Billy Joel - It's Still Rock and Roll to Me (Official Video)
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Views: 20,109,710
Rating: 4.891459 out of 5
Keywords: Billy Joel, Columbia, It's Still Rock And Roll To Me, Pop
Id: 5eAQa4MOGkE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 54sec (174 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 02 2009
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This song has a special place in my heart. I have older brothers who were in marching band. I always wanted to be in the color guard, so I joined as soon as I hit 7th grade. This song was what our winter guard routine was to. We wore oversized orange pants, oversized neckties, and converse high tops as our uniforms. It was a whole lot of fun and a dear memory of mine. β€
Itβs still real to me, damn it