Birch Trees by Master Artist Lowell Speers

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so let's go ahead I'm gonna do a kind of a dark sky for you today so fairly dark let's go right into that little blue I'll tell you these colors as I use them we got a lot to cover today so fatal blue and burnt umber I like a little dark this time I got soft white here let's use soft white but I want it pretty dark a lot of blue and burnt umber loading the brush pretty heavy let's start right up here at the top we're gonna have a simple sky today cuz since we got a we got quite a heavy project not gonna put any clouds in it starting at the top let it blend as you go down you may want to let up under pressure as you go down a little bit let it blend right into the magic quite alright now if I want to punch this guy up again a little bit make it a little darker I'd go right over top of that same area again and I want to do that for you again a little darker maybe we'll make a little darker on this side depending on how you put this on you notice that you couldn't see indications of clouds way in the background little darker on the right-hand side okay let's do the water the same way a lot of blue bird umber I'm not gonna put any white in it this time starting at the bottom long horizontal strokes gradually work yourself up blending it as you go once you see that you're happy with that area just keep moving up notice I got the brush laying down little less pressure as you go up I'm gonna add another color here and this through the band through the middle there but I'm gonna take it first of all I'm gonna take a another brush and I'm gonna go into the magic white now I'm gonna come down into into the water same well on the sky blend it up a little bit I don't want to let's put another color in there let's go with the permanent red and a little bit of burnt umber let's try that right across through the middle now that's a little bit strong so I'll show you what I'm gonna do put it on take a clean dry blending brush go back into a little bit into my soft white I can kill it and just blend it up into the sky be real firm with it another thing you could do I got tabled green over here let me take just a little bit of this just a little and some soft white right above that red I'm gonna put this green maybe a little bit more green say little green there we go also get it down in the water we're ready to start our mountains now let's get our trusty old knife out here fatal Bruin burr number they little blue and burr number using our thick white now takes a nice gray I'd like to have a little bit lighter throw it in the distance a little more let's try that I'm gonna load the ribbon of paint on the end of my knife like that let you look one time you can see the pretty good sized ribbon of paint let's go right up in here this will be the me the middle value of this mountain scrape the excess down I'm mainly concerned about what's going on up against the horizon the outline of it pull it down scrape the excess off I wipe the knife off I like another value a little darker actually I got it right here again load a ribbon on there we'll have our light source coming from the from the right so I'm putting the shadows in first again loaded the same way just let that stuff dance off of the knife create them accidents that you can use now let's go for some highlights we got burnt sienna here thick white this color makes a nice mountain highlight color don't over mix it again put a little ribbon on your knife go up on the top of your mountain and let it dance around same way your darks was on there where you put your darks on another ribbon on the knife a lot of this here accident happens because of the fact that how the pain is put on also it depends on the grain of the canvas now let's pull this down pull it down kind of soften a little bit I might use the same brush I'm gonna get into some white a little bit of this color down here that red did we put in the middle we use a big brush we're gonna get create a little mist and cloudy area down through here if that in maybe pull a little of that color down into the water okay we're gonna take our foliage brush now we're gonna go into this tree color we've made here I'm gonna mix up a little more white burnt umber a little blue I'm gonna touch a little touch of SAP green notice how I got my paints pulled down I can get the right amount that I want let's test it and see if it's it's the right value or not that's not too bad load it so you have a chiseled edge load enough paint in the brush that you can make quite a few trees without reloading this time I'm going to I'm going to show you how to pull the paint down into the water without painting the reflection itself so what I'm doing is putting a little excess paint down here just get it in take your large blending brush go up into that paint a little ways and pull it down up into it and when you think it looks pretty good that's a good time to quit let's put a let's use some of this mountain highlight color and put ashore lying on over there it's quite a ways away so it's kind of light I put a small ribbon of paint on the knife and I'm gradually just letting it come off of the back of the knife I won't put a few water lines I'm dipping my knife into magic white I'll add a little this red color since we were reflecting some of that red color in the sky put a small ribbon on the back of your knife now let you see that dip it up and just let it touch I'm gonna make a few trees here in the back by using the heel of the knife okay now we're going to get closer so I'm gonna make a stronger value with the same brush so let's go in more burr number phthalo blue SAP green a lot of paint on the brush let's make another range right here I'll make a round tree first round on the brush round tree if you're not happy with what's coming out you change this a little bit and then then do it again and you'll get a different pattern then as you come forward colors become darker also they have to be in order for true perspective they have to be lower on the canvas notice if I have my plane here it's lower than that plane let's put some of this color in the water a little closer now okay more SAP green more burnt umber and phthalo blue I'll make a an evergreen tree here now let's go about up in here that gives me a guide to follow represents the trunk of the tree I'm gonna do the right side now I'm going to do the left hand side the brush is sharpened to a chiseled edge go down one side then the other let's put another one in there just make this a little harder this time I'll I'll use the sharp chiseled edge to make the trunk now let's load our brush up and I'll show you how to make that chiseled edge get right into our paint a lot like that notice the chisel edge I got some of the branches done up here now let's let's go undo a few more let's go back up along the left side and do the other side just keep moving as you get down into the bottom you can concentrate your strokes a little bit because you can't see through the trees down there let's get that color right down in the water now I'm gonna pull out my foliage brush here I'm gonna get a little more serious I'm gonna go right into Van Dyck Brown take a little blue and a lot of SAP green I'm gonna load it so that it hasn't rounded edge notice the rounded edge I'm gonna put that rounded edge up a lot of paint on there and let's go up a little higher this time clear up here again keep moving let the birds fly through bring it right on down let's go over on the left-hand side now let's do something with a similar first of all I'm going to sharpen it to a chiseled edge to begin with and let's go about right here sharpen it then come down now I'm going to open it up now I'm gonna leave some of that show on up there there's a lot of contrast in this painting dark against light bring it down into the water the same way I'm gonna do it the same way start it like that make a little point you could even pull it down again I'm gonna load it so it's rounded leave some of that showing up there fill it in little deeper in the bottom of the area of the trees again bring some of that color right down into water maybe leave a little little blue showing through more SAP green per number tail blue a little more SAP green a little darker this time I got a little more say little blue in it bring that right down into the water let's take our knife let's go into burnt umber this time let's go let's use bird Santa this time burnt Santa white to quite a little touch of the Van Dyck Brown in it and let's put it let's put a trunk over on these trees over here all I did is loaded one ribbon the paint on there just touch and go there's a few smaller ones over here do it like that watch how I'm gonna pull some of these branches down pull them down with a knife it really dresses up your landscape another way to do this is get your liner brush and put your lighter color on same way over here let's go back over there and put a few trunks in over here let's go over on that one on the right do the same thing notice the littles larger at the bottom smaller as you go up let's do some highlights I'm going to keep the same brush I got the dark color in it but I'm going to put highlights on anyway I'll show you how to do it let's go right into Indian yellow Indian yellow Pat it out a little bit that other color underneath is it's blending into it I'm kind of I got the brush kind of tipped up a little bit so I'm just using the corner of the brush I'm not going straight in let's go back over to the left over here and get on this one over here same way on this other one down here this time I'm going to go with a little bit of magic quite yet I just change the color made a little brighter same well on this one over here let's put some bushes across the way over there again I'll go into the magic white that's the first time let's go into CAD yellow Dada yellow just using the top corner of the brush now you can kind of design your own bushes maybe a little higher break up the pattern a little bit turn it around turn your brush around get him in the water let's go over on the right side now and we'll do something similar will change the color a little bit let's this time let's go into a little more phthalo blue dat'll blue soft white make kind of a blue-green color these would be more into the shadow again turn your brush over put that color in the water doesn't have to be exact let's take one of our foliage brushes now it doesn't matter if it's that paint in it or not because I'm just using a light touch I'm gonna pull it down pull it down very little pressure let's move this one down a little bit closer to you not much pressure because you'd want to destroy the color under there all right let's put us a let's put us a bank in there let's get a lot of burnt sienna and Van Dyck Brown let's put the dark on first I loaded quite a lot of paint on there I got a feeling all of a sudden I want to make a little cove here I want to go fishing and then fish really hang out in them coves let's go right over top this paint kind of flatten it out get a lot more paint put it right over top of it you could have took your knife and could have scraped that out if you wanted to but that color underneath doesn't hurt it hurt a thing now we're gonna put a few highlights on that before we do let's put some of this color on the right-hand side over here let's make it a little narrower maybe we let the water run out of the picture there now I'm gonna I'm gonna straighten this out a little bit I want this to curve a little more now let's put some highlights on let's take a lot of the thick white some of that same color don't over mix it now here we go just let it come off pull it right around like a nice little Koval there come back over on this side pull them lines around there all right looking good let's do a few water lines again enter their magic wait but love already into it again get that small ribbon on there again few water lines don't get too carried away also over here let's do the same thing maybe right through the middle we'll do a few looking good okay let's take this brush here we're gonna put some bushes in the front round the corner around the edge of the brush again go right up here like this few more soften that a little bit bring some of that color down in there what do you say we do a birch tree all right birch trees is a good seller and a painting a dead birch tree let's start right here sob and drinks interesting spot bring it down through here let's put Van Dyke Brown bring it right up to there watch when you do that you don't cut the painting in two don't you wouldn't want to put it there let's have another smaller one here let's take our thick white thick white little touch of yellow ocher it'll touch a permanent red don't over mix it make it leave it load a nice heavy ribbon on there gently on the light side pull it across you should be able to paint that whole tree with one load of paint let's put a few branches on there get your liner brush thing your paint out then your paint out which I'm using Van Dyck Brown and let's do a few branches I'd like to start at the base of the tree or not necessarily the basement next to the tree itself a lot of pressure to begin with as you come out start releasing the pressure maybe ring that up a little higher notice that jerky movement I'm making all of a sudden this tree opens up on the top on dead trees you're gonna see a lot of bright branches that has been broken off there short or just pull a few of them out it's in the paint down a little bit more just put a few branches on the ones that's already out there look at this bug here he's gonna climb up on one of my limbs maybe and save himself I can't stand that water down there now let's do a few let's do some grass down in here now same color long grass good spot for a cattail and a good spot for your catfish let's go into burnt sienna burnt sienna for some cattails load your brush up pretty heavy thin it down with their thinner what I do like to do is set my pallet down grab a hold a easel and come up like this show you how to make a cattail leave a little bit into that grass sticking out of there tip one over once in a while a few over here all right on these cattails a lot of times you'll see the grasses broken some of their limbs or broker their leaves are broken down like this let's tie a few of these bushes together over here on the left and we're gonna do the right soon as we get this done make it little shrubs out of them let's go over here tie them together a little bit I'm gonna take my knife again and scratch a few limbs over on the right this one tree back here let's put a trunk on him a little bit maybe a few other smaller limbs [Music] and I think we're gonna wrap her up [Music]
Channel: Alexander Art- The Home of Bill Alexander
Views: 23,823
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Keywords: Bill Alexander, William Alexander, Alexander Art, Lowell Speers, Landscape painting, oil paint, oil painting, painting tutorial, learn to paint, Bob Ross, liquid white, Almighty Brush, Almighty Palette KNIFE, thick oil paint, Master Class, Master Artist, Buck Paulson, Bill Alexander MAGIC OF OIL PAINTING, WILLIAM ALEXANDER, WILLIAM ALEXANDER MAGIC OF OIL PAINTING, Bill Alexander PAINTING, Diane Andre, Alexander Art PAINTING, Diane Andre PAINTING, ALEXANDER PAINTING
Id: zEJ7a8B99Mw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 20sec (1580 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 22 2020
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