Billy Milligan: Man of 24 Faces or Violent Conman

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Hello everybody welcome back to another episode of The Casual Christmas as always I'm your host similar script Billy Milligan man of 24 faces or violent con man ooh I mean violent con man maybe there's murder but maybe there's no murder today which makes for a less popular episode but it does make for a little mental health break for all facts boy here because just before this I I actually recorded two of these in a row uh well this would be the second I recorded one before this which was all about violent murder so this is nice nice little break for me yippity-doo let's go something something is knitting yes I know what's missing oh the format of the show if you're new here is I've never read this before it's a brand new exploration Kevin wrote it I'm going to read it we're going to enjoy it together probably not it's about crime and violence and con men which I find surprise like I don't know con man and all this stuff like I love all that [ __ ] like Catch Me If You Can movie redevelop these guys I just find it super interesting [Music] although much of the myth surrounding the insanity defense has been dispelled there is still a large misconception over exactly how common it is or a mock grounds that can be applied there are a lot of common mental disorders so common that it's estimated 26 of adults in America at any time are suffering from a diagnosable disorder I could totally like one in four it wouldn't surprise me if it was higher like the only reason we don't the only reason we might think that high is because we've just been like way under diagnosing mental stuff because for the longest time like healthcare is just focused on the physical well-being rather than mental well-being and I mean it's still super super like not taken care of however suffering from anxiety or depression is not grounds for an insanity plea likewise your diagnosis of obsessive-compulsive disorder is not going to save you from any jail time unless your specific abulsion happens to be that you can't leave a room without turning the lights off for it three times and then stabbing somebody 17 times and even there I don't think that's gonna fly for an insanity defense because mental diagnoses are nuanced and sometimes subjective courts sought to put in place standardized rules to help judges and juries evaluate someone's legal competency the first such rule called the monoton rules goes all the way back to 1843 and this is an English case famous English case I remember studying this case this rule was established when Englishman Daniel McNaughton and I can't remember how to pronounce it so I'm sorry about that assassinated the Prime Minister on the basis that the Prime Minister was conspiring against him and it became the standard throughout the UK and the United States and is still used in about half of U.S states today I didn't know that that's interesting this rule was split into two parts either of which was considered sufficient grounds for an insanity defense as the result of a mental disease or other mental defect the defendant would have to show that they either did not understand what they were doing was wrong what they were doing was wrong or that they simply did not understand what they were doing at all the monortan rule was a high bar to clear then it was primarily used in the case of psychopaths and schizophrenics if a person genuinely believed that they were killing a demon or they were performing an otherwise illegal act on the orders from God himself they clearly would not understand what they were doing it was wrong obviously orders from God could never be wrong not even when he told Abraham to kill his own son but stopped him at the last moment or when he told Jeb tar to kill his own daughter and made him go through with it or when he told unan to have sex with his brother's wife because the couple weren't having enough children how is this book okay but books like Where the Wild Things Are get banned is beyond me that's because religion is special Kevin I don't know who reads the Bible anymore all right for some reason I mean what the Bible there's some crazy [ __ ] in there it's a crazy [ __ ] why did Where the wild things get banned what's wrong with where the What Where the Wild Things Are isn't that just some heartwarming story about where wild things are I remember this from being a kid now I want to go buy it for my kids so I can enjoy Where the Wild Things Are again anyway it was evident early on that the minortin rule was incomplete so in 1887 the Alabama Supreme Court introduced the irresistible impulse test the test was designed to include people who knew what they were doing knew what they were doing was wrong but literally couldn't help themselves unlike the manortan rule this would provide criteria by which those suffering from things like Mania or paraphilias abnormal sexual desires would be covet the problem with the irresistible impulse test was that was that it had a higher level of subjectivity and could wind up being overly inclusive yeah I mean what sort of defense is that it's like I just can't stop myself it's like what are you doing I steal I'm a kleptomaniac I just can't stop myself from stealing Jewels I don't feel like that should be a defense I mean it shouldn't be a complete defense right these tests worked well enough for a while but in 1953 that is a long one there's like 60 some 63 66 years the Durham rule emerged when a judge decided that reform was needed he felt that the defense failed to show that the defendant Durham didn't know right from wrong but that he was still insane the new rule was extremely simplified stating that an accused is not criminally responsible if his unlawful Act was the product of mental disease or mental defect this is really tricky legal stuff because psychopathy is a mental defect and Psychopaths kill they serial kill are they guilty yes but under this rule kind of feels like that's a defense like someone who's serial kills like somebody commits crimes like this by the very nature is not right there they have a disorder and then how do we reconcile that with this over the other language throws up some immediate red flags indeed because it is extremely Broad and subjective the Durham rule essentially removed both judges and juries from the equation and the entire test was hey Doc is this guy a crazy mofo if the doctor who was not held to any specific standards for the methodology of their diagnosis that the person wasn't responsible end of discussion this test was quickly identified as having these issues no surprise and in 1972 it was largely disregarded in favor of the new model Penal Code this was essentially just a combination of the minortin rule and the irresistible impulse test into a single rule allowing either to be sufficient proof that a person wasn't legally competent the main difference was that instead of focusing on whether the defendant understood their actions worried wrong it could instead be applied to determine whether they understood that their actions were criminal this whole thing this law stuff I find just endlessly fascinating that the little intricacies and discussions and moral debates I find this so interesting successful uses of insanity defense tend to be major news which is why people are prone to believing that it is more common than it is it's not an attractive defense because it's difficult to prove and because the insanity plea admit means admitting that the defendant committed the crime just that they weren't legally responsible for it in reality only about one percent of criminal cases attempt the insanity defense and only about 25 percent of those are successful so roughly one in 400 cases of course approximately 90 percent of the American population is currently housed in the prison system although that number feels a little low I mean it's often Kevin's just having fun at those stats where it's like there's a lot of Americans in prison which means that a big chunk of those that aren't incarcerated avoided jail by being criminally insane among those was Billy Milligan a man who achieved Celebrity Status by being the first person to successfully use multiple personality disorder as a basis for an insanity defense Billy would achieve such Fame that he got to personally meet with director James Cameron to discuss selling the story of his life but it was Billy better known before his arrest as the campus rapist actually insane or was he just a run-of-the-mill violent criminal they found a way to exploit the Zeitgeist to Clinical Psychology in the 1970s this is going to be a very interesting question to deal with in today's episode so let's crack on exactly what you would expect the sugar is no surprise to fans of the casual criminalist or trap hands of True Crime in general but Billy had a really childhood Billy's mother Dorothy Sands grew up in Ohio she married a man named Dick Jonas but the marriage failed due to Dick's drinking problem after her divorce Dorothy moved to Miami and got a job as a singer but while in Miami she met and fell in love with a man named Johnny Morrison a local comedian and musician Johnny was already married but that didn't stop the couple from having three children together William Stanley Milligan born on Valentine's Day 1955 was the middle child he had an older brother Jim and a younger sister Kathy Joe however Dorothy hadn't learned her lesson from her first marriage Johnny was another heavy drinker and the combination of medical expenses and trying to pay for three children oh is too much for him to handle he turned to gambling taking out loans to gamble more and drinking a lot more oh no so I've got financial troubles what shall I do gambling will make it better I know desperate people do desperate things but please don't gamble is just going to make it worse I promise I promise you just don't do it please don't gamble in 1958 Dorothy found him slumped over the kitchen table having downed half a bottle of scotch and a bottle of sleeping pills Johnny was taken to the hospital meant he survived the ordeal but he was no quitter he wouldn't quit gambling and he wouldn't get drinking so he wasn't going to try quit killing himself either a few months later in January 1959 Johnny committed suicide via carbon monoxide poisoning the financial insecurity pressures of being a father and severe addiction all played a role in his suicide but I like to think that the guilt of raising three children with his girlfriend of seven years while still being married the entire time was a contributing factor as well yeah it sounds like there were a lot of contributing factors and that's uh it's sad it says he wasn't abusive this was the second husband he was just a financial troubles and addictions and I mean he was having an affair and stuff but it's just it's sad Dorothy apparently must have missed dig because she moved back to Ohio with her kids where she remarried her ex-husband oh God I don't like that at all don't do that unsurprisingly this marriage lasted less than a year it was the 1950s so it's not like Dick's first divorce was going to be the wake-up call he needed to stop drinking and get his life together he had likely spent most of the previous seven years hanging out with the other bar flies complaining about how awful women were and wondering how a catch like him was still single yeah I wonder why mate I wonder why is probably because you're a bell roughly two years after the divorce Dorothy met a new man Chalmer Milligan the following year in 1963 the two got married the good news is that Dorothy had learned her lesson about dating alcoholics as there don't appear to be any accounts of trauma being a heavy drinker the bad news is that he was going to make Johnny Morrison like Mr Rogers allegedly before we even talk about what kind of man and father Chalmer was it's important to note that at this point but he was eight years old he'd only been four years since his father committed suicide even if chalma was the kindest and most patient parent in the world being on their third father in four years would have to [ __ ] up billions of siblings at least just a little bit yeah this is the sort of childhood that leads to Super damaged people Chalmer and army veteran already had two daughters from his previous marriage marriage that had ended in divorce on the grounds of gross neglect just to be clear everything about charmer moving forward is alleged this comes from Billy's personal account his accounts to psychiatrists which date back to his teenage years before he committed any serious crimes and the accounts of his siblings there is a good amount of corroboration to the story but no charges were ever filed and thus there is no conviction so again all alleged of course this piece of in my opinion died in 1986 so I doubt his estate is looking to sue anyone to defend his honor yeah that'd be some serious strides and effect going on right there guys but I just want to be clear that again this is just allegations now with those legal compulsaries out of the way Chalmer was allegedly a sadistic abusive pile of human garbage all or at least the vast majority of his abuse was directed at Billy which isn't really uncommon by only abusing one child that would theoretically leave him four more to vouch for what a wonderful father he was singling out the weakest or most timid child could also decrease the chances that the child would ever come forward about the abuse Billy wasn't the youngest child but he was the younger of the two boys and it seems that Chalmer may have been more interested in carrying out a sadistic acts on a boy than a girl the puzzle's alleged sadistic act how about some good old-fashioned sodomy oh God there's an abuse enough do we have to go down the sexual path as well with kids piece of [ __ ] allegedly that's already something terrible what if I told you it gets way worse oh God Kevin did we start this off with con man and I was getting excited about a con man episode where there wasn't horrible like child abuse and all of this stuff and now it's like oh he conned the legal system into allegedly into making people think that he wasn't a murderer in my opinion Actually I don't even know if that's my opinion yet because we haven't read this thing and maybe he does have this condition and that's fair let's see the court seemed to think so apparently there were plenty of beatings to be had but a punch in the face is pretty mundane as far as child abuse goes and charmer wasn't one to half-ass his douchebaggery instead he would hang Billy from the ceiling by his fingers and toes not his arms and legs so they could whack his adopted son like a pinata when all else failed and the interactive personal abuse wasn't enough drama would simply bury Billy alive again all the details of abuse are allegations for which she was never charged despite corroboration with Billy siblings this alleged abuse began just months after Dorothy and charmer got married and it was the first instance of Charmers sodomizing Billy the psychiatrists would say was the trigger for his personality to Splinter but we'll get to that later in 1970 shortly after Billy's 15th birthday he was suspended from his Junior High School the reason for his suspension was given that he would go into trance-like States and just wander around the town the same month he was committed to the children's unit of Columbus State Hospital for psychiatric treatment where he was diagnosed with hysterical Neurosis hysterical Neurosis is an outdated term and the former diagnosis has been bifurcated into both conversion disorder and disassociative disorders he was released after a few months but his parents were urged to have a continued therapy it does not seem like this happened but if it did it certainly didn't help also saying that he was released from the hospitals a bit generous but he was actually thrown out at the psychiatric hospital because his behavior was way too disruptive when you're gonna get thrown out of the psychiatric hospital because your babies is too disruptive maybe that's a sign that you need to be in the psychiatric bus Hospital perhaps maybe medicine come on despise having been suspended from Junior High and committed for the remainder of the score Billy began high school that fall thanks American education system there things all went okay but not great for a couple of years with Billy attending high school and working part-time jobs none of which he was able to hold down for very long after two years of high school Billy and his disruptive behavior were expelled at the age of 17. he immediately enlisted in the Navy but after two months he was thrown out for being unable to adapt to Navy life Billy's childhood was tumultuous that could be in a Twist turning point right I feel like when I read that sentence if this was a Happy Ending Story he'd be like Andy turned his life around in the Navy as it taught him discipline and no Billy's childhood was tumultuous and full of disappointment he went from one alcoholic father to another alcoholic father to an horribly abusive piece of garbage allegedly he didn't really finish high school was thrown at he didn't really finish junior high was thrown out of high school was thrown out to the Navy and was even thrown out of the psychiatric ward that should have been full of doctors capable of helping him cope with his dramatic upbringing up to this point it would be easy to feel bad for Billy Milligan abuse tends to perpetrate a cycle of more abuse so it's unsurprising many criminals have tragic backstories help Simon even felt sympathetic to John Wayne Gacy while listening to the chairlift's childhood if you're currently feeling compassion and sympathy towards Billy I'd say you'd be justified for doing so but get it out of your system now because it's time that I remind you of the criminal nickname that the media gave him campus rapist it only took a couple of months after being discharged from the Navy before Billy found himself in trouble with the law billionaire friend picked up some women who would go to the police a few days later to accuse him of rape the pair arrested on charges of rape assault kidnapping although the kidnapping charges would later be dropped Billy's defense for these actions was unusual at best according to his account the women were sex workers as he told it the issue arose because he was unable to perform sexually and so he and his friend didn't pay them the judge wasn't having any of that and they were found guilty however Billy was still just 17 so he wouldn't be sent off to prison instead he would serve six months at a juvenile detention Camp it was around this time that Dorothy would finally divorce Jama but the damage from his abuse was already done yeah he's 17 Close to 18. he's out of the house now right you got it you'd be you'd be gone and so who cares is he he's already ruined following his release from juvie Billy I began working as a security guard for an arms and drug dealer wait do you call that a security guard isn't that just like a heavy but I don't think that's a job title you work for a criminal that's what he claimed anyway as far as I can tell this has not been verified but he had to be doing something for the next two years so well why not when he wasn't busy working as a hired goon and there you go hard goon security guards it seems Billy spent his free time trolling the streets as a petty Thug it sounds like he's living Grand Theft Auto what's he doing he's just going around looking for money on the ground beating people up taking their money doing missions jeez but when you put it that way it doesn't sound that good to me either in late 1974 Billy was approached by two cross-dressing men at a rest stop it's unclear whether approached means they were actually intended to engage with him or just walking in his general direction but given that it was a highway rest stop it's probably the former I suspect you're unfamiliar with their reputation Simon so let's just say that if dogging was a thing in America these rest stops where it would happen oh my I was not familiar with that and now I am uh Billy assaulted the two men and stole their purses early the next year he took part in the robber of a drugstore he clearly wasn't a very good criminal because for the second time he'd be arrested within days of his crimes this tie needs to read those rules that are there's rules for catacrimus if you're new here um someone Elfie Miguel alverton a commenter on the regular commenter on the YouTube videos occasionally compiles them and there's many there's probably hundreds of them now he's my favorite artist this time Billy had the good sense to plead guilty he was 20 years old so this time he would be serving his two-year sentence in Big Boy prison instead of a juvenile facility in April of 1977 Billy was released from prison like most people who spent time in American prisons he was fully reformed and successfully reintegrated into society ah sarcasm sarcasm prison makes worse criminals and if you believe that feel free to contact me privately about some wonderful investment opportunities he did manage to stay under the radar for a whole six months but that was not going to last on October 14 1977 Billy pulled a gun on an optometry student in the Ohio State University parking lot he took her from the parking lot to a nearby wooded area where he raped her then made her write a check and cash it for him what the [ __ ] are you up to bro why are you combining your crimes don't combine your crimes he would repeat this two more times once on October the 22nd with a nurse and once on October the 26th with an undergraduate student all three women were kidnapped from OSU raped and then robbed is cashing a check so you'd write a check to yourself and then go to the bank and cash that check this must be some old-timey like instead of using an ATM thing in the 70s I guess can't you just go to wouldn't you just go to the banker would draw money it's weird I don't know I don't understand uh checks how very historical it's quaint we've already established that Billy is not a very good criminal so fortunately he was arrested the the day after the third rape only 13 days after his evil crime spree had begun three rapes and uh the the the the what's it called fraud theft I'm not sure when you forcing someone to cash a check and stealing their money obviously a crime um this is going to be a long ass stretch in prison mate this has got to be 20 something years at least for three because they'll make you serve them consecutively because well it's rape so you're going away for a time I get the thing he's not though which is weird let's see Billy had already been arrested for rape before when he was 17 so when one of the victims was shown a book of mug shots from known sex offenders she was easily able to pick him out of the lineup his fingerprints were also found in the car of one of the victims there was more than enough evidence for a warrant and upon searching Billy's home they found a gun and personal items that he had stolen from the victims as Trophies the gun was a clear parole violation so it was arrested and taken to a high state entry to await trial of three counts of kidnapping rape and robbery oh it is robbery okay there we go based on the physical evidence and the ease with which all three women identified him it should have been slam dunk for the prosecution however before it even went to trial there were some peculiarities oh so these the crimes we're so early in today's episode I thought that there would be more crimes committed but I guess these are the crimes that he's doing that multiple personalities defense on let's see one of the three victims said that Billy spoke with a German accent another said that he was extremely nice the whole time and that had she met him under different circumstances the kind where she wasn't being raped at gunpoint she would have considered dating him that's a weird thing to say this is very weird I can't imagine how nice this guy must have been for her to admit that after what had happened regardless the important part here is that even though the victims had no trouble identifying Billy their descriptions of his personality were very different many will point to this as proof that his diagnosis was real after all why would someone go through the trouble of faking an elaborate mental disorder while committing their crimes while maybe because they think they're going to be able to use that elabormental disorder to get away with their crimes after the fact although maybe the fact that he's not a very good criminal makes that unlikely he's okay he just feels a bit dim so I just don't think it's likely that he thought that far ahead and it's probably probably real isn't it the obvious answer is they're all make it much more believable when you try to use that as defense in court yes the supervisor of the OSU police investigators drove Billy to the Columbus Police Headquarters following the arrest in his home he said of the trip that he didn't know what was going on but that it felt like he was talking to different people at different times Billy also claimed to have no knowledge of the crimes and didn't know what he was being arrested even if he did lack memory of those specific crimes dudes on parole and the police just found a gun in his home an arrest woman brought under those circumstances shouldn't be that confusing once Billy was at the Ohio State Penitentiary he began meeting with doctors and undergoing psychiatric evaluation so that his public defenders could prepare their defense we talk a lot on both the casual criminalists and in society in general about the power of high-priced lawyers so I just really want to emphasize what Legends the public defenders Gary schweikart and Judy Stevenson are for having pulled off this defense it would have probably been a lot better for society as a whole if they hadn't but it's still really impressive so credit where credit is due the fence that Willy's lawyers went with was that the reason he appeared to have no memory of the crimes was that because he wasn't the one that committed them not just these three rapes that OSU but the previous rolleries that Billy perpetrated weren't actually committed by him either all of these crimes were the result of his multiple personality disorder now known as disassociative identity disorder or did when he was first evaluated by doctors while in custody but he was diagnosed with acute schizophrenia other doctors would later diagnose him with histrionic personality disorder narcissistic personality disorder and anti-social traits however Dr Cornelia Wilbur was brought in to consult on the case in 1977 she undoubtedly was the most famous psychiatrist in the United States not the entire world and she was the one who led the charge for the diagnosis of did and we'll talk a bit more about Cornelia later using his new diagnosis of did Billy's lawyers were able to have been found not guilty by reason of insanity Billy was the first person to ever successfully use multiple personalities as defense I mean Gary and Judy were the first people to use the defense and it was almost entirely on the basis of cornelia's diagnosis but Billy is always the one that gets the credit but if Billy wasn't guilty and didn't rape those women then who did that would be 19 year old lesbian adalana she was one of 10 distinct personalities found to inhabit the body of Billy Milligan though further sessions with psychiatrists would discover that there were another 14 teen personalities held prisoner in the darkest recesses of his mind the 24 faces of Billy Milligan before we discuss Billy's 24 different personalities I need to throw in a disclaimer here I normally do my best to stay as impartial as possible while presenting the evidence in a case I may make the occasional side comment labeled as my own opinion and not objective facts and in an unsolved case I'll share my favorite Theory at the end that's going to be impossible here as I'm extraordinarily biased did is the most controversial condition printed in the diagnostic and statistical Manual of mental disorders the DSM and many psychiatrists believe that it should be removed entirely yeah I've actually made a video about it on another Channel that I host and it's it's really controversial like a lot of people just don't think it's real and that it shouldn't be in the DSM so there's that whole thing there is heavy debate over whether multiple personalities are a real thing and I'm firmly of the belief that they're not it may be possible that they exist in very rare cases but currently the diagnosis is anything but scientific many sufferers of did do not present symptoms of the disorder until after beginning therapy indicating that they are either intentionally or subconsciously steered in that direction by the doctors themselves patients of these doctors are generally rewarded for showing signs of the disorder and the more identities they reveal the more validation they're going to receive one of the most damning things of all is that research consistently shows that it is impossible for these psychiatrists to tell the difference between a person that has been previously diagnosed with did and someone who is Faking It for the sake of the experiment yeah this is where it's like is this really science I know medicine is not like and Psychiatry and stuff and psychology and all that stuff is you know it's always 100 wedded so to like you know super 100 provable stuff and there's more speculation and stuff like this but this doesn't feel like science does it it doesn't it's possible and wrong and that did is real but it is currently an unscientific and unprovable diagnosis which calls all diagnoses of the disorder into question even if it is real there is no doubt in my mind that Billy was a thousand percent faking to get out of his crimes wow Kevin this is a strong opinions put forward especially because the courts have said that they have a different opinion to you now that my personal boss has been fully disclosed please allow me to be a shitty [ __ ] while I sarcastically introduce you to Billy's supposed 24 personalities referred to as Alters first there is the 22 year old Billy the core and most likely only personality it would be weird if he wasn't on this list next is Arthur Arthur is 23 a sophisticated and well-educated Englishman who completely ran the show he was an expert in science and medicine with a focus on hematology these supposed credentials were never actually put to the test as any time Billy was in a situation where someone could challenge the alleged claims of one of his altars he would conveniently switch to another personality but hey he must have been decent-ish at faking a British accent Arthur's in charge of the spot the name he used to refer to which ever alter was in controller Billy at the time he had total control over which personality could use the spot though Billy was unaware of his supposed alternate personalities and had no memories when they were in control in control all of his altars were aware of one another and shared memories Not only was Arthur in charge of the spot he was also one of two personalities that had the authority to clarify one of the others as undesirable there were 14 undesirables the personalities that were not discovered late until later in police treatment in addition to being the gatekeeper to the spot Arthur was primarily used in times when intellectual thinking was required just how smart was Arthur supposed to be a lot of sources report that he had a genius level IQ of 150 better sources note that this was a total lie all of Billy's personalities were subjected to an IQ test and the scores ranged from 67 to 129. Arthur simply refused to take the test you can't fake a high IQ you can fake a low IQ by answering the quests wrong but you can't fake a high one by answering in the questions right so I guess it's real like he's pretty high at 129. I thought he was a bit dim because he was not doing these crimes very well this whole thing is explained pretty easily Billy had an IQ of 129 which would put him above every intelligence but not exceptionally gifted I'd taken plenty of IQ tests in my day because I think they're fun and because I incorrectly thought having menser on my CV would help me get a job after college a little humble rag there Kev star hey hey I think he's smart because he's the only kid I know because and now before anyone gets angry at me for my comments about ragging on did but then talking about IQ yes I realize IQ tests are also [ __ ] anyway despite my familiarity with IQ tests I can only score as hard on a test as I can score yeah exactly what I said you can't fake high let's say I tested 168 which if is the case is uh extremely high then I wanted to claim I had multiple personalities I could claim one of those personalities was astonishingly brilliant in comparison to me but I couldn't get a score to support that claim however what I could do was deliberately Tang the test in various degrees to show that the other personalities range from developmentally challenged up to my actual intelligence level it's almost certainly is what Billy did he then just refused to take the test as Arthur so that they wouldn't have proof that Arthur wasn't as intelligent as he claimed to be basically Arthur was the random loudmouth online or at dinner parties that goes about talking about how amazing they are but never really didn't have anything to back it up with yeah it's like these people exist they're like I'm doing this brilliant thing I'm working on this great project it's like how's that guy it's like it's early stages it's just those it's annoying it's annoying I don't like it speaking of making wild and substantiated claims Arthur could also read and write Arabic fluently this was also of course never tested and if they tried I'm sure he would have let someone else take control of the spot instead however despite claiming they could read and write Arabic when he encountered a fellow patient at the mental institution who actually could do this he had that person right in Arabic for him which well it's not at all suspicious is it next was nicknamed The Keeper of hate Reagan's name is actually a clever portmento of the words rage and again alright so clever it was brilliant that's the sort of thing that only someone with an IQ of 129 could come up with he was Yugoslavian and spoke with a Slavic accent he was also fluent in Serbia and something that was equally as unsubstantiated as Arthur's claim of being fluent in Arabic Reagan was the only alter to have a last name likely added to sell the idea that he was Yugoslavian he was also the one who was responsible for committing the robberies that originally landed Billy in jail and is the one that was working for the arms and drugs dealer Reagan was purported to be an expert in various weapons and of karate Billy and many resulters were artists but Reagan would draw exclusively in black and white because he was colorblind it's not how color blindness works is it this seems to indicate that it was supposed to have a completely achromatic Vision which is exceedingly rare and it's also the result of physiology it's not like an alternate personality could change a person physically right well yeah you'd think that and all of this so far I'm like totally coming down on the side of Kevin I think this is kind of nonsense and also just is building my level of respect for those public defenders who managed to pull this [ __ ] off because it's wild people who believe Billy seem to think otherwise Reagan was allegedly strong like abnormally strong somehow stronger than Billy was this was explained by Reagan having the ability to control his flow of adrenaline to give himself seemingly superhuman strength oh yeah he also weighed at least 10 pounds more than Billy I mean the problem is with this argument Kevin about the realism and whether these personalities are distinct is no one is making the argument that these are real people with other knowledge trapped in his body what the argument is is that are they distinct fake personalities they can all be made up they're all absolutely made up because there's no way that a Yugoslavian man is hiding inside this American man's body like his mind is in there it's just that's physically impossible but the argument being made is does Billy believe this ah does he have an awareness of these other personalities obviously he can't speak Arabic but that doesn't take away from the argument of multiple personality disorders because we all know that these personalities are not actually real despite being a criminal Reagan wasn't lumped in with the other undesirables he was kept around because he did what needed to be done in order to provide for the family instead he was the other of Billy's altars that had the ability to designate somebody as undesirable next we come to Alana the perpetrator of the rapes adelana was a 19 year old lesbian who would cook and clean for the others and often wrote poetry you might think the committing rape would have got adelana lumped him with the other undesirables but she had a special power none of the other doctors knew this but Alana had the ability to wish control of the spot without Arthur's permission and to prevent the others from remembering what had happened while she was in control that meant she alone was privy to the fact that the rape snapped at all it's convenient isn't it a motivation for committing these atrocities was because she was a shy introvert who was desperate for human touch and companionship um you need to I don't know if this person understands what companionship is because that's not rape what the [ __ ] then there was Alan Alan was a con man and skilled a manipulator and he was the one the most commonly interacted with the outside world at least allegedly it's not like Billy was actually monitored in the outside world though and as well known later on he absolutely should have been Allen was also right-handed despite Billy and all of the other Alters being left-handed as abusing your offhand isn't something literally anyone could learn to do given proper motivation he was also the only altar that smoked cigarettes to some people this is a Smoking Gun that obviously these personalities were real since nicotine is physically addicting um uh that is not strong evidence in any way whatsoever the personalities are not real ah Jesus Christ that you're still your brain would slap that physical addiction that physical addiction is going nowhere you're just getting control of it very strong motivation to do so remember however if Billy was only smoking one cigarette every few days or something however often he decided to be Alan it's not likely would be enough to cause a serious addiction besides if only one Ultra smoke then it's not like Billy would be carrying cigarettes around with him he'd have to ask the doctors for them this would make it more of a blatantly performative act than any actual trait of the personality oh yeah and he played the drums and he painted portraits Tim this is getting ridiculous we know Billy did a lot of art hence men hence many resulters also painted in sketch but I'm not sure whether he was musically inclined it's unlikely that a doctor was going to give him a drum kit in the middle of a psychiatric hospital so this is almost certainly another unverified claim Tommy was often confused to Alan probably because inventing 24 completely distinct personalities is really hard so there were bound to be some overlap of convenience Tommy was a master escape artist and allegedly escaped from Escape Jack from a straight jacket while in police custody when they were explained to him that the jackets weren't dead for people who were thought to be a danger themselves Tommy showed them the trick and taught them how to tie a straight jacket so that nobody could Escape Christine was a three-year-old girl who suffered from dyslexia this should be an irrelevant detail because I don't think there's a lot of three-year-olds out there who are reading anyway but Arthur taught her to read and write despite her disability while at the age of three I'd wear my kid's about to turn three like they're a long way from writing they can maybe trace the letters they could trace letters that's about it I'd wager this entire story was because it's not that hard to deliberately read slowly or pretend you're having difficulty reading pretending to be completely illiterate would be very difficult you may be saying no it's not just don't read stuff that's exactly what I was thinking Kevin actually but if a psychiatrist keeps sending pieces of paper to a person that's pretending they can't read event actually there's going to be some recognition they won't admit they could read anything and they probably won't realize that anything happens but they'll be their hint of understanding in their eyes just a tiny micro expression that tells the doctor they absolutely recognize the words in front of them and they are pretending not to be able to read it fair enough Christine was referred to as the corner girl because she was the personality that would take over when Billy was when Billy had to stand in the corner for disrupting a class as a child she originally been created during Billy's childhood as an imaginary friend but it is believed that she became one of his altars at the time his abuse at the hands of Chalmer started although Christine had no useful skills Beyond cheerfully drawing pictures of flowers and butterflies the others vowed to never let her be labeled as undesirable because she was the first altar created similarly Billy himself was not allowed to be labeled as undesirable because he was the original identity they just rarely ever left him in control Chris was Christine's older brother oh my god there are so many how do you even remember all of this [ __ ] he was 10 years old enjoyed generic 10 year old staff and likely only existed so the Billy could get the number of personalities to a nice round number before introducing the 14 undesirables he was rarely given control because he served little purpose but he enjoyed playing the harmonica and couldn't wait to learn to drive being only 10 years old he obviously wasn't allowed to drive a car except for that one time despite not being able to see over the dashboard Chris was once able to take the car out for a drive by stationing four of the other altars at the corners of the car and having them direct him what the [ __ ] I swear to God this is really what some people believe happened apparently a jury believed this [ __ ] this is wild can't believe people this is so stupid Dany was afraid of people especially men but he liked paint he would only paint still lives and refused to paint Landscapes because they reminded him of the time Chalmer made him dig his own grave finally there was eight-year-old David David was the keeper of pain and was put into the spot to absorb the final pain of all the other altars these are the main 10 altars that were seen But as we said bully was the man of 24 faces who were not even halfway done oh God what a nightmare at least these ones were all banished so their stories are a lot shorter are we really going through all these this is just like a true it's like a journey through a crazy man's mind I I just find this to be such I I'm totally just coming around to Kevin's opinion and this is all just utter nonsense isn't it the undesirables [Music] here we find Billy's basket of deplorable personalities that existed but weren't allowed to come out and play for a variety of reasons Philip was a cheap Dime Store Hood with a thick Brooklyn accent I assume it was clear when Philip was in the spot because he would saunter around town yelling I'm walking here the cars he was a terrible accent I apologize he was marked as undesirable and accounted being a criminal perhaps if he had physically impossible superhuman abilities like Reagan then he could have stuck around Kevin was another small type criminal he was considered to be less intelligent and motivated making him even less desirable on behalf of all Kevin's [ __ ] you Billy yeah because it gathered the author of this face is also called Kevin Walt it was a big game hunter from Australia with an excellent sense of direction obviously had never been to Australia and already hunted big game but he was banished for borrowing a gun to shoot a crow for the safety and protection of the family only Reagan was allowed to handle guns oh my God it's like listening to an edgy teenager's story about some [ __ ] that they came up with ugh April frankly shouldn't have been marked as undesirable a singular mission in life was to murder charmer and honestly I think that would have been okay did you forget my decidedly pro-murder start Simon yeah charm was a bell I would but we'll be better off without him it wouldn't have been okay legally speaking but if Billy's only Clark crime was murdering Chalmer instead of multiple rapes I'd feel a lot better about him having gotten a pass from the court yeah if charm was to be like oh no charmer's dead the child abusive pedophile rapist what a shame but no instead he rapes three innocent women and stole their money Samuel was the only practitioner of religion among all 24 altars like Billy's biological father Samuel was Jewish there are conflicting reports as to why he was marked as undesirable some sources side that this was because he sold off paintings that belonged to other altars others say this was because he was judgmental and a self-righteous prick whichever the reason or perhaps because of a combination of both Arthur banished Samuel away he was allowed to take control of the spot exactly once per year so that he could fast on Yom Kippur but that's it no Passover no tisbav no roshanasha no sukkuth oh my God all these Jewish holidays have no idea how to pronounce Samuel got exactly one day per year and frankly as an undesirable he should have been grateful to get even that much Mark is referred to by the others as the Workhorse or the zombie he would do nothing unless he was told to and he would do monotonous tasks for hours at a time without complaint Mark wasn't so much an alternate personality as he was literally everybody who has a job they didn't like he was marked as undesirable because he was too suggestible and would do anything that he was told if this was a movie Steve would be the comic relief oh it just goes on and on and on with all these nonsense characters Jesus here's a megalomaniac that didn't believe in the existence of Billy instead he believed he was the core personality and all the others were his altars oh that wacky Steve he was declared undesirable because he was rude and condescending and nearly everyone got in hot water while Billy was in prison and just bear in mind everybody this is probably all here because it was in court and this was like public records or whatever this is so crazy Jason was known as the pressure valve he would fly into pits of rage and throw Tantrums to let off Steen this Behavior was deemed as an appropriate an inappropriate way to deal with anger so Jason had to go sit on the sidelines Rob was a Daydreamer he was a little man with big plans none of which he could be bothered to even attempt to see through it wasn't bad or dangerous but Arthur felt that he didn't contribute anything to the group and so that was that Sean was a little deaf boy and the others mostly assumed he was developmentally challenged he would make buzzing noises to fill the to feel the vibrations in his head Sean also wasn't bad Arthur just felt there wasn't any benefit to being deaf later in life so he just didn't bring anything useful to the table at this point it's revealed that there's a sort of hierarchy among the undesirables most of them were cast off into the Shadows never to be heard from again except when it was convenient for Billy's narrative Sean wasn't fully banished since he didn't do anything wrong he was just never allowed to take control of the spot it's a shame because I'd really love to have a lot of witness account Billy pretending to be deaf while being surrounded by a cacophony of distractions Timothy was another little boy he'd also experienced sexual abuse at the hands of Chalmer despite being a child he had a job at a florist shop somehow although this was one of the jobs that Billy genuinely had as a teenager before being expired from high school when a gay man came into the florist and flirted with Timothy he got scared and voluntarily banished himself Martin was Arthur but louder he pretended to be a genius to impress others but was even more of a braggot about it he wanted to usurp power from Arthur so Arthur banished him before he could get the chance finally finally finally there was the teacher who is inexplicably always lumped in with the undesirables it's probably just because he wasn't one of the original Ten that were revealed the teacher didn't emerge until Billy had already been undergoing therapy for a while and he was the attempt to fuse all of the personalities into one how successful these attempts were varied based on Billy's personal needs I know my descriptions have been biased and a bit condescending but I promise you these are the actual facts of Billy's presentation of did that are accepted by those that believe this diagnosis was accurate this is so wild I just don't believe in this I just don't believe it and I'm really beginning to think that that video that I made on the other channel about it was all just like talking about how it's nonsense even if did is indeed real this roller coaster rider [ __ ] isn't it Billy's story and his presentation isn't consistent with itself or with how did is believed to present his changes from one altar to another also always included some Grand gesture or change of facial expression like he knew he was just putting on a show that the doctors to understand how he could have not only been given this diagnosis by a trained psychiatrist but also have been found not guilty as a result of it we have to go back to Dr Cornelia will but without her Billy would have to stick with his original diagnosis of acute schizophrenia something that was unlikely to excuse his actions it was Cornelia who led the charge for his diagnosis and Cornelia who poisoned the psychiatric well for Generations Sybil [Music] civil was a book published in 973 it sold six million copies and was made into a TV movie in 1976 the year before Billy's trap it was built as a non-fiction book that detailed the life of a woman named Sybil shocking answer treatment by Cornelia Wilbur her name was strange to protect her identity but the readers who were local to the protagonist immediately recognized that her actual name was Shirley Mason as best I can tell the story behind the book is all a matter of uncontested public records but let's just throw a big allegedly in before all of this just in case yeah I love that allegedly just in case you know it's all a legend isn't it maybe when you're here you're not really here Shirley was experiencing anxiety depression blackouts and was often described as living in a world of fantasy surely sought out therapy from Cornelia to try and deal with his issues she knew that Cornelia had a special interest in did mainly because Cornelia explicitly told her this and also instructed her to read up on the disorder which sounds like a really excellent way to implant in that person's mind the idea that they have this and then give them all of the information that they need to make it look like they have this to you to please you because that's just what's going to happen isn't it when the therapy began surely didn't have any symptoms pertaining to multiple personalities she talked about a history of childhood abuse and the symptoms that I mentioned earlier however one day she came into cornelia's office and claimed to be a nine-year-old girl named Peggy shortly thereafter she came in claiming to be a 13 year old named Vicky this is just this is just really really really bad science it's just giving people the answer and then being like hey what's the answer week guys weak and kind of unethical and by kind of unethical I mean unethical I'm not sure how intentional it is though so that's tricky it's important to know that Shirley was considered to be highly suggestible and anxious to please Cornelia also Cornelia started injecting her with our barbiturates during their sessions only [ __ ] the year was 1954 so this wasn't considered out of line but it wasn't exactly normal either while under the influence of the drugs Shirley began revealing more and more altars up to a total of 16. four years into their therapy sessions Shelley wrote a letter to Cornelia confessing that everything was a lie she hadn't been abused by a schizophrenic mother her mother wasn't actually even schizophrenic and none of the altars were real Cornelia read the letter and said yeah this probably isn't important and continue with the therapy who's crazy now huh okay now we're crossing the line to just straight up I mean just this is crazy there are a couple of reasons that Cornelia would have disregarded this letter the more mundane reason is that she was a Freudian as such she could have seen Shirley's confession as an attempt to resist her treatments that wouldn't have been the only time the ghost of Freud interfered with the treatment as Cornelia also was allegedly accessing repressed memories of Shirley's another thing that actually doesn't exist yeah we talked about I made a video about repressed memories and then I made it we touched on it again in a recent episode it's uh it's like a crazy crazy old thing I mean it's also the possibility that she ignored that letter because she thought oh maybe this was written by like one of the more dominant there is a hair in my glasses that I'm just trying to remove and there's also people wondering what I'm doing there with my hands if you're listening to this podcast you're probably thinking what am I talking about but we also have a YouTube version I'm just like moving my glasses around like crazy and I just wanted to explain it was a little eyebrow or something I forgotten what I was talking about let's just move on oh the other reason that she might have sent the letter she thought it could be sent by one of the like personalities to try and get rid of the um the therapy and just be left alone with the multiple personality stuff so okay the much more cynical reason that Cornelia could have ignored the letter is that she was actively giving lectures and presentations on the case and that she'd already secured a book deal the three faces of e was a best-selling book the year before but you've only ever had three personalities at a time with 16 different personalities surely was cornelia's Cash Cow but that obviously wouldn't work if it was all a lie so the letter was buried look for whatever reason that happens that's um it's not good is it it's a massive conflict of interest so I kind of like would like people who work in the medical field to be you know more ethical kind of above that above that exploitation but I guess not Cornelia was already Shirley's drug dealer but that could be chalked up to medical treatment however she was also paying Shirley's rent and buying her clothes they would spend 14 to 18 hours together every week in therapy sessions oh my God she's at therapy basically part-time and Cornelia would even spend time at Shirley's house outside of therapy I cannot possibly stress enough that even by 1950 standards none of this was okay Cornelia had essentially created the threat of mutually assured destruction so Shirley never brought up the confession again yeah therapy in the past I always think of Mad Men when uh uh what's her name uh Betty Don Draper's wife is a therapy and like Psychiatry and she's talking about all of her problems with the doctor and then the doctor just phones up Don and discusses her treatment and what's been bothering her and all of this stuff like only [ __ ] this would not fly today as a huge invasion of privacy even if it's your kids can the therapists the psychiatrists and stuff tell you what your kids have been saying in therapy I imagine that shit's got to be confidential right even between uh child and and doctor right although that's legally complicated because the parents are in charge so I don't know how that works that's interesting there was just one problem with trying to write the book other than Shirley's confession Cornelia wasn't actually a good writer there was just one problem with trying to write the book other than Shirley's confession Cornelia wasn't actually a good writer she may have been able to write a scholarly paper not that she could get one published about this case because did was almost universally considered to be fictional back then so no scientific journal would allow it but she lacked the ability to convey the story through compelling prose I don't think that's how it works for scientific journal does it like uh it was almost universally considered to be fictional so no scientific journal would allow it isn't the point of journals that that's where we explore things like an academic Journal would be like okay so obviously it'll be peer-reviewed but if someone comes to a journal and it's like hey I've got this study on like multiple personalities when you look at it and then it will be peer-reviewed and if it turns out to be legit they'll publish it isn't that I don't know am I misunderstanding that like scientific journals are open-minded that's the nature of scientific journals right they're open to new ideas where new ideas are literally talked about for the first time openly to that end author Flora Schreiber was brought in to write the story unfortunately for Cornelia Flora was a good writer who wanted to do her due diligence she found many parts of the story to be highly dubious but neither Cornelia nor Shirley changed their story so Flora pressed onward she would even go so far as to find Shirley's written confession but Cornelia told her that it was absolutely inconsequential and to not dare mention it in the book Shirley's probably figured right now there's a more interesting story here than a book about the multiple personality girl but there's a story about the multiple personality girl and her psychiatrist that is an interest because that is the story we're reading now and it's super interesting that's a better book Flora continued writing and the other two continued their therapy sessions by this point it was 1965 and the pair had been spending a suspicious amount of time in therapy together I guess it takes a long time to meticulously craft the perfect non-fiction narrative that they could relate to Flora however the book needed to have a happy ending if Shirley couldn't be cured the book wasn't going to have the impact they needed to make in order to get those fat stacks of cash so after 11 years of intensive therapy and definitely boundary Crossing Cornelia told Shirley I'm going to need you to go ahead and fuse all those personalities together now please and uh well thank you after only a few weeks all of the altars were gone leaving only Shirley the perfect ending it's the perfect book to recap Shirley had no history of expressing multiple personalities before seeking unrelated treatment from Cornelia a doctor who was extremely interested in did during their therapy a highly suggestible and drugged outpatient revealed 16 altars attempted to confess that it was all a lie and was told to cram it after 11 years of therapy with no progress Cornelia demanded Shirley give her book a happy ending and that was instantly the end of Shirley's altars and oh my God is this clearly and very much allegedly total [ __ ] my opinion that is the psychiatrist who consulted on Billy Milligan's case leading to his verdict to reiterate the book a movie were both extremely popular and the movie had come out the year before Billy's trial it's also to reiterate while I'm confident that none of these details surrounding similar contested whenever any charges of fraud or malpractice there were accusations but no official charges so we'll throw another allegedly in there case I can't possibly overstate the profound effect that the book and subsequent movie had on both public perception of did and psychiatric practice before Sybil was released there were only 79 documented cases of multiple personalities in research literature throughout the entire world within 10 years that number had increased to 6000 by the year 2000 it increased all the way to 40 000 cases which isn't surprising I think like when someone opens up a new field of research of course there's going to be more people identifying cases of that but I also think that in this case it's kinda [ __ ] your media reaction might be that Sybil simply raised awareness of the condition oh there we go that was exactly my initial reaction um that's absolutely a thing that can and does happen but what sort of measurable impact can simply raising awareness have double the number of people coming forward with presents and that present symptoms triple not how generous you're being raising awareness alone cannot account for the number of cases growing by a factor of 500. okay I mean sure but what if it's like I'm sure there are common like post-traumatic stress disorder wasn't a thing and then it was a thing and now obviously there's a lot of post-traumatic stress disorder in all sorts of different fields and it's definitely I'm sure more than 500 times so I don't know I think that does happen do I still think it's total [ __ ] yeah yeah I do if did were actually that common before Sybil was released it wouldn't have been a condition that was thought to be either extremely rare or potentially non-existent It seems impossible to argue that the influenceable had on society as a whole the fame it brought Cornelia and the fact that Cornelia herself consulted on Billy's diagnosis did not play a massive role in his not guilty verdict after the trial [Music] now that we fully understand Billy's supposed condition and how exactly he was able to be found not guilty by reason of insanity it's time to see how the rest of his life played out oh God is he gonna go on and do more raping is he going to be let off on this absurd defense by his absolutely incredible lawyers and then we're all going to regret it I get the feeling the answer's yes or maybe he's going to go to an insane asylum forever standard practice would have been to transfer into the Lima state hospital for the criminally insane that was considered to be a brutal hellhole so his lawyers instead were able to get him sent to Athens Mental Health Center just so there's no confusion Lima and Athens are not both cities in Ohio Billy hasn't left the state as Billy settled into his small room at the facility in Athens the campus rapist looked out the window and enjoyed his beautiful view of the neighboring Ohio University the trial and verdict had been a huge media spectacle and Billy was now the center of attention he was given preferential treatment and an astonishing amount of leeway something for which his attending physician Dr David cool would receive a ton of [ __ ] while staying in the mental health center Billy was frequently visited by OU creative Ohio University oh you creative writer Professor David Keys the award-winning Earth author of flowers real margin on he had won the right to write about Billy's life in a story which will become his next award-winning book The Mind to Billy Milligan I've never heard of the minds of Billy Milligan it was at Athens during his stream with David that Billy first manifested the existence of the teacher once David became aware of this fused personality Billy basically had his run of the place he was allowed virtually unrestricted access within the hospital on the grounds outside and even give a permission to wander around the town unsupervised David even coached him in how to handle residents they might not be happy to see their friendly neighborhood rapist walking around freely Billy was allowed to sell his artwork and another doctor noted that while normal patients weren't allowed to carry more than 20 on their person Billy would frequently walk around with wads of cash he also got to throw some sort of raucous party at the hospital and it was reported that he tried to escape as well why he needed to escape from free room and board celebrity status and the ability to pretty much live his free life is beyond me but all good things come to an end and he wound up being and he wound up having to go to the Lima state hospital after being accused of crimes against female patients at the hospital oh what a surprise he continued his ways also why are the female patients at the hospital with a male rapist they should be at different hospitals he should be a hospital with just men or just himself to be honest the hospital in Lima eventually closed and Billy was bounced around from hospital hospital for several years before wine finally winding up back in Athens in 1982. however none of the doctors at the other facilities believed in Billy's diagnosis so he wasn't given any special treatment he did marry the sister of another patient while at one of the other hospitals but the hospital didn't allow for conjugal visits so Billy missed out on what may have been his first ever chance a consensual sex though she had been excited to have the opportunity to marry a celebrity his wife received an annulment after only 51 days of marriage because well Billy was just awful after returning to Athens Billy was again the recipient of special and inappropriate treatment while driving a truck through town something he was apparently allowed to do he passed his passenger fired a gun at a random Bond what are you up to Billy was charged with vandalism perjury and Witness intimidation related to the incident but the charges were eventually dropped how is he not going to prison he's got to go to prison come on he was also involved in a shooting at the home of one of the hospital staff members a place he absolutely should not have been allowed to be somehow no charges were brought against him he was transferred to Central Ohio psychiatric hospital it was now 1986 and Billy had been bouncing to hospital from hospital to hospital for the last seven years enough was enough it was time to break out how do you need to break out you seem to have lots of freedom to just go on you were driving a car just keep driving this time he succeeded in his escape attempt thanks to the help of loyal Billy sympathizers most of whom were family members he was able to travel from Ohio all the way to Washington State I have Noah I know where Washington state is that's like in the write-up in the uh North West I have no idea where Ohio was if someone told me Ohio was in the South I'll be like okay if someone told me it was close to Massachusetts I'd be like okay Ohio is just like one of those states where it's like uh in the middle somewhere America for Simon's sake that's from a technically Midwest but mostly Eastern State all the way to the West Coast three time zones away how can a state be in the midwest but also mostly Eastern what does that mean it's just somewhere in the middle isn't it but it's three time zones that's far once in Washington he did what any fugitive would do he changed his name to Christopher Carr and started a hot tub company with two other men to be clear these other two men have their own bodies oh isn't there not part of his multiple personality thing Billy was living with a roommate by the name of Michael Madden a war veteran one day their landlord saw the two men having a fight it was the last time anyone would see Michael alive or otherwise while living together Billy and Michael had shared a post office box coincidentally just after Michael disappeared Billy cashed his disability checks cashed in the 7500 GI bill payment for Michael's tuition at Western Washington University and sold off Michael's car he allegedly murdered Michael Denny and stole all his [ __ ] oh and later questions about it Billy claimed that the money was a repayment of a loan that he had given Michael there was absolutely no body and no evidence other than the highly suspicious highly suspicious theft of all of Michael's [ __ ] immediately after he disappeared so no charges were ever filed for those keeping score this is now that is now two people that Billy is believed to have murdered but Billy wasn't questioned about Michael's disappearance until much later after acquiring the repayment of his generous loan to Mike or Billy fled to Miami Florida he was captured shortly there afterwards and returned to the psychiatric hospital to Ohio why is he not returned to a court so they can put him in prison like properly This Time by this point he must have been sick of living in hospitals hence the previous Escape it was time for Billy to merge his altars into a single personality so that he could be declared cured little more than a year so that he could be declared cured a little more than a year after his apprehension in Florida Doctors declared his personalities fused definite rapist and potential murderer Billy Milligan was a free man he's just gonna go on to do more crimes I'm sure he is he's already he's like he's had his chances he's had his second chance and then he was at the hospital he was inappropriate with the female uh inmates or their patients sorry not inmates and now this he wanted to make the most to his freedom so he traveled to California where he was again treated like a celebrity while there he met with director James Cameron to discuss making a movie about his life Cameron began work on the movie in 1991 but it never materialized the movie may never have been made but there were plans to produce a movie called The crowded room that would feature Leonardo DiCaprio as Billy no way they still say it's coming it looks like it's an extension of the project begun by Cameron back in the 90s so it may be stuck in developmental for forever a television show of the same name is currently filming that stars Tom Holland though the show is only going to be Loosely based on Billy's life really it's so I mean I guess it's a an interesting movie concept but it's just so fake which I know is what movies are so okay but back to the real Billy he mostly fell off the radar after his priest into California in 1991 he was released from Allstate oversight having now maintained his status of being cured however it turns out that the free room and board he received wasn't so free after all he was expected to pay back all the money that his stays at all the psychiatric facilities cost which totaled 450 000 which was money absolutely did absolutely declared bankruptcy in 1996 yeah of course he did where's he gonna get 450 grams also kind of state be like you have to go to psychiatric hospital and pay for it that seems crazy it would be like little mate I know you just did seven years in prison but it was really expensive for the state to keep you in prison so you're gonna have to pay us back that would be insane in 2000 he was able to pull himself out of bankruptcy but he never amounted to much his sister Kathy Joe purchased a mobile home for him she had been vocal about how she felt the newspapers mistreated her brother as well as being vocal about the horrific childhood chalma had put them through especially Billy Billy would live in that mobile home keeping to himself and painting until he died of cancer in 2014 at the age of 59. at least mostly there are some other light misdemeanors here and there but he never committed a serious crime after being released from the psychiatric facilities in Ohio and I'm genuinely surprised at that at least it was never a crime he got caught for but wow I kind of thought you know he's like he's got a pattern doesn't he and he like he's in my opinion he was a liar wrap up so what do you think was Billy a rapist and a murderer who with the help of his clever lawyers was able to capitalize on did being at the Forefront front of the public Consciousness and Escape any semblance of Justice I think Billy was unwell I think he was a rapist I think we don't know if he was a murderer um all in my opinion so I think that's where I stand on that or did you look past my dismissive editorializing about his condition and decide he really was suffering from a severe break from reality he could have been suffering from a break from reality um did he have all these personalities inside him I don't think so I think he was faking resulting in him being genuinely unaware of the crimes he committed if I'm right in that it was all an act then he was a manipulative ship bag who got away with everything without ever having to learn his lesson or properly pay for his crimes if I'm wrong then the staff at the Athens Mental Health Center did him a huge disservice by treating him like royalty instead of properly treating his condition in the latter scenario they may have essentially succeeded in integrating all of his personalities but only after he had allegedly murdered two people murders that could have been prevented if his treatment were handled more responsibly and honestly does it really matter one way or the other for his victims whether it was Billy or badalana who raped them at gunpoint their pain and suffering would have been the same even worse because of the media sensation and that his defense sparked they would have had to see his stupid face blast on every television and newspaper for months forcing them to relive their pain and now movies and TV shows and all sorts of nonsense told about him which I just feel is giving way too much uh Fame in for me to someone who doesn't deserve it anyway this has been an episode of The Casual Christmas thank you Kevin for writing it thank you dear listener all of you if you're watching on YouTube also goes out as a podcast and on YouTube thank you for watching thank you for listening if you want to leave a review that'd be Grands if you're on YouTube leave a like leave a subscribe and I'll see you next time [Music] thank you
Channel: The Casual Criminalist
Views: 253,275
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: true crime, billy milligan 24 personality, billy milligan documentary, billy milligan changing personalities, billy milligan netflix, billy milligan case, billy milligan interview, billy milligan movie, billy milligan, multiple personality disorder, monsters inside the 24 faces of billy milligan, split personality disorder, unbelievable cases, dissociative identity disorder, 24 personalities
Id: K6FdT4NfHmU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 0sec (3900 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 04 2022
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