Biodiesel Performance: Go Inside a Diesel Engine

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[Music] biodiesel fuel blends are well known for reducing emissions but inside today's diesel engines biodiesel also delivers several performance advantages compared to petroleum diesel including increased lubricity higher cetane and fewer diesel particulate filter II generations the first benefit is increased lubricity which measures how well a fuel reduces friction diesel engines rely on their fuel to lubricate moving parts such as Pistons and fuel pumps while ultra-low sulfur diesel requires lubricity additives to reduce engine wear biodiesel provides excellent natural lubricity with no Lipper city additives needed blending biodiesel with you LSD provides better lubricity than costly lubricity additives and the lubricity benefit increases as biodiesel content increases high lubricity decreases wear and tear on engine components increases engine life and creates a smoother running quieter engine the second performance benefit of biodiesel higher cetane the cetane rating is a common measure of fuel quality and indicates how well the fuel burns inside the engine cylinder fuel compression at the top of a piston stroke creates the combustion that powers diesel vehicles higher cetane equals a shorter ignition time and better combustion you LSDs seat a number is 40 re G biodiesel cetane is often in the mid 50's more complete combustion allows engines to run more smoothly and operate more efficiently another ignition related advantage is that in general biodiesel reaches peak combustion sooner and burns more predictably and reliably than petroleum diesel biodiesels third performance advantage plays out in the engines diesel particulate filter or DPF the DPF captures particulate matter from the engines exhaust in order to reduce emissions that can be harmful to humans when a DPF gets full it is heated to burn off the collected particulates a process called regeneration regeneration decreased fuel efficiency DPF s also require maintenance and sometimes have to be replaced an expensive proposition it causes extended downtime because biodiesel creates fewer particulates in its exhaust it fills the DPF slower and therefore requires less frequent regeneration compared to engines running on you LSD also biodiesel particulates burn off easier than those from you LSD overall biodiesel reduces particulate accumulation resulting in fewer regenerations and less thermal stress on the DPF so not only is biodiesel better for the environment but it also improves entry performance with increased lubricity that reduces engine wear higher cetane that provides better combustion and more efficient performance and fewer DPF regeneration that improve overall fuel efficiency and can reduce maintenance costs for better performance cleaner exhaust and reduce maintenance costs the answer is clear biodiesel for more on the performance benefits of biodiesel visit regi comm slash biodiesel
Channel: Chevron Renewable Energy Group
Views: 28,852
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: biodiesel, biodiesel fuel, Biodiesel blends, Renewable fuel, Renewable Energy Group, REG, Diesel fuel, Ultra-low-sulfur diesel, ULSD, Diesel engines, Lubricity, Cetane, Diesel particulate filter, DPF, truck fleet, fleet performance, Fleet fueling, Diesel engine animation
Id: 0EFxTyTQ35E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 14sec (194 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 03 2020
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