Bikini Bottom's Most EXTREME Weather Ever | SpongeBob

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I've got zero visibility. Let go of my eyes, Square Face! Drizzle! [grunting] [giggling] I'm in the middle of a severe thunderstorm And we're bringing it to you Li- [screaming] Hmm. [coughing] I'm Gale Doppler, and I actually am the weather! [laughing] [thunder rumbling] Huh? Uh-oh. Uh-oh. [screaming] My body is cold! I don't want to be the weather anymore. It hurts! [screaming] Excuse me, Drizzle. I don't mean to parade on your rain, but could you please put Gale down? Whoa! [screaming] Huh? Oh, no! Not more storm clouds. Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! No! What? [laughing] Aw. [laughing] Holy hurricane, they're Drizzle's parents! Mm, mm. [muttering] Hmm? Ten more patties, SpongeBob. You got it, Mr. K. [screaming] No, no, me money! Hey, I just realized being outside is awful! Rain? But we're underwa- [screaming] Wait, wait, don't go! [chuckles] A little wind never hurt anyone! Whoa, whoa! [screaming] Ow! SpongeBob, we're losing 'em. Do something! Aye-aye, sir! Oh! Ah! Ow! [grunting] Huh? Whoa! Whoa! Tex ritter! You don't see that everyday. Huh? [all] Ooh. Pretty. Last time I saw a moon that big, it was in a locker room. [chuckles] Since when is the moon so green? [chuckles] Everyone knows the moon is made of cheese, SpongeBob. It's just been up there so long, it's getting moldy. Oh, but I'd still eat it. That ain't the moon, guys. The real moon comes out at night, remember? Something's fishy going on here. [laughing] That a girl, Sissy! -I got it, Dad! -Look out, Mom! Hey, kids, check out that cool, glowing rock in the sky. You don't see that everyday. Did you see that, SpongeBob? Sponge... Bob? [music playing] [music playing] [gasping] [music playing] Green cheese! Green cheese! Green cheese! SpongeBob? Patrick? [music playing] [gasping] Everyone listen to me! Get away from the light! The light is bad! Run for the shade! So romantic. Oh! Eugene-ikins, give me some sugar. I'm always a sucker for a good smooch. Yeah, walk outside and check out this awesome moon. <i> Hello? Hello, Pearl?</i> [grunting] [music playing] Yay! Life insurance! You are magically protected. -Whoo hoo! -Boo! Oh, it was luck, dumb luck. [thundering] Look, I'll prove it. You stand here. Huh? You see, Squidward, you're immune. -You can't be hurt. -Yeah. You are cast iron Squidward. Life insurance! Life insurance! [panting] [groaning] So... thirsty. It's no use. We'll never find the rare desert sandwich. [screaming] [humming] Squidward, we did it. We brought back the first item. Sand? [cackling] Witch? [cackling] Finally! Yes! Leaving early. I can't believe this is finally happening. [screaming] Guess not. A severe rip current may soon touch down, in Bikini Bottom. Residents are warned to bar all windows and stay indoors. [mooing] Save yourselves! Eh, rip current, spid current. Tain't nothin'. Gee, Mr. Krabs, do you think the rip current will hit the Krusty Krab? [grunting] Uh, shouldn't we clear the docks or batten down the hatches or whatever people say? Calm your waters. Me sailor's knee says we're not in danger. See? Now get back to work. Excuse me. Are we in any kind of peril? I think we should all go home. As soon as you buy some patties to go, you can go. I'll have three Krabby Patties. [rumbling] On second thought, cancel that order. No! Takey backses. Three Krabby Patties. [gasping] Me money detector. Where do you think you're going? Get back in there and spend the rest of your money! But I needed it for rent. Listen up everybody. New store policy. All money brought into this store must be spent here. Tyrant! Oh, tyrant, am I? Alright. I'm a tyrant. The worst in all the seven seas! What of it?! [growling] Gee, why is Mr. Krabs so crabby today? Probably because it's payday. Payday's been canceled! Now hear this! I'm captain of this ship! Captain Krabs! And I say no rip current will ever harm the Krusty Krab! [screaming] [screaming] [grunting] [grunting] Darn arthritis. [screaming] [grunting] [grunting] [thundering] Aw. How are we supposed to golf in this downpour? Our putters are getting waterlogged. Dumb rain. Doesn't it know I'm the sheriff in these parts? Hey, rain, you better stop that. [screaming] [screaming] If you two don't mind, could you keep it down to a low rumble?! Sorry, Squidward. We've still got a few astro belts to get through. Brace yourselves for the cold belt. [humming] [laughing] Next up, we got a hot belt. [dinging] Patty melt. [chuckles] [panting] Ouch! [screaming] [screaming] [screaming] [screaming] [thudding] [sighing] <i> And so, SpongeBob and Patrick begin their harrowing task,</i> <i> tethered to the wagon not just by ropes,</i> <i> but by their own foolish mistakes.</i> <i> Onward they trudge.</i> Pushed by Mr. Krabs, whose desires blind him <i> to the pain he inflicts.</i> <i> In short, this whole trip is beginning</i> <i> to look like a whoopsie.</i> Patrick, are you okay? 100%. Well, I think I'll pass. Even if I let you borrow my ugly snuggly bunny slippers? Hmm. I'll have to think about that. Okay, but you better think fast, because Patrick here really loves my- [thundering] Squidward! Welcome back. Here's your slippers. [thundering] Okay, boys, let's roll to see who goes first. This is tic-tac-toe. You don't roll to see who goes first. He's right. You play rock, paper, scissors for it. Oh, yeah. -One. -Two. Three. -Oh, it's a tie. -Darn it! It's time I told you. [shrieking] You mean? Yes. The Krabby Patty formula. Follow me, son, we need to go where no one will ever hear us. [thundering] Ugh. We finally made it. Quick, into me office before anyone sees us. [thundering] [thundering] Boy, good thing I remembered my umbrella. Me too. [screaming] [screaming] Come on, kids. [screaming] Eh, too bad I forgot my umbrella. [sighing] The end of another successful business day. You know, Squidward, this time of day always reminds me of... money. Oh, yeah. That's right. [screaming] I'll just be here working while you do- [screaming] [thundering] Uh-huh. Um, I'm sorry, ma'am, but we're close. [thundering] I just wanted a vacation. Evil never takes a vacation. Did you just make that up? Because that sounds pretty good. Do you mind if I use it sometime? Help yourself, Man Ray. Yeah, help yourself to pain. [thundering] Oh, why did I ever bother trying to be normal? I am Man Ray! Feel my evil wrath! [grunting] [growling] [thundering] [screaming] [ringing] Huh? Hold on. I should get this. Hello? <i> Hello. Man Ray,</i> the weather changed my plans. I'm coming home. Not to worry, though, you'll get a full refund on the rent so long as there's no damage to my place. [dial tone] Hello? [laughing] That idiot octopus doesn't know I gave him a phony check. [grunting] [screaming] [screaming] Hey, it's just water. [crashing] [humming, groaning] Stamps? [crashing] [gasping] Oatmeal! Glue. <i> Ah. Observe the majesty of the mighty iceberg.</i> <i> This frozen giant normally foud floating in polar regions</i> <i> can sometimes stray into warmer waters,</i> <i> causing dramatic changes in climate</i> <i> for tropical undersea life.</i> Yes, it seems Old Man Winter paid us a visit late last night, and he brought with him not a pillow or a sheet, but a blanket. A blanket of snow. Yes, from jellyfish fields to residential abodes to bustling downtown, it's nothing but the white stuff. Whoopee! And local residents are taking notice. Hmm. Hey! What's this? Drops of rain frozen into ice crystals? I shall harness their energy and rule the world. [laughing] Ew! Stop! I wish to rule you! Get ready, dudes, it's coming. JKL, thanks for teaching us how to surf. Well, dude, I didn't teach you anything you didn't already know. Here it comes! Well, JKL, I guess this is goodbye. Wait. There's something I forgot to tell you. In return for its awesomeness... the big one always demands a sacrifice. One of you will not return. I volunteer SpongeBob. Keep paddling, Patrick! This wind feels like broken glass mixed with razor blades. It's the big one! [laughing] No! [growling] Hey, I was gonna eat that. Patrick, grab on! [screaming] Hang on, Squidward! This is it! Time for those lessons to pay off. Look, that's Mr. Krabs down there. You like it when I comb your hair, don't you, Cashie? Mr. Krabs, hop on! Or you'll be stuck here forever! Who said that? Mr. Krabs! I never even got a chance to tell him that I'm- Looking for this? JKL and Mr. Krabs. And Cashie. Cashie! JKL! No! Little dude... I was born to do this. [belching] I guess the big one prefers a high protein meal. Now, what are we gonna do? [grunting] Okay, that should do her. [whistling] [music playing] [music playing, buzzing] [music playing] [music playing] Whoa! It actually worked. [music playing] They're finally leaving me alone. I can go back to work now. [laughing] Krusty Krab, here I come. [gasping] How long was I gone? No! [crying] [thundering] [honking] What's wrong, Coop? I'm getting wet. Whoa. Here, take this. [honking] -What's up? -I'm cold. There you go, my wittle self driver. Nice and snuggy wuggy. I don't like it out here. I want to be inside. Like inside? Alright, Coop, come on in. [roaring, growling] -Honey. -Huh? You're not using that tan accelerator again, are you? Oh, don't pretend you don't love it. [sighing] Good work, man. I see you've read my book. Craig Mammalton? The tannest man on TV? [chuckles] None other. [laughing] It's a game! It's a game! Now I know what it's like to be a game maker! I meant to bring a sweater. It's colder than yesterday. That's why I wore mittens. Mm. Toasty. Huh? Morning, boys. Lock's a bit sticky this morning. Is it cold in here or is it just me? Well, get to work. -What? -Aye aye, Mr. Krabs. Whoa! -Ha! -Whoa! Excuse me! Pardon me! [screaming] All right, quit clowning around and get to work. Yes, sir. It's one minute till opening. Where the barnacles are my employeres. I don't pay 'em to be late. [thundering] Taking care of a baby sure is hard. You said it. I'm exhausted. Hey, Patrick. I have to go to work. Would you mind holding Squidw- [snoring] Looks like we're on our own, little fella. SpongeBob, Squidward, enough duff dragging. Get to your stations, pronto. Mr. Krabs, Squidward is in no condition to perform his Krusty duties. [babbling] [snoring] Okay, SpongeBob, you can be Dirty Dan, I just want to be Patrick. Let's get out of here before Sandy wakes up again. [panting] [grunting] Ouch! Sorry, Patrick, but the door is slippery. It's frozen shut. Let me have a try. Open sesame! Well, I've done all I can do. Then we're stuck in here until the door thaws in spring. Barnacles. Is it spring yet? No. I'm so c-cold that I'm shivering. I'm so cold that I can use my nose drippings as a pair of chopsticks. I'm so cold that... I'm shivering. Maybe we should build a fire. I got it. We'll burn the bark from Sandy's tree. You're gonna be wearing an iron lung when I'm through with you, Pinhead. The fire's not gonna happen, Patrick. [snoring] [gasping] [thundering] Oh, shoot, I forgot what I was going to say. No hurry, Patrick. You want to play hide and go seek? The Arctic is all cold. Come on, Squidward, you're a strong artist. You can do it! No! SpongeBob? Oh, hey, Squidward. SpongeBob, what are you doing here? Just getting some ice. Fresh. [laughing] Need some help? Oh! Here's your food. Hey, this is cold. Perfect. [laughing] We better get you home. These waters are calm. Too calm. Black sky? Waterspouts of blood? Jelly doughnuts falling from the sky? What could this mean? There's only one logical answer. I've landed right in the middle of Dutchman's Triangle. Right above Davy Jones' locker. In the Devil's galley. Hmm? [grunting] [chuckles] "Caution wet chum." Whoa, whoa! Slippery when chum? Mm. Yummy. Don't eat chum off the sidewalk. Chum here! [arguing] Whoa. Yay! Tastes really bad. But the holiday spirit is keeping us in denial. Gristle toe? [thundering] And this is the maximum security level. Since this is your first day, I'll let you peek at our number one inmate. He's too dangerous to let him around the other inmates. Why? What'd he do, rob a bank? Worse, he tried to steal the Krabby Patty formula. Oh. Okay. So that's why we keep him behind these impenetrable six inch steel doors. [creaking] Of course it helps to lock it. He's gone. He's so small, he could be anywhere. He could be right under our noses. But- Frank, where's your mustache? [alarm blaring] [alarm blaring] Ha ha! Those fools will never find me now. All right, fellas, I know it's cold, but let's just push forward and keep a lookout for a frozen crab. I can't feel my looking holes. The only thing I can feel is my empty stomach. You said it, SpongeBob. I've already gnawed through all my provisions. I'm getting to the point where I could eat just about anything. Mm. Spongekabob. Hey, Patrick, you got any more of them gooey worms on you? I wish I did. I lost my last one to that monster, and now I'm so hungry. At least I still have these jelly beans to hold me over. Hey, is this taxi even moving? Come on, Gary! [gasping] Gary. Oh, you poor fella. We pushed you too hard, didn't we? Sorry, buddy. I won't make you tow another inch. Great. Now we're stuck. No we're not. [shattering] Hello. What's this? [gasping] Look. One of Mr. Krab's sailor tattoos. It must have frozen off of his brittle body. We must be headed in the right direction. I got some fresh ingredients for our new crabby soup. A half eaten Krabby Patty... two moldy pickles... and some smashed potatoes that look like Squidward. When it came to paying the stupid bill, SpongeBob always tipped 20%. He had to be involved. SpongeBob, what have you done with my clarinet? Oh, Squidward, you're so hard boiled! Are you playing a game? Oh, can I play? I know you stole my clarinet. Tell me where. I don't know. [laughing] Mr. Krabs, are you out here? [music playing] Oh, no. Is that a mermaid song? No, just a thick, eerie fog. Uh-oh. [screaming] Squidward. Come on, Squidward, quit messing around. We gotta find Mr. Kr- Hey, gumballs! [grumbling] This is the Bikini Bottom Triangle? Looks more like a dump. Oh, I'm getting a brainstorm. I've got you, buddy. No, Patrick, let it flow. Ooh, I have a plan. Being a jellyfish sure is fun. Buzz. Buzz. Buzz. Hey! Ooh, I'm itchy. Itchy. Why am I so itchy? [screaming] Poisoned sea urchins. Ohh! Ow! Itch! Itch! Ow! Ow! Ooh! Itch! Itch! Itch! Ow! Ohh! Ow! Ow! Itch! Itch! Itch! Itch! Itch! Itch! Itch! Itch! Itch! [screaming] That sure looks like fun. Yeah, I can't wait to ride it. Oh, no. The moon's been pulled out of its regular orbit. That could have disastrous effects on the Earth's tides. Water's a little dry today. Oh, excuse me. Sorry. [groaning] The storm must have stopped. Squidward! Whoo hoo! So long, suckers. [screaming] [thudding] Curse you [unintelligible]
Channel: SpongeBob SquarePants Official
Views: 648,076
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: krusty krab, krabby patty, spongebob, spongebob squarepants, squidward tentacles, squidward spongebob, patrick spongebob, patrick star, plankton spongebob, sandy cheeks, mr krabs, spongebob episodes, spongebob music, nickelodeon, nick show, animation, cartoon, classic cartoon, nostalgic, funny cartoons, cartoon food, cartoons for kids, weird moments, #youtubekids, throwback thursday, paramount, amazon prime video, amazon, paramount plus
Id: lPliMUD_q0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 0sec (2040 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2024
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