Biscoff Rocky Road. The Secret is Out! | Cupcake Jemma Channel

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[Music] hello guys and welcome back to the c d kitchen here in wandsworth in london with me dane and sally and we are back with another recipe video but i think we can all agree that last year was a bit rubbish but 2021 is the year to treat yourself our shop is about to open we hope fingers crossed on monday which is the 12th of april we literally cannot wait we brought our snazzy new sign to pop in there to remind you guys when you come that it's time to treat yourself we all deserve it we do and we're going to treat yourself with cake cookies brownies and all the coffee that you desire yeah absolutely and one of our favorite recipes that we've been doing since day one in c d soho which we've never shared with you guys is the biscoff rocky road it is ridiculously easy to make it is absolutely delicious to eat and you can make it in whatever size you like which is great because we got the whole gang in today we've got loads of cakes to bake and decorate and they all deserve to treat themselves with a biscuit huge slice of biscuit rocky road but obviously you don't need to make it this big i kind of recommend you make it this big but you know we'll give you a small quantity in the description box below maybe like an eight inch tin or something like that but we're going big so we've got a lot of ingredients like a kilo and a half of white chocolate that we need to start off by melting so we've got our bain marie over here and we're just gonna tip all of this white chocolate in okay here we go don't spill it quite a lot of chocolate so we're just going to heat that over low temperature just until it's nice and smooth which might take a little while for us so in the meantime we can prep our cookies yes and we're going to be using lotus biscuits this scotch obviously it is a biscoff rocky road and these might be called speculoos where you're from or um what are they called biscoff lotus or speculoos yeah and you can get them in these biscuit form or you can get them as spread which we also have and they're a really nice kind of cinnamony lightly spiced gingery cookie you often get them with like tea served with tea or coffee oh yeah in your hotel room yeah yeah and you only get one which is rude i want like 900 grams like this yeah so we're just breaking them into little bits which we're then gonna mix through our biscuit rocky road yeah so we just need to wait for this to melt which like i said it's gonna take some time [Music] so my 1.5 kilos of chocolate has finally melted now if you're doing an eight-inch version at home you're gonna want about 500 grams of chocolate and 300 grams of cookies yeah and i've crushed all these but i held some back and about a big handful so we're going to decorate on top with those nice now into here it is time to add the best part of this the most important part of this and that is the biscoff spread we've just heated this up a little bit in the microwave just to loosen it so we can combine it with our chocolate much more easily so i'm going to pour in my 900 grams but if you're doing the 8 inch you want 300 grams so i'm going to pour and you're going to stir yes this is absolutely ridiculous we just had a discussion off camera about whether our bowl was big enough and i was feeling pretty confident and now no we have to be confident we are confident we are confident right so next up we've got some butter so i've got 150 grams so for you and your 8 inch you want 50 and we've just melted it down and again we're just going to pour and stir [Music] so glossy [Music] lovely don't you just wanted to have streaks oh i just want to dunk my face in it okay then next up we're going to go for salt so i'm going to go for a whole teaspoon because this is enormous and salt goes really well with this because it's kind of uber sweet yeah it kind of balances it out yeah and then one teaspoon of vanilla extract lovely so good now it is time to combine this all with our cookies yes and to see if our bowl is gonna fit right well maybe we should put our marshmallows in first right okay let's do our marshmallows and then we can just pour everything on top so we want nine cups of mini marshmallows but if you can only find you know big marshmallows you can just cut them up with a pharah scissors yeah or a knife whatever works that's three i'm gonna get my hands in and mix oh yeah go for it okay that is nicely mixed through so at home for you eight inch you want to use three cups of marshmallows and now it is time to mix the two together yes with brut strength yeah i'm ready i've been working out at this moment here we go okay [Music] how's that looking sorry i can't quite see from the huge bowl it looks absolutely amazing and sarah who's stood over there who is the biggest biscuit [Laughter] okay look at this people it looks amazing and it smells incredible so now all that is left to do just put it in our head in our tin yes you grab this very well right shall i tip yeah and we've just lined it with some greaseproof paper on the bottom and on the side so we can get it out nice and easy ready yeah [Music] this is enormous look at this and you just want to spread it out and press it into all the corners so that you get nice kind of straight edges and you don't get kind of wonky bit in there [Music] so once you've got it nice and level all you want to do is crush up your remaining biscuits and sprinkle some marshmallows on and it's ready to go into the fridge [Music] and that is it now all you need to do is put it in the fridge leave it to set for about what it depends what size you made it but ours will go into the fridge for about 40 minutes to set nice and firm and then we'll chop it all up and dish it out to these guys i like this you're ambitious would be 40 minutes i think it's gonna take longer we shall see we'll let you know come on [Music] it's ready it is ready now it is time to get out of the tin so if you've lined it with greaseproof you know you can use it to lift it oh my goodness this is like amazing look at this okay let's peel down these edges [Music] yes love it you ready to cut it ready to cook we're gonna do a little slice okay a little slice oh listen to the crunch can we feel that bit off yes just do the whole thing yeah why not okay uh oh oh my god look oh look at that that is what you want you get the layers of the biscuit crunchy biscuits the chewy marshmallows the chocolate they're just so umptious and moorish right let's cut a bit off so we can try it yeah okay ready how much do you want this one oh big bit big big bit you can have that bit then okay all right cheers cheers [Music] i don't know if you can hear that crunch but it's so good and the chocolate just glides through like you can just i know it's actually really like simple yeah it's something i keep going back for time and time yeah it is absolutely amazing um when we started selling this we have people coming in asking for it so now you got it you've got it make it or come and see us in soho april 12th no wait it's going to be amazing we hope that you come and see us as soon as it's safe for you to obviously um we'll have this in store we'll have all our cookies in store things like brownies and the coffee and the hot chocolate and of course cupcakes of course cupcakes i've got to get them so we hope to see you then we'll be there too um hopefully gemma will be around a little bit as well yeah so you can hopefully meet us and the rest of the gang and do you say hi if you come in and you see us yeah we can sort of do one of these like high fives cool so we hope to see you then stay tuned to the channel remember we're working on that quack boosh and many other recipes for you guys so we will see you really really soon hopefully in soho who wants some biscuit rocky road [Applause] that was a unanimous yes so we'll see you next week guys enjoy [Music] you
Channel: CupcakeJemma
Views: 186,464
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cupcake, cupcake jemma, jemma, gemma, cupcakes, bake, baking, how to make, recipe, crumbs & doilies, baker, buttercream, cake, cakes, vanilla, chocolate, jemma wilson, crumbs and doilies, bakery, perfect, easy, home made, hand made, simple, fool proof, dessert, biscoff, speculoos, biscoff rocky road, rocky road
Id: B5ozBEREFns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 40sec (700 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 08 2021
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