm saying I had cancer nobody knows the very the very Sunday following our last Azusa when our crowds were we never had crowds more than 45-hundred and we're used to about 40,000 they come through a 10,000 seat arena never more than about 4,500 people so I didn't tell anybody that the same Sunday 350 buses canceled I had eight thousand room nights then I was responsible for the ministry left me with a half a million dollar debt which couldn't I didn't know how to ever pay it back that Sunday when when the I think he's celebrated my 50th birthday a month late it's worse but the only happy birthday I've had in 15 years was my 65th which was two weeks ago the others were sad birthdays but I learned I had cancer and that Sunday the conference ended on Friday that Sunday afternoons in the pool of my son and when the doctor calls your house it's serious and so that's when he told me that I had cancer and of course the thought came to my mind this is that's why we're gonna kill me if I'm if I'm leading millions to Christ millions to hell I said I'll accept this and now and I want you to kill me if I'm wrong if I'm really leading people to hell I'm going to try to get some treatment but I know that she'll probably take me out of this is wrong and again please be my guest I'd rather I said I'd rather die the most painful torturous premature death than to lead even one away as the scripture said better to have a meal mouth don't know tight around your neck and thrown under the sea so I meant that but I said but if you let me live I will preach the hell out of everybody you live in and I'm cancer-free for ten years and so the question came up when you cleansed yourself when you baptized yourself in the water that day was that a breakthrough for you it was an initiation into a wider more expansive consciousness of our God because that one young man who knew he's the one that came up with the term gospel inclusion I had to call Bishop she gave me counsel this whole thing I didn't know he was sick I had to ask her what the signs were or of not just HIV positive but aged full-blown she's old he's been wasting for a year so what do you mean wasting what I was embarrassed a grown man in the ministry and I had no idea what the symptoms of AIDS was I apologize I'm that's all none of my staff knew she said I thought you knew and I said well how would I know I said what do I do she's a do this to this to this we got the cocktail we found ways to pay for it I paid him until he died but my wife got him on detoxing and cleansing out and he was doing so much better until he went home back into the guilt back into the shame back into the condemnation and that's why we changed the name and things like that so people don't know precisely who he is because his family it hurts but a month after he left us he was gone and I went down there to for three days with him and and then my to my staff I sent down there davidandnicky who's in the movie to to sit with him they were there the night he he passed this is an important point the night he thought he was gonna die on Friday and I knew he was probably gonna go on Friday too but I asked God to extend it for however long cuz he was so afraid this young man did not want to die even though he knew Jesus was full of the Holy Ghost he's the last thing he said with a swear speech when I said he called me to tell me he had been diagnosed with cancer this was two weeks before he died he said I said what should i press on what do you what do you want me to pray you tired you want to live can you help the young man said can you save me but he said can you can you help me live and I said I'm doing the best I can so we're all pulling for you abundant life I quoted scriptures things we all do anyway I went down there he sat on the edge of the bed and directed his family who is all his family to come in and talk to him basically eulogizing say nice things about him you know ghost you is good little gosh this to speak well so let's tell him what he means to you and he made him sing total praise skin and bronze sitting on the bed okay the pride is crying and we didn't actually sing Jesus doesn't he's saying that with his family who was beautiful then I called him at one minute past midnight on the Friday night and suggest that you're still alive you're still here you're still alive how you so relaxed she passed Friday this is now Saturday morning you didn't go so chill relax all things work together for good to be absent from the body is to be present with all you know the things you would normally and I said I love you son so much last words [Music] three and a half hours later I'm dreaming that I'm I think I told you that I said I'm dreamy that I saw this sun-drenched area of greenery and vegetation and palm trees and bird of paradise plants on a crystal pond and a swans swimming north where our bedroom is we have there's a courtyard outside with a pool and so I'm imagining he's swimming and I said I don't know where this place is it looks like Florida but wherever it is I'm gonna take my wife it is the most beautiful place I've ever seen in my life as soon as I said that the phone rang and I looked at the time it's at 3:45 even 3:15 to 3:45 I picked it up David Smith's name on there so I just said is he is he gone I didn't say low David is he gone he said yes I said when he said just now I said well he was just passing my house you know the story of the ugly duckling they thought they did they didn't know the duckling was a swan the duckling didn't know it was a swan I saw this young man as a duckling feeling like an ugly duckling all his life never fully stretching his wings to fly like a swan but finally he was realizing that God never thought anything less than him but that he was a swan and now he could spread his wings and fly to the higher heights that was what I felt the Lord was saying to me and I shared part of that his memorial service that's a praise moment let me move on hell that's the topic Oh what the hey how do we let the ones who died who thought they were going to hell know that now where they are excuse me no that's now where they are essentially that's it should say that's not now yeah okay let me say it again should be how do we let those ones who died who thought they were going to hell no that's not where they are they already knew it next question they need to tell us yeah now if you mean left the other ones no there is a cup there is a devotion to hell and a worship of the devil and demons within particularly in the Pentecostal circles we acknowledge the devil constantly we glorify the devil constantly we testify that a number the devil the devil's in your daddy that's the devil in your mama that's the devil in the white man that's the devil in them Negros that's a devilment Trump that's the devil it is a devil to trumpet him and everybody else everybody else ain't no but even in even in my prayer life I never had a prayer without acknowledging the devil only if only to rebuke you Satan the Lord read that the Lord rebuke you get away death the Lord by Fisher Mason taught us that we're very conscious of death and devils and demons that was the nemesis that was the that was God's enemy their God so far hasn't been able to defeat so far if he says Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil well did he has it he or no so we're dragging it out and hoping that the God who says in Genesis 6 chapter of the first book of 66 books my spirit will not always strive with man he's mortal he's flesh I regret that I created him that gives you a little hint if you're biblical literalists which we are not we believe that this metaphorical and metaphysical aspects to it an allegorical otherwise the because the scripture self says the letter what killer that means the literal that's where we get the word literal from literal the lateral the literal translation will kill you I tell my especially my preacher friends who opposed the gospel of inclusion and the finished work of the cross I say you y'all better hope I'm right the way you are living does if I'm wrong you gonna burst hail why don't haven't even heard that so many times none of us are gonna be as perfect as we think that's what Jesus said your righteousness must exceed that of the Pharisees and the Pharisees righteousness was all based on law that's it legalism when when the city when the scripture says you you you fell from grace it didn't mean you fell into sin but you felt into sin consciousness because you fell from grace into legalism a lot of people sent bishop fish and fell from grace I didn't I I fell into grace by getting out of legalism and judgmentalism Paul says he's not under the law he's under grace and yet he had a lot of trouble with laws moral codes trying to appease an angry god or please a difficult God and that's why there's a general psychosis a mental illness among religious people even even psychologists tell us that one out of five people on the street that you meet are mentally ill so count down the road at that fifth one and then if you keep going you gonna be the fifth one one of them time and soul I feel so much comment here in my spirit I'm Jennifer please make commentary sister said to me the other day she said so you're going out there to work with Bishop Pearson that's something work on Bishop Pearson four years working - yes Laura and so she said do so do you believe in hell I said no she said Oh God she said and how did you come to it I said why do you want it because before I go into the languages and into history and into this fact that this is a human construct and talk about Dante's Inferno and I could go on and on and on about this but I said why do you want it why do you need it what is it for she said really because of some people that are just so hateful I can't imagine them going anywhere else but hell to which I said are you ever hateful like hating them she hated that precisely she said well yes I said so you're kind of sort of sort of hateful and they're deeply hateful they openly hateful yeah just just just hopelessly hateful yeah but you're from time to time hateful as you are able hateful or something like that it's up when you feel like it right that's it so basically you think you'll get a pass and they won't because what you've done is measured out worthiness for hell according to your own ideas and ideals and I said to her I'm from the Holiness Church and in the Holiness Church the Pentecostal church the principle sin was sex yeah in fact when you told people live holy immediately no you're getting none it wasn't lying that's it that's it it wasn't lying it wasn't cheating it wasn't fighting cheating on your taxes none of that came to your mind the first thing that came to your mind was sex I told my said we have a preoccupation first of all with this of course and we have added something to it that we needed to have because and we still participate because it is the wrong of it that titillates us one more sentence but none of us all of us think that somehow or other even though we thought we were going to hell for it we thought that somehow God would get it right for us just before we died if you understand what I'm saying on our deathbed we'd be able to but it's another one of those constructs it has to have a deep consequence because we've given it too high a place in our lives I hope you understand what I'm saying we've demonized and vilified something that is so human but yet we needed to demonize it and vilify it in order for us to to keep it to titillate ourselves and I could talk on and on and on about that but that's just an example of how we create a consequence we create a consequence for something that we are supposed to have control over but really don't if you understand what I'm trying to say that's very human but it's also useful as' because nobody preaching against it thinks they're the ones that are going to go to hell for it yeah which amazes me that amazes me and they're preaching against what their issue is precisely and that's not just a slam I've been in I've been ordained for almost 50 years every preacher I see slamming a particular issue whether it's alcohol drugs adultery fornication or homosexuality is they with one preacher guys there's a whole bunch of homosexual eating around almost six eight that was an issue you Jimmy Swaggart preached against sin pointed in the camera and I only mention named because you know the stories public but he he was basically saying to God I'm sinning but I'm not I know it's wrong and so please forgive me I'll tell the people not to sin even though I am sinning and go right from church yeah oh yeah hotel get free tell your neighbor get free another another part about fasting and eating yes the first command that God gave in Scripture is that to Adam and Eve that you are free to eat from any tree or truth in the garden yeah then they they wanted the one that gave them knowledge or knowledge means science the Greek word I mean the the Latin word ciencia means knowledge conscience means with corn it ciencia with knowledge when you have knowledge you don't need faith faith is for those who doubt there those are hoping for what they don't see once you see it and the Bible says what a man sees why do they hope for for you hope for that which you don't see with patience wait for it so when you we push faith and we we suppress knowledge here's what I'm even that you know you're okay but if anybody suggests otherwise your nostrils flare you know you're beautiful you know you're smart you know you're secure you know you're loved and if anybody says the opposite it offends you sometimes when they say you're wonderful you kind you're smart you go you don't really know me but if they say you stupid and backwards and country you ready to cuss the problem is you know you're okay but you don't believe it there's a difference our our prison system is filled with people who know they're rich but because they don't believe it they rob a bank they know they're loved because but because they don't believe they're loved they act out and murder somebody or strike somebody at this stage and I'm 65 I have to determine and I'm wrestling with what my soul and my cells know which is only what my soul and my cells have experienced in some pre-incarnate reality where I agreed to come here but then forgot about it we came here knowing what we do when we're we're in this pulpit we're not we're not teaching you what you don't know we're reminding you of what you forgot do this in remembrance of me your memories and your memories the things you nurture most of us nurture only pain so we remember the pain we give a lot of tension to the pain our lives revolve around it what we what we need to do is concentrate on where you want to go and not on what you fear we seem to concentrate on what we fear and what you think about you bring about when you fear hell you experience Hell when you fear God and we do I have to ask Evangel my idea jump evangelical friends do we need Jesus to protect us from God your Bible says that the devil is the accuser of the Brethren who does the devil accuse the Brethren or sister into God now the devil most of y'all like to call him the deceiver because there's reference to the devil being the deceiver and yet God would believe the deceiver over you unless Jesus stepped in and said that you don't forget about me all the accusations you're putting on them I paid the price at Calvary so they'll never get an invoice when you say that debt is free or the debt is paid that mean you're not gonna get a bill you hear me but because you don't believe that you wrestle constantly with what Paul said when I want to do good what's with me evil is with me that every prayer meeting every Bible study every fast evil is right there with you and he said in my inner being I delight in the law of God but I find another law at work in my members so he says sin is alive in me y'all this guy this guy wrote two-thirds of the New Testament and he said cities and he actually said it's not me it's sin living in me he didn't just say beam his sin was alive and kickin in him would when I would do good I do the exact opposite he needed therapy he did he did and and there was another tree in the garden don't forget that they chose poorly they chose the tree of the knowledge of good and evil the myth to be told right there was another tree it was the tree of life you can choose life you can choose let me go on cannabis probably was grown on that tree [Music] hallelujah [Music] everything God grow is good in that right all right there we go hallelujah oh all right all right this is a good question where so then where are all the dead that God killed that's what the question says where are all the dead that God killed in the Bible might I also add where all the dead yeah Jesus referred to it first as sleep but they didn't understand that it was a sleeping period that they are unconscious or your friend Lazarus is sleep let's go awake him what if he sleep he's doing all right okay I mean said in language he really he's dead but his first reference is that he has lost consciousness anybody you say is dead has simply lost consciousness there's no there's no such thing really as death that's just our perception of the cessation of life but if your spirit the Greek word is Numa we get the word in pneumonic or pneumonia or Nouman is the Greek word for lung Jesus gave up his the ghost Geist the spirit his breath that's when he died it's called crus ex fixation ex fixation on a cross Latin word is Cruz so it's crucifixion we capitalized on the blood but actually it was over when he gave up his breath but by because Christianity is a fertility religion where seeds are sown and where people get resurrected from the dead and it's da Sol means to stand up again that's way before what's that stuff people use to help them stand up again same principle yeah [Music] they tell me to peel this blue and all see no so the idea of sowing and reaping all that stuff it's it's a lot of we worship on Sunday do you know that the word venerable comes from the word Venus the sex goddess the goddess of love and passion you also get the word venerable or venereal because in the Roman religions temple priests and priestesses had orgies or as a word as a form of worship because they believed that life the genesis began at genitals and that's why that's why paul said they celebrate creation over create or the romans one romans were and their physical body it's a form of idolatry rather than what you would call a sex and it was ideology idolizing the body or the booty more than you do the creator come on with your Dolson you don't like I get honor I'm taller because we don't hear this we have a fear of eating I did for most of my life every time I ate I felt I was being weak because we fasted and prayed all the time all the time mama started us fasting before we were 12 you know one day three days every Tuesday I was doing the altar junior high school all through college sometimes I forget I wouldn't I wasn't gonna run a revival Sam I said Lord just put two put that in the bank for me let it grow increase when I'm adult I may need a fast and getting go on I used to say never at 13 14 years old and I still feel some of the power of my commitment then my consecration today when I'm when I'm crying and hurt heavy and you know it's the older you get the more you accumulate weight so it's a discipline that you go through the when you read the Bible I must say this because we won't have chance to get all these curses when you read the Bible understand that the Bible is a Jewish book written by Jews to Jews about a Jewish understanding of divinity there's constant references to love the Lord your God thou shalt have no other gods before you or God he didn't send all the gods beside me let me explain something about the Jewish understanding of God in before Moses brought them out of Egypt the the Hebrew nation had not heard from God in 400 years no synagogues no temples have been built nothing then God shows up after 400 years Joseph became this the the prime minister of Egypt you know his brother sold him into slavery it brings all the usual rights down they start living in Egypt then the generation came up who forgot Joseph that's in the Bible and that's then then the the Egyptians began to enslave the Hebrews so the Hebrews are gotten comfortable with slavery they've been there for a hundred years they got huts and tents and they know the rules they've been worshiping some of the Egyptian gods then their God shows up with a tantrum lice locusts flies the Nile turned to blood ultimately killing the last the firstborn male animal or human in anybody's family unless the blood this guy this God shows up with great violence great anger in fact the people were so afraid they said to Moses please you talk to us this the mountains shaking the smile he's too dramatic let's go back to Egypt them did them dogs didn't stay that much they was quiet they never moved this one has followed us for 40 years he stays think it whatever time we turn him around there's a cloud of by day and fire by night he's scaring the hell out of us weak so you talk to us rather than God and Moses explanation was the fear of God has come who can finish that to keep you all from sinning that's why and that principle still holds so Christians say to me so bishop are you tell me that I can do anything I want to do and still go to heaven and I say first of all what do you want to do let's start right there and why aren't you doing it because you love God are you afraid of God you love heaven are you afraid of Hell what is our motivation you should ask you I had to ask myself you know I lived a certain way of holiness I was afraid of God I was really more afraid of losing my anointing cuz I was told if you sin you'll lose it I was just as lustful and and angry and critical and competitive and as any other human being my last conversation with Oral Roberts three and a half hours he basically said that he thought his people who are gay are born that way they don't catch it like a disease I said I said based on what Scripture and I quoted I was born in sin and shake yeah that was bad before I changed consciousness he said yeah that's it cuz he said I tried my best to get my son delivered and when he went Evelyn died she was shaking like this and there was no neurological scientific explanation for it we couldn't find out why she couldn't and it was driving him nuts because he couldn't lay his hands and rebuked that whatever that is it broke my heart when my associate said can you help me pray I don't want to die so I went with oil but he'd been prayed for before for him to be delivered from his sexuality that's what he was saying set me free because evidently God's anger at me and I mean just see I don't believe right and wrong as much as I believe in ideas gestures actions choices with con sequences corn sequins eeeh with sequence a sequence is that which follows e too much sugar too much salt not on the fret there's God input aids on nobody God and put sugar diabetes on anybody I got to put cancer on anybody we in our own ways if you have sex care without protection carelessly regularly you could get any kind of disease not just they just SCT more people die and suffer with STDs then because people are careless everything done in moderation III tell preachers and I've said and I'm not justifying adultery but I have a lot of preacher friends and I've known him for 40 years that just they does they gonna do right when it when it comes to sticking with their wife I said listen guys I cannot stop you from doing what you do in the dark but at least use discretion don't be so careless and rude and arrogant you break your wife's heart the family's heart you tear up the church y'all's agape is sloppy now I'm not justifying it but I know you can't stop people from doing what they gonna do brothers got to have it you know so they they see in the animal world it is the male gender it is one stallion at a bunch of Mayors one bull and a bunch of heifers one Rouge turned a bunch of hens it is the lion that has the long hair not the lioness nature seems to suggest that the male gets to be polygamous I'm not saying that's right men subconsciously look at nature and now women are starting to get in I don't they don't call them heroes but these young women are now getting these these these older women now getting young guys 10 years younger 20 years Kukoc Cougars yeah all the things we used to make y'all do y'all making us do and in the Age of Aquarius which we're in that is a male carrying a water pitcher jesus said to his disciples on the night of the Passover when you go into the street you see the man carrying the vessel with water in it follow him into that house that might have been a reference to coming out of the Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius acqua but it's a man doing what women it was always the woman at the will not the man at the will but it has a man carrying a picture of water you'll see more men doing things that are considered feminine and you have ever seen at this age men will become in touch with their feminine essence as women have learned how to become in touch with her masculine essence and not neglected not overdo it or on to do it find the balance Pisces is to fish with their tails tied together swimming in opposite directions but Aquarius are quite or water so it's actually wind sign shows the mail pouring the water out so we didn't have we didn't there's an element in this country that did not want an ovum in the oval office everything in Freemasonry even the Washington Monument and steeples originally were doesn't were a symbol of the male phallic showing that we're strong that gets put a cross on the top of it we're strong Christian men were tall and erect you could see us from any distance that was the symbol in Europe I know that's shocking to some of you but that's the way it was the masculinity my soul in holiness he says ha there's so much we don't know the scripture says bodily exercise profiteth little that's why a lot of the Saints too wouldn't exercise state Mama's was hanging off to you know don't my back feel commotion that because we were taught don't do anything don't exercise the profit of the little so the preacher nobody tells us the preacher honestly faceted pray traveled the country holding revivals back in the 50s and 60s when I first became familiar with Evangelos Evangelos they leave a house they come to our church coming off for a three or four day fast the Holy Ghost hits the church the robber goes an extra week or two and they're late for their next appointment so they keep going they send money home then he goes to the next town the Holy Ghost hits it it has a long revival or he sins black preachers particularly didn't live in hotels in those days they stayed in the home of the saints and sometimes it was a single mother that had the space and the preacher was when the anointing lifts other things lifts he goes back home he hasn't been with his wife and family in weeks because of the Holy Ghost outpouring and said the mother said baby take this to the young daughter take this in it to the evangelist in Assam who wants a little piece of pie and he ends up getting a piece of pie it's just fine that's why some of them have babies strung all across this country are you hearing me and you don't see those babies until the 80 year old Bishop dies and then they show up from all crops they 10-1 souls all across the country nobody ever talks about that then it's true in the guys trip we all struggle with our appetites food and sex are the two strongest passions we have we don't deal with it properly and that's why we have excess of a lot of things because we don't know how to handle with our evidence hallelujah I love the truth so what's the next question church folks seem to be less accepting of the LGBTQI folks as a trend is it cultural or theological mostly cultural most of us are afraid of our sin propensity and send consciousness we're more afraid of ourselves than we are of God we're afraid that happened to me one more time God you'd better hold my tournament I'm o cuss somebody cut somebody or kill somebody if this happens to be one more time she keeps hitting on me on the job or he keeps making I I don't know I'm going on a fast so we're afraid of what we might do or might not do when I want to do good evil is there when when God said these words my spirit will not always strive with man it was just after the so-called fallen angels or hybrid monster and an angel had sex with the wind it says when the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair or attractive they married anyone they wanted now we don't know who do the ceremony it wasn't there was no Jewish religion at the time who they married did they ask for the hand in marriage we don't know anything but we just believe because they told us that these have gods and have humans married and had Giants but after that happens I don't know it's a subtle thing that makes us have our sexually suppressed religion because when though when those Angels this is the sixth chapter read it of Genesis God says I'm not gonna strive with man always what are they doing are they having fun those fallen angels supposedly it doesn't say fallen angels that says sons of God the scripture never says that the devil stole a third of heaven it just says the Dragons tail took a third of the stars that's a metaphor the book of Revelation is the last book in the Bible because it almost didn't make it it came 40 years later than the rest of them and to this day nobody can prove that it's authentic many scholars think it's a forgery but we think most of them are forgeries but because by the time we received the letters the authors were dead at least forty years dead some 100 years dead there are hundreds of books that were written by supposin apostles there's a third book appear there is a book of Meredith Merrimack and Judas the Apocrypha there's what the intertestamental the literature certificate and they keep finding aspects of letters but here's the problem we don't have any of the original manases the Latin word for hand handwritten or manuscript copies they're all lost all of them the most reliable ones are the oldest ones we found we think their texts are closer to the original but we don't know what the original said we're not sure who said it when God said my spirit will not strive with man who heard him saying and did he say it in Hebrew okay Moses wasn't born most of the people were illiterate butI we don't know who wrote the book of Genesis right Jesus didn't write anything and between between not a Fang and between age 12 and 30 that's 18 years he could have been an Indian learning the healing Sciences sitting in ashrams are studying under shaman or maybe Mary his mother had some African inner and had relatives in Egypt that's why she went there perhaps when he was threatened by the by the by the fair about the Herod why would Mary choose Egypt she had found you there possibly to go to afro so we don't we the Bible has a lot of contradictions and anybody who's read it through knows that you cannot read the scriptures through and say it's an arrant or infallible if you've read it they're constant dozens of contradictions because it comes to us in five different languages beginning with Hebrew although up to English which is the hinds 47 mutt language mixture of a bunch of things so what you have to do when you do the research and I've done it I majored in biblical literature English Bible I minored in theology and historical studies but I did more studying after cars than I did when I was in college because I was hungrier and I still study the word and love the word but I don't call it necessarily the inspired Word of God as much as the inspired Word of man about God as best as man can just discern and we are finite beings trying to define or describe an infinitum eenz without finish entity or reality or B or God do you think we need a new Canon yes well we had took us 40 took us 300 years to get the present one and then it's the authorized Bible what was it 1847 or something like that out of England I think we do need a new the word canon comes from the term of a cane something you can lean on and walk with and the one we have it took men no women 300 years of drinking wine arguing fussing cussing half fighting cousin each other out to decide what will be in it then the Bible wasn't mass-produced until 1400 years after Jesus a thousand four hundred years so between all that argument all that all those languages all that bad punctuation are and all that handwritten stuff the original Hebrew has no punctuation has no paragraphs no verbs so to go through all that and no no no vowels so to go through all of that they had to struggle to come up with it and it took a long long time and I promise you it's inaccurate but the closest to God you will ever get is self-actualization get to know who your own soul is because your soul carries the syllabus for your life the life calls and the life course it's all in your syllabus if you don't go within you'll have to go without your you were developing our own spirituality less religion that's a good to go without somebody make sure you get that there is one other thing I wanted to leave with you and that is this tendency toward binary which i think is inconsistent with the human family and this question about moving in the male and female one of the things I think has been made very clear to us and I use two examples some time with City of Refuge one is that in this in the myth in the Garden of creation in the conversation it suggests that from Adam was taking a rib and from that rib okay a woman was made Eve was made a womb man a man yes right that there was a whole woman in Adam so this stop there and go to the go to the next conversation which is the story of Mary who was a virgin and was pregnant behind the hymen and she was a woman and Jesus was born a man which suggests that there was a whole man in the woman which tends to lead me to believe that the binary is what is problematic because I think that we have several different degrees of all of those realities mixed up in us we are not either/or we are more both and than we are either/or and I've seen a lot of people really hindered by that I've seen couples where the husband could comb the children's hair so much better and fry the chicken and clean the house but he push it over on his wife because it was a woman's task so the children walk around looking like they've been letter cutie it leaves me with the important I think thing that I want to leave with you let's not get stuck in the binary in any way we are not one thing or the other we are all of that because I believe embodied in the name of God in our image created we is the weenus of god male and female combined together beautifully in all of us and it is art that's right it is our culture that forces us to separate one from the other and that's how we end up with what we happen in the white house right now because this tendency to believe that it is either this or that or when when it is when it is manly it is this way when it is womanly it is this way no we are a beautiful combination of all of those things simultaneously we don't compete we complete or complement yes the word Jehovah yay ha ha ha is the Hebrew word for Eve the King James translators and that means mother when later mother of all the the the English translators in 16th century translated the word to Eve suggesting evil or evening or darkness or the opposite sex this woman thou gavest me there's been a subtle fear disrespect an almost crazy hatred of women by men and we are taught that you are the weaker vessel and that the scripture says because you misguided your husband you're gonna have menstrual cramps you're gonna have pain in childbearing your desire will be with for your husband and he will rule over you know that's your Bibles okay we are with both the male and the female woman is a female man and a man is a male man even if you don't know where the mailbox is the the man the man with the womb she has the womb we have breasts but ours don't work as far as giving milk why do we have them women have a subtle anger because and I saw my wife crying when when our children would grow teeth and they're still nursing and the nipples are bleeding and you have to thrust that child in you got a belt belts the child balance the child carry it for nine months and your organs move around it's kicking woman women go through hell and suddenly the most women won't admit it there's an anger they eat the Greek word for uterus is hysterical issue word is hysteria or hysterectomy or hysterical that one was crazy about it about every 29 days something they'll go crazy there's ovaries and over reactions and they can't help it and nobody tells us this she'll get in your face pregnant insult rude demean you denounce you and dare you to hit her and then when you do your tailors go to jail now we not we don't know how to discern the body and understand her pain and we can knock excuse the terminology ten women in one day and all of them get pregnant if they're not - of course we don't even have to know it but you're tied down for nine months and then if we don't show up again 18 years with the child now that is not fair but what do we have to do with it so men tend to think because of the way the scripture outlines it that we do have rule over you now we missed a woman and we put the most bullying chauvinistic test testosterone and Eagle driven men in the white house we've ever had you all said no to a woman in general because all the stuff you say that's terrible about Hillary you can't prove any of them they haven't told us anything specifically to make her the demon that they say she is the media says that and I lived in our coke l'homme and I said the same things about them and I even said to myself then why don't I send this about the Clintons because I don't really know it I mean there's all these allegations look her up and online look Jake's up for Oprah up for me anybody this public and you're gonna hear a bunch of crap how do we deal with that some things you have to ignore ignorance doesn't just mean to not know it means to not notice or refuse to make note of one other thing about bisexuality if I'm working out if you're gonna save you if you're working out as you feel like you're an overweight female and there's another female working next to you you look at her thighs and her biceps and her waist and her butt and you you're wanting to look like that same with men if you're overweight and you know floppy and whatever you don't like yourself muscles you look at this guy his biceps triceps everything's perfect you're admiring his body they didn't say you desired it but you wish you had it first you wish it was yours and if you keep studying that and sexuality comes in or some fantasy or some imagination that's what scares people the folks that will crowd against it any of you have a capacity to be same-gender attractive or to attract it to some body of the same gender but nobody's gonna admit that that ain't natural is meiosis you don't say some oh I guess I guess a few and then we get mad at you with what you mean yeah but you like both so our culture has said you're not right but a person who'll come out if they really have strong feelings that's the one that has the courage that's the one who takes heat that I I think I would have been treated better by Christians if I had have said I'm gay or I've been unfaithful to my wife will y'all forgive me but if I say it's okay to be gay or unfaithful to your wife and still be loved by God when I said you'll never know that you're free from Santa you know that you actually free to sin and still be loved by God are redeemed by Christ that scares everybody but it's true but when Paul said what shall we say that shall we continue in sin that grace may abound god forbid but the next sentence says we died to sin he meant to send consciousness he said to me everything is legal but not beneficial all those lists of sins are legal but not I'm not gonna be mastered by them so there there are no laws that we can break in this because we're not legal as we live in grace but you have to lose your sin consciousness you're afraid to lose your sin consciousness because if you figure if you lose your sin consciousness you're gonna sin and think God's gonna send you to hell so we got this thing we're so wrapped up in all these superstitious pre suppositions that we haven't even asks are they legitimate do they work why do we submit ourselves to them and so we're miserable we're condemned were guilty we feel a sense of criminality we don't like ourselves I've gone from self-loathing to self loving and I didn't know I loaded myself but Paul loathed himself I beat my flesh and make it my slave so after I have preached to others I will not be in a junkyard of preachers huh I would not be a castaway he was always afraid of being a castle and so was I take not to thy Holy Spirit from him is Kuhlman used to say cast me not away from thy presence she would stand for 10 minutes on the stage before he even go to the sermon pleading I I have no responsibility for these miracles it's all the Holy Spirit we give him the glory because she felt when that when she told me this one time she said after the crowds have gone I take our going and the songs have ceased and the people Trust has stopped I go into my dressing room and I take this long white dress off and there's nothing left there but a bony old woman she said that to me the loneliest person in the whole world and then she said and you want what I've got Carlton I said yes ma'am are you sure you want what I've got yes ma'am I think I'm sure do you have any idea what it would cost you no I don't think it will cost you everything it will cost you your very life she was a Kathryn Kuhlman died a long time ago I can take you to the very far to the very moment when Kathryn Kuhlman died and she described a situation when she had to leave a man she loved she married another man another woman's husband and she carried that to her grave she have actually got a Ballantine's car firm just a year before she died and she said but just remember something carved God will never ask you to give up more than he will give back to you this is him giving it back to me now because i cost me my life where the church tried to meet the message and say he's a heretic let's shut him up and here comes an atheist writer a jewish director a jewish organization and say we want to make a movie of your life and i'm thinking i'll be a dead man i have to go by the sara cemetery this is my tombstone out there the fargo see this movie is I'm am I still alive they usually make moves after somebody died but but but I now there's a hundred and seventeen million subscriptions to this not including the ones y'all stole and somebody gave away like my my son can't be here now the message is gonna be received received by a lot of people while the preachers wouldn't go a lot of the saints wouldn't go to a theater to see something about for heretic but in the privacy of their homes I'm getting hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of texts and emails right now from all over the world I don't get them personally but you know our people do and and they're reading them and there's a whole new come Sunday is is the movie come Monday is the movement away from traditions and the things our Millennials don't even pay any attention to they don't believe they look in the iPhone the I pad and the iCloud and that if it's Apple it has a apple with a bite out of it on the back of it if you have an Apple product you have eaten from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and it becomes like God's glory glory we go just two more we're gonna go to you is this working for you one of the things that stood out for a number of people was the conversation that you had with Bishop Ellis and the Pentecostal folks and that experience and let me just say as an aside on this conversation of the the roles or the concepts of women in terms of being the channels through whom birth happens and the ideas of taking care of children in the and the the roles of women in the struggles that women have to be women one of the things that stands out for me in this conversation is the painful presence of patriarchy when unabated patriarchy and a fragile patriarchy and I suggest this because I believe Eve even to the question of the LGBTQ I community that there's two frustrations one is the idea that same gender loving people or multi gendered people or multi gender conscious people are two of fragile patriarchy the potential of emasculating men or it weakens men but the other part of it is that it masculine eise's women and that is a great fear yes and presumption right that is a great fear at a presumption to a fragile patriarchy and it appeared to me when you stood because I knew a lot of these guys I knew the guys that they are in real life very well and the thought that I had when I watched the the film because I thought it was a great portrayal of that kind of experience I said that if you take from them hell and you also are suggesting that the people who are the greatest threat to their power which would of course be people who would like to see chambers like that not as masculinized as they are also the presence of a broader understanding of human sexuality and then you take from them hell you take hell where do they where do they send people who won't subscribe to essentially the power of that patriarchy essentially hell is the product of a wounded and fragile patriarchy that needs somewhere to send people when they won't obey and when you first told me about this we were sitting on the edge of a bed didn't one of those conferences that we were and you were sitting in I was either sitting in your room and you're sitting in mine and you told me this thing about hell and the first thing that came to my mind that these preachers are gonna kill you because there is you you've taken their pit bull what you're doing is you you have taken from them the thing that they can threaten people with when people won't obey or pay their tithe or come to the appreciation or beyond the five o'clock altar or whatever it is that people are supposed to do if they won't do it if they if they talk back about the preacher touch not mine anointed do my prophet no harm it's just a whole laundry list of things that you could go to hell for and I thought about it when I looked at it tonight as other people reflected when you stood before them your presence as strong as your presence was was a great fear in the presence of a weakened and fragile patriarchy who could not bear that you were possibly suggesting that they had no canned punishment for everyone who would not give them essentially that obedience and give them the power and the strength to rule over and again rule over not just build rule right and you took that and you took it with good common sense and biblical literacy you know it was incredible that was terrible it was terrible and I'm so sure that people stayed up all night talking to you the way the way he went in one when Bill Cosby before we knew it was Bill Cosby but back when Bill Cosby was talking about his wife after she beat the children then she would talk to him like they were still there they were all in the bed crying and she would walk in and say go and tell me you not gonna cook and you're not gonna make up your bed you're gonna make up your bed in my house done I'm gonna kill you it wasn't me it was the kids but she was carrying it with her on it that's the way I think some of them went home don't come up in I come up in here and tell us it ain't no hell to hell with that don't come up and so I'm interested to know how did you and others interested to know come to such a secure place that you spoke in the face of that kind of blatant open angry but fragile patriarchy that was visibly struggling with you taking their power without hell and the devil for heaven's sake where was their power the the I just heard word that he got up in Ellis got up in his pulpit this morning and said he never did invite me to the conference he did call me just the way that was portrayed he did and that they they didn't have any plans to denounce me as a heretic which they did and everybody there know that men just stood up there lie in front of his crowd he said to me I said how do you know your daddy's been in hell your daddy isn't there because he died but naked laying on top of a woman with a pistol in his hand and a pistol in that one so he had a heart attack been intimate and and and my riders went to to read his literature where he says his dad sexually abused the daughters and presumably him he would the guys you walk on Bishop Ellis and he's sitting down here like this is how you doing sanctified that is exactly the way he is just like that just a arrogant buffoon and I I and so embarrassing he was too arrogant to stay in the Church of God in Christ he'd been anonymous if they just kicked him out yeah they kicked the guy they kicked him out he'd get in they'd kick him out again he'd get in and now he's kicked out again kicked out again cuz he didn't want to bring his church you got one of the National position it's all over I'm not saying something that you can't find he wanted a national position as the Bishop of protocol and then they did the research and found out he didn't have the degrees he said he did and didn't go to the schools he say they did and and then they said little Bishop will tell me what kind of church you have and he named it is is the Church of God in Christ he said no are you gonna bring it in what I'm thinking about it and they said get out there there's still clinician cliquish and stuff but the the male gender struggles with being called father and associated with God who protects and provides and punishes we're the denim the female supposed to be the lingerie this means tender you can tear lingerie faster than denim so the man is not supposed to be weak he's supposed to be straight and erect and correct and direct part of his Anatomy suggests that but not all the time it's a depressing time when it ain't working right No sit down dad dad about the road don't get over that upset I know I've got it I gotta tie this into the ego of the male we we have been in control here's what a a woman now men in touch with the femininity those particularly who are gay and can see you hurt and show feminine aspects shamelessly you are advanced the average man is not going to say to his wife or anybody else hurt what he'll do you'll see his tender side or the side that's wounded when he drops his tone they say hey who you talking to I'm a man I'm in charge around here I don't need you I don't need nobody don't nobody talk to me like I'm a boy I'm a man I don't need none of y'all I'm going to see my mama and with the men is it's his fight/flight or faint so we'll whip it out just like the Dragons tail penitence repentance finality penalty in at entry in insula pendant dependent all's associated with read between the lines the male defining organ we pin you down we penetrate you we penalize you we put you in the pen with our kids we don't know we're doing that it's natural and with this me to think the male species will know in this country and culture will never have the place it once did because these women have come alive to their cells a dough in a way that we've never seen and we pretty much scared of yo let me tell you what no one note this the first the first woman that a man ever loves is his mother swims in her womb for for nine months develop skills and when we come out male or female we're 80% water our brain stays that way all our lives the body that make up is 50% water we bond physically with our mothers we take our first meal from her breasts sometimes the daddy has kept away from us for months especially in the olden days because the daddy didn't know how to hold it ride to know to put the diver didn't order don't put it on there turn it around I need to out to put that that's the wrong after what he said take this Negro I'm through yeah you know when I said it my wife she started I said whoa whoa wait a minute baby I don't care if I put that diaper on his head when I got him that's where it's gonna be but don't take my kid from me don't push me out of his lot of his life out of her life many men want to be touched and held physically in contact with her dead even wrestle and roll around there's a there's a bonding that takes place that he misses sometimes when it doesn't come then older his desire for male affirmation for his masculinity to be validated comes from another male and it isn't just a sexual thing it's an emotional thing and a psychological thing but a biological at the same time because we all have the propensity every one of us have the propensity to be attracted to the same sex s but not always on a sexual level first on an emotional level figure a woman that's been married and a grandmother and she breaks up with her husband or men have been abusive to her many times we got the money we got the car we got the home you out so you go stay with your friend down the street whose husband left her and y'all start emoting sharing things together sharing stories together sleeping in the same bed crying at night snuggling at night sharing a bank account next thing you know you're in love with that woman and you both are grandmothers and you'll even know the emotional ty was there because both of these share horror stories about men men do the same thing using our escort we're not the same way but we have the capacity to lean on another human being I've had a lot of women say to me and men my husband is a homo sociological he all he wants to be is for sex is with his buddies all the time football baseball basketball fish and go they and I've had web men say my wife only wants me for sex it's homo sociology homo means same homo sectarian or a same-sex relationship is denominationalism to me that threatens the culture more than same-sex talk to me somebody the tribalism the territory so if a man says and I've had many men in case they said listen my wife all we have a sex she don't want to go to movie with me so you don't want to go to the games with me she don't she goes with her girlfriends and they laugh and they talk in the shop and they get their nails done their face done the feet done and I just feel like I'm a sex object I've had men say that so same we all have these variations of attractions for various reasons because we don't talk about it why is all the men want to pack the stadiums to other men in tight britches they and the muscles flaring and they falling on top of each other and wrestling on the ground but I'm all up in there and men packed in there all the time that's some macho sport now don't think all those men or none of those men ain't looking at tails talk to me somebody is this is a frank conversation but we have all these presuppositions it's normal and natural in fact it's not natchez less natural if a handsome man walked in that door we'd all notice him straighter game if a gorgeous woman walked in there or an attractive woman tween to me you'd all notice her I could be sitting with my wife my wife likes what's there actor gauge some hack to some I forget cage what a Nicolas Cage she loves Nicolas Cage I don't mind her liking him long as he stayed in the cage you know but I'm not shocked if she says that GU that's a good-looking dude I said well she's gorgeous babe look at that that doesn't mean I'm lusting but I did ever mean I am I'm admiring by design but that's normal if I was upset that she looks at other men or women I'd be stupid that's that kind of jealousy is not affordable my father said to me one time son just because you get married that doesn't mean that all of a sudden all other women become ugly it's in fact sometimes you become prettier see the secret to a happy marriage it remains a secret don't nobody know what it is you just hold on and press on as they say so what we I'll close with this if it's time to go what I want to happen with this movie is for for there it to be a public conversation about what we believe why we believe it and how those beliefs add to or subtract from the quality of our lives the Holy Ghost said to me and if I use that terminology you know do you really believe we're torturing people we've been willing and gnashing of teeth forever that's questions scared me it even offended me but it soothed me at the same time I don't think did you I really believe that and I had to say not really then why are you telling people that and I said because that's what I was taught and told to do why do you believe it's in the Bible what Bible whose Bible yours they sent your word oh my word how do you know it's my word who told you that can you prove it do I even need words written am I am i defined by those words are confined to the words you got me out here fighting a devil that I can't whoop you got me making a list checking it twice gonna find out who's naughty or nice you painted that picture of me because your mom and him painted it for you and they mom and them painted it for them and they mom and them so I started questioning not only answering questions but literally questioning the answers it's called cognitive dissonance I stood in this pulpit I preached stuff that I knew was not working in my life at the level that I totally would just Jesus will turn your life around the craziest people I met are Jesus follows they're they live sisters be in counseling constantly Jesus will fix it for you he didn't fix that much we fixed it if it was fixed we fix it if it's broke you broke it so don't blame it on Jesus see that's fantasy everybody has secret friends you know babies have the little invisible friends y'all got one I got one his name is Jesus he's invisible he may not come when I warn him but he's always on time yeah I had a lot of woman said Jesus I'm married to Jesus I used in my church you ain't married to Jesus the ones that wanted marry me would say that the ones that didn't want to marry never even brought it up but we pacify ourselves I will say well we have a low self-image the Lord spoke to me cuz ain't nobody else talking to you that's why you're lonely you feel turbo not that I'm not a little poor simple-minded folk struggling to for identity for about a verification for affirmation the Lord if you get the quick happy in church you at least could say the Lord touched me I got a blessing Sunday morning I was only one that got a blessing because the Lord wretches handled and touched my body and as all false and taught my but hey I felt God well they don't feel that at home they're not affirmed by a husband or a spouse or our firm dog job they're not affirmed in the classroom the only time they get an affirmation when they come here and the Holy Ghost moves and they're hey I know what all that is it feels so good it feels so right no okay alright I'll leave it where I found it praise the Lord st. Francis boy so we don't go I wanna I wanted to leave you with this just this little thought I had a time to preach a revival and some many many years ago and it was a blessed sainted mother that came to me and outside in the lobbies she said now you're the speaker tonight I said yes ma'am she said well I pray that you are going to preach from the real Word of God I said well what might that be she said why the King James the real Word of God written by James the brother of Jesus before he became a king and so many of my colleagues when I share this story they said to me so why didn't you take that moment to help her and correct her I threw my arms around and hugged her and kissed her and said no essentially this is not gonna be my job she got a pastor somewhere on something she could do but I won't be the one that's too grown for me to try to fix that in a few minutes the heart of what I'm saying is that most people quote from the Bible have never read it I would venture to say that most of us who are in this room we quote what has been quoted to us in the context that the people shared it with us and our understandings of God and understandings of the texts have been cultural myths that have been passed down from generation to generation cultural myths I think it would be very important for us the first of all read the thing and understand that you are reading a edited volume of many books it is not a book it is an edited volume of many books and many writings some stories told completely differently over and over again and then I think we should read it lovingly one of the things that I am very clear about and that is that you know that you are free from your oppressor when you can look back upon your experience fondly when I look at the text I can look back upon it fondly when I look at the church that birthed me I can look back upon it fondly that means it has no more fangs in me no more hold on me I love the text I love the Bible because it has in it some of the most wonderful renderings of the human experience with God case study after case study but it is not a weapon to be used to offend me and to offend others and I can look back upon it fondly I encourage you to spend some time asking the hard questions to yourself and get free I think that's the heart and soul of what this movie is about and why it is going to be incredibly successful that like for you to point your hand in this direction in effect you may want to come closer because I believe this is our benediction I want to thank you you gave Bishop Pierson 2,000 dollars tonight and I want to say thank you to you below thank you just point your hand in his direction thank you God hallelujah Great God by all of your many names hallelujah and all of your beautiful and manas best presentations and manifestations in the earth we thank you thank you for this man of God who you have sent to us who have is who has endured the crucible of pain and rejection who has been other dand made other much like you Jesus man of Nazareth hallelujah born under those dubious circumstances came through life doubted by many rejected by many but pregnant with vision and passion and power and thank you for giving birth to what it is that we are still talking about more than two thousand years and now great God I pray that that kind of anointing will be unleashed in the life of Bishop Pearson yes he came to it and he went through it and we thank you for that and now we pray for increase we pray specifically that you will bless his finances we praised specifically that you will bless his family we pray specifically that you will give him favor and that you will promote the freedom that you have unleashed in his life and ministry yes we pray specifically that his body will be strengthened and made capable to do what you called him to do your scar we pray that a plain path will be made before that you will move him quickly and speedily to the place that you have designed it yes that it was a long long difficult process going down but that is coming up be quick and fast the way that you god I pray that the springboard of your will and purpose will be unleashed in his life and I come against every obstacle and I come against every obstacle and I come against every obstacle we cast it down in that strong name of Jesus and everything that that name represents to us tonight in the name of all that is pure in all that is holy yes and all that is right righteous all that is divine all that is sweet to you God we pray in the name of all that is the essence of you and we call into existence we name it and we call into existence all of the things that we have asked but by the power of our words we speak it now into existence yes and we declare that it is so that's all of these that are here tonight yes and all of what we represent by our presence and because you've been faithful we give you praise and honor and glory the People of God say amen amen take your free arms and throw them around somebody and go to go to come Monday dot org that's our new come Monday or come Monday or don't forget that come Monday
Channel: City of Refuge UCC
Views: 49,003
Rating: 4.1360002 out of 5
Keywords: City of Refuge UCC- Sunday Worship Service March 18, 2018, great, game
Id: OXo3Uo9IixE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 43sec (5683 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 15 2018
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