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so last time we got eaten by a bathtub the snake ate a fishermen and tomb raider got fat but Today we are back for the second half of trollface quest in video games 2 we have already done this level please dont make me do it again.ok here we go this is more like it.what is this is frogger like straight-up frogger oh okay It's like frogger but with blue counterparts so we can change their colors that's fine that's gonna be a fail as well but what else lies within The lake there must be something there must be as long as they don't all change to the same color i'm Assuming we're safe i'm swiping i try to tap the clouds i'm trying to tap the reeds anything want to jump out the water and eat these guys Something came out the water and ate me in my bathtub last time so i'm not convinced that it won't happen here oh, oh What!?! I only tapped him a few times why is he the king now can someone explain can someone explain what happened here i am i'm very confused very confused hey you know what we completed the level let's get out of here before things get even weirder speaking of weird here's the sims i'm guessing and there is a jar of pickles but in front of that was a saucepan we've got 6 out of 10 that's good going right let's get these sims to interact first up i think you should clean that toilet it's a little bit disgusting oh He's going, to the fridge and is and it zaps him, ok? We have killed our sim in one single tap i'm not sure if that was the goal but she she laughs at him Mean lady okay not the fridge how about the toilet let's see what's going down is this gonna zap you - nope, oh? Whoa okay don't tap the toilet don't tap the fridge tap the pickles The pickles don't do anything what are you doing what was that i'm trying to grab their plumb bob's just To see if anything happens but it's just making them talk all kinds of nonsense oh? Yes it was the plumbbob's i thought so have you ever wondered what happened if a plumbbob got too heavy? now you found out the secret to the sims everyone okay this is going back to retro this is obviously tetris or Pong i'm not sure which one i think it might be pong yeah there we go and also look at these guys afro is pretty incredible i know he lost whoops i Was paying too much attention to his hair i think there's something in this afro right here Definitely come on grow the afro grow the afro grow the app throat okay so these controls Stopped working at some point how do we save the game ah Okay there's no pinching that i can do so I'm stuck i reckon is something that you can do while the game is happening But i literally have no idea what it is he just like panics how would you get better at pong i guess just by practicing But what kind of cheats could pong use maybe that's how we can solve this maybe we can make the ball bigger Nope don't maybe use a hint here i am super stuck is there anything To do with the posters maybe these little aliens can help us out No, how do we do this how do i do this is make me panic no no No, lose again yeah the simplest of all games and i'm stuck on it i'm using a hint you have to touch his butt Wait what there was no way i was gonna get that how is the money gonna help do i have to bribe the pong thing reiben bribe em use your money You still lost okay so you have money Now what what do i do with the money buy a new games console so that you don't have to play pong anymore, oh? okay okay Yeah, okay so you can pay to upgrade it's like old school mix of new school pay to play okay put it in here how big can we get That's what i'm talking about keep going keep going we've got two more notes after this one yes, one more look two more yes You need that surround sound for pong you need to hear those beeps in ealing krispies 7.1 stereo oh geez okay did not know was gonna do that see you later bye i think we've just potentially put the world in danger what game is this that is a giant Terrifying looking spider that's a frying pan that's a very obvious frying pan thanks for making it so easy What game is this is this like is this limbo i've heard about the game but i've never played it before you're just gonna cry Are you the biggest crybaby we've ever seen i think so mind you if i was in that situation I might act exactly the same oh oh oh It's so evil What? The spider just stabs him i think How would i kill a spider this big can i control this to like squish the spider oh He's taking his shoe off okay not sure why you did that There we go you just made the spider angry no, no what are you doing Why is that an option oh wait a second how can we make this shoe bigger i think the clue is in the shoe What do you use to kill a spider most often a shoe there we go the old reverse pinch squish that punk squish him yes how to kill a trollface spider that's what i'm talking about i feel like logic happened then scary okay so this kind of isn't a video game we're just playing an atm that's fine i guess you can win money that's kind of your own it kind of works there's a king in our way what is the king laughing at you're shifty buddy real shifty this guy does not look you impressed he's like just give me my money king give it i have the choice of three Cards okay i will choose this one the card of spades go and put it in see what happens Did we win did we win our own money back i don't know yeah i got money okay we win and i failed Hmm there must be a way to rig this machine, so we're playing as the king we need to find out how He can steal this beautiful man's money if he takes the same card out How can we make it so that no no no i want i want the money i want the money if you can't have the money no i kind of want him to take a different card out i need to be like super precise of my pressing that was not it Hey yes yes i had to rapidly tap it it's like solitaire of course when you get to the end of solitaire this happens So now he has i don't know why he's upset he now has like 40,000 bank cards which is great but i guess you have to remember the pins of all of those Yeah, not too great it's still going it it's it's still going Look the king is so happy we did it guys let's move on oh i remember these kind of games they do machines for this where you can win something to Get all the way to the top but it is always always impossible here we go but Okay but there we go we made it let's do the next one Okay did not mean to do that i don't like the troll face skulls in the backgrounds okay it's like it's pre determining this for me and i failed okay this is not what i thought it was at all What what even was that i need to i need to question whether i play these trollface quest video games ever again moving swiftly on we have an old man and his son who looks like he should be some kind of mechanical mole is this like i feel like i want to say Biohazard i'm not 100% sure though let's see what this grandpa is telling his son about oh He fell asleep He's not even interested in how amazing his son looks no is he still alive grandpa Grandpa, oh! Let's try it again he's tried again come on wake up grandpa wake up no, no, okay grandpa fall asleep pass away oh yes, swap him out for a Nothing don't bring the poop back oh okay space invaders something he actually understands what oh my goodness a titbit dead wait so he did actually die no that's weird you can't die in a video game you always get unlimited continues right orders chief these levels are getting weirder and weirder i say that as i'm presented with the silhouette of a man sitting on the toilet this is and what game is this something of a ninja and a toilet is it a fighting game looks like it okay this guy isn't interested in hitting you whatsoever he's just interested in oh he passed out haha good choppin i like it good good punch in as well i like it good skills and he's dead okay weird game this like the terrible bad graphics version of tekken there must be something we can do here that doesn't involve both of them just dying for no reason okay yeah let's just tap and see what happens just get sucked to the face This game is so weird i knew it was weird before but it's just gone to another level wasn't it it was what eight more levels to do let's hope that we can keep our sanity but first let's watch an ad that was enthralling loved every second okay this hits me as a no man's sky kind of vibe i like it or it could be spore you never know they could be cooking what you've made What unfortunate guy he's got a fire and all he has to cook is a shrimp and look at his hairline Or is that a bruise did he hit his heads that's an unfortunate hairline oh? i'm zooming into the shrimp what's not shrimp Do you want to take revenge on this guy is that what you want to do take it away oh, oh? I thought was gonna come to life we'll do something spectacular it has died right in front of my eyes so you can zoom in and then it just burns But, how do we get the shrimp, to not burn and die oh wait yes Transformed into a space alien i told you it's the creature you created now destroy this man who tried to cook you buddy Haha that's terrifying stop i don't even get. To see him eat someone i was a little bit crazy wasn't okay this is definitely the wolf among us which is a game i have never played i've watched people Play it though that he has all of us see the wolf and this is a beautiful little lady i think okay he's gonna howl i get it he's a wolf man He's gonna have ice i get it he's a wolf man is he gonna do it three times He is and nothing is going to happen i think we need a full moon up in here is there a moon oh wait wait what those do She fuck she fell apart what, oh okay i undid that and She fell apart so you under her neck and she's like a puppet away and now she's rebuilt into a monster okay i get it that's called nothing, to do with the werewolf at all moving swiftly on surgeon simulator there's a frying pan right there look at the posters he has on his wall if you walk into your surgeon and he had posters on the wall like that you're entrusting would you mind you i guess you'd be just knocked out anyways it doesn't matter So here we are the intricate operation of extracting a booger it needs To be taken very very seriously and here is our trained professional let's use the tweezers there we go just grab the little booger right out grab the little sucker okay that did not work he has now got a brain full of metal he survived though Good job bob i take it we're not supposed to let bob live under 100 cynosure let's try the scalpel next There we go see what we can do with that? We cook up some food fantastic and the pen are we gonna just draw on him Yes, we are fake tattoos fake mustache great choices sir well done look how angry is my goodness okay the obvious does not work where Does the unobvious come in because that is how trollface quest works you need to find what no one else can see Except i can i can see that booger it's so big i can't get any of these tools to make sense i feel like it Has to be something, to do with the booger right we make him pull harder there we go yes You lost his friend up there that's amazing that's the best one, so far i like that oh? what's this it's like Life is strange ok we've got a new variant of the pan there's number 9 out of tanks we need to find the last one To be able to do the bonus stage that is a pots of gross ness right there go and drink it drink it drink it i don't think she liked it keep drinking it keep on going keep on going it's good for you they say There we go good job what is happening trick again no it would help if i knew what game this was There's like loads of stuff around can you not find a recipe to be able to make this look even better i legitimately have no idea what game this is i'm just gonna tap and hold You have to do something different oh? oh no oh that's disgusting level failed wait what's what do i do afterwards i feel like i shouldn't have left it Let's see what happens so she drinks the whole thing whatever it is and why does that mean we win is that like a gross version of cooking mama Ill i think we only have three levels to go i have no idea what this game is either i'll wait wait i recognize this guy but he's never usually in this situation He's like a dragon slayer or something i have no idea but he's not usually slaying toilets i can tell you that oh? Geez the biggest boss fight he's ever had is a toilet there's six up on him come on you can slay dragons? You have to be able to do something better than this surely oh zoom in the old pinchy pinchy worked change face? What are you doing oh oh i see he's channeling his inner dragon master come on let's go? zoom out and take this guy on with both your toilet brush him plunger is that a toilet brush but To be honest this needs the most extreme of treatment go big boss fight i want, to see a boss fight? worst possible ever seen we did it though so you two go and i still need to find another frying pan it's going old school with a pinball machine and oh, geez twister prestes No i always hate it when that happens oh? okay, i've zoomed out again the old pinch or reverse pinch comes in clutch now we can Press the button and it acts differently i don't really know Okay yeah it's happening differently i like it no don't go down the middle don't go down the middle no, zoom out and then hello do something that stops it from going down the middle what do you do sir is that just a tiny strand of hair coming off your heads it's beautiful wait can we not the table that used to be something that you could do in like on old-school pinball machines you, can literally just push the table and the ball would go wherever you want no okay why would i need to zoom out there must be something that i can do of this dudes to be able to affect the pinball Right come on help it out buddy help it out no you saw you don't even play in this dude needs To hit this as hard as oh it was it wouldn't have been just bear if it fell down the middle wouldn't it you don't want a pinball to the eye my goodness right Two to go let's do this okay is this is that a pot can i take it no i thought that was the pot, oh jesus hello neighbor this looks like hello neighbor i don't know if it is though it kind of looks similar it's got a similar bath Setup to the neighbor they must go to the same store, ah Man i feel like he tell her neighbor who i'm not sure okay He's gonna do that that's fantastic? And now he's out of here where are you going sir what are you doing he's gone into the next room yeah What is going on why is he just farting in each room and leaving oh is he trying to get to the bathroom be careful don't let the bathtub eat you what is happening this game this game confuses me just use the toilet buddy you got this far just go There we go don't leave fart around the house when you have another room To do it in now he's dead rest in peace i failed wait what i did pretty well okay i feel like we definitely Need to do what we didn't afford to get to the last room so let's do that then see ovens okay let's zapping really hearts yes There we guys, see that already need to do oh hi but wish i understood Well game that was well i know what game this is this is a big fat mario kart to the face? is there a like a pan here though cuz i feel like i'm Missed one i didn't mean to do that oh? oh okay you've been You've been learning from that previous guy too much are you okay oh? Okay ah look at this inception he's playing mario kart while playing mario kart while watching someone else play mario kart Genius okay so we're actually missing one single panna to unlock player unknowns trollface grounds let's see if we can find it guys it took me ages But i found it it's here you had to zoom out first So annoyed alright let's get to that bonus level shall we player unknown in his natural environment I think he's gonna stick this on i think he's gonna grab himself a weapon and i think he's gonna go into battle There we go okay let's try and be a little bit more majestic than that i feel like there's something over here? there should be tapped like here No, no he's just gonna hit his own face you know just take all this yeah see god i was gonna say can you not take all this sweet armor for himself you definitely can and i think those are all the pans that we collected throughout the game that's hilarious we fell just shy of the 300,000 we needed to unlock the next level but hey you know what i'm not gonna ruin it all for you why don't you go Ahead and get the game in the scription below so you can get 300 thousand school With the help that i've given you and let me know other levels like cuz it looks awesome so guys i hope you enjoyed this really random frantic exploration into trollface quest video 2games - if you enjoyed it please hit that like that we greatly Appreciated and if this happens to be the first video by me please do consider subscribing To join team tdm today for daily in videos part from that guys thank you so much watching have an amazing day and i'll see you next time gooooood bye Subtittles Made by Gamer Boy Adrian
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 4,448,878
Rating: 4.8684669 out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, trollface quest, troll face quest, thediamondminecart, minecart, no swearing, no cursing, dr trayaurus, tdm, the diamond minecart, trayaurus, grim, app, dantdm troll face quest, dantdm trollface quest, trollface quest video games, trollface quest video games 2
Id: T52LoGn9xro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 14sec (1214 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 04 2018
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