The Frenchman aka Frenchie Complete History | The Boys

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welcome back to another comic book origins video for the boys and this is a character that i meant to do during season one but i kind of just forgot and then things got away from me so um i'm sorry i guess and today's video has actually been a fairly highly requested video due to the fact that it's been absent so today we're going to dive into the downright absurd comic book origins of the frenchman aka frenchie frenchie is considered one of the two heavy hitters on the boys the second being the female now as with the rest of these videos i'm not going to cover everything that has ever happened in the character's entire existence but i will cover the majority of what you need to know about him but before we go any farther similar to last season we're going to be giving away a few copies of the boys vol 1 and in order to win all you have to do is be a subscriber and follow both of the key issues members myself and garrick on twitter that info is pinned in the comments below now back to frenchie frenchie's first appearance is the boys issue number two but his origin isn't told until much later in the series his origin is told in issue number 37 titled la plume du matate suer la tablo and if i pronounce that wrong i'm sorry i've never even tried to speak french i really apologize and this title is actually kind of interesting because it's a phrase that in popular culture is attributed to a very elementary understanding of french language not unlike myself i have absolutely no idea how to speak french at all and it's essentially used as an example of how to grammatically say a phrase correctly but something that essentially has no practical application it's the way that something is taught in an introductory foreign language text anyway i digress frenchie is actually a fairly interestingly drawn character as well considering the artist who designed him derek robertson also designed a character named spider jerusalem from another smash comic called trans metropolitan and the two characters look extremely similar frenchie's backstory is pretty hilarious but i think it's mostly meant to kind of poke fun at french culture in fact it's a bit too hilarious it's kind of hard to tell if it's actually a real story or if it's completely fabricated and often times when frenchie talks about french history or subjects he's either very whimsical in his speeches or he talks in french so much that it's hard to tell the inflection in tone unless you actually study that and i i don't after fighting in the wars frenchie returns home with a newfound respect for life what wars did he fight in i really have no idea they never mentioned it they just refer to them as the wars and probably only to serve as a way to emphasize that he had some military training however upon returning home to his village he takes a vow of pacifism and attempts to pick up his life where he left it before leaving for the war his parents welcomed him back and remind him of the upcoming village celebration lesson do haha yeah that's again another obvious french joke frenchie asks his parents about his beloved that he was forced to leave when he left for the wars a woman named marie and no sooner than asking about her whereabouts does she arrive along with her new lover and frenchie's childhood archrival black pierre who mocks him and boasts about stealing his girl upon learning a marie's new attachment frenchie spirals into a depression and sadness frenchie's father begs him to fight for marie but frenchie replies that fighting in war is a cancer that afflicts mankind in a cancer that he has no desire to be a victim of he routinely faces the insults of black pierre but shrugs them off the weeks pass and the celebration starts and as the celebration begins we learn that it also doubles as a way to remove grievances through a ritual tournament what type of tournament you ask bicycle jousting using baguettes spears that's right ladies and gentlemen this is what you came here for frenchie's father begs frenchie to challenge black pierre and win back his honor but when frenchie declines his father ashamed of his son's lack of response decides to step in and challenge pierre for his son's honor but tragedy befalls him black pierre cheats and grabs the front wheel of the bike forcing frenchie's father over it where he lands dead frenchie's mother dies shortly thereafter of despair frenchie holds himself personally responsible and seeks out and murders pierre and leaves his home village forever when frenchie leaves his village you can tell that he's really lost his way in life he's left getting drunk every night getting into bar fights with americans and after one brawl he meets billy butcher who promptly recruits him for the boys and from here you've honestly already heard a good bit of the frenchman's history he's part of the original team that colonel mallory puts together when starting the boys and he's a large part of the team that eventually establishes a ceasefire with the seven after the murders of lamplighter however unlike a lot of other characters i'm not gonna cover every arc that he's in because he doesn't ever truly get his own arc where he's the center of attention he always just plays a supporting role in fact the only issues that i think that he's really a central part of the narrative are his origin story and then the very end now in terms of characterization frenchie is a fierce fighter and quite vicious which is a stark contrast to the person that he is when he's not in a fight it's almost like a dr jekyll mr hyde type scenario and as i mentioned before alongside with the female he's considered the muscle of the team due to his obnoxiously violent style of fighting he also demonstrates a very weird super human-like sense of smell where he gets down on the ground and sniffs out things almost like wolverine now in terms of relationships it's really important at this point in the video to mention that frenchie is also directly responsible for the females rehabilitation back into society for more on her origin story check out her video in our series but when the boys recover the female it's the frenchie that puts in the time and effort to make sure that she's rehabilitated and functional he forms a really close deep bond with her and they're not romantically linked in any way instead you can think of their relationship like a big brother and little sister frenchie also helps the female work through her main fault which is a native bloodlust that lives inside of her a natural compulsion to kill and when the female is critically wounded by stormfront frenchie leads the charge to save her life bringing her back to recover and delivering payback to the team and like i mentioned before the frenchman is mostly a supporting character without much in the way of his own true character development he's kind of a comic relief character where he's used in missions it's almost always directly as a joke or as a way of poking fun at french culture he isn't that crucial of a character like somebody like butcher or mm but he's really fun like our other videos this next part is going to be a spoiler and it's going to discuss the very end of the series frenchy like the other members of the boys meets his ultimate demise at the hands of billy butcher when the boys uncover a plot that butcher's going to release a virus that'll kill anybody with compound v in their system the remainder of the team starts planning to take him out unfortunately belly gets to the female and frenchie first by blowing up a safe house that they're staying in despite the compound v in their systems they both die and that is about it for the comic book history of the frenchman i do think that the character of frenchie in the television show is much better written than the character in the comics who's kind of a joke character but in the comics he is still very fun thank you guys for taking the time to watch this video and if you learned something consider liking and subscribing this has been nick for key issues and remember the motto the frenchman over everything
Channel: Key Issues
Views: 340,732
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The boys, The boys season 2, the boys the frenchman, the boys Frenchie, Frenchie and Kamiko, Frenchie vs, The boys vs homelander, Billy Butcher vs Homelander, Homelander vs, Black Noir vs Kamiko, Frenchie vs the seven, The Boys The Seven, How Powerful are The Seven, How Powerful are The Boys, Billy Butcher Explained, Frenchie Explained, The Frenchman Explained, The Deep Whale Scene, The Deep Dolphin scene
Id: eFrt6FFBcBc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 55sec (475 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 09 2020
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