Happy Valentine's Day! 💕 | Puppy Dog Pals | @Disney Junior

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[Music] let's wash it a patty that means three pups in paris automation to see what special gifts special gifts [Music] and everybody knows that we're [Music] that means three pups in paris on valentine's day checking hmm there are no flowers because it is winter time and very cold most flowers do not grow when it is this cold what's it gonna take for three puppies and a robot to pack a break flowers lots and lots of flowers i'm running a bit late diane i'll be right there it must be so warm in there that flowers can grow even when it's cold outside well no time too pick shows up but it's okay i've got so many flowers i don't know what to do with them i know exactly what to do with them give them to chloe now we've got bob's treats and clothes flowers yeah let's head for home art would love to go home but arf has a problem oh no try using your rocky boosters to shake loose good idea bingo not a good idea not a good idea oh valentine's day guys grappling hooks [Music] [Music] you know it's a good mission when we bust out the old grappling hooks are you okay arf is okay oh but kia's dealy bobbers are not okay that's all right i can always make more chili poppers besides we've got gifts to give bob and chloe what are we waiting for strawberry we're back we found the perfect gift for bob and chloe oh no arf's incident at the windmill must have damaged the gifts oh valentine's day first my homemade daily barber spoke and the gifts what do we do now [Music] i know [Music] and done we made our gifts why didn't we think of this to start with chloe and bob are gonna love these bingo roley i'm home from work here i'm back from school hi kia is this a valentine's day card for me yes i need it just for you [Music] oh my parents must have helped you make it i love it thanks kia and guess what i made you these [Music] you made me stealy bobbers [Music] hey there fellas what you got there [Music] did chloe help you make a valentine's day card for i love it so much i'm gonna put it up on the fridge right now i say this valentine's mission is accomplished and a lovely mission it was high paw wow [Music] it's valentine's day in venice and we've got a job to do but to anna was sent here by accident but we can track it down [Music] it's valentine's day in venice and we've got a job to do if we don't get distracted by plates of spaghetti we can hurry that cart back home soon where could anna's valentine be if bob find out it's missing he's gonna be all oh where's the valentine for anna he was here but i was not oh valentine's day male from america has arrived grazia i'll start to my delivery and his valentine keeping that sack sienna's valentine in there roli nope better dig a little deeper to be sure [Music] we can't let this valentine get wet or it'll be ruined now we take this label here and put it onto here and the male lady takes it to bonnie just in time for her birthday this calls for happenings happy dance oh yeah who's happy i am [Music] get it [Music] don't let it get wet it'll ruin the card and use your puppy breath to blow it over to me [Music] oh no anna's valentine's completely soaked [Music] oh bob is gonna be so bummed and anna will be bummed [Music] i wish you could drive this car the way off dried cupcake this morning oh i'm getting tired arf that's it roley you just gave me an idea come on [Music] i have a card here for bunny that's me oh bobby remembered my birthday there anna's valentine is now dry whoa thanks arf [Music] oh hey there pups whoops thanks for holding on to anna's valentine for me [Music] this roley day dance party is a blast oh i'll say oh i almost forgot i made a special valentine just for you oh thank you bob [Music] oh the writing is smeared so i can't read what you wrote huh the water must have ruined bob's writing oh i really had it in his mouth earlier maybe his puppy slobber smeared it silly puppy but don't worry anna i remember exactly what i wrote to anna you are a very special friend thank you for being my valentine thank you bob and i made this especially for you to bob you're my favorite play care valentine well thank you anna well bingo we did it we sure did high paw to a valentine's day mission and now that we finished our mission it's time [Music] me [Music] we found the festival great job roley thanks i've gotta give some credit to my puppy ears wow wow i see lots of people but i don't see any candy you know this festival is so big i don't know where to look oh oops excuse me [Music] excuse me i'm lilly i'm bingo this is rolly and molly enchanted to meet you don't you just love valentine's day there are so many things to love i love friends i love festivals i love helping people yay well then maybe you'd love to help us find our way around this festival we're looking for hearties candy for our human but this place is so big we don't know where to look i mean sure i know this place like the stripe on my face [Music] very nice i love a good boob follow me we'll find that candy [Music] i love a valentine festival and helping new friends with an adventure green grass below blue skies above yeah there's so much to love i love big cones [Music] there's so much to love hot dogs [Music] new friends with an adventure green grass below blue skies above just look around and you'll see in two pups the world is full of amazing stuff yeah there's so much to love there's so much to love [Music] [Music] i love a happy ending i better go see if there's anyone else around here who might love some help [Music] see you later [Music] puppies
Channel: Disney Junior
Views: 1,895,439
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: disney junior, disney, junior, disney jr, djr, kids shows, valentines day, puppy dog pals, puppies, pug, pugs, bingo, rolly, rollie, playcare, keia, pups, daycare, pupper, doggo, play care, day care, hissy
Id: wElZrzu8w-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 46sec (766 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 04 2021
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