Bingo and Rolly Travel Across Europe! | 30 Minute Compilation | Puppy Dog Pals| Disney Junior

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[Music] don't you just love France Frank so many French things to see like the Eiffel Tower right there I wish there was a French merry-go-round there so I could ride an up-and-down horsey hmm I'm not sure where we're supposed to start lifting for what we're supposed to be looking for Oh this guidebook says there's a bakery near here Frank that has the best French bread in the Senate sounds yummy lead the way and my Tumtum will follow [Music] where's all the bread I thought this bakery sold bread yeah oh I see you stuffed that drip down my nose and there's a way whole lot of it I am sorry we have no bread today well that's just crummy I made fresh bread yesterday and put it out to cool but when I went to get it it was gone I am making more as quickly as I can are you puppies looking for French bread like everyone else I don't think it why everyone is so upset I mean if it was birdseed that was missing I'd understand because we pigeons love that stuff police detective did I hear someone say oh no I had more bread cooling outside but it's gone are there any clues about who might have taken it I did see some tiny footprints leading away from where the bread used to be did you hear that Roley somebody's been taking the bread Bob needs for his french toast which means we've gotta find out who took it how did you do that we're gonna follow the crews starting with they left tiny footprints none of those big feet would have left tiny footprints but those stop in the name of the poor [Music] time's up let's go [Music] [Music] got you now you tiny footed bread takers please don't take any blood then why were you running away because we will be in chased by two Skelly looking dogs scary jobs we're talking about you oh sorry you say more of your bread is missing we I heard a flapping noise and when I went to look my fresh batch was gone and flapping noise that's another clue do you know what it means yes I know what the world clue means that's one of the first things they teach us at detective school no the other kind of duck put the clues together tiny feet laughing so the Ducks are the ones who are taking of bread [Music] I think we got him stopped we've got blood taking crackers yeah we followed all of the clues that led to your flapping sounds and tiny feet while they do make flapping sounds and her feet are tiny so you admit it but they're also wet another clue said anything about webbed feet that's because we didn't take anything then why are you running away because two scary-looking dogs were chasing us what I think she means us Oh [Music] [Applause] now's a really good time to use our collars now to the Wow bingo good rap let's go [Music] it looks like they do a lot of drapes here in Italy yeah they're all over this place careful not eating the grapes though they're bad for puppies let's take a shortcut to this vineyard to get to the museum Roli come on sorry [Music] Roli where Bob's pajamas look to one of those grapevines wait Rolly Rolly where are you there you are we've got to get those things out of it this looks like a job for bingo lowly [Music] we did it Roley wait wait therapy here pants where do we go next this way Roley we gotta give pops PJs down to that Museum [Music] do you see anything that looks like that Museum we saw on TV no when I smell something great wait rolling are you in here smelling this spaghetti sauce miss y'all so Roli come on you need to take Bob's pajamas and whereabouts pajamas oops the film is pot what I said the mission also well we need to get them out that waiter took the plate with bars pajamas on and we need to get him back how does he do that I have an idea nope [Music] hey wonder fingers go just what we ordered yeah my spaghetti looks pretty good to where she find out if it is I thought the spaghetti tasted like pajamas me too but now that we've got them let's find that museum that building looks like it's about to fall over it really is a leading tower but not if you tilt your head like this yeah now it's straight up whoa I've been looking for a colorful scarf to wear on my way to my job at the new art museum room God see that man tiny looks as a new art medium and he's wearing Bob's pajamas all the way there so follow those PJs that's how you say let's go get those pajamas so come on little brother don't be so [Music] down the road [Music] here we come it's entirely wonderful Frank historic castles rolling green hills and beautiful clover fields as far as the eyes can see and if you're really lucky Frank you might find a four-leaf clover in one of those fields I'm just saying okay so we came to the right place look out Ireland here comes Frank and Esther what's your lucky four-leaf clovers sure come being on rolling so how are we gonna know our four leaf clover wouldn't find it well it'll be a clover that has four leaves Oh Rollie that only has three leaves nah one two three four you counted the first leaf twice oh you sure one two three four five six seven is a 17 clover lucky let's just keep looking did you hear that it sounded kind of Roblin people a lookout or anything they're going into Troy looks like they're playing some sort of game with that ball and they're coming back this way Oh most people really want to grab that ball don't they wrong Rollie face but I think we're gonna have to look in a different field move out people who think you're a ball look here Frank it says that this ancient castle was abandoned hundreds of years ago when the drawbridge stopped working and that path leading to the motors overgrown with clovers looks like no one has lived here in forever there has to be a poisoned clover and therefore Bob somewhere yeah oh yeah did you guys find it so let's start looking [Music] two three not four - I don't know how many times I counted to three how many times I counted I look totally lost count I guess we should check that last one before we get going one two three hey Sango what comes up two three four are you mad I just want to make sure it's your found one I guess there's a time to high paw and a time not to hi Paul and there's a time to follow that clover which is right now oh okay then let's hop up that wall [Music] [Music] so that just happened yep get down there it's what you hide junk so it's a good thing Bob put parachutes in our collars [Music] okay let's grab that four-leaf clover and take it back to Bob so we can have a good lucky day okay I'll grab it we can put it in my colors great England lives there yep it's called a palace we need to figure out how to get inside now those men in the furry hats are the Queen's guards Frank and it's their job to keep anyone from getting through the palace gates seems like a good gig why do they look so grumpy Oh Oh they never laugh or smile that's part of the job well then I wouldn't be very good at it cuz I'm always getting the giggles maybe if we can get those guards to smile or laugh they'd be so happy they let us into the palace but that lady said they never smile or laugh then we'll give them something to laugh about funny faces funny faces you ready for this boys [Music] well tough palace what are we gonna do if we can't get past those guards we'll never get inside that palace unless you're put through that doggie door right there that dog you won't right way huh look at this place it's pronounced palace bingo is that the plane looks like it and that must be the Queen's dog I most certainly am um crumpets worth creampuff scone trifle bottom the third at your service hey but you may call me comfort you may call us bingo really because those are our names well then bingo and Rolly may I ask what two puppies are doing here in the Queen's palace we need to learn how to treat a queen so we know what to do for Baba's mom at a birthday party you've got to teach us pretty please well since you said pretty please I don't see how chef like me can say no jolly good then let's get to work ah the first thing you'll need to learn about how to treat a queen is when and when not to eat biscuits at tea time one must never eat their biscuit until after they've been given permission oh sorry let's give it another go shall we as I was saying do not eat the biscuits until I say this is a challenge can I have a biscuit please another way to treat the Queen well is to sit still for the Yalie portrait painting sitting still there is no greater compliment to the Queen than to sit still in her presence yeah I remember on one such occasion [Laughter] sorry as I was saying I recall a few years ago I suppose receiving manuals we were sitting still for a second but it got really hard after that now here's a way to treat a queen that you boys should be able to do process in a straight line that means walk like this awesome out walking if I be careful these royal floors can be royal I say stop that slipping everything's alright then no damage down [Music] [Music] this is a royal mess any more lessons today we're sorry Bob's mom's party is tonight can you still help us we didn't mean to make a mess I'm so sorry pops but tea time with the cleaner starting soon and I need to straighten the hallway before it begins thanks anyway old chap yeah old chap yeah you'll give it a jolly good try we made a really big mess I wish we can make it up to crumpets somehow whoa what's going on looks like Bob loved the other ones on the party wait a second fancy table with biscuits it 40d lies what this is a fancy table of biscuits set for tea this is the Queen's tea maybe we should hide until we figure it out [Music] [Music] the beautiful city of Berlin the capital of Germany what do you see Rollie I see cars is he a bike I see what's gotta be like 99 red balloons see any cuckoo birds nope no cuckoos arf does not see any cuckoo birds either but there is a park behind the gate with lots of trees and birds like trees sorry why are we shushing my owner and I are avid bird watchers and birds fly away when they hear loud noises Oh shush voices sorry it's okay I'm Heidi I'm bingo and this is Rolly and we're happy to meet a bird watcher cuz we're looking for a bird specifically as a cuckoo variety then you're in luck there are cuckoo birds in many parts of Germany great though I don't see any right now not great but I've heard there's a bunch of them in the third force great hmm only problem is it's really bothering me now great one quick way to get there is the adabot great you know what no it's a bunch of road stretching all over Germany but you can go really fast did someone say fast just remember to be quiet once you get to the Black Forest if you're too loud you'll scare the birds away [Music] dogs on the Autobahn [Music] [Music] welcome to the black forest black forest I'm surprised and then we'll call the orange and yellow forest now where are those cuckoo birds birds Heidi said we need to be quiet remember oh yeah calling all cuckoo birds maybe we should use the cuckoo call Bob showed us this morning yeah not a cooper to become the pond left heart by Arps cuckoo call I thought I heard the cuckoo bird a cuckoo bird and has a blue stripe just like Bob's clock [Music] I know my goodness are you puppies all right yeah we just want to say hi to that cuckoo bird my name is ood oh oh oh oh I just wanted to say bye to the puppies who were chasing me we were wondering if you'd like to live in a cuckoo clock at our house real cuckoo birds live outside not in clogs would just problem get James with a special cuckoo clock his uncle Hans made him that's I think I'm sorry but did you say baboon Hans after his uncle Hans meeting with cuckoo clock when he was a boy my owner's name is Hans and he made a cuckoo clock for his nephew Bob and Bob as a boy get out my name is wolfy and I would be happy to replace Bob's bird they canvassed me to the works let's go make Bob's yodeling dreams come true this is where we'll learn how to yodel clean fresh air please and bingo was that me it's coming from over there hey maybe she can teach us how to yodel excuse me hi I'm bingo and this is my brother Roley I'm dearly what are you little pups doing way up here in the Alps what a mission to learn how to yodel for Bob Ellie who do you making your lowly otally sound you mean this ah yeah but up close it's a louder and a lot less yodeling that's because it's not a yodel it's a bellow normally only male red deer can make this sound but I've been practicing cuz it's so fun it does sound fun not bad bellow from your belly get it bellow bellow bingo it's fun but our mission is to learn how to yodel what is a yodel anyway it sounds delicious like some kind of strudel I know right it's a kind of singing it's sort of low and then kind of yeah except except that's not that not that terrible example forget that happen don't I don't know what that noise was you know my friend Anisha the Marmot makes it sound kind of like that maybe she can help you so dear lien tells me you want to learn to make my signature sound num-num num-num them very well my darlings just remember I've had years of experience to try not to be intimidated by my beautiful voice now listen and repeat after me [Music] yes dearie that's a UH a very special sound but it's not a yodel what's a yodel it's that that's yodeling that sounds just like Bob as a video we've gotta find that yodel but thanks for teaching us your sound keep practicing dearie you've got the voice of a momment wait I think it's coming from Raleigh I'm trying to listen for the yodel will you stop making those deer and Marmot sounds you're so fun to do but okay thanks I hear it that way [Music] Wow Europe Thanks I've been yodeling since the day your hand brought me home wait see Johan of the Ohio news video yeah I'm in the video too we totally saw you you were great can I get your autograph of course anything for a fan oh I still wait sure so how'd you learn to yodel like that Luca Johan taught me everything I know can you teach us everything you know because then we can teach Bob everything we know and then Bob will not are you sure let's get our yodel on this parts got a nice echo so you can hear yourself practice listen you're a lay on lay on lay on that's some yodel and that's some echo hello [Music] my echo and I have so much in common you know it's just your own voice right don't ruin this for me why don't you show me what you know about yodeling so far that's the problem you're the first real yodeler we've met I don't know anything about yodeling it well he does he does IQ sure those low and high sounds are really important parts of you Ling no just put the sounds together and give it your all you'll be holding it no time
Channel: Disney Junior
Views: 18,138,674
Rating: 3.6226609 out of 5
Keywords: disney junior, disney, junior, disney jr, djr, kids shows, puppy dog pals, puppies, pug, pugs, bingo, rolly, rollie, playcare, keia, pups, daycare, pupper, doggo, play care, day care, hissy, 30 minute3s, everytime, compilation, international, france, germany, italy, ireland, england, switzerland
Id: tXYMHOwvw6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 58sec (1798 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 17 2020
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