Indoor Trials Championship

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I was going to go to that! Missed it last year too. Did you see the Komers from the Tryals Shop??

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/DanDong77 📅︎︎ Mar 10 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] then how much should I do that too yeah yeah today we are at Woody's place for an indoor trials event we're gonna hop right in and get to it this is set up like a moto trials so you start at the starting gate where it says start that's pretty self-explanatory in this case I'm doing yellow so I got to go through all the yellow gates I'm gonna go in between them so we go over that next here's the next one now notice there's a split and so what we've got is copper and cardboard cardboard is more for the beginners coppers for the advanced ready so I go down here my next key is over this box through there and then up okay I haven't warmed up now this is my warmup so there's my next gate so now I got to get on top of that truck but I kind of got a tricky quarter so I swing it wide not enough that's not good so placing my foot down a dab is one point dabbing twice as two points tapping three times is three points and then stalling the bike wiping out or even rolling backwards or putting both feet down as five points and five is the worst you can do so you want to minimize your score warm adoption business now it's three I put myself down for a three there of course I think I was off the bike completely at one point so it might have been a five but that's my warm-up cooking going on inside and it was just smelling good there he still has got to get that bike together we got a rip on time for one second here he still has not put his trouser I to gether since last summer so where where's the wheel bearings and where's this one thanks Oh what are they going this I know is that part of that that's part of that unbelievable leave a comment tell him to get his bike together put some pressure on him all right so I'm doing blue ooh awkward corner okay nice then up this ramp we're following below remember all right now I got a drop down here go in between these logs up this ramp now notice the red cable up on top is the boundary so I gotta stay within that oh it will hung up here too took two dabs to get up that and I'm out right there but you know it's this was one of those things where I don't have the sense that the judgment on the trials bike yet to know that I need momentum to get up that like I I feel like the trials tire gets really good traction but then there's times where it's like okay yeah I still got a have momentum to get up that now I'm under the black route I'm doing here gotta get over these logs I will say some of these obstacles were definitely outside my comfort zone like going up here on the truck and then off this ramp up here this was something I just did I screwed that one off one so I'm off the bike I'm rolling backwards that's a five but I figure let me ride through it at least and get get to know the the route so I can do it better next time [Music] this little guy here was scaring me he was just freaking me out I was like I can't get up this thing he's staring at me I don't do good under pressure in the cardboard class I had an easier line here I could go over here loop around and go over the bucket and then up the ramp the comprar guys had to come down before all that and then to a hard turn and come back up right there so that's the end right there the finish is going up over that but I took a five that wasn't very good you're saying next year like this that's also 500k so you know it's that was why that was a five you can see here Mike cook doing the copper line he's got to go up the harder part of that round now I'm doing the white so it starts right here go up then you're gonna take a laugh to drop off right here a little bit of Harry is your balancing and turning and dropping off that then up over the ramp cardboard go over the small part right here and then over that tire I'm like oh how am I gonna make this turn run out of space I'm losing balance some losing it think really go no no almost though that was actually close because all it is your front axle that has to get through the gate I believe we're all way out there okay all right that's all you don't have to tell anybody but I'm giving myself a redo I haven't tried it yet huh I'm not looking forward to it so I hear the red line is a real tough one I haven't done that one yet save that one for last here we are redoing the white not so bad now I know the trick you can go way out here go way out take around take around town come back and now it's it's easy now technically I may have crossed my path but there we go we're not getting technical wait that's a big zero right there hold one now I'm doing yellow again [Music] now I know how to go wide I drop off the ramp here but I sang now but I dabbed but you know I said it when we were here or the other time when you're just out riding on a trials bike it's one thing but when you're in a confined course and you can't touch and you got to get over that obstacle and that's all that's on your mind it's much more difficult than just playing around and balancing boy Ian's ready to go so I'm doing the blue line here a little bit aggressive on that now I'm a little bit screwed up here for that turn damn but then I get my wires all twisted on and I'm like wait I gotta go up this ramp not that ramp I'm I'm all screwed up I thought I was on yellow for a second so I started going up that way got all twisted up there and the more you look up there so Ian reminded me the simple thing that I always forget I gotta just look up I gotta be looking ahead and it's I'm just err this is what I'm looking at here this is from my perspective this is this is my eyes looking at my front fender that's what I'm looking at but it's once again the most basic thing you'll overlook every time is not looking ahead overlooked no pun intended but hey look at that I got my mother I got my momentum up the ramp that was good one all right onto the black oh oh he's getting a little aggressive there I dabbed now trying a little different strategy I'm dropping off I should have dropped off even further to the right so I can square up to this ramp I who I let off I didn't get didn't have the momentum to get off that so I dab again Oh well that's three so if I can sell the gist and don't roll backwards I'm good I can still get a three I can salvage three out of it so I okay I'm up good all right so down through here back around then up to the finish scary it's scary out there kind of scary out there to be honest like I said this was some of the stuff was over my head I honestly wasn't expected to be able to do some of these and I was I was surprising myself and that's good you gotta be out of your comfort zone to a degree whoa Wow launching off that well let's see how let's see how I do it this time there we go one dab there we go that worked all right so that's a 1 I'm black we're improving went from a five to a three to a one so this right here is the red that getting up that ramp is super tricky oh yeah I'm just gonna keep going [Music] dabbe and just paddle through it I've done it yeah I've done it I've done it we'll figure it out I've done it I've done it by accident before my foot lofts are usually not very controlled it's probably a dangerous situation you might see a child's bike hit the ceiling if I'm if I'm doing one of those but here we are so the red line starts on the trailer there and then you go over that box and then it's just quarter you gotta stay within that red wire on the top so somehow swing back stay within the bounds and then even get up that ramp I'm at three it's not five at this point I'm might be just paddling I don't even know then you come down I'm gonna write it out turn around and go back up over these logs again staying within the bounds so I can go wider here to this second ramp put the copper has to stay on the one ramp and then over this log and over that second log copper has to go over the second log I don't have to I'm done at this point I didn't know that but that's crazy stuff right there I really I got to build some obstacles I want to get better at this it's like it's almost like a puzzle it's really fun you take another one on the blue really picked up to speed here I was flying through it okay it's sped up I hope you I hope you realize that but I did the white a couple times I nailed it Xero's I'll cross the board you can see John here he doesn't even need a trial bike he's just doing it on a mountain bike back onto the yellow I like the yellow one because it's challenging especially when you're coming back down that ramp and making that turn whoops jeezum I you know I gotta work on being more graceful on the trials bike it's more of a graceful thing I sound like a herd of buffalo crashing through a china shop when I'm going over an obstacle I didn't get up in took a three while also making a lot of noise again not graceful my image of riding a trials bike I mean it's it's almost as if I've got to be a swan that's swimming through the Swan pond where am I going what am I talking about this is just pointless conversation so here it is just ramp let's see if we could get this corner I'm going wide okay oh I did it again it's to turn wheelie the turn wheelie I need to work on there we go just I was able to do it with a 1 dagger the one diver right there okay here's my cook trying that redline it's getting up that ramp so you get in that position let's just hop it up then it's like how do you do it here goes my attempt at it starting the rat up here on the trailer excuse me passing gas there got over the box alright here we go though not enough I was a little afraid of just getting added on it cuz I know I would my bike could become a flying object off that ramp and I just for everybody's safety whoops I just kept it under control there then I forgot where to go whoops sorry [Music] [Music] and all that for pulling off oh wow Mike was Mike just did it yeah I gotta hop on the back wheel all right I'll try that this time yeah all right so I'm gonna try that no I'm not signing cross let's pretend that didn't happen so here this ramp again I'm just not I don't have this skill set yet on the trials but I mean I can't even do the foot loft to bring it around it's it's a tricky thing but now boy eh that was a little better so I take a three on that even though it felt like a twenty plan the day doing all right well I shouldn't admit this but it was just woody and I in the cardboard class and since woody had the home-field advantage I was deemed the winner the winner I should just say I wanted even though I did what he still beat me but forget you didn't hear that geez and so I won the cardboard trophy check it out I'm so proud I'm how hung it up and then Mike won the copper trophy Thank You woody for inviting me out and everybody that put that together that's a lot of work setting all those obstacles up but I really felt like I got a lot out of this just in this one day there was some things outside my comfort zone I tried them and I was able to do it so I'm really feel like I'm progressing and I'm excited to get back out there on the trials bike thank you everybody I'll see you on the next one
Channel: ZachAtk1
Views: 68,257
Rating: 4.8851438 out of 5
Keywords: zachatk1, zachatk, zach atk, zachattack, zachattack1, za1, dirt bike videos, harescramble, commentary, dirt bike talking, motovlog, dirt bike narration, indoor trials, trials riding, trials competition, mototrials, 3d trials, riding trials indoors, how to ride a trials bike, learning to ride trials, x trial, trials videos
Id: zGMegESRmbY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 37sec (1117 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2019
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