Bill Bellamy & Best Beauty Gadgets | Sherri Shepherd

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we're gonna have a real good time [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] angelic hey oh my God Larry oh wow so hey family oh man today is just a great day it is just uh it's getting nicer outside the temperature is like this is me I'm like give me give me a good Spring weather and I'm ready to go I'm telling you we have such a great show for you today because my friend Bill Bellamy is here laughs oh yeah when I tell you we both love Bill Bellamy so much John I mean growing up with him as an MTV VJ like he's the coolest dude you know yes it's so cool it just and I know Bill Bellamy from doing stand-up and I just remember no matter who killed if you put Bill Bellamy up he would kill even more with the crowd he was always that type and just as a struggling comic watching the level at which he went to watching him on MTV watching him you know host all of these things uh it just you know to see where he is now I'm so proud of him and I'm so glad he's here whoa whoa and blessed we're showing you the hottest Beauty gadgets for spring with Millie ammo Devar ah I'm in such a good mood I'm telling you that's why I had Willie Sinclair the third from the Milwaukee Sinclair's put me in all white because I just feel like you know it's just a new day you give an angel Vibes Angel Vibes Angel vibes I receive that I need all of Heaven I can get so yeah I received the major Vibes good morning to you sir good morning to you happy hump day Sherry happy hump day yes it's a great Wednesday in New York City because we're live today y'all Sherry one of the things that the people watching the show love is when I find these vintage throwback photos with me and the guests that we have on yeah so I found one of these early 2000 photos of me and Bill Bellamy take a look oh my gosh John yes now here's the thing Bill Bellamy still looked it looks the same but thank God I don't look the same [Applause] I look like Ice Cube's little brother or something you know you know everybody always have these pictures with everybody you know I I bill was on The Comedy Tour and they invited me to dinner with him this was many many years ago so yeah and it was great you know we got to break bread to talk a little trash it's a good time this is good so he's coming back home this is what I like yeah you know uh and speaking of like throwback we had Ari Melba Ari Melbourne was here yesterday and I loved having him on because he's got such a cool swagger and um if you watch Ari on on his MSNBC show like he's always bringing in hip-hop lyrics with what he's talking about and I'm telling you Ari was sitting across from me and the more hip-hop lyrics he quoted the sexier he got to me not lying to y'all he was quoting all these lyrics and I was like I am liking your swag all right I I don't know what happened and you know and and it was just like it was so much fun I don't like I don't know if Ari is single but I just want to know you gotta like black women you well listen you know he goes to Rick Ross's summer cookout so I'm sure he don't rolled up with a few black women oh my gosh oh my gosh she's like he's just like a robin thickish kind of you know Swag something didn't Robin Thicke say in one of his lyrics I like brown liquor with my coffee or something I remember you want some brown liquor oh wait a minute all right is that too much is it too much look at let me tell you something I'm in my 50s I'm saying life is too short if you like it you say it Ari's over there miss NBC saying now back to the news [Applause] well I gotta tell you this Instagram account baller alert asked it it asks its readers an interesting question it said it asked what are the biggest red flags on the first date okay where where do I begin because I'm just you know going out a lot and just and having a lot of fun I I think one of the biggest red flags for me is talking about your ex on the first date that's a big red black because if you keep on going on and on about your ex it makes me think you still in love okay it makes me think you want to go back home to your ex and then I start thinking when we get done am I gonna have to drop you off at her house so that would that oh oh another red flag is like uh if a man asks me if I want to go dutch okay on the first date like clap if you could want to go dutch no not at all not on the first date and I don't want to hear you talking about the bills you got to pay we all got bills we gotta pay I don't even look let me tell we're not going when I go on a date I don't even carry my purse with me [Applause] and another one that I don't like I don't like it when I go on a date and then he's too affectionate because to me like being too affectionate is too much too soon that's what I think it makes me think like when when you we want to kiss on the first day like I feel like you need a place to stay that's [Applause] you know it's something I'm telling you from dating a while and just being single it's just so many red flags a man who is too flirtatious like when he like when he too much swaggy like yeah I remember one time you remember John we were a candy burris's wedding oh yeah and so we were there and we were waiting for the doors to open to go into the wedding and Stevie J who was on Love and Hip-Hop so Stevie J Stevie J comes up to me and John was right there and I remember I held out my hand because I'm like I'm Sherry Shepherd he's he grabbed my uh hand and he rubbed my palm with that finger right there he kept rubbing my palm with that finger right there and I and it was a figure right there and I was like CBJ that's so 80s what are you doing what you doing [Applause] I haven't seen the cvj did was like every time he talked to me he would pull me close and he'd whisper in my ear so he was like he I say hey I'm Sherry Shepherd he was like yeah I'm Stevie J like all [Applause] of you Stevie J so it was like it was a real flirtatious although I could have been Faith Evans Faith Evans I played the cars right we love you Stevie J now John what are your red flags well my dating life sucks that's first and foremost what if we were on a date and you showed up with a head shot and a resume you trying to help me break you into the business yeah that's a red flag definitely a red flag yeah we don't want those you got to make it on your own let me see uh Marco what are what are some of your red flags okay I got one uh a woman who can't disconnect from her phone always texting or or taking a selfie at dinner or taking a picture of the food I can't deal with it you don't like that off that's a red flag [Music] I don't know forever okay Seth you got any red flags yeah I got like two one is definitely bad breath okay I guess just not a good look you know isn't that good and the other one is if I bring her to one of my gigs I'm DJing yes and she knows literally every man in the club and hugs them all oh yeah sphere is like somebody from the club come and pop on the button be like hey girl now Suzanne I know you got some red flags I've got some red flags I have three okay she's been on the first date in years but I give advice to a lot of the young women around my life in my life so the first red flag I'm all for a drink or two but if he flat out gets drunk that's a red flag on the first date that's right okay you got it okay the second um if they show up just like a slob and have dirty nails check your nails yeah yeah dirt under the nails no way third if he orders like a salad like a goat cheese salad or a Caesar salad and a glass of white wine I am out of there [Applause] and who eats beef and drinks a beer [Applause] Suzette is down with that meat yeah [Laughter] we're very picky on the Sherry show what we like so I want to say to y'all thank you Suzanne so yeah let us know what some of your first date rib flags are and I would literally love to know this go to sherryshow TV or on Instagram Sherry show TV on Instagram let us know what are some of your red flags uh when you go out on a date now former Atlanta housewife Cynthia Bailey just got divorced we know this and I know you know and so now she's single she is looking for a man and so Cynthia who is 56 and looks fabulous she uh told the Daily Mail that she's on the dating at Raya but she only gets ass out by men half her age and she says that men her age like younger women but younger men like older women so it's so funny I look at this I you know I was going to get on the radio app and I you got to have like a celebrity or somebody to um verify you Chris Rock would you please call up Raya and finish the verification process because Chris was my verification person so but you know Cynthia is so beautiful she's confident she's in the best stage of her life but it's something about being with a younger man like you can have fun with the younger man but I don't know if Cynthia wants to like have this like life with the younger man and I and because I don't for me I'm not so much in the younger man because I I don't want to try traumatize them [Applause] dude that if he walks in and he sees me in in the middle of putting on a wig that might be that might be traumatizing if I tell him can you lean over and give me my magnesium and potassium pills that might I might traumatize the young one if I say can you rub my feet that right there gonna traumatize him because my feet you know every some people got them soft pretty feet and my feet look like Sherry you work hard so that's just a journey on the dark side that I would hate to take a younger man but you know dating younger men is so funny because I remember I remember meeting a man John he was a young man and uh he worked at this Airline but he was 28 years old but I did not know that and he worked at an airline so every time I would fly he was the supervisor there he had on his uniform he was charming and he would always say hey miss lady and he would upgrade me all the time to first class he would walk me on the plane put me on my seat he was fine and I remember giving him my business card and I said call me and so he called and we would talk now here's the problem when he was in his uniform he looked grown and sexy like he was you know probably like 35 36 but then he sent me a picture because I was telling how my girlfriends about him he sent me a picture and he had on a baseball cap turned backwards in a jersey and the first person I sent to you was Niecy Nash my girlfriend and Niecy texted back she said how old is that baby foreign and I looked at it and I was like oh my gosh and I texted him and I said how old are you and he said I'm 28 and then he said he said I want you to come to the house and meet my aunties and I was like oh oh my gosh but you know he was fine so I went I went to the uh but here's the here's the worst part of when you are older woman and you're going out with a younger man when you got to meet those aunties and that Mama because I here I am I'm sitting with a bunch of women and they all like looking at me like this you know and I could see that look on their face like why are you with this baby why are you with this baby and I can see that look going you don't even have a uterus you can't have no babies it was so uncomfortable literally and so I that would that one did not last and and he kept telling me about all his hopes and dreams and I was like oh you don't have potential yet I got I got at this age my voice is deep you got to have your potential realize so I am feeling for you Cynthia because but I say to you girl the 50s are not bad at all because we are more confident we're willing to say what we want you just but you got to be on more than Raya Ray is only one site you got to try all the dating sites like go to go to ChristianMingle you girl I would even say go to Jay date and I know Jay date is for Jewish people you got to be Jewish to go on Jay date but I bet you if you ask I remember he tell you get your butt on JJ I think I might have made a little connection there the Sherry Shepherd Matchmaker agency Sherry Shepherd matchmaking agency and I say Cynthia yes I did one Ari Melba but I would gladly sacrifice it for you you go ahead oh man y'all know Mean Girls actress Rachel McAdams is making a very bold statement because she posed for bustle magazine um unshaven like she had underarm hair all under her arms yes and um you're using a red flag that's a red flag right there what is it with the Internet is divided over her new look and you know and this is the thing I can tell that Rachel McAdams is she married she's got kids right she's married she's got kids okay now I understand why she got the hair under her arms because she married she got kids she don't even care no more that's you mayor you got kids you like look I got him he ain't going nowhere you know in the arm here but you know some I can kind of understand you know because I got little look at the bustle I have a little bit of arm hair the the arm hair right now the unarmed hair because if we just got into spring so I I don't shave during the winter time I'm like a bear I you know in New York City I need all this hair to keep me warm times was rough I moved out here from La I was not shaving I you know and I don't feel bad about it I feel bad for Willie of the sinclairs of Milwaukee because Willie has to go through all of that dog on here just putting on my clothes so I know and we'll you know I'm a mom it's so much to do I'm a mom I got a talk show I'm a comedian I just it's hard sitting on top of all of that because you always have to keep shaving so you know I I understand and Willie I apologize to you and I'm going to take care of that probably next week the next two weeks are you I am y'all y'all don't go anywhere because up next Bill Bellamy is here [Music] [Applause] my first guest became a household name in the 90s when he hosted MTV Jams now he's since gone on to act produce and do what he calls his first love stand-up comedy he's now added author to his resume with his new Memoir top billing stories of laughter lessons and triumphs please welcome Bill Bellamy [Applause] what's up oh I feel so grown right now these are grown look you know and Bill I have known you for so long even before you got married and so you were dating a lot before you got married so I was in the streets you was in the streets with a sea in the streets in them straight okay so when you were out there what like what were your what were your red flags on the first date red flags would be like a lot of kids I like it but you just can't date when you got a lot of kids yeah you know uh what's another good red flag a crazy ex-boyfriend a crazy ex-boyfriend because you know you sitting there Red Lobster and he like hey how y'all doing why is he here you know and they women women never tell you how crazy their ex was or they never tell you how long they broke up that's right how long y'all been broke up well you know like [Applause] um they say they always say a year ago no and when it was yes when it was really Monday okay yes I want I knew you would have some this week uh it's the season finale of Bel Air yes and on Belair you played Uncle Phil yeah um Uncle Phil's brother Uncle Julius Uncle Julius so are we gonna see you again yes on uh you are you're coming back yeah yeah I'm coming around that's what I'm talking about but I'm his crazy brother you're crazy bro I'm the crazy competitive brother sibling rivalry brother I always got to try to outshine my little brother because like technically we're the same but he's doing his thing in Bel Air I'm doing my thing in South Carolina [Laughter] but once I come out there I gotta show up and show out and that's looking forward to this was something that I I did not know and I don't know if a lot of people know uh you and Shaq are cousins yes okay look y'all cousins now when you just bigger than me that's all that's what I was gonna say the disparity there the disparity now were y'all close growing up yeah it's so funny how people forget like people think you can only be cousins for two years or something like people forget that like your family is your family um we get together whenever we can but like growing up was kind of weird because he moved around a lot yeah but the funny part was he was so big he could never sit at a real seat in class he had to sit at the teacher death and all the other kids like why you get to sit up there wouldn't you he can't fit I'm funny read and read and getting to know you yes and reading your book top billing like you you were so vulnerable and open about your life right what made you decide to tell so much about your life I don't know I mean I just thought it would be really nice to just explore it because during covet there was not a lot of things to do I have free time and I was just sitting around and uh with my my girl Nicole Smith who helped me kind of narrate my life like she was like Bill your life is so interesting you did all this crazy stuff you ever think about just talking every day tell me and we just do two three hour zooms yeah and I'm and I got like a million pictures like y'all don't understand I got pictures of everybody from Tupac to Mariah to this the that so I'm looking at these pictures and I'm like oh I remember that I remember that she was like let's do a story about it okay so and it was so many you took me back down memory lane yes in in top building I loved it so much when I read it now I hear that you went to buy your own book is that true oh it's so funny right so I was like because I I've never been no author you know I'm like you know this is new to me I'm like I'm still like tripping like I'm in the bookstore so I went to see if it was really in there you know black people you know black people we gotta check so I'm in there you gotta make sure so I go in the bookstore right and I'm looking for for the book right and then I get to the thing and and all the people in the bookstores they don't look like yes they don't look very you know social so I'm trying to be nice so the guy's like uh I said customer service I'm looking for this book it's brand new new release top billing by this guy Bill Bellamy he was like yeah I heard of him [Applause] he didn't even know it was me he know it was you at all and he charged me full price okay this is and this is again I love this reading top billing when you would take me down memory lane I remember watching you on Def Comedy Jam yes and I will never forget what you talked about you had this phrase booty call yeah y'all remember that and that's that you you Rose to fame that and that was an iconic phrase yeah how did that come about well booty call came from uh just Friday night booty calls like you know how do when how guys feel on a Friday night you got a new apartment y'all saying and remember like when we used to back in the day we didn't have cell phones like that you had you had to call like on a regular phone yeah you know each number you know the new kids could slide to the left yeah to the right yes we had to work okay and back in the day we used to have rolodexes remember that yes yes so and I had mine I used to be there like so I said oh I should do that as a joke and when I did it I did it at the Uptown Comedy Club the first time and everybody busted out laughing yeah and it was so catchy I didn't know it was going to blow up though glue up dude not much booty got done without me getting paid [Applause] trademark what oh my God Jesus man you were everywhere I and I remember watching you on MTV you have interviewed so many Legends on MTV we can't even name them all but I'ma throw out a few names and I want you to tell me a memory okay all right so uh Janet Jackson wow oh Janet oh let me tell you a funny story about Janet saw more tour with Janet Jackson and I'm opening up and whatever and every night she used to put a God on stage right yes and like time to the thing and be doing all this little sexy stuff to him and I was like the next neck I was like you almost stand by the edge so so like maybe she picked me she walked right by me she was like boy bye because because you know what I'm saying because I'm back then I was like if you tie me up I'm gonna break loose okay okay great memory he's got even more Janet Jackson okay so Snoop Dogg oh Snoop Dogg new all right well let me tell you what I love about Snoop so when I first met snoop snoop was like 19 maybe 20 years old and he was hot in hahaha and I didn't I don't smoke like that's the highest I've ever been in my life and he wasn't even smoking he had smoked it was on his jacket [Applause] he was like what's wrong nephew how dizzy as hell oh a great quick story so we go to snoop's house to do the interview yes and Snoop would not do the interview unless he got a shoe box of weed really I don't know how much a shoe box of weed is but it's a lot they found it okay and you got to do the interview yeah we did oh my gosh I love this is taking us down memory lane but even in in everything that you do you still busy doing your podcast top billing you're still busy doing stand up you're always on stage doing stand up like why is this so important to you to keep doing both of those everybody is so fun like I don't know it's just a really personal part of me that I can create I always think of funny stuff like I love coming on shows like this because I could just be myself and because I'm silly all the time you know so I'm working on a new hour so I gotta practice so I you know I work my I have one on Amazon now that's called uh I want my life back so I'm trying to like come up with another hour of funny stuff and it's hard like you gotta start over like you got to start from scratch all those jokes are old so now I gotta come with the new flavor now you and this is one thing I want to say about you we're looking at all the pictures I'm looking at you now what are you taking with the elixir of Youth you look exactly the same well uh I would say little shea butter you know Shea Butter drink a lot of water and you got to exercise you know what I'm saying I think I think laughter keeps you young too laughter keeps you so young and now you now here's the thing this is a this is a cult classic movie okay how to be a player yes how to be a player all right every are we gonna see a sequel yeah yeah we got to do it the culture needs it you know what I mean every day of my life people ask me about how to be a player they're like yo B man I grew up with you I met a guy two weeks ago I was coming out the hotel he was there coming in he was like dog you changed my life you made me get all my sneakers lined up in the closet you know he said I I want I got my first place that looked like that because you know back then in the 90s they didn't have loft apartments no so Dre had the two floor joint yes yeah but my new one gonna be Penthouse you feel me is this what I'm talking about we like this we talked to turn up you might want to be in the movie Sarah yes I would love to be in your movie look [Applause] would be good like little brown sugar make me one of the sperm women I love you and I just want to say you've always inspired me because I will see you on stage doing stand-up and you would get on there and you know we all have that fear of you know when we go up but you would be Fearless on that stage and you just inspired me to keep going yes and keep doing myself I'm very proud of you I'm so proud you remember I came to see you when you was in Seattle I was doing the show in the next city and I saw you on the on the news and I drove over there to see you you was like man what you doing here but that's that's the uh our family of comedians we have our own like fraternity and you're part of that absolutely [Applause] love you for being here and I want to say this is a book you have got to get you want to laugh you want to feel good oh my goodness top billing stories of laughter lessons and Triumph is out now in studio audience you're all getting a copy yes yes yes funny viral kid videos and just kidding keep it here let's go let's go [Applause] it's time for just kidding where we bring you all the funny viral kid moments so first is a video of a little Brit of little Brinley who has a boo-boo and she wants to prove her independence to her mom take a look at what Brinley does when asked if Mom should kiss it baby where's it hurt you want Mommy kiss it okay you kiss it [Applause] [Laughter] friendly you have an amazing sense of humor and that laugh will heal any boo boo all right all right is a baby and daddy Duo who really get into character let's see it I'm Batman and so is she told you oh no way all right she means business so next time I'm in trouble I'm putting up my own bad signal and I am hoping that baby shows up to save me now next up is a video of a little boy who should probably not repeat everything his dad says I'm not going to the pool I had my period I have a headache you don't have your period oh wow you definitely have it that's the attitude that Dad talked about oh oh [Applause] I have a feeling that Dad is gonna be sleeping in the pool tonight now last up during her baptism this little girl does not hold back when the pre-splashes water on her head [Music] what in the world [Music] that's right if I spend a bunch of time getting my hair done and somebody splashed water all over my head I'll be saying a lot worse so if you have a photo or video of a kid doing something funny send it to up next we are checking out the hottest Beauty gadgets keep it right here [Applause] spring has sprung and we all want to look our best so here to show us some of the hottest Beauty gadgets on the market is beauty expert Millie I'm older [Applause] it is so good to see you okay girl so let's get started what's first okay I know this looks a little weird it does and this is a doctor get Dennis gross it is the spectral light face wear Pro okay okay so I want you to put the mask on Sherry okay put it on so we know based on studies that there's certain there's certain lights red infrared lights Amber lights this is like some freaky role play well you can use it for that too if you want but these are what those light suits they stimulate collagen they reduce the appearance of Fine Lines yes and they reduce hyper pigmentation okay so this this face mask has all those lights but they've also added blue light and we know blue light as the anti-acne light it kills the act the acne bacteria kills the acne okay so you use this for three minutes a day we have some really amazing before and afters yes yeah and I am telling you look at that yeah look at this in your skin you will see it it's 435 and I know it's expensive but you know what's even more expensive what a few visits to the dermatologist okay oh my gosh well I like this one okay what's next okay so next is the Grande lash lift heated lash curler oh wow yeah so traditional lash curls a lot of times they can pinch your eyes they can crimp your lashes not this one this one uses Heat this is warm yeah so you turn it on right you turn it on you put it on two two it has two heat settings okay use mine here grab mine okay so you're on the top heat right and then you just hold it on your lash line for about 10 seconds oh and it just starts it's gonna just yeah the heat is just gonna start curling it's rechargeable you charge it once and you get like a whole bunch of uses on it and it holds a curl for eight hours I like this in the heat is helping my arthritis girl this is good I like this 39. honey yes oh now what do we have here okay so there are studies I want you to turn that on there are studies yeah look at that okay there are studies showing that massages scalp massages they do actually lead to thicker fuller hair I always give myself a scalp massage either with my hands or with this okay come fire scalp massager look at it do you see that you've got 21 notes Here four speed settings let me tell you when you use this in the shower I know that's right girl wait I use it on my head okay I'm sorry when I use it on my head in the shower okay all right it really puts the shampooing on yeah and it's really and it's and it's waterproof like I said you use it in the shower now I love this girl all right this is cool 39 you can get it on Amazon okay I like okay what's next so next is the cure epoxy it's the hydrasonic easy toothbrush so this toothbrush is actually meant even if you have the most sensitive gum sensitive teeth you can use it okay yes oh almost another thing you can take in the shower right you brush your body so we're gonna so we're pressing so they're very gentle on the teeth you also have three speeds on this one goes for 44 000 brush Strokes per minute another one is 64 000 another one is 84 000. you can charge it once and you literally get like a month of use out of it so 129 but it is so worth it oh my gosh I like this and one more thing you know have you ever gone to the dentist and he's been like you're not getting that back tooth yes always yeah this because of its curved shape it gets into every single one of your tiggles straight to the bag I like this yeah you can't go wrong okay so next this device this is the higher dose it is the infrared sauna blanket I'd like to get it inside of the blanket let's put you right in there Sherry all right you feel so good yeah it's so warm so you know the benefits of sauna they say sauna they can I smell so good oh this feels so good so we know that all I need is them two vibrators oh this smells so good okay oh yes yeah I love it okay yep okay so we know saunas this is my higher dose okay so this is infrared sauna it has eight temperature modes it goes up to 80 degrees and we know saunas they can boost the circulation in your skin yeah making your skin just look a lot healthier a lot perfect so good yeah and this one is this sauna is great too because it has different layers you've got a charcoal layer which is going to detox you've got a clay layer which kind of balances the heat oh wow yeah so you can I like to sauna you know almost pretty much every day after I work out it just makes it just detoxes you just feel amazing oh I love this you feel amazing and you're detoxing and you're detoxing yeah I love it Millie uh this is so good you want me to do it for you yeah hold on just hold it on my head girl I I just want to say Millie thank you so much for being here yes what studio audience you're all getting a Kieran pox Hydro sonic toothbrush [Applause] everything you see here go to I'm feeling good that'll be right back [Applause] all right let's play what's that line now I am here with Alexis from Philly Alexis I am going to show you a photo of a classic cartoon character and you're gonna have to guess their famous catchphrase okay you ready ready okay our first line comes from bug Bunny and here are your choices what's happening Captain what's up doc keep it easy keep it Breezy what's up doc there you go thank you all right our next line hi and this is Terry from New York I'm Terry hi okay so our next line comes from Buzz Lightyear here are your choices I'm the only side of intelligent life I think I found my new profile pic to infinity and beyond to infinity and beyond everybody knew here we go all right now all right this is look all right okay Alexis from New York how you doing Alexis all right so your line comes from Velma here are your choices jinkies Jeepers what was that jeez oh my God oh my God thank you guys for playing and you are all getting a 100 gift card to Chelsea Bell Restaurant with today's hot flash [Applause] [Music] [Applause] today's hot flash comes from R B singer Tank tank broke the internet when he posted these Ferris Trapster Instagram okay now tank is a married man and he made sure to tag his wife Xena Foster in the picture but that did not stop women from going and his comments praying he dropped that towel one person even commented the Lord is my shepherd He knows what I want to join me on the couch for an interview wearing nothing but that towel we'll be right back [Applause] [Music] I hope something on today's show put a smile on your face now tomorrow we have Taraji P Henson she's going to be until then be intentional about having a good time bye-bye thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] nice
Channel: Sherri
Views: 135,782
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: talk show, daytime talk show, celebrities, entertainment, pop culture, music, sherri shepherd, sherri
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 31sec (2491 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 26 2023
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