The Deep Complete History | The Boys

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one of the characters in the boys season one that got far more screen time that I actually anticipated was the deep the character in the show while you know pretty reprehensible in his actions I felt had one of the strongest character arcs in the first season except for the scene with the gills that that was gross and I didn't like that scene now normally I would say something like additionally this video isn't gonna cover everything that the deep ever does in the comics blah blah blah but it kind of is because he doesn't really do a whole lot in the comics but this will cover everything that he's involved in for the most part however before we begin we are giving away a few copies of the boys vol 1 and it's pretty simple to win first subscribe ii liked the video in 3rd leave a comment below telling us which member of the boys is your favorite and why or really anything boys related will do now let's take a look at the minuscule amount of information we know about the deep the reason I was kinda shocked at how much screen time the deep got was because in the comic books he's a fairly insignificant character the deep barely does anything of consequence in the books and I don't want you to feel like you were deceptively click baited into watching this so before I go any farther I do want to mention that almost nothing is really known about the deeps origins or abilities in the comics he never gets into a fight or has any real meaningful impact in any way the deeps first appearances the boys issue three and four the majority the series he functions almost like an accountant or a businessman all we really know about where the deed came from is the fact that like the other members of the seven he was created in a lab after taking a small child and injecting them with a tremendous amount of compound v he was raised by the Vaught american company to be a PR spokesperson for heroes but often time he takes a back seat to the big three AKA homeland ur Queen Maeve and black noir as far as abilities we know that he's incredibly strong and durable and that he can fly but for his abilities in the show like the classic Aquaman like ability to communicate with marine life this just is never really shown in the comic book so we have no idea if he actually has that ability keep in mind that most of the sevens powers back story and feats have been dramatically embellished by Vaught in order to make them appear even more powerful than they really are the deeps theme as a hero centers around being a nautical hero but we have absolutely no idea if he has actual nautical abilities the deep in the comics is a drastically different character than in the show in both appearance and impact and first off let's kind of focus on what everybody else in our society seems to be really hung up on and that is his appearance you'll notice that in Amazon's the boys the deep is a six-foot tall handsome white man wearing a wetsuit that loosely resembles a planty and body armor that somebody like Aquaman or Mara would wear in the comics though the deep is a roughly 7-foot tall black man wearing a suit of old-timey nautical diving equipment the difference between these two characters and pretty massive if you ask me I think it's worth mentioning that the deep from the comics is probably a far more menacing looking character than the deep from the show and the reason being is that chance Crawford's version of the deep is designed to look like DC's Aquaman who's widely considered by most people who don't read comics to be a bit of a joke however anybody who's ever read a modern Aquaman comic knows that the king of the seven seas is a grade-a boss and he's not to be mur made fun of except when you land a sick Aquaman joke like I just landed I'm pretty funny the only times the deep is shown in the comics going on real missions they were fairly catastrophic failures or fairly uneventful things during the boys original war on the seven the deep is used as muscle to keep the other boys members away from the butcher and homeland er as they have a private conversation however when the deep rises from the waters of the Hudson River it's so ridiculous looking that the boys kind of just make fun of him on mercilessly similarly when a ceasefire is ordered between the boys the CIA bought in the seven the deep is on site for that confrontation as well we're led to believe that the seven kill an entire platoon of soldiers and paint the airplane hangar with their blood to symbolise what would happen if the war between the two groups continues but it turns out that homeland er actually killed all of them by himself with the rest of the seven just standing there looking like dopes as we have discussed in far greater detail in the homeland er video the deep was part of the sevens attempt to help during 9/11 and he's shown flying and holding on to black noir marathon two members of the seven that can't fly in homeland er tries to bark orders to the team but since they're too far spread apart and sound doesn't echo well in the emptiness of the sky the other seven members can't hear him and the deep ends up getting crushed by the front of an airplane that they're attempting to save then the deep tries to smash his way into the cockpit and the subsequent slipstream sends him flying off the plane the rest of the time you see the deep in the comics he's literally complaining about being in the background and as I mentioned before he's often times shown complaining about some aspect of business or heroism such as his kind of profits and proceeds however one positive aspect of the deepest that he doesn't actually demonstrate any of the debauchery or hedonistic tendencies that the rest of the seven demonstrate for all accounts and purposes the deep in the comics is the least scummy of the group he's just really about his brand and making money and that's about it personally speaking I think the deep in the show is a much more interesting character and frankly I wish there would have been more comic book events with the deep in it to help understand his character and build off of but again that's why you don't always take the source material into account when you're creating something new like a television show these characters are obviously two very different things that serve two very different purposes and because of that I'm trying to not associate them together as much and that is about it for the deep thank you guys for watching this video I hope you enjoyed it and if you learned a lot please remember to share and subscribe and all that other YouTube crap this has been Nick with key issues and you know the motto the boys over everything
Channel: Key Issues
Views: 1,002,430
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Boys, Amazon The Boys, The boys season 2, The Deep, The Boys The Deep, The Boys Chance Crawford, Homelander, The Boys homelander, The Deep Gills, the deep mission starlight, the deep dolphin, the deep vs thugs, Starlight and The Deep, The Deep Japanese, Comics, Comics Explained, The Boys Comics, season 2, the boys season 2, the boys season 2 trailer, the boys season 2 teaser, teaser
Id: 0Gd8wYQw8o4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 4sec (364 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 21 2019
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