Angry Karen With a Warrant Tries to Bite Officer

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on June 9 2022 a Hinsdale police officer was serving an arrest warrant for a domestic violence allegation the suspect 45-year-old Sean Malarkey allegedly hit her ex-husband with a car hey step out of the car right now get out of the car fam we'll talk about everything but get out of the car yep 20x per day we're in the garage she's closing step up excuse me excuse me step out of the car right now yes no step out of the car get your hands off get out of the car no you're under arrest no I am not yes you are no I am not yes you are get your hands in this garage door this is psycho no you get you get your hands off of him no get out of the car now no I will taser if you don't get out of the car you better take your hands off of me right now yes you are excuse me I just sent a message and I am excuse me excuse me get out of the car right now no I told you I can handle this peacefully but you have to get out of the car no you've never said that I sent you a message my attorney affirmative I want coffee you excuse me could somebody say that you could come into our house don't stop tugging I'm gonna taste you opener no yes no you're obstructing right now do you understand you're obstructed I'm not going to tell you again no I'm not going to tell you get out of the car right yes no my attorney are you gonna stand up and be cooperative are you gonna understand that my attorney has filed a motion to quash this my attorney has filed a motion this way you hit us you do anything stupid towards us that you hit us for anything let's go you've already hit me I didn't hit you I asked you all the car I told you under arrest now you got a whole show for your neighbors here in danger I need to call my attorney I'm not getting in my car until I call my attorney no I'm calling my attorney it's not gonna happen no I'm calling my attorney sit in the car my children are home alone my children are home alone we will take care of your children no you're not taking care of [ __ ] you take care of somebody I got down on the ground you are a shitty [ __ ] human being that's messed up you you throw somebody down in front of their children what the [ __ ] is wrong let's go I told you you you piece of [ __ ] you know what you are the piece of dirt that I wouldn't piss on if you were on fire I smell an order of alcohol on your breath no that's my piss that's your pissing on you okay guess what what you're the worst part of the society you think I don't think so oh no I don't I don't think so you are the worst you take down a mother in front of her [ __ ] children no you didn't were you there right were you there all right who are you there you saw my emergency lights before you even got in there I walked in she cooperated the uh the same model same order of alcohol okay hey I didn't tell you about the car what's up get your [ __ ] hands off me where's your phone dude not where's your phone now do not touch me did I ever say do you [ __ ] do not touch me get his [ __ ] hands off me get your [ __ ] hands off me who oh you keep resisting you know what I'm gonna charge you with putting your [ __ ] dirty ass hands on stop moving let me take off your watch [ __ ] you you don't get to touch me you are a disgusting piece of [ __ ] the next time no the next time you [ __ ] touch me hey get in the car sit in the car no he doesn't get to touch me okay use the words and let through their hands hey get in the car if you don't you're gonna get charged with obstructing me again get your [ __ ] hands off he's not even touching you get in there I'm not touching you no he touched me get in the car you touch me way more times than appropriate no no do you know what he's done stop picking us I'm gonna kick you right in the [ __ ] all right sand everyone do you understand how many times all right guys we have a couple of cards we could just do what he said no listen to what he says okay my attorney is filing charges against you Let's Take a Ride okay Nerf bags that I've ever witnessed in my entire [ __ ] life do you need anything in regards to your house I am suing you do you need anything you are dead what's that you are getting sued no no what'd you say before that you said I am dead what do you mean by that [ __ ] you are elaborate on it if you mean it you you're getting sued you have touched me do agassault too she tried to bite me too Henry 20 I'm transporting one female happy starting you're stronger than girl wow nine seven one nine seven nine seven one nine seven [Music] yourself what's up I didn't get any paperwork accounting for it we drove four blocks he has custody of your watch and guess what just so you know with body camera and your watch is right here okay just guess what how about some I don't take anything for granted that's great can you hop out the car now bro you want to drag me out like uh no I know you enjoy that that's your opinion no it's what I experienced thank you are you going to willingly exit this car or no I don't think I can I can't my feet are tied together and my hands so I don't think I'll help you out Sean come on Dick let's go that guy hey why why are you hey put your feet back on the other side that's why all right you can you were standing outside of the car earlier weren't you how can I stand up [Music] well you're not being nice to me nice to me you never have all right do you know how many do you know how many times I've served you guys food I sat out there and served you guys hot dogs I wish you would just be nice [ __ ] nice to me are you [ __ ] kidding me you're making my wrists bleed oh Lord yeah politely like an adult I did nothing Sean Malarkey was charged with felony aggravated DUI her third DUI with a child passenger and felony aggravated assault to an officer misdemeanor count of resisting she also received a citation for transportation or possession of open alcohol punishable by a fine of up to one thousand dollars a week later additional charges were filed against her for endangering the health or life of a child violation of a bail bond and resisting or obstructing an officer her court cases in DuPage County are still open the court case of the domestic battery was dropped [Music]
Channel: Blue Watch
Views: 8,645,898
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: body camera, police, law enforcement, karen, karen arrested
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 37sec (757 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 27 2023
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