Bishop Brazier Speaks! Quit Mudcrawlin!

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to be criticized Jesus said in the criticism of him if they do these things to a green tree probably due to the track if you think you're right if you believe in what you're doing and you feel that you're in in harmony with God and you're not freaking out of people and you're not going wrong in the sight of God it hold firm don't let criticism shaky if I had allowed criticism to stop me I would have been stopped along people will talk about you they allow people who are envious of our or what this church is done and I'm not a braggart you never give I never get up and I never go anywhere talking about how many members I have what we're doing all this I never do that sometimes maybe I feel like I ought to do it so that people will have some understanding of what you're doing here but I don't want to be a braggart I don't be walking around with my chest stuck out because I can tell you now when you get your head big swollen God knows how to bring it down you get a big head God knows how to bring it on in but I've had people walk around and say that this church was built by money from the University of Chicago you know why they say that because they don't believe that black people can do anything worthwhile unless white people are helping they got a victim mentality that's why some folk can't get anywhere bizarre they feel like victims but I don't feel like a victim I don't feel put on be cold now my grandfather and grandmother were slaves no I don't feel bad about that I'm Who I am I'm a black man I'm proud of it I'm the well I'm not trying to find any identity I'm not wearing any other kind of God than what I'm used to worry because I have no wire and I thank God for it stop being a victim that wall was talking a lot of folks are doing to you people will tell you outright lies and they know they're lying I was gonna talk with your show and a man who named it didn't call for us you know when you're on talk radio and you call in you can throw a rock and hide your hand cause don't nobody know who you are they say our Bishop razor took money from the city of Chicago and then made parking lots and the host said is that right dr. Reza I said I'll tell you what if this man says he's got documentary evidence and he said he had it is I can document it I said we didn't take your evidence to the state's attorney and if you got the evidence I'll be in jail tomorrow if I took money from the city and built parking lot take it to the state's attorney people will tell lies on you because they are envious they are jealous you young ladies looking we're looking nice people call you names because you look well wear nice clothes bourgeoisie all right what's wrong with that so y'all ashamed because because a part of the booze walk or community you don't want to be called a middle class why not what's wrong with it tell me what's wrong with it you wasn't born in the middle class motion you were born in the lower plan none of you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth all of you had to work hard to get where you are your parents work hard the scenes you got a decent education and now you're walking around all shame because you live in a nice house people try to make you a shame they try to put you down because you don't live in the slums any longer I was I was born in the slums off I was born in Hyde Park but we moved out of Hyde Park but that's four years old and I was raised in the neighborhood called the bucket of blood I'm not ashamed of my neighborhood I wish she was still there they worked it out when they built Lake metals I'm not ashamed of Who I am and you should not be ashamed of who you are I'm not ashamed I'm a child of God and you should stop being shaded you a child of God you're not just a big swarm you're not just a Christian for done for you are chained up in spite of what calms nevertheless and then you gotta trust in God sometime let me tell you now a little story they'll episode it happen in the life of Peter and the Apostles Jesus passed by and they both would dock down on the shore they were cleaning their nets jesus said to them said push the ships away a little bit for the show they push this ship's a little way from the shore Jesus got in the boat and talked to people then he said something mister fine he said launch out into the deep you know what let's get away from the shallows just we got to get away from mud crawl I don't know whether any of y'all didn't know maybe some of y'all don't know anything about mud crawling but let me tell you what mud crawling is we're not come on but Karla for those of us who didn't know how to swim and we were going to shallow sack and we would well I did but our hand was hitting the same good mom I'm swimming or even swimming good call but that came a day when you learned how to swim and 31st Street Beach head upside that was shallow that you walk on into the water but over here on the other side that was why you had to die and I can remember the day a person on the other side first went dive into the deep water leave me and came up swimming took courage me to make that first leap then take no courage to make the second or third but that first leap into deep water took courage jesus said get with the Shore launch out into the deep and cast your nets down for draft and Peter as usually Peter you know he was the most forward of everybody he start challenging Jesus he said now Lord said we fished all night we're fishermen you know Jesus was this dish was not efficient our Lord was a carpenter he was a man of the land he had dexterity in his hands but Peter said we've been out here and we have fished all night and we've taken nothing but then it dawned on him who was saying launch out it dawned on him who was saying dump your nets and then he used that defining word he said nevertheless nevertheless and your word at your word with dr. Mann down came the fish is called them the miracle of the draught of fishes we can learn a lesson here we can learn a lesson here because that word nevertheless God can turn our defeats into victories God he lifts us up for me of that then there's another one more passage I want to read to you and it's from 2nd Corinthians and then I'm gonna be through and then I'm gonna open the doors of the church and he says in the seventh chapter of second Corinthians verses 5 and 6 Paul is writing here and he says for when we were coming into Macedonia our flesh had no rest but we were troubled on every side
Channel: Kevin Kitchen
Views: 34,535
Rating: 4.8709679 out of 5
Keywords: Bishop, Arthur, Brazier, Apostolic, Church, of, God, Chicago, Illinois
Id: RJmq9HmvcuY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 37sec (577 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2009
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