Billionaire Motivation | Learn from Old School Billionaires! | Best Motivational Advice Ever!

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[Music] I've been working I've been in business for 69 years since I was 12 and every time well after the first dozen or so businesses I realized that the only way to get ahead was to do things different definitely than the way it was being done and then I came to learn which I finally learned at my reg young age that if you do things differently success will follow you like your shadow and you can't get rid of it so that's what I did so people doubted me because people just didn't do what I what I would do it's a matter of tainted finding out what it is that an industry does and identify the opportunity to as to how to do it differently and then being another risk taker to actually do it differently so people doubted me because nobody thought of doing it the way that I did and nobody had the they didn't have the they were satisfied with the status quo and I'm never satisfied with the status quo [Music] have fun you're not going to have fun every minute of every day I don't care what job you take you know any job you take I don't care how well rewarded you are I don't care anything about that it won't happen all the time but you better be having fun in what you do don't take the next job or don't do the next startup because you should do it because you want to because you can think of nothing better more exciting more energizing to get up every day and go do then whatever it is that you selected be patient and be urgent when it's our be patient when you get the first signs that it's not fun because time must be measured constantly be improving yourself because only by improving yourself will you maybe find that next idea I'm sure there are many people in this audience would like to do a startup and yep the first law of doing a startup is you got to have an idea but if you're having fun if you're building capabilities if you're treasuring your time if you're building your muscle and being hardcore the good ideas will come to you [Music] if you want to make a quick buck you can do it a lot of different ways you can cheat somebody you can misrepresent something you can go manipulate the political system to get an advantage but if you want to if you want to be successful over a long period of time I believe you need to be to focus first of all on creating value for others and that scent oh that's I've had people well that's naive that's utopian no it isn't because why will the customers want to pay you anything over a long period unless you're creating value for them why would your your employees want to work for you if they did they didn't have any alternative why do they want to give their best efforts why do they want to get excited why would they wake up at night with ideas if you're in a community a plan in a community unless you're creating value for that community why would the community want you there if you're polluting and hurting people and not contributing anything to the community so long-term success starts with being dedicated to creating value for others it's it's not how truism it's my whole philosophy is is to have a system of mutual benefit where both parties gain a society based on win-win [Music] if you want to be a winner and compare yourself to the best and acknowledged that will never happen without hard work Abe Lincoln used to say good things may come to those who wait but only those things left by those who hustle if you want to be a leader act like a leader if you want to be respected and trusted then demonstrate you deserve it by earning it every day it takes courage to be accountable throughout my life throughout this crisis of the past four years I have seen many people embarrass themselves by failing to stand up Billy mealy-mouthed and acting like lemons by simply going along with the pack I also saw plenty of people under enormous pressure who always did the right thing graduates you will soon leave this wonderful community and venture into a new world to get ready for new jobs new opportunities and new lives along the way you're going to face a lot of pressure pressure to go along to get along to toe the line to look the other way when you see things that aren't right and pressure to do things simply because everybody else is doing them never give in to that pressure have the fortitude to do the right thing not the easy thing don't be somebody's lap dog or sick of fans have the courage to speak the truth even when it is unpopular and have the courage to put yourself on the line to strive for something meaningful and even to risk would be an embarrassing failure I think Teddy Roosevelt understood this to be a century ago when he said and I quote is not the critic who counts not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer Deeds could have done them better the credit belongs to the man now the woman who is actually in the arena whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood who strives valiantly who airs who comes up short again and again because there is no effort without airing and shortcoming but it does actually strive to do the deeds who knows great enthusiasms the great devotions who spends himself in a worthy cause who had the best knows in the end of the triumph of high achievement and who at the worst if he fails at least fails while daring greatly so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat [Music] the only thing that you can control that influences success in life is how hard you work how honest you are and how well you deal with others you can control those variables those variables it you can't control how lucky you are although the more you work the lucky you get you have no influence on the intellectual capabilities that God did or did not give you but you can work as hard as possible you can be scrupulous Leon it so that people respect you and you can get along with others because nobody does anything by themselves did you have to pay a price though you personally no I think that everything is an either-or are you there is a price and everything you can study or you can go out and play you can defer to others or you can try to hog the credit you can be honest and suffer the consequences or you can lie cheat and steal and short-term maybe even advanced but long-term you are better off if you work harder you are better off if you're honest then you are better off if you give others credit and get them to help you with by helping them what do you tell others who try to strike that balance between family and work and are you having it the answer of either/or is invariably yes you can't go all in one direction you cannot walk away from your family for your career on the other hand if you walk away for your career from your career for your family you're not going to have the money to support the family and parents all the time I'm making those kinds of choices between career and family they do some of both and you try to blend the two and that may not be the perfect answer but that's a practical answer that I've always told young people when they go off to college you have to study and you have to get good grades but you certainly should have a good time as well because that's part of your growing up experience and there's no point in leading life to suffer all the time you want to enjoy life as well as the next person so it's some balance some blend between the two [Music] mr. Carnegie you have stated in previous interviews that there are no limitations to mental capacity except those an individual sets up in his own mind and you've explained this by saying that defeat can be converted into a priceless asset if one takes the right attitude toward it we now explain what is the right attitude first of all let me say that the right attitude toward defeat is that which refuses to accept it as anything more than temporary and this is an attitude that one can best maintained by so developing his willpower that he looks upon defeat as a challenge to test his mettle that challenge should be accepted as a signal that has been deliberately hoisted to inform him that his plans need mending defeat should be looked upon in precisely the same manner that one accepts the unpleasant experience of physical pain for it is obvious that physical pain is Nature's Way of informing one that something needs attention and correction paying therefore may be a blessing and not a curse the same is true of the mental anguish one experiences when overtaken by defeat while the feeling is unpleasant it may be nevertheless beneficial because it serves as a signal by which one may be stopped from going in the wrong direction I see your logic but defeat sometimes is so definite and severe that it has the effect of destroying one's initiative and self-reliance what is to be done in such a circumstance here is where the principle of self-discipline comes to one's rescue the well disciplined person allows nothing to destroy his belief in himself and permits nothing to stop him from rearranging his plans and moving ahead when he is defeated you see he changes his plans if they need change but not his purpose if one has mastered the principle of organized thought one knows that the power of will is equal to all the circumstances of life and he allows nothing to destroy his will to win you [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you you
Channel: Sujith Pushpan
Views: 765,169
Rating: 4.8907866 out of 5
Keywords: billionaire, billionaire motivation, entrepreneur motivation, billionaire motivational video, billionaire motivational speech, richest billionaires, billionaire advice, billionaire business advice, self made billionaires, self made billionaire advice, entrepreneur motivational video, how billionaires think, advice for entrepreneurs, billionaire life, motivation from billionaires, billionaire documentary, motivation for entrepreneurs, famous billionaires, billionaire mindset
Id: 2xmEnqIWXXE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 31sec (931 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 01 2017
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