Billy Joel - My Life (Official Video)
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Channel: billyjoelVEVO
Views: 17,508,474
Rating: 4.8652444 out of 5
Keywords: billy joel, billy joel my life, my life billy joel, my life, i don't care what you say anymore t, his is my life this is my life, i don't care what you say this is my li, fe my life song, it's my life billy joel, i don't care anymore this is my life, billy joel this is my life, billy joel songs, it's my life, bosom buddies theme song, i don't care what they say this is my l, classic rock, i don't care this is my life, tiktok, tik tok, tik, tok
Id: h3JFEfdK_Ls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 41sec (341 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 02 2009
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Dude, awesome! Let's not forget their nod to this one...
Anyone else waiting for the guy at the start to get run over by A-Train??