Diamond Green Diesel Long

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in 1998 we constructed the first US commercial plant that could produce premium biodiesel from animal fats and used cooking oils both lower-cost feedstocks that don't deplete our natural resources the world demands cleaner and safer fuel the demand for biofuel keeps rising biodiesel has proven to be a sustainable product but it does have some limitations biodiesel can thicken in cold weather and must be shipped by truck or railroad we believed we could produce a biofuel that would eliminate those restrictions in 2010 we entered a partnership with the Valero Energy Corporation developing a new process to create a renewable diesel a low-carbon biofuel that is structurally identical to standard fossil diesel and because of their similarity and characteristics instead of having to transport it by Road vessel or railroad now have the option to transport our new biofuel through the existing diesel pipeline and infrastructure saving even more resources in this way diamond green diesel was born today millions of gallons of both our diamond green diesel and our biodiesel are being delivered to expanding markets by investing locally we create jobs and give back to the community using less fossil fuel means cleaner air and water by always seeking a better way we provide our growing world with a new sustainable fuel solution you
Channel: MelissaExVoiceTalent
Views: 254
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: d_tOuP-PNJA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 40sec (100 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 09 2021
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