Wie man ein echt gutes Brot backt | SWR Handwerkskunst
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Channel: SWR Handwerkskunst
Views: 4,810,835
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rheinland-Pfalz, Pfalz, SWR, Landesschau, SWR Heimat, SWR Fernsehen, Reportage, Bericht, Doku, Spannende Menschen, Service, Ratgeber, Aus der Region, Handwerkskunst, Kunsthandwerk, Bäcker, Backen, Brot, Brot backen, DIY, Bauernbrot, Ofen, rustikal, Holzofen, leckeres Brot backen, Rezept Brot backen
Id: KmMySW-6Q-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 47sec (2687 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 20 2018
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
As a German living abroad, the bread is the thing I’m missing most …
The other Handwerkskunst videos on this channel are great. They require a basic knowledge of German or at least of the trade, but they are well produced.
Is it true that many Germans get most of their protein intake from bread?
My uni lecturer told us that once when we had a group of exchange students sit in on our lectures, can't remember if they agreed or not.
This was really fascinating. I didn’t even realize that 40 minutes had gone by.
Also, I’ve heard that Schwäbisch is a pain to understand, but to me, just from an accent’s standpoint, it just sounded like the characteristics of a Dutch person speaking English.
Either way, thanks for sharing this. Makes me want to learn how to bake some bread.
I never noticed the importance of good bread for me. In my hometown we had a old bakery with really great handmade bread. I always ate bread...heck, sometimes half the bread wouldn't even make it home when I had to get is as a kid. Fresh warm bread was simply the best.
When I moved away I almost instantly stopped eating bread. Maybe a bun or something for breakfast, but rarely bread. I never really noticed that change. Then I moved again (years later) and found a great bakery that made fantastic "Bauernbrot" and it really brought back old memories. Amazing how smell and taste can have this effect and of course I started to eat bread again. Thick slices with butter and a pair of "Landjäger" is simply the best. Also: it is true that good bread can last a week. You know you found good bread when you still want to eat it a week later.
Sadly I moved again and have yet to find replacement :(
"Good Red While Wants"
what am i missing
What's that caramel-colored playdough-y stuff that he's putting in the wet doughs?