Billy Gunn: AEW won't compete with WWE, HOF induction, Chyna, Double or Nothing

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hey if you don't subscribe to crisp and fleets YouTube channel well I got two new words for you all elite but hold on it just doesn't sound as cool subscribe or I got two words for you suck it yes yes because it makes for a better interview it does like some guys are so boring to interview or it could be on the other side to where you could be extremely boring and I have to take the entire thing over but we've already done this before so I know it's not gonna be like that good to see you man randomly ran into each other last week and we're just so random yes in a I'd say a glorified rest stop because it's in the Turnpike so they're a little bit more they're not like rest areas they're like rest areas right yeah we didn't meet in the bathroom I feel like they're like agrestic rest area with fresh paint congratulations thank you it is it's it's weird like it's it's so weird for me to like even fathom that like it hasn't even had really hit me I don't think cuz I mean Austin we're talking my son Austin we were talking and I go I don't think this has hit me yet and he goes it will and I go win yeah because when I got like I think we touched on this before because when I got into this I just got in it because I had nothing else to do like it wasn't that sounds really bad but it isn't I just had like in a sense I had no job I had no direction I had no life whatsoever so I actually got into this just to do something it was something like I didn't know anything about it but then once I figured it out and went so I can act like an idiot I can be in front of people and act like it idiot yeah I have a platform to just be totally out of my mind and somebody's gonna pay me for it I'm in [Laughter] yes is to have no purpose in life how did you find out that she got inducted I was in the middle of the ocean yes okay yes I was in the middle of the ocean a few of us went out like there was about six of there was about four couples and Austin of course had become known oh I was riding a sea turtle yeah let me let me do the story okay so I'm on my sea turtle I noticed a seagull had something wrapped on its foot Wow so no I'm just play so I'm just kidding no really no we're in the middle of the ocean I took my wife on a cruise we all went on a cruise for a birthday it just saw one of those three-day deals where you go to to the coast which is 45 minutes from my house we get on a boat and you go to the Bahamas you hang out and you come right back right so she just wanted to do something like that so she had her phone on they had Wi-Fi in the middle of the ocean I wouldn't know that because I had no phone so being as I had no phone road dogs wife and my wife were very close so she was texting my wife going hey Brian needs to talk to Billy ASAP like that like and that never really happened seemed like we talked maybe once a week of once every other week just to kind of catch up and just stay in touch with each other so I'm like a little bit worried so on sue she goes hey brandings and so she's running around the boat trying to find me she finds me says hey Brandy's and connect with you I said okay why she goes I don't know he wouldn't say so I he texted me go hey Billy are you there I go yes I'm here what's up he goes they want to put us in the hall of fame and I went okay see you later thanks for calling Zak like that's what like that's what their urgency was but this was but but this was on a Sunday and they wanted it announced at Monday so I was the only one that had known yet so they wanted to make sure I found out before I'm watching like if I were to magically watch Raw one day or Monday or if I magically just happened to be watching Raw and go hey DX is going the Hall of Fame I wouldn't go somebody wanted to let me in on that no but I was out in you know on the cruise and then Brian had text me by the way just like one of those little hyphens what does Brian mean it means Road Dogg I don't call him that anymore because his office now and he doesn't like to be called that I'm just kidding I just call me Brian it just comes out of my mouth just for you people to do okay well I appreciate you giving that much credit but yeah that's all good but yeah that's how I found out and it's in it it was cool the night we were all sitting Austin was sitting there and my wife and we were sitting there and I'm going hey they want to put me in the Hall of Fame and they go that's awesome and I went yeah but last time we talked but we were talking about the New Age Outlaws going in the hall yes yes so yes so I don't want to I don't want to downplay what we're doing so a lot of people have asked me well didn't you want to go by yourselves first yes that being said still going in as a group to be noted to be noticed by everybody that we were probably one of the premier groups of all time I say second because I think the four horsemen were super awesome so I would say the four horsemen DXM horsemen dear background I don't put NWO in there but anyway well I do but there are what maybe third well no that no no that's too close I feel we beat them well sure yeah I mean it's beat WCW oh so you're gonna look at it that way I look at a different way no no yes they are they are they were awesome they were the ones that actually made us to do what we did so you have to give him a little credit what do you say to people that say this is the only way that China is going to go into the Hall of Man I say that would be wrong that's I let's just be happy and let's all take it in that she's going this will open the door for her to go by herself I feel I feel there would have been a major league riot if they had to put all DX and not put her in there and I'm gonna go out on a limb and say I'm not going without her we were that good of friends and and I've had this discussion with my wife I said oh if thanking us in and don't put her in I don't know how I like yeah she's going in so we'll never luckily I don't have to make that decision because she was a super close friend of mine probably my best friend but it doesn't matter what we do outside of wrestling I was not the poster boy for anything at all like we all have made mistakes and we've all taken paths that we wish we wouldn't but we all eventually hopefully we all find our way back she would play on her way back I found my way back Brian found his way back and now we all go in the Hall of Fame we go in the Hall of Fame because of what we did in wrestling not for what I did last night with with everybody else but if your this was way back in the day though let's like get back confuse about but if you're fearing off this road now and working with a aw how does that factor into the Hall of Fame state it doesn't so one is not the other one so I'm being recognized yes it is a WWE Hall of Fame let's face it 27 years of my life was with them so it's okay that I work somewhere else and it's okay with alw that I'm going to enter the Hall of Fame because that is that is an accomplishment that they would never take away from me like yeah could they say hey if you you know can we maybe think about this there was never any of that it was always from top to bottom all congratulated good word right I am horrible with words so they're all super excited for me and and they would never take that away from we're not like that they would never take that away from me and then it has to do with what I did in the wrestling business and what DX did as a whole for the company so it's not I don't have to work there to be in the Hall of Fame everybody that's in the Hall of Fame I don't think anybody works there anymore anyway I like that I like that yeah yeah do you have to call Triple H or Vince and say hey aw reached out to me with this pretty cool opportunity no I do not because like I said I don't work for them you know what I mean I don't they know exactly what I'm doing they've they knew from the day I think they knew I was getting hired there before I did know I would like to think that they do I'm gonna make myself feel way more important than I actually a.m. no it's it's way you know it's it's what we all have our we all have different ways to go right everything isn't debt isn't built around WWE I spent a majority of my career like my whole entire career has been with them yeah I've done some stent on the Indies but I never left that to get a to like I never left that but they but aw has offered me an awesome opportunity to do what I do best and everybody there knows that I know that and I'm and I feel like I'm gonna really help them they're gonna be awesome so I would love to be a part of that especially at this time in my career to be involved with something new something fresh something exciting I mean how many people get to say that I think a lot of people are confused by the terminology producers I think from its elevation standpoint they're thinking you're gonna be like a guy with a clipboard and a headset yeah no I am I'm gonna help the younger talent so when we start doing TV a lot of our talent has it dealt with TV in a sense of this magnitude like even when even when you go from NXT to the main roster it's nerve-racking because if you go over or you know you're not I'm trying to shoot a TV show if you go over your times and stuff dense will lose his mind I'm not saying we're that I'm just saying a lot of these kids gotta know you know hey we're going into break don't be doing like all your really cool stuff like like there's a bunch of stuff that goes into TV and a lot of these kids aren't aren't savvy to that so I'm just gonna help I'm not showing them how to do they're all off awesome athletes and I don't know how to do half the stuff they do but I can help them arrange it specially TV was he's a TV deal in place with a DJ I have no idea I'm not allowed to do that I am NOT the dye like a lot of people think I'm the guy but I am NOT the guy I am just one of the guys that were happens to work there but yeah that's all that's all upper echelon stuff and way above my pay grade and it's not been released or what they're doing with that so there we don't talk about obviously we know that May 25th is double or nothing yes it's March 3rd right now as we this so what happens between now and May 25th we get everything ready for that show we align what the Matt there's been a few matches announced they're gonna have to be some more so we'll kind of just figure out you know in a sense who who else is what else we're gonna do on the card now that you are one of the guys not the guy but one of the guys it must be getting so many texts and phone calls from your friends we're like you got a spot for me yeah they're all my friends yes everyone that texes me they are all my friends I haven't heard from them from years or know their names but they're my friends yeah I get it and it's okay I don't I don't you know I don't get mad about it or nothing because if I did the exact same thing when I was out of a job for two minutes but those two minutes I was making some phone calls like so you just do you have to reach out if you don't and I commend them for doing that like I really do because even though hey I can't help you in a sense or I'll do what I can for you like there's no guarantees I just let them know hey you can ask me and I'll put it I'll run it up the chain but there's no like I'm not giving you any like I can I don't do anything I own firing unless you really make me mad then I'll work for it to get you fired but yes it will yeah soon as we get kicking it will this means weekly television people yes that's what that means that's what that means so I'm imagining some talent yeah I do because I work about I work every weekend I do indeed shows everywhere so yeah if somebody catches a even have business cards if I would have gotten business cards if I would had thought about it I would have got one out of my bag and brought it for you but I will give you one later I would just have rather put it on here but I but I have business cards that have Billy dot gun at all elite wrestling yeah I'm official how many more emails you're gonna have to because it yeah it's okay because that's my all elite email that's where everything that's what all my everyone has your email junk mail some they'll go but um no but if I see talent that I think is is worthy or if I see things or something even not talent if I see somebody that does a great job announcing or something give them my card hey buzz me I'll run it up the chain and we'll see a job of announcer nobody I've seen in a long time like I haven't like like that's the problem like there's not a lot of guys that are good at investing or good at interviewing so I don't I don't put anything out there yeah like I'll run into one one day and it'll probably be like so mind-blowing that I'll just hand him one of my cards no we did the last interview last year so many people commented that in the thumbnail you in the thumb mirror you were wearing your hat and people thought you look like John's see you know yes I get that a lot yeah yes I don't see one person neither does my wife or anybody else but everybody like when I was on the boat it was ridiculous whoo absolutely ridiculous really yes people were also incredibly impressed with because we were sitting down on that of you the size of your legs and I mean your calves are like the size of my head yeah well this is a lifestyle for me this working out stuff people don't realize I don't do this as a hobby I don't do it just like I have nothing else to do so I go to the gym when I like that's probably more of a priority than my wrestling part of this right now because I'm in debt like I've never really had time to really see what I can do yes my genetics and I react and and when I lift way to get I've been in really good shape but I never was in like what kind of shape can I get in and I'm there kind of and I'm still playing with some stuff so it's super exciting to me and I love it like I absolutely love it because I'm actually taking time to figure out what works what doesn't work because I have time to do that now because it takes some time to figure your body out so but now I'm kind of figuring things out I'm in the best shape of my life and I feel good that's the best part much heavier workouts changed as you went into your 40s and then into your fifth a lot a lot like because with my 40s and 50s my injuries like catch up with me and they start aching so you you always find alternative ways to train like I never want to not train like like I go all my shoulders hurt so I'm gonna just train legs for the rest of my life so it doesn't work like that so you find alternative ways to Train I do a lot I'd like Mike O'Hearn stuff I am a huge Mike O'Hearn mark like bad like so bad I like fanboy to the hilt I watched a lot of his stuff because he trains athletically so any trains like to help you get through aids and pains and stuff so I just watch a lot more videos and I watch people train I just make cuz Austin trains with me so I make it exciting we don't we kind of don't stick with the same routine we'll stick with the same exercises maybe shift stuff around a little bit but we make it fun you don't want to go to the gym and be boring because you'll only go a couple times and then go oh so I'm going to do the same stuff no that's on you you make it as exciting as you want with the energy level with the exercise shifting you can keep the same four exercises your entire whatever for six weeks 12 weeks but if you just adjust them and switch them around it helps you play with the energy that you are in the gym too so I do a lot of bands and chains and silly crazy sprays and silly things we had Austin sitting here for a moment he must have yeah he ran away because he thought he might have to talk and he's not a very good talker I taught him well it's not true he's nothing like you did thank you did know it was it was awesome yeah no no it was good I know you've talked about Austin won't be going to aw he will know how has his progression changed in the last year or so for him we're not gonna eat up yeah the rest no it's it's it's just been awesome to watch him like he just changes every day like things change so he's so people orientated I compare him to Brian a lot of times because Brian's that kind of guy he's the guy that you just look at and you go I love you I have no earthly idea why but there's just something about you that's not standoffish she's just somebody that you want to approach I do not have that I don't mean that I don't mean that bad I just like when people see me they don't go I would just want to talk to you like they go oh god I don't want to talk it's not a bad but it's not a bad thing it's just people don't know me to where Brian and Austin are the exact same Boston can walk outside and everybody in the parking lot will just go hey can I talk to you like they don't know why it's like the pine pine fir or something it's weird so working wise it's very easy for everybody to be on board with him so the work part comes from super easy because I already have everybody with me so now it's just trying to get him in the work mode because he's so people orientated because he did this all backwards like he got more people orientated and then started working to where everybody else works and then tries to realize oh there's people here no but I'm there I'm very friendly I'm never like once people talk to me and stuff they go whoo I can't tell you how scared I was to talk to you and I'd go why he thing cuz I don't know you just have that thing and I don't I understand that you're a large man yes and I carry myself I don't carry myself like I'm an anus hole but I carry myself buried I carry myself with purpose so I think that kind of intimidate some people and I don't mean to be like that that's just how I am I've always wanted how did you go from being bad ass Billy Gunn to mr. box whose idea was that it was nobody's idea it was Brian that was extremely mad one night and he came out of the curtain with a live mic and he goes stop it stop it you will no longer call him bad ass Billy Gunn you will call him mr. ass you will call me mr. dog and he was just mad and literally it that's all it took he literally said that one time the next Monday Night Raw there was science I'm not kidding you from one end of the building 17,000 people I think every one of them had a mr. ass sign and I just looked at him and I went Thanks yes my ass well you can't bite it I mean you I couldn't find it because everybody was on board so what that would just be like swimming upstream like I don't want to sit in one spot and swim my butt off like I would rather go down somebody just go like this and just cruise right no so I just did it I swam downstream with everybody and just started pulling my pants down so if you want to go to the Hall of Fame you say suck it and pull your pants down and you will certainly go into the Hall of Fame so as we lead up to double or nothing are you every single day doing suffer aw I am not every single day doing stuff we connect once a week just everybody's ideas of stuff we connect by email and if I need to talk to somebody or somebody needs to run something up the chain that's what we do and who was it that reached out to you and said hey I think we could work something out actually my agent but he is also Cody Rhodes agent which in turn everybody Tony Khan I met him at the first all in I'd met him not that anything I'd have no idea if anything was in the works there he just wanted to meet me so and and I went who's that about Tony Carr yes but I don't know like I know I know Blake bortles he's the quarterback for Jacksonville I don't know the owner of him so and then they buzz me and I went oh okay so I quickly changed and ran upstairs yes yeah yeah he's got more money than I do so so so I ran upstairs and met him and stuff and then when everyone they all were talking about this I literally was the first one that they thought of and I thought that was truly flattering as can be because I literally heard that when they were all thinking about doing this they said hey we have to have Billy we have to he's no plan for aw to compete with WWE I have not no I say no because Wow put me in a position here to thanks a lot like I said when I find a good interviewer so I look at it this way dense has been doing this a very long time somebody's already went after him once and we see where they're at hence WCW am I saying we're as good as them sure I am okay do I say that we compete against them No why can't we have our own product and they have their product you know what I mean so do they enter collide at one time I have no earthly idea it's way too early to tell but can we be an alternative to WWE programming yes we can can we have as much of a fan base as WWE yes we can can we have just as good as product as W yes we can do I say we're competing do we all sit around and go god I can't wait to go live and go against them no we don't sit around and do that because I feel I feel you're setting your sights on something away from what you should be focusing on let's focus on our company because if you go to thinking like that you're not focusing on our company you're focusing on something else that may be achievable I'm not saying it isn't or it may not be achievable it'll be interesting when we have this same conversation one year from now yes yeah so like so you're already sure that I would do another one of these with you Wow like I feel that was a little little braggadocious of your whatever that word is where you kind of think ahead of yourself like I don't know what that word is getting to sit down with you again see now I'm like now that my friend battle for sure get you will see I now have Tony Khan's number so he would be a good one I'm trying to cuz he actually has all the answers okay I'm just throwing answers at you know I know answers yeah no I just I like giving my input into them it's just that's what I am I don't I don't hide from things or just try to bull poop my way through things like I feel like I can't because I know I yeah but I feel that's okay but I just don't want to like once I start I have a tendency just to let it rip and I don't want to do that because I'm very I'm very businesslike now yes I business card and I feel like the pyramid that we have I know my positioning on the pyramid that's mine Cody's new thing is pyramid you have to know your positioning you have to know your position yeah yeah no let's not do that I want to ask you about a promo that was about you but you weren't in it is that the rock promo wait a second you know you were school you were scrolling around on Twitter you had nothing else to do you came across that because I just literally heard about this two days ago somebody brought the same thing up because they asked me to go hey remember the drum out of that rock cut on you you know God and Billy and shut up and all that did you really think that was funny were you mad I said I couldn't stop laughing okay I thought it was probably one of the funniest things that's ever been done like it's hilarious and I happen to be a part of it because fans think that him calling you Bob is burying you and I don't think so at all because it was him like people it's wrestling for God's sakes like if your feelings get hurt he is pansexual by the way does anyone know what that means I do not but I think it's super cool for some reason I just think the name is super cool yes I just gave you two second I gave you two seconds of fame yes he makes me laugh he's one of my students by the way so what was I talking about oh the promo so it's wrestling your feelings get hurt in wrestling I don't know if anybody's ever noticed that heels make fun of baby faces baby faces make fun of heels like and if you have something like rock let's and face it he can he can toss some stuff out there that's pretty funny if you don't laugh like if I don't laugh at that like yeah wasn't laughing at the time when I was out there because I was staying in character but afterwards I almost peed in my pants cuz it was so funny it is so good it's good stuff like why would I not like I'm gonna be the only one that's laugh and I'm gonna get hurt because he's he doesn't mean it he didn't mean it just in case anybody was wondering he's an okay guy plus he's done pretty good for himself you're an okay guy too thank you how would this interview have been 15 years ago horrible like no let's see where we're what what year would have been 2001 you tell me 15 years ago be 2004 oh not good I was I was a raging drug addict man so it would not you would like it would have been you would have been laughing but it would have been embarrassing because I laughing yes because I would have been totally embarrassing yeah because I'm not totally embarrassed you haven't it's a different kind of like it's a different kind of feeling like back then would have been awful well whatever you've done to line your life up and be on the path that you're on now thank you and Monday like today is Sunday not this Monday but next Monday is my eighth year of sobriety by the way no alcohol no drugs no nothing yeah thanks that's a huge date for me and that's like the old like I don't know my anniversary but I know what I know that day my wife asked me that day that she goes I know it is do you even know our anniversary I said yeah somewhere around January she goes well when you're sober date I said March 11 because that wasn't that was a cool day it was a super cool day for me and it's like that day lined all this up for me yeah like that day put me on a path to straighten everything out and now awesome things happen to me and my family because I'm not a complete and utter idiot I don't know yeah bad yeah it was bad for me like I had yeah it was bad but it's you know but bad things have led me here right I don't I don't hide the fact that I'm a recovering addict I don't hide any of that and if you want to have a discussion about a weekend one day because I love talking about it because what they told me in there I never believed I went to rehab when the probably Hazleton which was the number one place on planet earth and WWE sent me there and I learned so much about myself that put me on a path to do what I'm doing now like I am so blessed man act like I have people like you to interview me I have my kids around me that want to be around me I have an awesome marriage I have a great job I have great job opportunities I have them just pouring in on me and it's only because I do the right thing every day I know and I'm sorry this got so like deep really quick but it just I just sometimes have to get that out of me to know that yes cool thank you so much thank you my friend I know you are and if you need me to I know you were afraid to ask me if you need me to put a word in for you I thought I felt like you were gonna get there oh I thought we were getting there but you know you know I'm with I'm with you yeah all right I think Billy Gunn may be my favorite human on the entire planet I mean how nice is that guy also how funny is that guy we are backstage here ATS a blueprint Pro Wrestling where I am by the ring announcer I'm not just wearing a suit for fun although let's be honest I think it looks pretty good here Billy Gunn is in the show here tonight his son Austin gun is in the show along with a whole bunch of other very talented people we're in gorilla position right now you got bones here The Music Man we're ready to do this right like the show is like about to start right now okay we're doing this you guys are going to come out with me as we do this all right that's our music that's the blueprint Pro Wrestling music okay here we go I'm just gonna I'm just gonna do this I don't know I was like nervous there we're doing this all right I got away from the beat to drop here then we're gonna go out I think it's here no that's not in [Music] here we go how do you got [Music] welcome everyone to print [Applause] it's always a dream of mine as a kid to set foot inside the ring and we're doing it you got to seem a little bit quiet [Applause] pro-wrestling action inside this ring let's try this one more time are you guys ready for blueprint for a wrestling [Applause]
Channel: Chris Van Vliet
Views: 270,939
Rating: 4.9092817 out of 5
Keywords: billy gunn interview, billy gunn hall of fame, billy gunn wwe, billy gunn new age outlaws, new age outlaws, billy gunn theme song, billy gunn dx, dx hall of fame, chyna hall of fame, chyna wwe, chyna dx, degeneration x, billy gunn shoot, billy gunn triple h, chris van vliet, all elite wrestling, billy gunn aew, aew interview, double or nothing, aew shoot, aew spoiler, aew tv deal
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 3sec (1923 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 04 2019
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