Making the Switch to HVO Fuel

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foreign [Music] Fields I'm one of the nature shareholders we've been working with Western Global for around about three years [Music] we needed to create a structure where we could service all our customers across the country the the Western Global tank allowed us to actually group deliveries and manage our customers fuel adequately that we could cover the whole country from one nodal point this has many different advantages those being reduced road miles for the actual filling of the tanks because we're digitally monitoring we have less left on board or wasted Journeys we're able to group deliveries and optimize delivery mile which is driving out carbon but also congestion a really good example of this at work is actually Houston Road hs2 Project where we have a number of these tanks deployed we've saved over 14 Road movements a week by actually putting smart tanks on site a western Global tank allows certainty that it's difficult to break into that it is fit for purpose when storing a liquid fuel from a containment point of view but then the intelligent systems on the tank men that we're monitoring in 24 hours a day we're all acutely aware of the climate challenges that we Face by switching to GD plus HBO it allows a customer to drop their carbon impact dramatically you know so far this year our customers have saved over um 40 000 metric tons of CO2 the fuel is a direct replacement for diesel there is no modification the original engine manufacturers recognize the fuel as being fit for all diesel applications that's actually what drove us to Western Global because they had a product range that we could Deploy on our customers sites so that we could do bulk deliveries to them and then they could use the fuel within their vehicles or dumper stickers or tractors the Western Global product range is an enabler for change what we love about this product is that actually it's really plug and play our customers just need a level piece of ground to fully roll plug 16 amp Supply and actually everything is then in the tank Western Global demonstrate actually all the time how they're passionate about moving their product range forward and also listening to their customers would probably be why I'd recommend them [Music]
Channel: Western Global
Views: 270
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 53sec (173 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 20 2023
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