Bill Murray makes the best stage entry in the history of mankind.

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[Applause] first off tonight was also our first guest on this program 20 years ago and he's nice enough to come back and say hello to us again tonight he's an Academy Award nominated actor and for my money every film would be better if bill was in it you got my vote I absolutely agree ladies gentlemen please welcome the one the only Bill Murray bill [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Wow that was wonderful bill delightful yes I am delightful I didn't know he had a dog [Music] I had to get something that went with this outfit yeah well you really have my heart has now taken flight thank you Dave you know I love you audience I love you but I don't have time tonight because I'm only here for one reason oh that's very special and I I had to make some sort of sign of how I felt and I go over the top some time huh you know are you talking about your hair no I just I give and I give and I done it again and this time I there's something I you don't even know about it do you know he doesn't even know about it Jerry can you hear me yes I can oh great hi Jer I want to show Dave what I got him and I want all the people to see it at home and in the audience that don't have time warner cable i select group i I want them to see what we've got for David's out in front and it's going to be there as a as a as a monument forever forever Jerry I'm just gonna say one two three I love you and then you show okay ready one two three I love you [Music] bill can we see that again I want to because I want to do the read yeah I love you now what is the fine print underneath the name there what does that say oh that's great thank you thank you bill thank gosh that's exciting I am I really feel like something wonderful has happened here tonight uh-huh uh-huh it's great and I'm God I'm glad I made an effort yes it's great how are things bill I know you're very busy you did a film in Germany and you just finished doing a film in Brooklyn very very busy man well I've been busy this summer Dave I have I worked with Wes Anderson in Germany and then George Clooney and two different projects who different German directors and and then I came over here I just finished this afternoon working in Brooklyn is the other thing yes what is the project in Brooklyn it's called st. Vince it's directed by a fellow named Ted Melfi a first-time guy I'm going to the wrap party directly from here really I mean honestly I've said this before but you are the busiest man in show business no Dave you are I forgot it's my night you know I did three movies you've done five million six hundred and twenty thousand show no I want to I want to see the this picture of you and the cast in Germany tell me what is going on here look there's what a cast you Bob Balaban yeah and the George George Matt Damon oh my goodness and you all seem to be enjoying a rather light-hearted moment is that in the movie huh I don't know we laughed a lot this is a really it was I've never laughed so much on a movie we would just stop and laugh yeah like and there'd be like 120 people going how they're gonna they're gonna stop laughing eventually now what is it a funny movie there's some funny there's it's a meat loaf of a film it's got everything yeah it's got if there's a lot of funny stuff there's some action there's some drama there's a little bit of romance it's a meatloaf of a film I've never heard that expression directed toward a film actually is my friend Brian McConaughey said it about a book once and I thought I never forgot it well it's darn good and the way to sell tickets but what a cast and tell me give me a little inside this - your relationship with George Clooney what is that all about well I don't know I met him a few years ago and this is a good stir I can tell you got time anyway I met him at the Venice Film Festival a few years ago and it's one of those places where people from Hollywood who are square like 364 days a year they will get weird in Venice I don't know why I don't know if it's the smell of the water or what the day all these Hollywood kinds get crazy not George he's not one of them but we ended up having a whole lot of fun and my son said to me dad what's why were you in in George Clooney pushing someone around in a wheelchair into a swimming pool you know son why do you believe stuff like that you know people put that in the inner I mean why would you ever believe something like that probably didn't happen did it know his response was well there's pictures oh I see that's too bad I do enjoy yeah fast friends ever since huh yeah yeah we've got one fine and he's he's really fun to work with we really did have a lot of him there's a lot of great actors that movie Goodman and Balaban and based on a true story from the second place based on a true story of the monuments men about a bunch of Americans that chase down stolen art stolen by them now returning to the theme of anniversaries I think this is also an anniversary for something that happened in your hometown Chicago lights at Wrigley Field am I right about that is it that's when he that's right it was eight eight eighty eight so that's 25 years yeah and you were part of that it was a rain delay and then they finally called the game but what did you what did you do that night uh well first of all I beat the Cubs for like 15 tickets for my family nice going but they they're well you know I've got a lot of brothers and sisters and everyone wanted to go to the game so we go to the game and it's the first night game in Wrigley Field and you don't know if it's gonna be like a lightning bolts gonna hit it's gonna be scorched earth or what and you know the first batter up hits a home run it's a it's a disaster and so then we're all of a sudden it goes a couple of innings and then the wind starts to blow and the rain comes it starts blowing really hard and we we got I got 15 seats but they were in the extreme upper deck right field you know there weren't great seats but there were 15 together and I see like some intern looking through the crowd like I'm like oh I know he's looking for I got mama I think I got to go to work you know and because Harry Caray's in there in the book the Harry who was really excited Harry Harry was pretty excited Harry got excited in the games anyway but this was a big day so he was like lit you know before the game started you know just just like so I cranked it up there you know because it's on national TV the grain delay it has no limit they could they will stay off I think they stayed out for almost two and a half hours on national television watching the rain blow and I had to stay up there with Harry now you're paying for the 15 ticket yeah there's no I had to pay for but it was fun video of you chatting with Harry and when you say he was live I think that that's that's part of the record of Harry Caray we all are aware that he enjoyed a taste yeah I filled in for him one time and there's a cooler right underneath his chair and I'm like well gee Halle I just look in the cooler and it's full of beer full of beer alright so I got a lawyer good videotape from 25 years ago at Wrigley Field Harry Caray booth hello again everybody Harry Carey at Wrigley Field honors noteworthy night in eight 888 that's a day and this Bud's for you Bill Murray's and you thought about broadcasting baseball as something after you're tired about being a great star movies stage television screen whatever you have I think when I completely lose my step right up into your spot here in the booth Harry passing out the beer he's great we'll be back with our good friend Bill Murray [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Bill Murray ladies it's so nice of you to be here bill I can't I mean you've been so generous to me into the show over the years and again just thank you for everything now when you you go to Brooklyn they were putting up signs when you're doing the film are you aware of this is it like here for example this what does this mean Brooklyn Heights cinemas Bill Murray abuse for free so they're they're inviting you to come in it's like a porn place yeah oh oh yeah I you know I did see a free cup of coffee on some place right and what else do we have the American crash here well this is now I admire this but you never follow up on that do you I really couldn't talk about that Dave the last time here you were playing kickball out on the Roosevelt right yeah well you Brooklyn is really wonderful people been talking about it for years and I finally have been spending the whole summer over there and it's it's it's really amazing I was in Berlin and people get really excited about Berlin and Berlin is really exciting but Brooklyn is like Berlin with better food it's really something you know yeah you know no offense to our German brothers and sisters yeah no no I absolutely know that you got to get out more yeah exactly and I built the 20 years ago going back anything do you remember that night at all I'm drawing a blank Dave I don't remember much yeah about today but 20 years ago I I don't remember anything I know you were you were here I was here but that's really but I was I get a funnel II I had a thought that that this might happen that I would not remember and so I I made a made a record I left something here so if I came back it's not I mean if he left some of the air it's gone I've been 20 years no Dave I I took the time I took the time here you might need these goggles okay okay yeah it should be right here Dave should be right here what what should be right here bill yeah [Applause] yeah this is it and just below that is in the subway so be very be very careful just a little it's a little crazy i I don't yeah oh there you go working on the pic into that yeah whoa is there anything I can do anything at all Villas there was the other chair goodness I remember this good be remembered it 20 years ago man I would forget my head if it were that's the way it goes how he's got a box better but again bill if there's anything I can do Paul do you remember him well I can't believe he buried something on it 20 years ago and then under the stage hold that knife [Laughter] golly that's solid gonna go to the jackhammer Oh [Music] hey-oh what it is look at that bring that over here whoa I had no idea now now I'm excited who knows what's in there this is from 20 years ago you know I don't remember what I put in there help me date two three there you go whoa look at that what do you have done it figure yeah the New York Post huh let's just say there well you weren't exactly dominating the papers there it's the banner up here Jay Leno up close and personal I just thought they'd live to regret that yeah oh-ho this is sweet what is that it's the hair piece you wore that night yeah it's red I think it's it's red it's hair it was red down it's old red yeah oh yeah - it is there yeah that's a beauty that's a nice memento is it ginger who's your folks oh look at this and there's a photo of Dave and I from back in the day that's you on the left now that's a real key better good yeah that's very good and just yeah very excited and then here's a copy of Billboard magazine really oh yeah 1993 1993 wow yeah huh what is it bill well I was just thinking going that's 20 years ago isn't it Dave yeah 20 long years ago yeah Phil are you all right yeah I'm fine dude yeah I wonder what was the number one song in the country 20 years ago do you remember Dave I have no idea 20 years ago Paul well I fed you in the gang remember what was number 124 so of course we do bill would you mind [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's a wonderland ladies you've got it lookin great Bill Murray Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Low Down
Views: 2,320,745
Rating: 4.7956262 out of 5
Keywords: Bill, Contest, History, murray, david, letterman, late, show, Talk Show (TV Genre), Stage, Television (Invention), Gates, Documentary, Culture, Entry, Civil, Museum, jay, leno, conan, o'brien, Much, Too, Rhymes, Reilly, Case, Real, Bill Murray (Comedian), ghostbusters, zombie, celebrity, star, Closed, Detective, Tonight, classic, best, most, top, David Letterman (Comedian), king, award, Maine, Holmes, Brien, Ran, Oregon, Douglas, Eugene, Sherlock, Carson, Study, Cold, Age, Sherlock Holmes, Salem, Winner, Competition, Results, Prize
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 32sec (1172 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 03 2013
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