Bill Maher: Nobody's ever been canceled for being TOO woke | Fox Nation

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what we comedians are afraid of is not being attacked physically on stage we're afraid of being attacked on Twitter being canceled yes that I mean I grew up in the age of the comedy club and there's comedy clubs are still out there by the way um but you could they were a place as they say to be bad or a place even if you weren't bad if you had passed that point to try out new material have we lost the ability as a society to accept being offended well of course and that's part of it I mean comedy has to find where the line is you know oh you crossed the line well I'm the guy who's I'm the like the the Mind Seeker I'm out there with the bayonet you know digging into the ground to see where the mines are who decides this once in a while one's going to blow up in our face but who designed some credit for being the guy out there with the bayonet and who decides the line apparently teenagers who decide everything in this country because I feel like teenagers are the ones or people with a teenage mentality uh who are are the ones who fill social media with condemnation because they were raised wrong with a sense of entitlement in a sense that anything that causes the least amount of discomfort cannot be tolerated for even one second so when they scream and cry nobody says anything that's my point about where are the people to push back what are the adults I don't think most I don't think most of the Democrats or most of the Liberals in this country old school liberals like me like this kind of stuff but they don't shout it down so if somebody does something that's a little bit outside the lines and there is a big complaint on social media nobody stands up for them and the problem is that nobody ever gets canceled for being too woke so you can say the craziest thing like men can have babies and then nobody even though people are thinking well that's kind of nuts nobody will say it they'll just fall in line uh yeah yeah exactly that's what I've always thought mental babies sure I saw a dude who was glowing yesterday you know I mean it's and that's the problem and it's totally insane cowardice yes it is it's moral cowardice isn't it but it's an intellectual characters and it also comes from a place of reality that fear because they see people around them literally getting canceled getting shamed and abused and hounded out of jobs I don't want it to happen to me I can't count the number of stories I've either covered on the show or just read about of professors at colleges which are supposed to be the bastions of free speech who said something that was just an opinion one guy that was different from America he gave a lecture for 25 years about the use of offensive language and then some students complained about his use of offensive language in the lecture about offensive language and he had to lose his job and at that point I just felt that was Peak woke Insanity he literally was lecturing about offensive language and using offensive language to illustrate it they have no sense of nuance they have no sense of context they just know certain buzzwords where certain concepts are out of limits off limits and since social media is just a bunch of Mean Girls It's not really about making the world better it's not really very often about social justice it's about let's catch somebody at something this is what's so obnoxious about that side of things that just idea of we're not really lifting people up liberalism is about lifting people up not catching and tolerating people it's not about white self-loathing yes it's about yes we have a horrible history in this country let's make it right in the ways that make sense it's not just about catching people at stuff where is America politically now do you think I think old school liberalism is the center certainly socially you know when I think about things like pot legalization civil rights gay marriage that kind of stuff I mean something like something over 90 percent I think of white Americans want to live in a diverse neighborhood this is a sea change from the way the where the world is was when I was born gay marriage failed I think 35 times in different states when it was on the ballot on a Statewide level and as something like four years later it was the law of the land marijuana I never thought I would see the day where I I wasn't panicked when I was in an airport because I had this much pot hidden in my underwear and now I can smoke it freely on my podcast which is why not yes I came out great time Bill [Laughter] so I I think that really is kind of the center of the country old school liberalism take a Victory lap you kind of won on a lot of things but it's a it's another funny pathology of liberals they don't want to acknowledge progress because they somehow feel like if I acknowledge progress well then I'm not as authentic a progressive it's right in your name and that's what you're selling progress well of course on Donald Trump all this legal Mayhem that's flying at him does it actually Empower him does it have the opposite effect perhaps to what the Democrats would hope it would have yes well that was the end of the show tonight when I was talking about the Stormy Daniels issue I mean it's always going to strike people as sex it when it's about getting a guy for sex I don't think they should ever they should have discouraged I guess Alvin Bray can do what he wants but if I was the president or somebody I would have discouraged him quietly let's not do this one because we're going to see Trump hauled into court as we did and that's going to be the big story and it's going to be just high fives on MSNBC and look I was thrilled it there's something cathartic about seeing that because this guy has done so much damage to this country as well as so many individuals so to see him hold into court feels good but now when these real cases come up the ones about asking for votes in Georgia January sixth um even the documents one I mean I just think it the the power of it is going to be diminished can he win again he can I don't think he will but it doesn't matter with him this is the point I've been making since 2016. well you predicted I did you said every year I watched you and you'd say almost everything he wouldn't accept it he will never accept it and he didn't and the problem with next time is he's done this once and he saw what didn't work the first time he has been working behind the scenes to make sure that doesn't happen again in other words next time he calls up a republican Secretary of State and says I need you to find 11 000 votes is that Republican Secretary of State going to be somebody who's there who wasn't in 2016 who is there specifically to do that so you know I I don't know what's going to happen in 2024 my my prediction would be it's Biden against him again Biden wins again and he doesn't accept it again is he I mean is he I'll have to ask about buying because I've heard you defend him about his record in the the term I think it's been actually better than people think which is why he did better in the midtones Than People expected but he's really showing his ages two more years before an election if he then does four more he'd be 86. what you know does that matter it doesn't matter to me I feel like this is a Prejudice that this country has this ageism it's a it's an individual thing age some people are old at 50. and some people are Young At 90. Norman lears over a hundred I had dinner with him recently with other people he was as sharp as anybody at the table so it doesn't matter and a precedent doesn't have to be super energetic to run for president takes a lot of benefit to be president you're the Elder every civilization seems to understood this the Elder we go to you for advice and wisdom hey Elder one who has seen it all well we do about this problem and then he has his minions go out and you don't have to be and also I I just think it's a narrative that oh he looks old he's he looks like the same guy I've ever seen he's a little older so he fell off his bike and you mentioned Trump's fat ass even being on a bike really Biden did say an art an interesting thing actually uh he said that yes he's got more experience than anyone that's ever become president and he said but that gives me no excuses gives him the wisdom but also no excuses I thought I was quite an honest appraisal of what all that experience gives him yeah I just think people have like do I love everything Biden has done no I don't I think he caves into that super left side a little too much I think they go to him with that stuff and he goes I don't understand it I can't be bothered with it I have real matters to do if you want to do this fine I'm not going to fight you on it and you know is it as uh existentially threatening as what Trump is threatening of course not so but generally he's doing fine and he's got a lot more done substantially legislatively I mean he got us out of Afghanistan which yeah did he stick the landing on it no but a lot of that was because Trump organized that before he even got there with his stupid it will get out by this date and he only left 2500 troops there he left him a horrible hand so it's not a terrible idea to say that and of course the Democrats never do because they're just so afraid oh they'll just say we're using excuses it's a reasonable excuse It's a real excuse having said that they could have done it better but at least we did it and we should have done it and he actually got the ball rolling on climate change in a big way that nobody's been able to do before he steered most of this big money we're spending towards stuff they're all really climate change bills and nobody did that and he got infrastructure going and you know he's he's an old school kind of guy is he perfect of course not but he's getting the job done and we're back to normal it's not Insanity he's not you know poop tweeting and having feuds with Bette Midler and you know throwing towels at people I mean it's just it's a lot who's been for you the greatest American president of them all well certainly the one I've seen in my lifetime I mean it would be Obama I mean I didn't see George Washington but you know he's still the greatest in my view because there would be no country without him and he made some incredible decisions like how he won the war which most generals could not have won that war saying he would not be a king refusing the crown and saying no we have to have a peaceful transfer of power I do think you giving up while King was a massive strategic error I'm sure you just for the record um but Obama you know as far as modern presidents and no one can compare first of all because what he did he came in right at a moment of incredible economic crisis that a lot of other guys would have crashed we would be we'd be in a depression now and you know no drama Obama boy you know he just kept it his eye on the ball and by the way we didn't even lose money does he does the American first black president right that was the hardest thing I mean I always said and he had to be the Jackie Robinson of anyway Jackie Robinson in the sense of you can't take the bait they're going to say horrible things you just got to keep your eye in the ball amazing discipline this guy I agree with that does he know dream still exist do you think yeah in fact that's maybe the one thing that does exist that we still have going for us because we've lost so much but I talked about this all the time um especially with people who have come to this country on purpose you know and not from countries that uh are places you'd think where people would want to leave like your country people come here on purpose I know people from France in Germany and Canada and I think what they would say is yes America has a great flaw in that we don't take care of the losers quite as well as socialist countries you know if you fall behind it's kind of like well see you wouldn't want to be you but what America does have is still the sense of possibility you absolutely can reinvent yourself tomorrow and be whatever you want you can make your future here you can make your way and you can go as high as as high as you can they don't cut down the tall trees as a Canadian friend of mine once said um so in that sense there is still the American dream now how available is that to everybody that's a good question the coronation is coming up and I know you're probably trying to suppress your wild excitement okay will you be watching no of course not it's not my country and if you care about the royal family of course not it's an inaccurities I mean it's I I said there's two people who are Royals dread to their face I'm not going to call you your highness did you say that to me I said that to Queen nor really absolutely I said it's ridiculous that one human being this is something liberals especially should believe that you don't call another human being your highness are you kidding me no and uh you know although I do personally I like Charles I always thought he was a smart guy he had some really good issues you know I thought they made fun of him you know he had he gave him some ammunition for that but no public person doesn't but um you know why why even have this and I know there are reasons enjoy it whatever have you been hanging out with Megan and Harry since they've been in California no I don't know them what do you think of them I I admire Harry for going to Afghanistan anybody who's had who's had military Congress I can only criticize so much because I haven't and there's nothing that compares to military service um but they're ridiculous after that they're just they want it both ways you know you can't be uh these people were so mean to us and and poor us and we don't want all this attention and then let me let me write a book about how much we don't want attention a little South Park we want our privacy yeah I mean they just strike me as creatures of that generation you know you're just fragile you know just take a take a hint from the queen that recently departed never complain never explain and rarely be heard speaking in public you're complaining about your hard life and you're so privileged it's just so weird it's ridiculous I totally agree well you've had an extraordinary life how long do you think you can keep doing this decades forever do you think you'll ever want to stop I have a contract for a billion years like like in Scientology I would watch you for it as long as you want to do it but I don't know I mean the fact that I've done it for 30 years is just ridiculous but I feel in no way diminished you enjoy it as much as you've had more because you know you get better if you do something for 30 years I mean you better get better you know at a certain point you know same thing with Biden um you know yes age could actually have an effect on how you're doing but that's I I would be the first one to tell you if it did and plainly it's not well the audience I want you every week and I have to say I think right now you are probably the most important host ever I can tell you because well thank you you are the voice of Common Sense amid all the insanity and also basically you're on their side the loose it's like come on stop being so mad no I think you're a great voice too and also of Common Sense and there's lots of it and by the way none of us are what anyone 10 years ago would even begin to call a conservative no you know we're not conservatives when you go down the line about what we believe and how we live our life it's not we're not out there shooting Bud Lights and I will not bend the knee and just go along with the nonsense that's what's so annoying about them the most well they like insist that you go along with their nonsense and their insanity and their fragility or else you're thrown outside the group and and you're excommunicated from Liberal no you're not the liberal I'm I haven't changed you invented a whole new thing called wokism which used to have a much more valid meaning it's actually a form of fascism the way they go about it without the extreme violence but the ideology that you will conform yes to our narrow worldview and if you don't we're going to really do bad stuff to you yeah that's a fascist mentality it's it's it's the cry bullies of that generation as I said raised wrong so they think when someone disagrees with them it's a hate crime and it's violence and it's unacceptable and it's just got to stop you don't get your teenagers under control yeah that's my message
Channel: Fox Nation
Views: 180,100
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Piers Morgan, Bill Maher, Fox Nation, foxnation, piers morgan uncensored, royal family, meghan and harry, tv, news, politics, piers morgan interview, bill maher interview, wokeness, bill maher comedian, prince harry, meghan markle, piers morgan, american dream, comedian, offensive comedy, where to watch, fox news, cancel culture, canceled, woke mob, woke, canceled comedian, meghan harry, meghan harry hypocrisy, coronation, king charles, where to watch fox nation
Id: QWLhkgjeXfI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 20sec (1040 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 19 2023
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