Billige Brötchen: Die Spur der Teiglinge - Mittwoch, 14.12.2011 (SWR)
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: gebuehrenfuchs
Views: 3,272,657
Rating: 4.5485473 out of 5
Keywords: ARD, SWR, Das, Erste, Süd, Sued, West, Rundfunk, Reportage, Dokumentation, Doku, Arbeiter, Backwerk, Bäcker, Baecker, Backshop, SB-Bäcker, SB, billig, Troisdorf, dicounter
Id: 81Ueu--ufTM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 56sec (2636 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 29 2011
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