BIRTHDAY CAKE with Kingfish(yellowtail) | Back in New Zealand

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welcome back to another episode of outdoor chef life I'm taku and Dawson and I are back in New Zealand that's right man our Japan trip went by so fast but we had some unfinished business here in New Zealand we need to catch a kingfish we still haven't got one so today's mission is to catch a kingfish that's our number one goal it's been the goal since ever since I got here but uh I haven't been able to capitalize on it So today we're gonna make that happen and today we're with North Side adventures with Captain boo how's it going morning very good thanks yeah looking forward to today yeah so how's it going to go today um well it's a bit cold we've had this southerly come through but um I'm optimistic we've managed to get the live bait so we've given ourselves the best chance sweet sounds good and we're also with Brendan so Okuma rep and he's helping me out a ton here in New Zealand yeah yeah pretty excited first thingy hopefully hopefully see let's get them oh no yeah oh double oh yeah now we're on it there you go we also got a couple more yeah yeah well this one is strong we got a snapper nice look at this tank full of bait these are Jack mackerel oh yeah we got a full tank so step one complete let's move on to step two [Music] all right and keep going all right we're ready to interrupt our live bait here we go we're on a spot now as big going in to the bottom or up how far yeah just to the bottom and then bring it up four or five okay and we're testing out some new this is the new uh new reel yeah yeah testing on some new sorry makuma reels this is the Tesoro eight thousand nice nice feels good I like the handle I'm done striking yeah you don't need to let it like open it and let it run or anything I totally yeah yeah I do it okay yeah but sometimes you know the good ones will just hit it or just take it down we got we're gonna try all day if we have to come on fish and then some bites here and your little nibbles if I snapper snapping at the bait nothing I don't feel the bikes anymore oh here we go yeah oh yeah got eaten a little bit nope that was a bigger bite so there's a ton of birds out in that ring that rain cloud there's probably done again fish sometimes if you don't put it right in front of them they won't come to you oh yeah here we go here we go beautiful doesn't got a fish sticks all right you want to bring them up please I only try a slightly different line now we're gonna go investigate what's going on with these birds over here in the rain towards the rain hopefully it's not inside there's the birds oh there's Dolphins too hot of a bombing birds and dolphins it's a good side oh my gosh they're bombing they'll find it anywhere between the 20 and 30 bases okay oh I got a bite I have a bite no bites bites bites ah you can put it back yeah nice geez I'm hungry yeah we'll keep one of those if we get desperate that looks strong that one looks strong so much tall white big yeah we'll keep one you could keep that one yeah what's that I don't know it could be a bigger car oh it looks pretty big oh yeah okay oh he's got something over here Brandon's got some on The Jig oh that sounds good gotta call away yeah it was it was on here oh KingFish on The Jig there's a jig they're down there I know what the first came on board for the day go down pretty deep ly the scissors please or uh here we go okay dog okay okay that's what we've been waiting oh shoot good one yeah it's a big it's a big one oh it came off what the heck how the heck did that come off oh what a shame oh man it's no fun if it's too easy yeah that's right so there are sharks around bring me wrong she's got to bring him in a bit faster then huh dang even though I was like that was a big fish it was tiring that was taking the Gown that was a good fish that was a real good fish you see it can you bring it up his head hold him down there oh wow that's from the shop that's from a shark sharks gosh so many uh so many little bites huh there's a ton of color white down there it's really windy today apologies about the audio it's probably that's why you're really blown out with the wind today for you yeah I'm sorry snapper yeah oh there we go oh let's go there we go go go you got it you got it you wanted it you wanted to smoke you wanted to smoke come on Josh oh my God no you're gonna get pulled in I know holy crap just don't let go don't let go get down you got it you got it come on come on kingfish ER you said you only want to catch the big ones mine doesn't hit the bus got it pump up okay we're down there we go you got it there it is yeah you got the Rhythm down now he's coming up for the shocks around yeah yeah bring him up before the shark comes it oh you got it oh we're walking you got it you got it you got it he's coming up real [Music] come on you got it come on go bring him in we need this I can't believe it got all the hardware oh it wasn't that far oh man action I don't think I could do that again you asked for it oh man almost almost all right we're a slack tied right now so the bike kind of uh turned off um gotta wait for the current to pick up again and then it should turn back on hopefully and hopefully we can get another chance or two we might need a couple more tries to get into it oh yeah oh okay they come off no you're good all right bring them in bring them up bring them up oh this one might be a big snapper Oh shoot that's pretty good they're pretty big size here oh my God oh my God what a surprise I was like oh my God you're saying Snapper and I was like so what's the uh size 75 centimeters if you measure to the fork 70 degrees Yeah yeah take a picture it's awesome what the kingfish a little undersized I don't want to say because I don't want to jinx it but I was gonna say I feel like Johnson's gonna get one before me and it happened but it was an Underside so let's see who gets it who gets a keeper size first wow oh they're also gone oh yeah wow on fire how's it feel what's it feel like now what do you think snapper how wide that's too big looks too big maybe a baby yellow tail oh there it is oh yeah I think that's a kingfish that's a kingfish yeah that's a key oh yeah another about the same size good job yeah that's two for the day yeah it looks a little bit smaller yeah all right he's not gonna do it yeah two Brendan's on something good that's something good right there oh oh it's thumping and then rebated back in here oh my gosh oh my gosh oh it came off oh no she almost got taken in the rod almost got to take it in no I had a good hold on it he did but it was behind my back a little bit I thought you gave me the good spot you just took took my spot and got it like hey there it is on The Jig that looks a little bit bigger it looks like it'll keep huh yep oh yeah that'll keep it's illegal there you go running all right there we go all right guys we're keeping this one heck yeah I think I got a Snapper on here good size look at that there's a lot of fish here yeah all right yeah send me back after Kingfish today getting too tired for the colors walking down welcome down there we go that's what we've been looking for oh you got the color oh yeah oh yeah oh I finally got one oh you think it's just a little small yeah yeah okay whoa finally got one though oh I've been waiting for this fish in the easily for a long time all right going back in there he goes all right get one there you go give me some pain tomorrow yeah Jocelyn had two of those all right boost spot's a bit uh we're now kind of inshore a little closer uh in the reefs and we are looking for some big Kingfish now some some size of Kingfish you only find in New Zealand right that's the idea so hopefully we can get a big one a massive one I need a I need a birthday king fish awesome [Music] oh yes oh my first don't do it awesome oh that is awesome look take a look at that at first John Dory is awesome I've heard these are so good I think we're gonna we gotta make something with this too oh heck yeah that's awesome nice all right with that John Dory we're gonna head back in before the sun sets we got quite a quite a mission to get Back Against The Wind and such uh anyways if you guys are in Auckland or anywhere nearby or anywhere in New Zealand you want to come fishing North Side Adventures if you want to get on some fish this is a off season right yes this is off season fishing it was still one of the best days of fishing I've ever had so amazing amazing time thank you for for bringing us out here thanks for coming my pleasure and now uh we're gonna go meet up with some friends at a campground and make some food well that was a fun fishing day man finally got our kingy and uh Brendan let us keep his keeper one so we're gonna be uh making sushi obviously we got a kingfish also known as yellowtail uh if you're in the States you know yellowtail Hamachi and in Japan it's also called booty too they have multiple names just in Japan and like I say we met up with some friends and we are with our friend Davey and E.T who I was talking to just the other day and they were saying that they're going to celebrate Davey's birthday this weekend over here at the campground in the coromandel and I was like oh it's my birthday on Sunday too and then they were like oh it's Davey's birthday on Sunday so we just realized that we have the same birthdays so for our birthdays I'm gonna make a sushi cake I don't think I've ever made a sushi cake so this is going to be the first attempt but it should be fun I have something in mind like the visual of how it's going to look and hopefully I can put it together and feed everybody there's a ton of people here so plenty of people to make food for um yeah let's get started on filleting the fish okay let's fillet this fish um I took the head off already and got take the guts out as well yeah go ahead why do you scale it what else why do I always scale it yeah I always scale it because because it makes way less of a mess for one but no it's it really makes a difference when you're flaying too because so the scales don't get in the way yeah yeah and then especially for eating it raw you don't want the scales to end up in the in the in the um Sashimi or sushi right a lot of the in Japan like most people use a devil but I like um a chef knife because it has like a good backbone and it also um has this curvature that can get into the get into the um the meat pretty easily and yeah it's not as flimsy as a as a fillet knife but it's not as thick as the devil the devil it's hard to kind of sometimes feel the bones and so yeah yeah like it but the difference yeah yeah for sure and it's yeah it's so strong that sometimes you just cut through the bones like that you don't even want that you don't mean to that's right yeah a different size even like in even different parts of Japan like have different they call it differently like Hamachi would be like this size oh yeah yeah but sometimes like in certain areas they'll even call Hamachi like only farmed is hamachi all the while they call it booty b-u-r booty b-u-r-i small one is another name for it too um it's called inada yeah that's like small wild one all right I can do this I could do this next one with the um with my devil [Music] oh [Music] thank you [Music] all right here's Davey's birthday boy you actually Birthday Boys Boys Mother's Day presents ever there you go got some Toby's home kill venison sausages Brown skis loaded with cheese cooked on the cob cheesy cooked on the carb Grill nice all right I'm getting through these fish we got some filet there I just have the John Dory left we'll just do that one I've never this is my first John Dory that I've ever caught I've actually never filleted one never eaten one so it's gonna be a treat everybody says they're amazing and it's their favorite fish so let's fillet this guy see how it works okay so Dave you said just cut this guy off just cut the head off and all the belly pretty much and basically just skin you can see there oh they got some weird strong armor right here right at the bottom it's like actual armor I know I'm scared it's gonna break my knife yeah you can't get through that yeah I gotta use my devil fish I um all right let's play this look at this guy his mouth is crazy just it was just like this and woof all right now I've got that but this is all armor too like really spiky spiky armor what is that how are you supposed to get through that let's just do like this I'm gonna go right above that we'll just carve it there it's over there and try to fillet it this way [Music] I think that's pretty good there you go now let's do the other side [Music] somebody was saying you can just actually peel on Instagram just peel it off like this you can just stick your finger finger in and instead of using a knife just use your finger look at that I think it's working it works to a certain point to right there and then you got to take the knife I think [Music] looks good all right John Dory these uh fillets are actually split into different loins like this is a split so I'm gonna cut that right there oh look at those and then this is a separate blowing as well just the middle and the top cool there we go [Music] there's three three loins to each filet interesting so you can just kind of start it now and just peel it off like a leather jacket and stuff oh yeah like that [Music] no it's not working this way from this side yeah maybe from the other side or something I think maybe the grains the grains go kind of the wrong way for for it to peel this way maybe I'm gonna slice these because it's everything's gonna go on top of the sushi rice as like a topping for the for the cake the texture of this fish is very soft I want to just give it a try what do I taste [Music] by itself that actually reminds me of um Pacific halibut up in Alaska it's really good [Music] fish oh no [Laughter] you like that how is it [Laughter] I think it's I think she says I think she like I think she likes it that was on purpose this is a little camera shy okay I'll slice another piece all right this time Kingfish let's give it a try it's beautiful [Music] that is delicious and Kingfish Yellow Tail oh my gosh it goes so well Citrus that's like number one thing uh goes so well with Citrus with a little lemon little lime anything like that so good um I'm going to finish up this prep really quick I think I gotta stop filming just because it's like so um it's getting dark it's actually the iso is really high right now and it's Sunset and early in New Zealand nowadays getting into winter so I'm gonna finish this up and we'll get to the uh actual Sushi cake [Music] [Music] [Music] I cubed up some Hawaii and a little bit of the kingfish is in here as well and I'm just gonna mix a little bit of soy sauce and show you in here foreign [Music] plastic wrap and on the bottom we'll do a layer of sushi rice [Music] [Music] [Music] good idea [Music] [Laughter] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] happy birthday [Laughter] Sushi cake we had a bunch of venison already we had kransky sausages and we cooked some of the John Dory as well yeah I will attempt to cut into this Sushi baby do you want a piece of this I won't say no man um [Music] who else would like a piece definitely oh The Pickled radish gives a perfect crunch a kingfish delicious Dude Perfect incredible man quite quite substantial there's a lot going on in that chunk of sushi that's like a whole tray of sushi just like condensed into one slice it's pretty impressive right on happy birthday man thanks brother same to you thank you thank you for once I can actually say that and it's not like completely out of context you know happy birthday to you too yeah here at tarot Campground we've had lots of Feasts all around these tables and had the train years going and the cob grows going and we've had lots of colors of food all spread across these tables yeah yeah that's awesome awesome where is it where is this land toy Road Campground top of the coromandel nice yeah exactly The coromandel Coasters it's a beautiful beautiful area it does thank you for coming oh yeah thanks for having us no problem it's a great place to celebrate a birthday happy birthday Mother's day as well where's Mother's Day present ever thumbs too [Music] Photoshop best cake
Channel: Outdoor Chef Life
Views: 175,635
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: new zealand fishing, kingfish, yellowtail, hamachi, sushi cake, sushi chef, outdoor sushi
Id: qwf4gjWnGJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 5sec (2345 seconds)
Published: Tue May 23 2023
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