BIGFOOT Hunters CAPTURE The YETI! - Finding Bigfoot Gameplay

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oh it's a blue Drake he's running that way hey he's written a misread I'm just I've checked it I've never played this before it I wanted I heard him roar did you hear or nope I'm guessing I've gotten is this where it's friendly fire on or I you trolls hey blue is friendly fire got him I've got flare gun sure how's that green bar the bottom right corner look is it full mine yeah yeah I don't like being murdered all right pick up sticks on the ground wait really yes yeah dict we can make fires give us warm yep and you can pick up resources in different buildings oh wait there's a book right here hey where where right here right here sasquatch football don't don't we leave footprints as well we do yeah but they're different ones so I had a thought that we can actually kill Bigfoot this time you know we Vic's about we've explored out on the map like a whole bunch of times back and point them back and forth but every time we do that we'd like we got well we lose resources and we don't really capture him when he's in the trap wait a minute they took the lantern out of the house really oh no man it's just over here so what would happen if we just set up all the traps in a small location and waited for him to come in and then shot him cool like we set up a trap with the cameras surrounding the cameras and then we could move forward with that so do we go let's go up to the yeah we know where some of the locations are let's go up to the the frost cave we'll follow the river I don't know we need to prepare firing line fix bayonets call in the cavalry well live in the cavalry can you imagine if you're a Yeti today and then whoa what oh just got got to be morning time because his red red a red moon only we can prevent forest fires yeah I made it into the cave Barrens right behind me blues up there okay we're good I'm going in glacier cave [Music] pick music all right so we got some good loot in the cave now I say where should we go set up camp it we need to do if we if we put our eyes at night sailor's delight red skies in morning blitz is dying morning oh good one wait for baron that's a pretty good pun for him hey don't waste your bullets we need them we need to I wish we could mark the map that would be a nice this is the log bridge again so there's supposed to be a hunting Shack there this right up here and we can pick up did Lutz there's the beer on punching Joe or to reload friends I'm going into the trap ironing yet eponymous oh my god I can get on top of this thing look at oh that's what we should do this hunter maybe ever this actually gonna hit us up here really I don't know do your best Yeti call he's coming which way was he actually it was it was uh I need a let's try northeast ok I have trapped some cameras so I don't I don't I think we should still spread out and try to find try to still go and get the rest of the thing let's go get some more stuff yeah whoa jeez was she freaking out over there for man heard footsteps there's my good thing this game doesn't do you man oh yeah riled up oh oh he's close he's supposed to me we closed to me okay I'm getting a flare turn the light off it's early warning radar start slashing he's on you so the Bigfoot I've heard can also be attracted to the flame whoo good isn't that a good thing blue you stay here and I'll get in a nice sneaky spot newspaper you what you teasing me yeah I'm sure I'm healing my temperature of them but I'm trying to find another another tower so we can get a newt I'll be a I'll be a lighthouse up here oh I see you I found the lighthouse that was actually there you go there's medicine right and some other things that I can't pick up I want an area with good like Linus sites so we can shoot real well yeah should I be setting up we will cameras we will did you bring the belt-fed 50 Cal like I got it yeah this is pretty good spot right here Oh run it down boy write down the raccoon this will be perfect where are you all right coud why can I run yes I killed the raccoon I did no don't don't step oh my word but never mind you collected the raccoon ambush what does that do we need to put on a bear trap if we put down like a fire as the center right here Oh burning and then catch ourselves on fire yeah put down there and then we put traps like in a circle around this place hmm we put ink so yeah and then the Bigfoot will come in he'll eat them he'll eat the meat and then we shoot him I heard him okay that's him again oh he's coming for blue shoot up wrote him over a traffic rebel over at rapid speech oh he punched me again I ran up the trap though he's trick get up sasquatch don't eat me don't eat me still see okay how much damage we did nothing oh my word that red bar on the top so the trick oh this is awesome okay yeah he'll come back no no seven shots and we did nothing to him that the trick of it is we have to get him stuck in a trap he has to get stuck in a trap because that's where I see the food before us well we have to we can't if he sees us attack attack blue my temperatures at 30 I gotta get warm okay let's come back over here maybe on like a south east of there so you can come back into that and if we hear the cameras go off then he's going in for the meat but he'll also come to us to attack yeah I feel like having a campfire up in the middle of our camp the whole time I wish yours more crafting and just grab sticks make a fire yeah oh you're gonna okay if he comes with you if he comes to you make sure to aggro him over uh I can't see it nothing replaces again maybe we need to stop moving and sit down hit two cameras I was too [Music] he's gonna shoot him oh look at me did nothing no we did but he ain't dead yet he's not dead but we got him trapped dude he bring over trap he just ate my face off man oh I just landed in a trap I think what or he punched me in the back Wow okay that was good yeah look oh and it didn't man this I don't know how many more hits I can take from this guy do you need medicine or I have no I meant like 60% with no medicine left geez is that you putting them down blue yeah sometimes it is I'm hunting him with it well I think I think what you're doing is you're walkout and he's not in this direction well you're walking with it and you scare about it oh that means he's coming let me let me let me scan that direction no he's coming from that direction I promise you get in line under the trap there's blue blue up out of the trap Oh shoot up headshots oh he took me down again it just chucked me whoa where'd he go we haven't even taken him down 50% we're out of medicine we need to use the flares better too he runs in he charges he puts his hands up and then we need to flare him which is the third key if he hit three that's a player geez oh you can put wood in a fire what yeah no we wouldn't do that Oh give me doing these two yeah why don't we have like rocket launchers or something you know okay I think it'd be fun uranium bullets I really think it'd be fun if you did a game like this but on every map there's like a hidden weapon that you could use you have multiple mental maps for multiple different crypto animals Oh God look at this idiot right here Oh connection error he should picked it up we gotta get menace you how do you search Oh take it up again he did he must have that's why he yelled no he's not no Campbell he's coming in no he's dodging oh that was a power punch Oh what dang trapped up trap templates get him shoot him up he broke the trap yep where's he going where did he go he just left he just straight up dip sauce what's coming back oh oh he took me down back in camp back up get up okay okay oh I hit him in the back of the head I'm tracking him I'm tracking him see he wins yeah the drone the drone the drone I'm out of medicine dude one more hit really dude okay I got one more medicine Baron come with me where we got it you got to go to that old hunting Tower to the west a little research camp oh my gosh he is fast there needs to be something like where it costs you know to lose someone rest in cold peace I can then I can bring victim the first victim of the great hunt all right cheers guys see you dude yeah I put it I put one down okay - I'm gonna have a flare gun or a regular gun out I don't know I need heat though oh cool jeez boys up is aadmi yeah he's right you just punched me okay whoa I was alt-tab for a second oh my gosh don't put me in the fire don't put me in the fire Bigfoot whoo I wasn't expecting him come from that way oh whoa i trapped it no no I was putting on a trap and he attacked me he bit me when I was putting the trap down I think you're right I'll try to get to you I don't know where you went oh that scared the bejeebers out of me trapped up trap yes see the trap that the flare worked yeah it'd come on shoot it I've got eight bullets we're easing down below 50% we almost forgot this okay hey yeah bullets boom no don't that don't eat me don't eat me you don't eat me oh he's body slamming me get down the other side of the trap I am he bolted though hone a double attack what's that fire over there that's what last campfire that's our old fire hmm oh I was out of bullets I was wondering why I couldn't shoot I wish we could fire by time you're gonna there's some green okay oh yeah another travel with bear traps tourist camp tourist camp please be medicine somewhere okay so we're low man we're really really low dude there's two more towers that we don't know where they are whoa whoa easier nice call out did you hit you know the Flair's worked it was coming back here coming back he's coming back I had to use another flare I did too I don't know he's gonna come back at us again reloading flares oh yeah there is now we ran this way yep I lost him okay that's not good trap down okay we know which way he went I've got one Claire left ie I don't have any either oh there it is there's the tower okay so beautiful what do you have what do you need what do we get two medicines for medicine I was four minutes no way yep haha okay he's right there yeah trap got a trap flare flare him shoot that was both our flares it was that's all we had left but I think there may have been playable it's at the old research station whether I know there was one on the table you couldn't grab usually when this happens he comes back he's back he's my shirt talk to me oh no don't hit me you wanted oh boy he threw me halfway - oh he he just punched me off the tower he broke the tower did you take damage yeah I did but I'm fine okay I don't think he's been in the trap at all he took one it took one trap that was pretty good look at his health though look at his health dude it is like 10 20 percent oh there's another trap down here underneath of it Oh underneath this wouldn't be a bad spot to camp out wait for him I think it was up here on the hill yeah it's up here I mean nothing underneath should we fortify here yeah why now Oh cuz he's here traps down put a campfire down I'm gonna go up on it can't find out okay I'm up on it oh he hit me up okay yeah you can hit you off Oh punch me real hard do you get trapped nope he ran off sure okay I got a drink that medicine up okay we need to put down more traps I don't have any more do you're a Squatch call again maybe not I don't like it when we watch actually comes scary but we got it shoot him see I don't want to put down the drone or anything cuz the distance like you have to do a couple quick movements camera did even fire yes watch as watch a squash did we move again go down south to the other one I don't like moving but oh that was me again it means it closed oh come out come out wherever you are yeah I don't even like when they attacked her in the day cuz you can't tell the flashlight okay getting in line of sight of of a trap I see you hey I see you coming it's coming right towards me and trapped good come on oh okay getting lighted line of a trap again okay cuz it's bound to come back again yeah I hear him I did too we got this there it is coming again coming to you come on baron oh we did it we got it on in we killed Bigfoot you I didn't meet the helicopter I just see a tree I don't see the helicopter helicopter picked up Bigfoot is carrying it away what how come I don't see that I'll have to send you this footage oh we did it well done Bigfoot look at your damage done doing foot damage jeez Oh so it probably was headshots so I was just even pasto Wow amazing button to continue nice worse than my dude nice work we did it good game [Music]
Channel: Blitz
Views: 427,075
Rating: 4.8963904 out of 5
Keywords: blitz, Bigfoot, sasquatch, skunk ape, bigfoot encounters, caught on camera, finding bigfoot, finding bigfoot game, finding bigfoot gameplay, bigfoot evidence, trapping Bigfoot, let's play finding bigfoot, bigfoot footage, bigfoot yeti, yeti, finding bigfoot yeti, finding bigfoot update, bigfoot update, august2018, bigfoot captured, yeti captured
Id: eJOa-06I3nk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 59sec (1139 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 09 2018
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