BIRTH to DEATH of Wednesday in Minecraft!

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this is the life and death of Wednesday Adam can this little Outcast go from a strange and unusual child to a terrifying teen or will she be destined to destroy everything I'm getting a vision it's of you [Music] huh oh here she is yeah I know what they say they say Wednesday's child is full of love oh a perfect daughter thank you and for our perfect child some terrible toys here you go lovely I love it I will love you forever Mom Dad what [Music] oh adorable I love it so cute now let's take you to meet your brother okay uh okay sure yes she must get her genius from your big beautiful brain [Music] what kind of trouble have you gotten yourself into son Dad can we go grave digging now please no not yet you have to meet your new baby sister new baby Sisterhood oh hey wait wait hold on I hear your eyes so big are they gonna pop out of her head not yet no peers now that you have a little sister you're gonna have to learn to be a good brother to her oh that'll be great oh we're we'll play electric shock together and Guillotine and haunted dolls and Voodoo and oh it's gonna be so good what oh my goodness I touched the socket is a genius already I can't wait to see what trouble her deadly ring that's what made me fall in love with you oh my darling hey call up your Abomination okay go follow the thing thing bear bear thing take bear to my room goodbye it's Bear gone bear is gone all right well come on in I'll show you around I like your room too much color for me though I know I'm trying to get rid of it but hey you don't hey I have a great idea you know now there were siblings and stuff we could share things and then play together and that you know really you would do that [Laughter] no it doesn't did I do something doctor no I just I don't like show you the attention from Mom and Dad especially with the loser okay kids how are things going in here uh they're going great best ever yourself [Music] I got a nice surprise for you in that chest over there really yeah really I promise go check it out oh I huh wait a minute um you know what oh this is gonna be great actually I think I'm gonna have thing open it up and bring whatever the surprise is to me oh thanks for you why oh it's okay thing we'll get it for me right thing no that was such a nice surprise wasn't it [Music] all right children I want you to have a positively devious day at school we will okay bye [Music] uh wow lucky villager great Normie school I know that villager that got hit didn't have to go right there right huh oh you made it in good morning you know another thing everyone's here so happy come on let's go you don't want to be late for class do you thing ready for school oh uh sorry you can't bring your pet wait what is that it's this is thing um right well it can't come into school no pets allowed the thing isn't a pet well whatever it is I don't want it in my classroom now hurry up okay sorry thing you'll just wait outside okay come on we're gonna be late for Normie stuff see ya coming coming at least I can take my bear with me all right right this way children yes Miss what's your name oh that's right my name's Miss Mack okay Miss Mack and a people person who's the new kid and whose funeral are you dressed for I haven't decided yet ah freak huh started now take your seats everyone [Music] I see and that explains everything you need to know for the test my brother may be a jerk himself but he doesn't deserve to be bullied by anybody but me [Music] um wait a minute for those wait were you gonna cheat school what no that's not I was getting them from him he had them I'm so disappointed in you you're expelled what wait did you need to talk to our parents first huh wait a minute up but no that's that's not what happened we are so disappointed when I said devious we meant something cunning not cheating I didn't Darkness above I didn't think what luckily I know just the thing Nevermore Academy is certain to rid you of such Behavior we're going to take you right away [Music] I can't believe I'm going to this school now just for a dumb huh huh I guess it's nice it's got squirrels what what um hello what whoa whoa thanks you must be the new student follow me wait you have a power that's right my power is I can transform into pretty much anything shapeshifter interesting yeah we have lots of students like you that have powers come on okie dokie right this way so this is Nevermore Academy huh um oh yes Miss Kim what oh hello hey how's it going it's going good um I'm gonna come over here okay who are you oh [Music] what's wrong with you with you uh I'm not so you guys have powers too well yeah that's why we all go to school here it's nice to meet you just thanks hey let's chat anymore learning okay come on we gotta start class Sorry Miss Kim all right pancetta let's pay attention I miss my family I miss thing another gloomy day for a field trip it's sunny outside exactly it's going to town it's gonna be a beautiful day no everyone's going to be cheerful all right cheers [Music] field trip yay yeah I guess but um how are we getting there what the oh she's a shape-shifter I guess um yeah everybody hop in okay make sure to put on your seatbelts yes Miss Kim if you could drive that'd be great [Music] going backwards all right now kids remember everyone here is normal so we have to be on our best behavior um good impression on the school okay oh yes Miss Kim all right get out don't talk to strangers I'll see y'all later I have uh something to take care of he's going to the dog park isn't he ah yeah well you're going to behave right it depends on what your definition of behave is look listen just don't let anything on fire we'll be fine okay I'll try not to all right now oh okay launched look both ways before crossing the road especially with Miss Kim behind the wheel oh she's crashing into it me I can't blame her if I was a shape-shifter I'd probably shapeshift into all kinds of things like darkness and misery you know the good things huh oh great Return of the freak I thought we got rid of you yeah stop you and your and your Outcast friends better get out of our village before you cause another tragedy oh I see I see maybe you were already causing one wait but I didn't do that I just wanted to oh no no no no look everybody the freak is burning things but I didn't I didn't do ever [Music] why but but wait I I didn't mean to do it look oh no it's just like the old prophecy the descendant of goody Adams will come and turn everything to Flame wait but I I did I did it all right field trip is over you're going to detention hey get me out of here oh this is so good this isn't good Kim I didn't do anything and oh you're hitting people I don't know about you little missy wonderful you think I love an evening of solitude but to put me under rumor rest uh I didn't even have anything devious to do and honestly I wanted to be in solitude on my own I can't even believe they wait I saw that but am I am I really destined to burn down the whole school oh no how about huh noise I'm gonna break you out break me out but this is an iron door and I have nothing to open it with don't worry don't worry but I got a friend you can help what a fox huh oh my gosh I forget you can talk to animals okay I'll do your thing little buddy look thank you little fox did well all right let's see uh there we go perfect okay how did you know I was in my room oh a little birdie told me uh literally because I can talk to animals I get it come on someone's going to set fire to the school and I think it's gonna be me but I don't know if it's Gonna Be Me Maybe I just see it um why why would you set a fire like that I mean maybe it was someone else I don't know maybe it's somebody else honestly I'm not entirely sure everybody they're just this way yeah yeah I'm here to destroy you in your school full of monsters once and for all what yeah come on everyone we're gonna burn down this school [Music] from you you know you're not the only one with monsters on your side get this scroll hey you have a bunch of them on your side oh my gosh wow they're attacking me yes I do hey leave me up get them looks like they don't know how to use basic incantations huh maybe you need a freak to help you out buddy you'll be quiet what are we heading for I didn't do it I didn't run this place down why won't you listen to me I swear I didn't do it I promise that's right it was because I was an outcast don't let them do the same thing to you do the right thing huh I see um okay all right uh don't wait I think I have a new ability guys guys we gotta get out of here come on hurry they're gonna overwhelm us with these mobs okay I shouldn't use this button so I can figure out this watch out all right oh come on let's get out of here somebody's scared of us yeah get him come on this way let's go oh I can have visions quickly oh my gosh so then I have telekinesis too okay all right we got this guys we can do this okay here's my boat where's the fire coming from that's the same attack as mine you're not using so where's the fire coming from I'm not entirely sure I saw an arrow fly I don't know where it came from though yeah I only shot like one get rid of that keep coming it's okay it's all right just a little cinch how are you guys doing doing good okay I think we should be good everything is Back to Darkness and boom now oh come on those zombies were useless this whole Magic scroll thingiest useless well if you want to do something right yes you just have to do it yourself [Music] us you're trying to get rid of our home this is a home for outcasts and everyone who's you're just a jerk whatever I'll get rid of you freaks once and for all weirdo freaks like you don't deserve a home ow fire ow you're the only weirdo freak here yeah and besides you'll never belong anywhere I don't care I have on fire I love who I am fire I think that's the serious thing I've ever heard you say oh quiet come here got him come here okay ow get him out of the fire I didn't step back in the water oh okay all right let me just try this again hi uh what get this big furball off of me good job no not until you leave here and promise to leave us alone that's right can't trap me here get back here hey stop you know what you all will never belong anywhere [Laughter] I actually did that wait a minute she use my telekinesis to pull it down you you it saved me unfortunately that doesn't change what I said much [Music] you may want to run he really is pathetic he really is good job you saved us and the whole school but I'm glad and I'm glad to have been here we're glad to have you thanks now I'm going to go wallow in darkness by myself don't fall oh you know I do really like the academy but a part of me I guess misses my family I wonder if they remember me probably not hmm oh word lovely daughter who we definitely remember oh there you are honey you're here you're back huh my sibling and you're still alive wonderful you're pretty awesome thanks girl it's amazing oh thank you so much I've learned many things here since I've been here as a child you know writing amazing let's go home and celebrate yes Wednesday we heard you save the entire school let us celebrate yeah perfect dad can you sit in the back Mom can you send the passenger seat I'd like to show you that I've learned to drive perfect allow me to give you a tour of the school now if we go through the store over here you will see everything Nevermore has to offer over here is the courtyard well back there was a courtyard but this is the bigger Courtyard now I will drive us home perfectly safe don't worry nothing to worry about I trust I don't know that I do I have to say goodbye to somebody first oh goodbye okay okay who are you talking to sweetie don't worry father it's fine okay Wednesday the road is that way
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 6,890,708
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Id: lsU1y5MlnR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 50sec (1130 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 27 2022
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