Biggest Rip Offs That You've Probably Been Tricked Into Buying

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these days he can't be too careful while everyone knows that emails from Nigerian Prince's are big scams some ripoffs aren't so easy to spot in fact a thousands of people fall for totally legal ripoffs every day and don't even realize it when you're out shopping this holiday season the potential pitfalls are everywhere you don't have to fall for it though with the discerning eye you can avoid danger zones and come out better off lucky for you I'm here to help save you money by avoiding all the unnecessary upsells and / prizes junk you don't need well i'm mike with us 25 and here are the biggest ripoffs that you've probably been tricked into buying [Music] 20 bottled water the idea that companies are somehow bottling pure mystical mountain water run through filters constructed by elves is garbage as several sources have pointed out almost every major brand bottles municipal tap water and yes that comes with the fluoride and other goodies what you're buying for a dollar 25 you can drink it home for a tenth of a penny 19 warranties electronics it's not hard to be paranoid right after you've bought something expensive but 90% of the time the price of the warranty is equal to or slightly more than the average price of a repair in other words you're buying peace of mind not to repair 18 oil changes this is not a call to stop getting oil changes that will destroy your car still it's easy to get ripped off at oil change shops usually get an earful of upsells pression Yuda turbocharged your car with high-performance motor oil and new windshield wipers despite what that guy at Jiffy Lube says your car is probably not days from breaking down whether you're likely to fall for it or not it's best to take your car to a local mechanic who values hard work rather than a quick buck 17 travel size of anything these only exists because of desperation plan ahead and avoid this obvious scam by the travel size once and then refill it yourself 16 razor blades several years ago stories broke in the US and the UK about companies colluding to raise prices illegally the stories may have made a slight dent but those razor blades are marked up at nearly 5,000 percent avoid big-name razor refills and buy generic cartridges in bulk they might not have the most insane advancements in razor blade technology but that's okay you'll be fine 15 Starbucks coffee you know the truth it's been staring you in the face for years ready for it here it is coffee is cheap to produce this video isn't gonna stop you though it won't stop any of us 14 electronics cables big electronics stores are having trouble competing against online part of their solution is tricking you your parents and you're gullible grandparents into buying $12 HDMI cables for $50 in case you didn't know all cables are created equal you don't need a gold-plated one go online 13 funerals it's not too often that funerals get mentioned in the same sentence as ripoffs probably because no one wants to complain about how expensive it was to bury their loved one at an average price of $6,000 though that's an awful lot for a hole in the ground a rock and a thirty-minute car ride 12 fountain soda restaurants buy the soda for a fraction of the $2 they charged you on top of that the whole product is like 90% water the margins are certainly in their favor plus it's super unhealthy work on developing that weird Stockholm Syndrome skinny people have where they claim to prefer water anyway 11 ink cartridges this whole industry revolves around selling you a cheap printer so they can sell you overpriced ink for the rest of your life not much to do here other than buy a new printer every time you run out of ink if possible print stuff at school or work for free 10 gym memberships while it's understandable that people start gym memberships and then quit the fine print and contracts usually includes steep fines for cancellation some like Bally's and Total Fitness even state that you can't cancel your membership unless you die or move to a city without a gym jogging push-ups and sit-ups are free try some of those before you commit to a whole membership 9 premium gas premium gas isn't magically better for your car and it doesn't clean out your engine the only difference between premium gas and regular gas is that premium gas is higher octane or less combustible which is necessary in very specific high-performance engines you most likely don't have a very specific higher performance engine aid all-you-can-eat buffets if you can eat $15 worth of food then one of three things is going on either your abnormally hungry you suffer from a severe case of gluttony or you're being seriously ripped off cooking for yourself is always the way to save money but if you're going out find a place with local fresh food infinite pizza under a heat lamp just isn't worth it seven Hotel mini bars hotels no you're lazy and don't want to leave the room for this reason they trap you with the smallest most ridiculously expensive bags of potato chips and soft drinks you've ever seen hopefully the only people still buying $15 Toblerone czar doing it on an expense account if that's not you then stop six free credit reports why would anyone fall for this anyway in the u.s. you're allowed one free credit check per year companies peddling this service are actually selling you on some other product you don't even want or need five branded painkillers while in some industries generic brands really are lower quality that's not the case for most pharmaceuticals medication companies are legally required to use the exact same chemical composition in their branded versions that means that advil is 100% exactly the same as generic ibuprofen there isn't one difference except for the label and price for college textbooks not only have they gotten more expensive their price tags have increased at twice the rate of inflation over the past 20 years ask college kids how often they use their books and it's pretty clear this whole industry is a racket three movie theater popcorn this one isn't so much the fault of the movie theater as it is of movie executives with fat wallets the theater will have to give up nearly 70% of your ticket price to Hollywood to make up for that they have to charge more for popcorn to wireless cancellation fees while it's understandable that giving discounts on phones in exchange for a certain amount of service time would lead to this sort of clause it also led to most mobile carriers having all full customer service in the process everyone should just stay away from contracts one lottery tickets you have a better chance of dying on your way to pick up your lottery ticket than actually winning the lottery is fun sometimes but if you happen to win a few bucks on a scratch-off just go home don't turn around and spend it on more losing tickets so what are some of the biggest ripoffs that you can think of let us know in the comments below or tweet your answer to us at least 25 enjoying our lists be sure to click that subscribe button on the bottom right on the notification bell so you don't miss out on new ones every Monday through Friday share them with your friends and help us consistently conciliate curiosity and if you want even more lists check out these videos here or just head to our website at least 25 comm while you're there make sure to join our newsletter for exclusive lists prizes and so much more you really don't want to miss out on this [Music]
Channel: list25
Views: 662,851
Rating: 4.6199765 out of 5
Keywords: List25, list 25, top 10, top 25, buy, common rip offs, deals, holiday, rip off, rip-off, ripoff
Id: X6SmCAAmgIw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 19sec (559 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 17 2018
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