Big Theology Words Explained in 10 Minutes

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theology people like to use big fancy words for things but the things these words mean is usually pretty simple theology is the study of God so Christian theology is how Christians study God but what do we mean by God Christians believe in one God as opposed to other views of God and that God is Trinity meaning the one God exists in three persons historically Christians Define God like this God is not made of stuff God has always existed and God is infinitely good powerful and knows everything and the central claim of Christianity is that Jesus is God Christians agree on most of the big stuff but theological debates happen where Christians don't agree they arise when there's a question that different Christians answer in different ways which forms distinct theological positions for example there's a lot of debates in soteriology which is about how salvation works all Christians agree that we're saved by Christ and the sacrifice he made for us saving us from sin and giving us eternal life but who does this apply to universalists think it applies to everyone annihilationists don't think it applies to everyone but they don't believe in Hell either the people who are not saved just stop existing but the vast majority of Christian Traditions do believe in hell so if that's the case why are some saved and not others Calvinists say it's because God chose to save some and not to save others Armenians are people who are from Armenia but Armenians say that it's because everyone has a free will choice to accept or reject salvation within Calvinism there's still a debate what about the people who are not saved why are they damned in for lap syrians think God simply passes over them and they're only damned because of their own sin whereas superlap syrians say it's because God actively predestined them for damnation if that's not simple enough this is nice Calvinism and this is mean Calvinism there's also an even softer form of Calvinism which says Jesus really did die for the sins of everyone the only reason some aren't saved is because they're not predestined to believe there's also some middle positions provisionists believe that everyone has a free will choice to be saved but once you make that choice you can't unmake it lutherans believe that if you are safe it's because you're predestined to be saved but if you're not saved it's not because you're not predestined to be saved it's because of your own free will and rejecting it so they only believe in single predestination how does this work it's a mystery hermeneutics is how people understand the story of the whole Bible you may have a Facebook relative that tries to connect biblical prophecy to current events this comes from a hermeneutic called dispensationalism which takes every Prophecy in the Bible very literally they think the promises God made to Israel in the Old Testament apply to the Jewish people today which is why they focus on current events surrounding Israel they try to make all the biblical prophecies fit together and they make a lot of elaborate graphs to do so they think the story of the Bible can be divided into different dispensations where God makes different rules so they read the Bible more vertically covenant theology on the other hand reads the Bible more horizontally seeing the Old and New Testaments as really just parts of the one overarching Covenant of Grace they think the promises God made to Israel in the Old Testament really apply to the church because the church is the continuation of Israel so covenant theology sees more continuity in dispensationalism sees more discontinuity there is a middle position called 1689 federalism which agrees with covenant theology that the church is the continuation of Israel but agrees with dispensationalism that the Old and New Testaments are separate covenants there's also a debate within covenant theology they all agree that the promises or covenants God makes with people in the Bible build on each other like Legos and they're all part of the overarching Covenant of Grace which runs parallel to the Covenant of works but some people who hold to republication think the Covenant God made with Moses was in some way a republication of the Covenant of Works where God says we need to do stuff to get stuff dispensationalists also sometimes disagree on how to structure all their time periods but what they all agree on is there's going to be a Rapture in which Christians are all sucked off the Earth before Jesus comes back speaking of the Rapture let's talk about eschatology which is about the end of the world really it's just about what's going to happen because the Bible talks of two events the second coming of Christ and a thousand year reign of Christ when do these two things happen in relation to one another if you think the second coming is before the Thousand-Year Reign then you're pre-millennial because you think the second coming is pre-millennium because Jesus is coming back before this Millennium that means the Millennium refers to a literal Thousand-Year reign of Christ on Earth all people who believe in the Rapture are pre-millennial which makes sense due to the literal nature of the Millennium but not all pre-millennials believe in the Rapture post-millennials Think Jesus is coming back after the Millennium or post-millennium so they think the Millennium is a reign of Christianity on Earth all Millennials think the Millennium is in heaven and it's symbolic for the time between the first and second comings of Jesus and we're in that time right now do they think God's kingdom is already here but it's also not here yet since pre-millennials think the reign of Christ doesn't begin until he comes back they're generally pessimistic about how the future is going to go since post-millennials think Christianity is eventually going to rule the world they're very optimistic about the future because the world is going to be christianized since all Millennials think God's kingdom is already here but not yet they're not necessarily optimistic or pessimistic there's also some debate among all Millennials if God's kingdom is here now what kind of impact does that have on the world radical two kingdoms says that God's kingdom and Earthly kingdoms are very separate so it's not the church's job to impact the culture hyperians on the other hand believe that God's kingdom is colonizing this world so it is the church's job to transform the culture if you put these beliefs on a scale kyberians are closer to post-millennial and some post-millennials are kaiparian because they both believe in christianizing the world more radical post-millennials believe in theonomy which says that the government should use the Bible to make laws pneumatology is about the Holy Spirit the person of the trinity gets talked about the least all Christians agree the holy spirit gives us spiritual gifts but some of these gifts like speaking in tongues are debated because cessationists believe these gifts were only for the apostles whereas continuationists believe these gifts are active and alive today these are called the charismatic gifts so people who encourage these gifts to be used more in church today are called charismatics another place the holy spirit is active is in the sacraments most debates are about baptism and communion for example should we baptize babies fatal Baptists say yes cradle Baptists say no usually they say no because they think baptism is just a symbolic Declaration of Faith so it needs to be a personal choice most people who say yes think baptism actually does something if that's the case what does it do baptismal regeneration says that baptism saves baptismal efficacy says it only saves if you have faith so Faith makes baptism effective unto salvation now let's talk about communion or whatever you want to call it all churches do communion using bread and wine as the body and blood of Christ but are we actually receiving Jesus's body and blood memorialists say no it's just a symbolic remembrance of Christ but most Christian Traditions teach a form of real presence which is that we actually do receive the body and blood of Christ even if there's a variety of beliefs as to how we receive it so this Christianity stuff is cool but how do we know that it's true that's what apologetics is for evidentialists say that we can find evidence for things like the resurrection and that proves that our faith is true classical apologists try to use classical philosophy and logic to prove that God exists in a general sense and then we can argue for Christianity from there presuppositional apologists don't think we should be arguing for Christianity they think we should presuppose that Christianity is true and then explain why other worldviews are not true so they admit that they're using circular logic but their whole point is that everyone uses circular logic Christianity is the only way to do so consistently because it's the only coherent worldview in other words my circular logic is better than your circular logic all right time for a rapid fire round egalitarians think women and men should have the same roles whereas complementarians think they should have different roles iconodials think that we should worship Christ through images whereas iconic lasts say we shouldn't have any images of Christ old like Christians are skeptical of revivals whereas new like Christians urge them biblicists say that anything we believe must be explicitly taught in the Bible whereas Scholastics think that we can use philosophical ideas as building blocks to help understand the Bible and that covers most of the theology labels some people don't like that Christians argue about theology so much but as the Bible says debating can actually be good if it's done respectfully because people sharpen each other and it shows that they care about it if they're willing to argue about it the more passionate you are about something the more willing you are to argue about it if you don't believe me just get any group of Star Wars fans in a room together we should be willing to argue about God because there's nothing more important than God so if you're a Christian see which of these theological positions you hold to and start building your theology
Channel: Redeemed Zoomer
Views: 157,911
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 8min 34sec (514 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 10 2023
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