Billy the Butcher Complete History | The Boys

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this is the second video in our series on the main cast of the boys and their comic book origins and abilities and if you don't know anything about the boys or the concept of the show please feel free to check out our primer on the series uploaded already or you can just click the car on the screen pretty easy this video is going to contain spoilers for season one of the boys as well as the entire comic book series of the boys I have no idea if these things will play out in the show so consider this your spoiler warning now in order to save everybody's time I'm only going to cover the events that I think are crucial to understanding the backstory and character development of today's subject Billy the butcher the reason I'm saying that is because I'm not going to cover every single thing that he's ever done in the comic books we would be here forever considering he's in every single arc of the boys additionally we are giving away a few copies of the boys vol 1 and it's pretty simple if you want to enter to win first subscribe second like the video and third leave a comment below telling us which member of the boys is your favorite and why or pretty much anything boys related now let's get on to butcher Billy the butcher is the main protagonist and in a way the main antagonist of the boys comic book and television show butcher runs a covert team of super-powered CIA funded badasses who have dedicated their lives to one simple goal keeping the superpower people of the world in check whenever superheroes commit egregious crimes or start overstepping their bounds the boys are there to set them straight butcher is directly responsible for reassembling the boys and picking their targets he's the team leader and one of the most vicious people in the entire boys universe butcher himself is an enhanced individual gaining powers from compound V which I discuss far more in detail in my homeland or video butcher has super strength speed and durability but really if I'm being honest butchers biggest superpower is his mind he knows everything about everyone in what he doesn't know he finds out using years of CIA via nage training and he's also extremely ruthless which isn't a superpower but man it is really worth bringing up in his case butcher's first appearance is shockingly the boys issue number one and what we know of butchers origins are actually told about four-fifths of the way through the series during a miniseries called butcher baker candlestick maker this tells the majority of the back story you need to know about butcher in order to understand his motivations he was raised in a family where his father was a bully and as he grew up he learned to resent him again shockingly Billy was quite a violent adolescent in one day after his father beat his mother Billy almost killed his father he left shortly thereafter to join the Royal Marines and fights in the Falklands War when he returns from war he continues his aggressive ways until he eventually meets a young social worker named Becky Saunders Becky along with Billy's brother are the two people on the planet who can seem to channel Billy's anger and calm him down Billy and Becky fall in love and Billy's radically changed as a person the family's even able to convince Billy's mother to leave her abusive relationship with Becky's help Becky and Billy get married and they go on their honeymoon unbeknownst to them the seven are also at the same destination as their honeymoon over time Becky begins to be withdrawn and restless which scares Billy until one night Billy wakes up to the sight of Becky's disemboweled corpse this next part is pretty dark but she had actually been disemboweled by a super-powered fetus inside of her which Billy has to kill and I know it's really dark but it's the reality of this comic book world after reading her diary Billy learns that his wife had been raped by homeland er during their honeymoon butcher's wife became pregnant with a child home Landers child and that child killed her butcher then had to kill the child in order to escape butcher naturally hates homeland her with an incredible intensity because of this it was at this point that butcher was recruited and joined the boys in operation originally ran by a man named Colonel Mallory who chose to take up this profession after witnessing superheroes in World War two butcher and Mallory formed and the boys is actually named after British slang basically the equivalent of any time you want something hurt you send the boys after him like oh that guy down the street he's been talking a lot of smack why don't the boys have a go Adam butcher and Mallory team up and they spend their time waging the war on the super-powered people of the world Mallory starts the boys to combat the growing threat that super-powered people present in society but butcher joins because he literally hates superpower people to his core as time progresses Mallory notices that butcher becomes far more ruthless finding excuses to kill superheroes rather than blackmail or beat them eventually the boys come to be in a war with the seven that ends with Mallory's grandchildren being killed by a hero named Lamplighter Vaughn the CIA the boys and the seven all agree on a ceasefire between the two main groups this will be covered more in another video but for now just know that Mallory leaves the team and the boys are disbanded for a while eventually after a period of time butcher decides to reform the group with former members mmm aka mother's milk Frenchie the female and a newcomer we Huey butcher chooses Huey to become part of the team because both Huey and the butcher share something in common they both lost a loved one to super-powered people their first mission as a new team is designed to open Huey's eyes to the world of superheroes where they investigate a team of younger superheroes called the teenage kicks during this mission after proving his mettle Huey learns a secret about the boys they've all taken compound V a very expensive and rare synthetic drug that gives people superpowers Huey is also injected with the drug and the mission ends with a massive confrontation in the streets where the boys assault the teenage kicks and Huey ends up murdering one by accident butcher goes on to have a number of other missions of varying successes and failures mostly designed to open Huey's eyes to the world that they actually live in including busting and killing a hero named swing-wing who murdered a homosexual man as well as blackmailing and ending the career of another hero named tech I butcher in the team then go to Russia to take out a crime boss named little Nina who's planning on killing a ton of super-powered people in order to gain clout in Russia butcher actually ends up killing little Nina in over a hundred superpower people by detonating an unstable form of compound B that they were using to gain superpowers while the story isn't entirely important it goes to show you how absolutely ruthless butcher can be along with his absolute hatred for super-powered people butcher next asks Huey to investigate the g-men this universes version of the x-men and he plants Hugh into a sub group called gee whiz by creating a fake backstory and superhero name for him called bagpipes and I'll cover more of this in Huey's video but the crux of the story is that they end up killing everybody in the g-men in all of their subsequent booster teams dozens and dozens of superpower people die in butcher couldn't be happier the boys also have multiple additional showdowns with other incredibly powerful heroes and while these stories are interesting and I recommend that you read them like the story of payback in the second most powerful hero in the world storm front a Nazi version of homeland er they do little to help better understand butcher the next really big thing that happens is that eventually butcher stumbles upon Huey and Starlights romantic relationship in butcher starts to believe that Huey might be a Vaught operative he places him into a situation where Huey has to join a team called super duper I'm cutting out a lot here but I want to jump ahead to the end of this series so you can understand what happens to butcher eventually home lander launches a coup against Vaught and the US government he storms the White House and kills the president in butchers given complete authority from the CIA to take down home Lander and all the other superheroes who are now threatening national security butcher storms the White House and faces off against home lander however a shocking revelation is made home Lander was not the one responsible for butcher's wife's death the true culprit was black noir a clone and far more powerful version of homeland er who had gone completely insane I will cover more of black Millar's origins in his video as well as the things that he did but the point is this black noir does go on to kill homeland er in butcher along with the US Army cuts down black noir Billy gets his revenge on superheroes but his war is far far from over you would think that this would be a perfect place to end the series Billy had gotten his revenge the superpower people of the world were firmly back in control but that hold that Billy's wife's death left inside of him only gets bigger and Billy escalates his war against superpower people at this point you realize something you really didn't want to admit Billy is just as big of a villain as the rest of the superpower people the boys are disbanded by the CIA but Huey learned some really shocking information the Nazi scientists responsible for creating compound V never died and he was secretly working with butcher for years to develop a biochemical weapon that would kill everybody who's ever been exposed to compound V this is potentially millions and millions of people in the world when the rest of the team learns the news butcher begins the process of killing the rest of the boys he manages to kill mmm Frenchie and the female butcher lures in Huey the last remaining member of the boys to the Empire State Building his goal is to kill Huey and detonate the biochemical weapon but during their battle butcher falls out of a window and breaks his neck paralyzing him he then convinces Huey to kill him by falsely claiming that he'd already killed Huey's parents thus ends the story of Billy the butcher and that is about it for Billy the butcher I hope you guys enjoyed this video obviously there's going to be a massive departure between what you're seeing here and what you're gonna see on the television show but if you learned a lot I would appreciate it if you would like subscribe and share this video thank you guys for watching this has been Nick with key issues and you know the motto the boys over everything
Channel: Key Issues
Views: 1,418,925
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Boys, Billy The Butcher, Billy the Butcher The Boys, Karl Urban The Boys, Karl Urban Billy the Butcher, Butcher vs Translucent, Butcher vs Homelander, Homelander The Boys, Comics explained, Butcher Comics, Comic Origins Billy the Butcher, The Boys origins, The Boys comics, Top Things Butcher, The Boys trailer, the boys comic, the boys trailer, Billy Butcher, butcher origins, butcher boys, the boys season 2, season 2, the boys season 2 trailer, season 2 trailer, teaser
Id: nvvCF8jUvBc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 51sec (651 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 04 2019
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