Bigfoot Makes Its Presence Known After Search For Native American Artifacts Along River

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I heard that too straight ahead I'm going to zoom in oh yeah right in [Music] there is that MIM close what'd you find what we doing today boys well we're doing something different in the Bigfoot world we know that there's Native Americans tied to the land and uh 100% with that with due to across the river just a ston throw Native American bones were uncovered on an accident yeah we're going to try to figure out what has been thrown into the water we're going to see if we can sift some of this stuff and uh track down some maybe arroe heads and some Bigfoot uh Bigfoot Archaeology is that what it' be called some Bigfoot tools I like it Bigfoot Arch ology yeah you never know what you're going to find I mean we found you guys especially have found rocks that resemble you know axes if you will um we don't know what kind of tools that they use uh anything this is kind of a first opportunity you know it's not super cold it's certainly not hot the water will be freezing but you know we can play around and see what we can find what's that on you what there oh this is for uh treasure hunt we're going to grade the water or sift what's it called SI sifting sifting sifting we're going to sift the water with these uh yeah we're beginners on this but hey we're going to find some Bigfoot tools hey you look around the kitchen your local kitchen utensils you can sh and treasure hunt with Local Kitchen right you make do with what you got we are the first to go Bigfoot tool hunting so let's I do one better this is Bigfoot treasure hunting there we go so what you got there if we find any tools rocks that were throwing at us that we've heard what hundreds of times hit the water pick it out let them set on this that way we won't lose them into the the same Andy Banks I like it and remember boys this is a eat what you catch day yeah I'm I'm I'm I'm trying to walk to see what I can wow I heard that too that was wild that's a problem on wind day like this I mean you can find evidence but filming is going to be tough oh yeah we've tried to tell everybody for years to be careful that there's Cliffs on this property that are just gargant and and swallow a manhole death at every step got youa get to it first of the day boy my camera right up here guys right got be too big think it's going to be too big find something don't think so not well first sift of the day it's a little early yeah you want to try these big ballls yeah yeah we'll try them all right waterproof boots huh I don't think so fell not in this one not yet what's that David St up on that side back here but you look right here this is not our steps no that is that is a print of some kind okay you know and I mean it's about as big as mine so whatever it is you know it's at least as big as we are then right over here those those are steps going along the side right here something is stepped up through here you know what we don't know obviously but it's something big though uh yeah you might want to tell Taylor that what Taylor it gets deeper does it really yeah put out on it I film [Laughter] rocks a piece of Micah some Fool's Gold yeah I'm sure there's some PT right in here somewhere we need to be for like some rocks are cuz the stuff washes down you know I mean it could get buried in the sil we'd have to dig way down um but you have to find like in the B where the rocks are that's where you're going to find your good stuff at oh yeah cuz the rocks are going to catch it interesting too like us down here treasure hunting for Native American Bigfoot artifacture Treasures Maybe if they if the Bigfoot see us like out here digging and stuff they might get a little aggravated or curious and come towards us Bingo we already heard something coming in yep AB absolutely absolutely for house just for vegetables that's a good thing ain't it yes I like that how much were these bub that sounded weird that sounded weird yeah that sounded really weird I'm just got digging Arrowhead or any type of arax will be a little bit decent size so if you see it you should be able to see it pretty decent David looks like he's been painting for gold for years over there I just shake it like crazy it'll fall out once you put it in the water they're different color rocks for sure a lot of different color rocks hard than it looks ain't it yeah treasure hunting's harder than it looks David it is how does Indiana Jones do it oh my God I thought just found something I know it's that color it's got the color into it interesting I just been dumping my poers right there you ain't got any is that a button no all right you guys yeah come here he found something take the camera I found something what'd you find a dog I'm kind of larva oh oh I see it right there see it yeah what the heck alien yeah interesting we found a foreign substance there he is crawling around a it's a weird looking thing ain't it yep new pet no he's getting out of there right back where I found him far as in here goes I mean some more mic yeah you going to run the Drone I'm going I'm shot I like it I think it's a good idea yeah if I crash it you know hey is what is yeah b day may day holy crap the wind yeah it wind's [Music] bad I don't know if he's coming at me got what'd you find guys I got heartbroken oh I got heart broken I thought it was going to be an arrowhead I mean it's close it looks like one it ain't but it's close it ain't it ain't the material yeah that g close but no cigar close but no cigar that's the fun of the hunt yeah just like Bigfoot oh it looked like it I just saw the corner of it popped out I was like man there it is yep it's a Shiny Rock like here's some shiny but did told it's got to be that shiny that does or an ice cream sandwich rock yeah and the Crystal God the wind huh that's bad you know how your dad says oh just a trash bug yeah trash rocks it's just it's just so trash rocks trash rocks God knows he boys digging in gravel he boys is scking in gravel now he's getting tired no like I get it these are River Rocks that's a pretty cool piece of quartz or whatever but these cu have been some kind of tools I'm no expert on the the uh craftsmanship of natives or Bigfoot but could that be what was used to pick the edges probably not but could have it's Food For Thought yeah L cut the camera off and this was something big down that way yeah the winds moving and it's hard to make out but it's like something was over there moving big I mean that's feel sound like the boulders graving yeah that's exactly so okay guys so the wind is still doing the same thing yeah and I mean Straight Ahead from I'm pointing there's like a big gray mask moveed on the other side that try to point it out okay I'm trying to all right straight ahead I'm G zoom in oh yeah right in there and I I know it's probably gone now but you can see that you can see that where the sun's on them bushes right there the wind is just you know they're still moving and fluttering with what I seen is clearly gone so I've zoomed in to kind of get a little closer look over on that side of the bank right in there guys that's where I saw it right in there man you know what else we've seen here right David the ey shine oh yeah this is where we had that like the Flaming eye shine if you want to I I don't know how to describe it so yep oh man I have got a beautiful shot for you guys really yeah while the camera's still rolling I'm going to do something all right hey bend over [Laughter] again nice I see what you mean yeah something right through there is that where that is exactly where I saw something now I don't I don't mean that you know I think I saw I might have saw dark gray something moved through there dark gray yeah okay so see see where that that tree is bent over and broken on the other side and you know all that stuff's all jumbled up whatever it was was all the way above all of that that gray mass and it just moved like it just floated right through that area and was gone but it was going back into the forest not across back into the forest you know when I had my S on D side that's what it looked like it was dark gray it looked like it floated and glided and just disappeared you know I know this is just wild what's that but I'm just going to show our viewers that tree is literally growing out of the creek Bank River Bank not a creek you can see how I mean that tree is just hanging there you know and it's been surviving for many years but I mean wow Place tire and a rope on to swing in the summer you going to find any treasure that was interesting though off camera that was interesting yeah we've uh we've heard what we can describe only is like the Rocks grading on other rocks scenario that we have not only heard but proved is actually happened on this property so 100% all the way from the ocean yep there you go dinner well now what well we didn't find any Bigfoot tools today um well as far as treasure hunting artifacts go for na American and big foot correlation we found pretty much zero about some interesting stuff though some interestingly shaped rocks and a cool looking creature David found but um but there is proven records there's Native Americans been on this land we just in the right spot right now they've been here for centuries and they've uh interacted with the Bigfoot here for centuries one thing you got to keep in mind too is remember how high the water got on Rex's property oh yeah I mean standing down at the bottom of the Steeples and then thinking about 26 ft up I mean that's a lot of water at some point to the to the nearly the you know halfway point of these trees water has moved through this whole area that that tall so everything is washed everything is moved and I mean when and where do you find it I don't know it's just it's it's like everything else else to do it's a hunt and it's an adventure eventually we'll turn up something we have the noises the bangs the whoops the hollers yeah and then when the camera was cut the boulder grading your sound yeah well treasure hunting is done for the day boys all we got is some wet shovels and some wet feet look what I got here Jack Daniels but I did bring a no glow trail cam so this doesn't just doesn't have the IR light on it so it doesn't it you can't see the IR flash or anything like that when it goes off now can they hear it probably so you know is it going to be here when we come back I don't know but we're going to find out Sky's pretty yeah pretty day turned pretty cold down there in the water my shoes look at our dang shoes after the water little muddy thank you bass bro a little muddy muddy muddy where would y'all think it be a good spot to put this yeah I was going to say down in there [Applause] interesting oh you going to hang it like that WR I need to get get down on all fours so he can stand on my back nope there she blows he turned her on now y right there yeah that's a good that's a good vantage point just point down that way you know they'll see everything at fear rock and all that and if something gets close it's going to have to be at almost the 7t level okay mhm so I'm just saying that you know I like it get on my shoulders but I am I that MIM close mhm very very close yeah David be lined off through after we heard the the uh the mimicking or root Roots if you will yeah sh cam is set up yep see what happens in about two weeks three weeks we hear nothing how's that 500,000 patch Pooles in there oh yeah I see you back here yeah Tad po you say tad pole USA oh my God look at him Bigfoot Sushi mhm are you boys ready to make like a tree and get out of here yep I'm hungry
Channel: Squatch Watchers
Views: 21,024
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Adventure, Action, Explore, Bigfoot on Camera, Bigfoot, Giant Bigfoot, Bigfoot Encounter, Sasquatch, Squatch, Squatch Watch, Squatch Watchers, Yeti, Cryptid, Bigfoot Hunt, Bigfoot Video, Native American, Indian, Artifact, Treasure, Treasure Hunt, River, Presence, Treasure Search, FYP, Wow, Amazing, Scary, New, YouTube, Sasquatch Chronicles, Small Town Monsters, Rocky Mountain Sasquatch, Encountering Wildlife, NVTV, Dark Waters, Finding Bigfoot, Sasquatch Stories, Legend, Vlog
Id: mSI8U5phG4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 6sec (1326 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2024
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