Binging with Babish: Bunnicorn Pizza from Star Trek: Picard

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Babs totally picked a dish just to show off that new Roccbox. And I don't blame him.

👍︎︎ 156 👤︎︎ u/LouBrown 📅︎︎ Mar 17 2020 🗫︎ replies

I love how he always does the hand flourish whenever his dough is rising, regardless of whether he leaves the camera view or not hahaha.

👍︎︎ 45 👤︎︎ u/AltruisticMountains 📅︎︎ Mar 17 2020 🗫︎ replies

Putting an immersion blender straight into the can is the biggest of big brain moves. I've rinsed so many measuring cups unnecessarily it's blowing my mind

👍︎︎ 59 👤︎︎ u/PM_THE_GUY_BELOW_ME 📅︎︎ Mar 17 2020 🗫︎ replies

He FINALLY did a Trek dish! I knew he was a fan of TNG from his other videos/comments, but I've been wanting this since before he broke 300k followers. I'd love to see him do more, though.

👍︎︎ 30 👤︎︎ u/Sewer_Ice 📅︎︎ Mar 17 2020 🗫︎ replies

Be careful with Roccboxes. They run HOT

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/MechaAkuma 📅︎︎ Mar 17 2020 🗫︎ replies

Starting to get warmer outside and I was just looking for a pizza napoletana recipe.

I'm all about the kamado style grills though.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/ToEach_TheirOwn 📅︎︎ Mar 17 2020 🗫︎ replies

I just started Picard and it's great, and now I want Pizza, but pizza doesn't like me.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/elh93 📅︎︎ Mar 17 2020 🗫︎ replies

Man that was fast.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Tarcos 📅︎︎ Mar 17 2020 🗫︎ replies

Oh wow that lo.......! Wait a minute (눈_눈) that oven uses propane.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/5tormwolf92 📅︎︎ Mar 17 2020 🗫︎ replies
you can lie down in sides room and rest while will makes us dinner pizza who would fired up tomato and basil from our garden not bad or a beet sous chef how I understand why you wanted to keep it a secret hey what's up guys welcome back to binging with babish where this week we're taking a look at bunny corn pizza and a scene from Star Trek the card that I like to think was made just for me first up we need a freshly killed average standard bunny corn we all of course know how to clean and d phantom eyes a bunny corn carcass so I'm not gonna waste your time with that and instead I'm just gonna dig right into getting the meat off this thing much like the rabbits of Earth there is not much meat on a bunny corn carcass so we're gonna go ahead and harvest whatever we can to thin tenderloins running down the center of the back and hold the meat off the wings and thighs still only yields about a pound and a half of meat so just like any meat that we're gonna grind we're gonna place it onto a sheet of parchment paper and into the freezer for 15 to 20 minutes until the edges just begin to harden I'm gonna hang on to this bunny corn carcass to make bunny corn carcass stock and that is the last time that you're gonna hear me say bunny corn also headed into the freezer are the grinding components of our meat grinder the colder these components are the more efficiently they're gonna be able to grind our bunny corn sorry I mean meat speaking of which we're retrieving our meat from the freezer and beginning to feed it through our meat grinder I've got it headed through a medium plate because I want the sausage to still have some texture and not be too emulsified or smooth I'm grinding the salt in a small bowl so we can apply some Italian spices to it because it just makes the most sense in the context of this pizza first up two or three small cloves of garlic press through a garlic press about a half a tablespoon worth of finely chopped rosemary a healthy shake of whole fennel seeds this is kind of what makes Italian sausage Italian sausage a tablespoon or two of freshly grated yellow onion 1/2 teaspoon of sweet American paprika a few twists of freshly ground black pepper and about 2 teaspoons of kosher salt then optionally you can add a pinch of red pepper flake if you want to make this spicy Italian rabbit sausage plus I always love to add a little bit of freshly grated nutmeg and now we're gonna rigorously mix everything together punching it down and smearing it as necessary to make sure that everything is evenly dispersed throughout the sausage and there you have it a very unique very delicious and very Star Trek propria the topping which we're gonna wrap very tightly in plastic wrap all the way down onto the surface of the meat because we're gonna let this hang out in the fridge for 24 hours so those flavors can get to know each other just barely enough time to make some true Neapolitan style pizza dough which unlike most other pizza dough's only contains four ingredients 500 grams of bread flour 8 grams of kosher salt fine it was those two combined real quick before measuring out 350 grams of tepid tap water adding to that 2 grams of ideally fresh compressed yeast or about half a teaspoon of dried instant yeast time it was that two combined as well before adding to the flour mixture a-fixing dough hooks to our stand mixer and getting to mixing we just want to let this guy run on low speed for about a minute until everything comes together and no dry clumps remain at this point we're gonna crank the speed up to medium low and knead for 7 to 10 minutes in order to develop good gluten gluten is important not only for our ability to stretch the dough into a pizza but for that resultant pizza to have a chew and an incredible texture after 7 or 8 minutes you'll find that your dough is soft and supple a little sticky but very stretchy and workable this is after all a pizza dough with a hydration of 70% so you're gonna think that it's too wet but fear not cuz we're gonna do two things that not only improve the dough's flavor but its workability first we're gonna drop it in a lightly oiled bowl cover with plastic wrap and let it sit at room temperature for 8 to 12 hours during its first ferments after which time you will see that it has more than doubled in size now this guy's headed into the fridge for at least 24 hours up to 72 the longer you let it sit the more flavor it's going to develop and the more beautiful charred bubbles are going to dapple its surface as you can see we've got some nice gluten development here the dough is nice and stretchy but we're gonna turn it out onto an unflagging to three equal pieces each of which should weigh around 270 grams this is the palette upon which we shall paints our pizza but first we need to stretch them into top little balls as you can see I'm sort of using the edges of my hands and the dough's own stickiness to draw it underneath itself and pull its surface taut the smoother and rounder and more even they are the more consistent our final product will be once we've got those rolled and stretched out into three little pre pizzas we - heavily flower a proving box ultimately you could just use a rimmed baking sheet covered in plastic wrap but this just makes it a little easier either way we're letting these guys prove that room temperature for two to three hours plenty of time to make our tomato sauce which at the time of this voiceover I'm realizing record didn't use he used whole Tomatoes I became so obsessed with making Neapolitan style pizza at home that I kinda let that detail slip through the cracks so here instead we have a drained 28-ounce can of dop san marzano tomatoes that i'm gonna pulse together using an immersion blender with a few pinches of kosher salt until it's smooth but not too smooth last but not least we have to do a little bit of prep on our bunny cooked yep you know what sausage i'm just gonna park hook it by pressing it into a patty and placing it into a preheated pan searing it on both sides until still pink in the middle because while we want the meat to have some color and texture we want it to finish cooking on the pizza two widths here comes one of our proved dough balls which are gonna find have become impossibly soft and pillowy we're just gonna coat the dough generously on both sides with flour before turning out on to our work surface and beginning to pinch into a pizza this starts by pressing a sort of boundary into the outside of the dough that will eventually serve as our crust then using our fingers we're going to press it out in the center and then it's time to lift and stretch at first using our splayed fingers and eventually our knuckles using gravity to spread the dough ever thinner into a pizza crust so thin you can damn-near see through it when you hold it up to the light go ahead and pinch to pop and Eve giant bubbles forming in your pizza pie and once you get out to radius of about 10 to 11 inches we're ready to start saucing and cheesing and all the rest first up a thin but confident layer of our pureed san marzano tomato sauce do not be afraid to pop any overzealous bubbles that threaten to undermine your pizza next up some chunks of torn what's identity bufala this is a relatively high moisture mozzarella which is gonna result in kind of a soupy pizza but that's kind of what Neapolitan pizza is all about next up some torn pieces of our alien rabbit sausage which should ideally be just a little undercooked in the center but do not worry it's gonna finish cooking in the oven and then for life me i could not find any and tirion basil so here's some earth stuff and then unfortunately to be accurate we need to fire this pizza in a wood-fired oven but obviously I don't have one of so instead we're gonna have to settle with I'm just kidding I got one right here I'm clocking about 900 degrees Fahrenheit in the back of the oven in about 750 up front so we're ready to drop in our pizza which thanks to this real honest-to-god mother pizza oven is going to cook in about 90 seconds it's gonna start to char in the back after about 20 seconds so we need to pull it out and rotate it in 90 degrees repeating every 15 to 20 seconds or so until the pizza is fully evenly cooked this method takes a little bit of time practice and patience to get right but as you can see the rewards are superlative and honest-to-god Neapolitan style pizza from the comfort of your backyard deck or in my case rooftop my crust is a little bit too big again something that takes time and practice the master but for a first try I mean come on holy I've never made anything quite like this in my home kitchen before and as amazing as the pizza itself is the rabbit sausage is also incredible if you were to repeat this recipe with ground pork you'd end up with the best Italian sausage you've ever had I know that this episode is kind of a stretch I forgot the whole heirloom tomatoes but this pizza boldly goes where no babish episode has gone before and no I'm not just saying that to appease my fellow Star Trek nerds this goes beyond the clean plate club into the clean hearts and minds the clean conscience club the Chateau Picard 86 Cabernet Sauvignon with pizza and old friends Club hey guys whoever you are wherever you are I just want to wish you safety happiness and peace this is a frightening and uncertain time but to me it's ironically reassuring that we're all in this together I'm incredibly lucky to be able to work from home so endeavor to continue posting my shows on schedule in the coming weeks until then now more than ever please keep cooking for those you love I will if you will [Music]
Channel: Babish Culinary Universe
Views: 3,687,755
Rating: 4.9371033 out of 5
Keywords: binging with babish, cooking with babish, babbish, neapolitan pizza, babish pizza, pizza babish, pear qwerty horse, basics with babish, star trek picard, star trek picard pizza, star trek picard riker pizza, neapolitan pizza at home, neapolitan pizza dough, neapolitan pizza oven, neapolitan pizza dough recipe, neapolitan pizza recipe, pizza recipe, pizza at home, how to make pizza from scratch, pizza recipe at home, pizza recipe in oven
Id: 2a8Uz3pYTh4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 20sec (500 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 17 2020
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