Bishop Benjamin Dube | Forget not What the Lord has Done for You.

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oh yeah hallelujah we give a praising God they are great and you mighty you're awesome you're amazing you all that which we desire to be we bow before your throne we give you honor and glory forever but you're worthy to receive the praise la mouche Wow Wow we'll say cheese Wow give me wobble [Music] wobble wobble say cheese [Music] one more say [Music] [Music] beautiful [Music] beautiful [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] let me see it may be seen in the presence of the Lord Oh hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah Oh [Music] Oh more say almost there chair sir one more sir a vassal and I know for a fact I would be somewhere else messed up but because of Jesus look at me now I would be a mess right now but because of him only the one in Zulu true mission upon to function appalling liar oh my god Jason Oh give me Oh Oh Jess ooh one more thing I don't care I don't care your money could not have done what Jesus did for you oh let me put it this way money in this world will never make you that which Jesus can make you your intelligence it can only work miracles when you have Jesus on your side abortion abortion [Music] almost there chair soo one booted beautiful beautiful beautiful oh yes beautiful Jesus you're beautiful sit again for the last time say beautiful beautiful [Music] you are beautiful Jesus [Music] Oh [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] whoo [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Applause] I will be deep in trouble right now if it wasn't of you [Applause] [Music] Oh some of you you would be worse than you are you need to thank God that you're not what you used to be you may not be all God wants you to be but thank him that you are not that which you used to be oh you are not that which you would have built have you ever been given a preview of that which you would have been without Christ oh I have oh I have and sometimes I see people that I would have been born a mood to opine on a pillow always you would you when I WI people deteriorate dying down losing losing even weight and and you can see this piece this person is actually loosing it and is dying little by little but God has kept you you kept your weight and you are still okay you have the strength you have the power you can speak you can patch you can think and you you can see that I would have been what he else if it wasn't of the Lord [Music] forget not what God has done for you forget not what God has done for you oh [Music] my god my god and you know what and the same time you see yourself growing into things that are great you're moving from one level of greatness to another level while others like the totally deteriorated that that they are losing they're losing every time they're losing strength they're losing money they're losing instead you see God blessing you time and time again you're taking one step to the next level and you see God making you beautiful and making you great and people bow before you and they they respect you and they honor you they favor you every day it's because of the law and you can in bigger and bigger and greater and greater and wiser and wiser every day it is the doing of the Lord and you look beautiful you have actually wearing jeans before but now you have a suit on my god [Music] every day every moment there is something new coming your way and you are not wearing the same thing every day I knew you you are traveling a new car why because the Lord has been good to you and one others are stuck with their old cars giving them problems every day but you're driving a bell at all he's a good car I will serve no foreign god tap Jehovah Oh God [Music] Oh me insane Abba Mussina Agassi Morse Angelina but naamam NC o woman's la Mussina [Music] keep selling I'm giving you keeps telling everybody here Stan Stan I just want to give you this in look at your neighbor and say forget not tell your neighbor forget not the benefits of the Lord look at this someone or three make sure that you write it out you know it bless the Lord O my soul and forget not all his benefits what are his benefits the one who gives all your forgives all your iniquities in other words he forgives your wrongs what does it do he heals all your diseases what does he do he redeems your life from destruction he crowns you with loving-kindness and tender mercies and he satisfies your mouth with good things so that your youth is renewed like the ego can you see that you need never to forget look at your neighbour again and say forget not forget not God's benefits and as a matter of fact you need to write down everything that God is doing for you brethren I I know for a fact that there was a time where I was not able even to pay my rent that was a time where I was not able even to pay my electricity that was a time where I was not able to fill up the gas in my car but today I am able to do all those things why because of the benefits of the Lord the blessings of the Lord that's why I must not forget I must not forget that there was a time where I didn't have petrol in my car and I would ask people to help me to fill up the gas never forget what the Lord has done for you forget not forget you see Musa Tanner who spun by would take its course we see a Cobra local oculus in Senegal besa cm doubt the reason why we doubt God is because we forgot what he did for us write it down determine ami chapter 4 verse 9 I'm just giving you this look at this Deuteronomy chapter 4 verse 9 only take heed to yourself in other words the nagas we're nosy beggar win and diligently keep yourself lest you forget that things your eyes have seen unless they depart from your heart all the days of your life and teach them to your children in other words make sure that you don't forget what God has done for you and make sure that you teach those things to those around you tell your children what God has done for you as a matter of fact brethren let me tell you something keep a book of all the things that God did for you have a book and write down all those things that you know and you know that you know that you know that you know that you know that you didn't do but God did and keep that book write down and make sure that when somebody comes into your house and say look at what God is done get that book out anybody that comes into your house and just said can I tell you what God did and just read it out for that person and say and tell that person you know in the morning I had a pain in my body and I asked God and I pray to God and said please Lord heal me from this pain at the end of the day I never had that pain again and God healed me why because you belong to him you cannot be healed by the devil you cannot be healed by Amen it's only God that can heal you because he owns you he is in charge of your life and when you speak to him in these pawns you cannot speak to God and the devil responds take heed to yourself Romani Missouri yes assure you to get how course what Gama Corsa Gowan jaga would you go cuckoo ensign me ha way brother I can tell you there's so many times every time when I get to a place and just this morning there was a gentleman at the gas station meaning a petrol station and he just packed next to my car I just needed something to drink and he packed next to my car and he was waiting for me and and when I was approaching he actually opened the window and he said pastor Benjamin I saw this car and I knew that it was you I needed to let you know that you have healed me you have healed me from the situation that I was going through and he said there's a song and he actually played it right there and then which is give me direction to move on and he said our stock and I was in trouble I had problems and I pray to God and when I got this song I kept on playing the song every time when I'm in my car and I kept on playing and how it was my pray he said I kept on praying and praying and while you were singing I said lord give me direction to move on I don't know and you know pasta as you can see me now I want you to know that I have the direction from the Lord and I am peaceful in my life now and I know as to what it is that you another's God wants me to do and it is because of you and you know brethren when I was driving out and he was driving out because he left before me and and I was driving out and say and I said Lord thank you for using this clay for your glory I do not know and so I was actually writing this song to heal me but you are healing somebody and I want you to know brethren take heed to yourself the ensign and pillow and I could forget not what God is doing through you forget not now let me give you this last scripture because God is doing something to through you Philippians chapter 4 verse 8 now these are the things that you need to meditate and think about that are found in Philippians 4:8 think on these things don't think on negative things and don't meditate on negative things but think of things that God has done for you and guess what when you say thank you lord it opens up room for God to bless you again I want you to lift up your hands right now everybody stand on your feet say after me father help me not to forget all the benefits that I have received from here I will bless your name I will glorify your name help me I pray I pray for the anointing of remembering I come against the spirit of forgetting in the name of Jesus I pack ways with forgetting help me O God to write down everything that you're doing for me things that I know without a shadow of a doubt you are doing for me so that I may share them so that I may tell it so that I may speak to somebody for you have said in your word that we must teach it to the others even to our children so that they may teach it to their children help me O God to be the teacher of your word and to speak your word and to tell of the goodness and the greatness of God in my life I pray for this anointing that I may be able to share that I may write down that I may lead out to those that are around me all the things that you are doing in my life through my life for my life in the name of Jesus Christ I will forget not I will remember I will meditate on all the things that God is doing for me I will give you praise for the things you're doing for me I will tell all the things you're doing for me I will forget not I will not forget I will not forget I will not forget I will not forget I will not forget I will not forget I will not forget in the name of Jesus I will tell of the goodness of the Lord I don't care how small it is I don't care how big it is I don't care what the devil says I will not forget what the Lord has done and the blessings of the Lord in my life even the things that I have not yet received that I know I will receive I will praise the Lord I will bless the Lord for the things to come and for things that are done in Jesus name I will lift your name up Oh God for the things you have done and for the things you are about to do I give you praise I give you on forever and forever amen go with God and God bless you Huck somebody loves somebody bless somebody and I'm so glad to let you know that God has been moving in a special way in the church today and the service was amazing the worship was just a life amazing and we thank God that his promise not to leave us nor forsake us and today God has been speaking to us about not forgetting and to always remember are the benefits of the Lord and even as we go along we must not forget that God is the one that actually blesses us and we are not that which we were before we're moving for one level of glory to another level and I believe that as you continue to read even the book of Psalm 103 and God will reveal to you as to the fact that we need to bless him and but not forget that benefits that he has actually showered upon us and even dieter Nobita chapter 4 verse 9 it talks about that we must look at ourselves and always in other words our admire the work of the Lord in our lives or not even admire but acknowledge the work of the Lord in Allah so true or not and I want you to know that God is a God that always wants us to think of a good thing that is doing for us not what the devil is doing in our lives and as we think admittance for those things then we will rise and we continue to blossom we'll continue to live a life of lessons that I speak a blessing over your life in Jesus name Amen
Channel: High Praise TV
Views: 142,318
Rating: 4.8785834 out of 5
Keywords: bishop benjamin dube, sanctified in his presence, spirit music, neyi zimu, new songs, gospel legend, high praise tv, high praise centre church
Id: -rDgVJu68_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 27sec (1707 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 10 2017
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