Bike World Trials Day

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I've had a go at trial to cover the tithes once on an offset when I nearly knocked my teeth out on a log and then it triumphs live last year now I really enjoy it but I'm not that good at it which is a bit weird because my dad was Southwest Charles champion back in the day so you'd think it'd be in my genes but it must have skipped a generation now I want to have another go and I thought it'd be good for you Luke as well so we've come to tricks in the sticks in Kent to meet Jason who's gonna plan a day for us and get us out on these Charles bikes now you hate offroad but I think you did quite - I think so it's that it's that time of year where what you do on a motorcycle if you want to do a track day it's probably going to be in the way if you want to ride on the road all the leaves are falling down it's getting really greasy it's probably going to be in the way again so I'm looking forward to to helping my low speed kind of throttle control it should be fun yeah you will never get Wheeling it's where standard boolean because he says he's mastered his sit down wheelie the master of sit down we did quite fair that way can you just repeat what's this place called drinks in this deck and well it looks like Jason's got a massive playground here so let's go find out what the plan is [Music] [Music] Jason it's great to meet you thank you so much for having me in Luke here so tricks and the sticks how'd it all start it's basically I used to be a king trials Rider when I was younger then I grew up into riding road bikes sports bikes are 160 hours etc and later on in my riding career I've noticed a few of my friends having road accidents etc so I thought I'll start trial school and basically get Road riders to improve their off-road skills and why is that is that because you're you're riding so much slower and your clutch control and the back end slipping out and things like that yeah obviously off road you're gonna be hitting all sorts of different terrain the back wheel could slide out easily on the mud the front is going to slide today we're going to be working on rear wheel slides front little slides counter balancing wheel is all sorts of things which is good fun as well but will give you plenty more control on a motorbike so now we're going to slow the bike right down to first gear and we're going to start doing some extreme counter balancing so it's the tightest turn you can do on the trails bike before you start how to hop the front row [Music] so watch out for Luke because he's not covering the clutch so when he goes in the woods could be quite interesting well because your necks is actually a real wheel slide so we're gonna be locking out the rear wheel in a straight line and a broadside and also a slalom slide [Music] you mentioned we didn't back will slice and then front will slice what what is that yeah so basically we're gonna be riding long up and down the middle of the field with the front wheel locked on but we're going to be doing it under power so in gear and under power [Music] [Music] [Music] you said that was gonna be learning trial zeroed stuff so at the moment you've been pulling some wheelies in a field it's like it seems easy you wait until we get down in there into those woods everyone those trails it's tough reading and I can't wait to see the look on your face [Music] [Music] you do know it's fun though isn't it although it's frustrating yes assist them it's just learning it's the opposite of what you'd expect from a motor you know you can't use the front brakes you don't lean in with your knee you kind of lean against it so you just brought your brain is frazzled trying to reverse everything that you've learned over the past however many years that you've been riding but it's good fun as a result you know because you just keep pushing yourself and one of my best problems is not trusting the front end of how much grip there is but you know doing that exercise with the counter steering just shows how much there really is yeah Sam I just need to stop falling in the water basically that's my biggest issue oh very good yeah that's pretty slippery today coming up out of that ditch so they've got a nice drive out of there quite a bit of grip Luke didn't get as much but yeah Suzy just creamed it would work there really good [Music] [Music] so how did you find it I thought you might have a bit of a face on you today but it seems like you've been in your element it's good yeah it's so much fun you can just it's like what I said at the beginning today it's like a mountain bike with this is this is the Jason the owner's dog Wilson hello and so you know it's so much fun it's like having a mountain bike they weigh 70 kilos or but they feel so light and the suspension is so soft that your body weight really makes a massive difference and the best part is that you're not going that quickly you know although they go 70 miles now apparently so it's it feels safe and you can really concentrate I'm just having a bit of fun doing some weeds and some skids like we did today I absolutely loved it I think I'm gonna try and come back if I can and he really tailors it to your ability as well I think yes so they do Jason does groups but they're small group so usually when you go on trails courses they can do ten to twelve people whereas here it's kind of maximum up no exactly so it's much more hands-on and you can also do one-to-one training either half day or a full day so that really is very personal you can have whatever you want I'm absolutely knackered I like yeah I'm glad you enjoyed it because hopefully we can do more afraid stuff together now and if you're saying at the date if you'll sit at home think you know I won't have a go at that then head to the website tricks in the stick store code at UK but one more thing Jason who is the best fighting
Channel: Bike World
Views: 596,470
Rating: 4.6941619 out of 5
Keywords: bike, motorbike, motorcycle, bike reviews, motorbike reviews, motorcycle reviews, trials, trials bike, off road, mx, motocross, stunts, Dirt
Id: tfhb2qlnyqk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 55sec (535 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 18 2015
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