Big Tent 2007 Pr Henry Wright 9th Oct - NNSW Big Camp

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[Music] you'll see sweet this bar is not my strength my song this cornerstone they solid ground firm through the fiercest ride dance of bees when fears I see [Music] [Music] to confess [Music] let's pay this kid the buncher Smith's mother 1gj to say to Jesus God was satisfied [Music] [Music] [Music] from the great now since lost its me [Music] but with the precious blood the theory this is the power of Christ in me from life see fine Jesus man [Music] we promised to be returned and takes me home [Music] till we return he returns and takes me [Music] amen you have to admit that's a gorgeous song and next song is a camp favorite pole at our base of it there was telling me that we should always include a camp favorite in our repertoire and this is it for tonight the blood will never lose its power that's here [Music] [Music] is be straight [Music] it's for reaches for it reaches to the heart yes Mountain [Music] is best read from tears moves its path it's my damn [Music] it's bad Oh BJ aha and you know he's betrayed it's bad it reaches to the heart and it Rhonda you a man never and Hey amen amen praise the Lord the blood that never loses its power it's an amazing thing how many of you remember like 40 years ago the Ranade Trio Dave Caldwell Glen Dixon and my Uncle John Truscott one of the recordings that I remember was a song near a still nearer and it's just the greatest song we are so close to God whether we want to acknowledge it or not let's all stand and sing this wonderful lovely him and thank you that each of us have that opportunity so you have that relationship and get nearer to God join us in you too Chris [Music] I [Music] throw me my save so precious [Music] me me [Music] to die yeah to me [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] my my Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] like the Cygnus acapella just just everyone here still here today [Music] [Music] [Music] Jesus a crucified amen please be seated I'm having a great time with you not only in our evening meetings but the Bible studied 11:00 is having a great time there too you just can't spend too much time in the Word of God it is a blessing to all of us Sunday night was serious last night was very serious tonight is very very serious as we continue our trek through this book of Daniel but tonight I'm going to switch things on you tonight we are not Daniel and his three friends tonight we are Nebuchadnezzar and chapter four focuses on the conversion one of the most amazing conversions ever recorded in history the conversion of a heathen King to a submissive believer in God and the very story suggests the most amazing thing in Scripture and that is how absolutely anxious and determined God is to save me if your mind can ever totally comprehend the absolute lengths to which God goes to save you it would leave you daily speechless for there are times when if it were possible we literally just where God out I've always pictured that when I finally get to glory my guardian angel is gonna say what an assignment this was are you listening to me this is awesome Clive to think that God would allow me to to run him in the circle sometimes I do to to to extend his divine majesty and patience that God that God that God pursues Henry right it oughta leave you speechless hovering on your knees before heaven thanking God every day that he's not giving up on you it ought to be the greatest joy of your life to know that the God we serve has stretched himself for Humanity you know we are in fact the cesspool of the universe this is why I don't believe in UFOs they've heard about us they're not coming here and not coming here they know about they pass by planet Earth's because we are the killers and the murderers and the liars and the thieves and the adulterers the abusers they know about us here and all the universe is amazed speechless I say it again speechless the whole universe is without words they are amazed Ellen White says they look with Wonder at us not just at our rebellion against God listen to me they're not just awed by our rebellion against God they're awed by God's love for us so tonight in Chapter four I want to look at it I want to revel in it I want to enjoy it God's love grace for me let's pray father we need you now in Christ's name Amen in my imagination I hear feet the feet are somewhat muffled as if the person moving has on soft-soled shoes but I can tell is my imagination works that whoever is wearing these soft soled shoes is in a rush you can hear the panic in the movement of these feet and now as if an unseen camera is is padding back in a movie to to give a full of you I I see the whole person the person is rolled in the fine garments of the Royal Valley of the king of Babylon his face is in a contorted expression of shock and horror his mouth is moving but nothing is coming out but you get the feeling that he would scream if he could if he could just scream maybe just bite his lip in' and some blood would flow in and wake him up from this horrible dream does this horrible nightmare if he could just wake up and and and and push aside what he has just seen what is it that's making this picture I'm painting the way it is what what has caused this scene it is sometime after 570 BC Nebuchadnezzar has been has been ruling Babylon for almost 40 years the kingdom of Babylon is is the superpower of the Middle Eastern world the city of Babylon has reached the point in its beauty where it is now addressed as the city of gold as as as babba as as Nebuchadnezzar found out in chapter 2 the famous Hanging Gardens built by Nebuchadnezzar first Persian life are still considered one of the great wonders of the world Nebuchadnezzar was a senior citizen now on according to the ancient records his son nabonidus has been trained to be a successor for almost forty years this faithful king's valet that I've just described has stayed with the King through his days of conquering and prosperity and relative peace this valley has gone every morning into the Kings quarters to be the first one to awaken his royal majesty to allow his hands to dip into the golden bowl and put water upon his royal face and and to arrange his garments for the day this has been the joy of this valet that we've now pictured running in or down the marbled hallways of the Kings private chambers this morning in question is like no other he made his usual trek past the guards past the doors past the past the the private quarters that lead to the king he's done a day after day after day going into the Kings bedroom his honor to be the first to see that Nebuchadnezzar is okay his honor four years to see that the king is well seen to it was a typical bureaucrat this valet not used to the unusual not not not wanting to deal with with those things unexpected but this morning that he goes to the bed he finds nothing there there's no person there Russell there there is no one in the bed there there the the bed is empty and and because he's used to things being a certain way the valley is disturbed he cannot imagine what's going on and then suddenly his ear hears something strange just off to the left and he turns toward the porch that leads to the private garden of the king there's grunting out there there's that there's that there's some strange sound out there and and he must go see what it is because the king is missing and and surely something there's some reason there's some rational reason for this unexpected turn of events as he moves now toward that porch to the private garden I can see his eyes looking for there in the middle of a garden is a sight he'll never forget on his hands and knees is something that looks like the king its draped in the royal robes there is there is this small crown on its head but but but but as but as but as the valet moves closer and looks almost almost almost hoping he could step back but but drawn forward the thing turns toward the valet and there's grass hanging from its mouth the eyes are vacant of any intelligence and he recognizes the face of Nebuchadnezzar it cannot be it cannot be and he stands there his mouth moving unable to speak and and suddenly fear grabs the valet and he finds himself running out of the room and and the thing is his last sight is is the thing is moving toward him as if trying to communicate and now the valley bursts through the doors crying aloud help help somebody help the king has lost his mind the King has lost his mind what are the issues here tonight what's going on how does a man yay a woman a child even a teenager how does a son a child of God become a beast how does someone create it in God's image turn into a beast why is this story in this Bible why is Nebuchadnezzar given the privilege of being the only the only the only heathen to ever give a confession of conversion in Holy Scripture why is chapter 4 there what's going on how do we interpret this you turning with me to the Book of Daniel the fourth chapter there's something there for us or it wouldn't be in the Bible let's go there let's see what in the world could be taking place the scripture reading opens to us the story Daniel 4 verses 1 & 2 do you have your Bibles tonight please join me in reading these verses Daniel the fourth chapter verses 1 and 2 we're reading together Nebuchadnezzar I need to hear you Nebuchadnezzar the King and to all people nations and languages now pause pause pause there's something big going on here David it's beyond now Nebuchadnezzar he's got a message for all of us what is it he continues your joining me that dwell and all the earth peace beware multiplied unto you there's something moving here that there's something personal here you get the feeling that that Nebuchadnezzar wants you to feel his soul I've got something to tell you Henry what is it verse two will you draw me in reading verse two together I thought it good to show the signs and wonders that the high God hath wrought where come on folk come on toward me toward me this thing is real Henry right I want you to know how God has dealt with me you see ladies and gentlemen every last one of us sitting here tonight has a story and the thing that thrills me and you ought to be thankful for it for the rest of your life is that God is so personal in his salvation he has dealt with each of us according to our need he's not trying to save you exactly the same way he saves me salvation is so personally crafted that God extends himself so that each one of us has a story to tell each one of us has an experience we've had each one of us is unique and special and Nebuchadnezzar said now it's my turn it's my turn I want to tell all of you in Australia what God did toward me verse 3 how great are his signs and how mighty are his wonders his kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom and his Dominion is from generation generation know what wait a minute wait a minute wait wait wait wait a minute this is a heathen talking what has brought him to these proclamations well first of all we need to study chapter four in the context of chapters one two and three you see I told you last night I told you last I hope you were listening I told you last night that the book has two themes there's first of all the the wondrous acts of God to bring his sovereignty to bring his sovereignty to Daniel and his friends but I also said there's a subplot going on in the Book of Daniel and the subplot is God is wooing Nebuchadnezzar in chapter one he's an adduced to a god whose presence and power is so mighty then when he innocent of the life and mind of four Hebrew boys those boys stand out above all the other captives in battlin and at the end of chapter one go there in the chapter one verse 20 nebuchadnezzar finds out that in all matters of wisdom and understanding that the king and part of them he found them what ten times better than all the magicians astrologers there in all his realm listen listen listen listen listen this is God's first tug toward Nebuchadnezzar do you remember when he first reached toward you do you remember when he first approached your stupidity with his wisdom do you recall where you were when you first sensed that there was something better and higher and deeper and stronger do you remember and Nebuchadnezzar sitting on a stone and he's looking at these four young men it is saying what is this this this is coming from a land that I conquered these these young men simply by altering their diet what kind of God is this and then God moves immediately in chapter 2 and now let's the King know you ain't never rescues me you have never run anything you've never been in charge Nebuchadnezzar and unfolds this dream remember we talked about it sees the vision and then has this same young group of fellas come in in chapter 2 and role before Nebuchadnezzar the future of the world and then at the end of chapter 2 we see more progress in Nebuchadnezzar's life verse 46 then the King Nebuchadnezzar fell upon his face oh we're making progress here and worship Daniel well these you know not there yet he's worshiping the wrong person but Lisa's worshiping something now beside himself and commanded they should offer an oblation and sweet odours unto Him and the king answered unto Daniel and said of a truth it is that your God oh he's growing in strength and knowledge your God is the god of gods he hadn't done away with the other gods yet but Lisa's got God in the right place come on give Nebuchadnezzar good amen he's growing see aren't you glad that God takes you step by step that's why you heard me preaching so passionate last night folk we need to let new people who come on the church let him grow let him grow don't keep everything on everybody at once God brings us in fact Ellen White makes the statement Ellen White makes this statement the old woman makes this statement she says that if God revealed to you when he first found you all the things you would need to do to be saved you would be so discouraged you would not even try so god unfolds the bee in you step-by-step he unfolds the ugliness in you step-by-step he reveals the progress you must make my dear brother step by step he doesn't hit hit hit you with all of a sudden because it would be overwhelming but but when God first calls you he knows he's got see when God first calls you you're like the earth when he first created it says it was he says in the Bible Genesis one that the earth was without form and void that you empty and God brings you step by step so here's Nebuchadnezzar making progress he says now there's a god who's above all gods a Lord of Kings and a revealer of Secrets seeing seeing thou could us reveal this secret and and so he he advances Daniel more or remember last night the mistake he made he thought he could write his own Bible so he builds the image that he sees in his dream but he makes it all gold once everybody to bow down to his way of thinking we went through that and then when these three fellows Daniel's out of town somewhere on a mission refused to bow down brings them forward now these are the same guys before he's saying you're God's the best god you're gonna be advanced and promote it but now in Chapter three he want to burn them up puts them in the furnace puts them in the furnace and then looks and says wait a minute I love this story I'm sorry to go back to last night but it's just so sweet he says wait a minute did we not put three in don't we see four then that story excites you how could you be so calm it's just blows the mind don't see four and the one looks like a son of the gods he's making progress Ellen White says that the reason why he recognized that is the fact that he had seen in Daniel and these men something of what God is like and so when he sees this fourth person he says this looks like he's rich I said this looks like these young men same person and look at the progress he makes at the end of chapter 3 chapter 3 verse 26 he's growing in grace why don't you give Nebuchadnezzar a good amen he's grown let's look at him now he's now collecting Sabbath School quarterly look look at this look at this verse 26 then Nebuchadnezzar came near to the mouth of the burning fiery furnace can't you see him and speaking said Shadrach Meshach and Abednego ye servants of the Most High God notice not servants of the God above all gods he's only naming one God now he's making progress thank God that he gives me time to make progress listen to his confession Most High God come forth and come hither in Shadrach Meshach and Abednego came forth of the midst of the fire this is awesome stuff and the princes and governors and captains and the King's counselors being gathered together see them all gather around saw these men upon whose bodies the fire had no power see how God shows off for his people nor was an hour nor was a hair of their hair singed oh man neither wear their coats changed that is their garments their garments they've been in a fire second time I gotta get calm seven times when times this stuff blows my mind hotter and they walk out there's no smell of smoke their clothes don't need to go to the cleaners it's in the Bible it's in the Bible in the Bible then Nebuchadnezzar he's growing in grace verse twenty-eight spake and said blessed is the God Shadrach Meshach and Abednego who have sinned as angel he recognizes the divine presence this is growth do you recognize the divine presence do you know when God has moved in life and delivered his servants that trusted in him and have changed the king's word has rewritten my Bible come on Nebuchadnezzar and yield their bodies that they might not serve no worship any God except their own God he's still growing he's he's gay still growing therefore I make a decree now verse 29 shows he's still got some growth to make that every people nation language would speak anything against a mist the god of Shadrach Meshach and Abednego she'll be cut in pieces now come on there come on there no no come on man come on man I mean you're growing in grace but you got to cut that slice and people up stuff but he's growing clive you see it he's coming still trying to force his will he's still okay still not cleaner see see see see God to your ego friend your ego is your worst problem you want to see your worst problem every day start by looking in the mirror you your will your thoughts your determination your your your heritage your your your your determination to find some way to have it your way and it takes time for God to get that out of you it takes time years you know I've been preaching for 43 years 43 years and I'm still embarrassed at the things that still sometimes come out of me I say to myself thank God for the patience of Jesus many times it happens just just when you think you've grown a bit you think now I'm making progress huh yeah and then something happens have you been there you say oh woe is me woe is me see one of my struggles of the years has been patience now one things I like about about Australia at least the parts I've seen now there's not counting Sydney now the traffic in Sydney is just a little insane but you know just y'all got issues down there mm-hmm but the trafficking around Washington DC it just and see and see God and so you have to watch what you pray for well if you pray if you get on your knees and say Lord give me more patience mmm you'll work on it that's been my struggle all my life patience patience and so the Lord put me in Washington DC where nobody knows how to drive anything and then I don't want to sound like I'm uh you know and I leave this and then we have people that from all over the world people who come from countries where they delight in driving at 35 miles an hour down the freeway in the passing lane and you and you get behind them and you prank God not today this is not the day for this I've got an appointment at church at 9 o'clock I live 26 miles from the church Lord not today and they're always they're always the nicest little you know elderly people you know and so you know you know you know you you can't say anything and because they're your guardian angels riding with you so you can't say anything and you and you want to say something and you you can't say anything and then you get a little break you get a little break you can get around them at they speed they speed up and fill the gap are you with me God brings us along slowly slowly and I believe in those moments God smiles too and he says well we got more work to do Holy Spirit enemies coming but we got more work to do and so when you read this passage leading ups have taken all this time I'm actually preaching on chapter 4 I know what chapter I'm preaching on chapter 4 progress Neb says you don't serve their God will slice you up it's really kind of funny you know you guys making progress see they're people and that's why you've got to be patient you've got sons and daughters and folks that make progress and then they look like the kind of tech taking a step back just just cool it just relax they're there make you're making progress but the old self is deep the ego is strong and the tendency to disobedience is mighty something you've come to camp meetings made serious deep vowels while you're there by the grace of God I will be making that phone call anymore by the grace of God I'm gonna take that stuff amount of refrigerator by the grace of God I'm gonna clean out my record my DVD collection by the grace of God I'm not going to use the cell phone for incessant gossip and you mean it you mean it you walk forward you you you you mean it but you're not yet aware of how deep self is and then when you go back on your word you feel so defeated don't be discouraged God knew when you came forward you would still fail but he accepted you coming forward he knew in your sincerity you wanted to make progress you'll get there you'll get there the tendency to want to slice people up you'll get there you'll get there well he gives him a dream chapter four is getting to chapter 4 now manse with the preaching on chapter 4 he'll spend some time on it chapter 4 he gets in this dream he's a great big tree he's a great big tree and the birds and the cattle flock under this tree for nourishment he appears to be a source of all things Nebuchadnezzar this tree and as the as the as the as the dream goes forward verse 12 the leaves thereof and the are fair and meet for all so forth and so on and then in verse 13 verse 13 back in Daniel 4 I saw in the visions of my head upon my bed and behold a what's the word you see in your Bible a watcher this thing is powerful a watcher grace somebody is watching the old black folk used to saying angels angels are all watching over me The Watcher see tonight I'm not made of frayed but watcher I'm glad that God watches over me he heard the watcher say he cried aloud and said thus hew down the tree oh my god and cut off his branches shake off his leaves scatter his fruit let the beasts get away from under it and the fowls from its branches and then verse 15 hallelujah Jesus thank God for verse 15 nevertheless what does it say leave what we got a deal with him Henry refuses to listen that brother keeps going to the wrong house that liquor still keeps appearing that tippers still keeps showing we've got to deal with him because we're in the saving business and I've got an announcement for you tonight if Christ is going to reign in your life then he must have permission to do whatever it takes to save you from sin and a lot of times listen to the preacher he does not ask your permission he just moves forward to accomplish what needs to be accomplished because he knows how much time you have left we got a deal with Nebuchadnezzar for three chapters we've labored for three chapters we've appealed for three chapters we've been patient but now he just won't get it cut him down but leave the roots leave the roots this is awesome stuff y'all this is God's love in action this is tough love this is tough love but it's God's love in action leave the roots you can't remember the dream again he's got a problem with that but this time he remembers Daniel he's making progress never in Chapter two didn't call Daniel now he knows where the power is verse 19 then Daniel whose name was belt to Shazzer was a stunning for one hour the Lord reveals to Daniel the meaning of the dream now Daniels no fool you don't go in before the monarch of Babylon and tell him you don't be cut down buddy that could get you a quick trip outside so Daniels gotta figure how to do this now watch the diplomacy of Daniel verse 22 Daniel gets as much out of the positive part of the dream as he can it is the owl King the art Roman becomes strong for that greatness is grown Daniels stretching this thing out other stuff has got to come and it reaches unto heaven and thy Dominion to the end of the earth and whereas the King saw watcher and a holy one coming down from heaven and saying you the tree down and destroy it yet leave the stump of the roots there from the earth even with a band of iron and brass in the tender grass of the field let it be wet with the dew of heaven and let his portion be with the beasts of the field tow seven times pass over him this is the interpretation and he goes on and he gives it and he gives it now watch everybody's attention is on this chapter verse 27 he finishes interpreting the dream wherefore o king let my counsel be acceptable unto thee and break off theis what break off what folk why do you think the Lord spared you to come back to camp meeting this year why do you think the Lord allowed you sinner to get up this morning why do you think that the Lord didn't allow your heart to stop while that liquor was in your hand why do you think the Lord protected you when you were going where you had no business and kept you breathing while you dealt in sin why because God is in the appeal business Nebuchadnezzar please break off your sins and iniquities for the God we serve is full of mercy to the poor it may be that he will lengthen your tranquility and I can see forgive me preachers but I can see tears in Daniels eyes as he stands before this monarch who snatched him from his home when he was a boy and has kept him captive all these years and now Daniel is looking square in the face of Nebuchadnezzar and saying I'm appealing to you my man stop being the way you are break off your iniquities Nebuchadnezzar while there's still mercy and time please that's God's appeal to you tonight my brother my sister stop making excuses stop treating trivial what God has made important stop acting like that you have the right to be the way you are when God's moving you to be the way he wants you to be break off your ego trip and respond to God while mercy is still in the air verse 28 and all this came upon King Nebuchadnezzar now the next verse just blows my mind what words do you see at the beginning of verse 29 at the end of come on folk talk to me at the end of God waited a whole year a whole year God what did a whole year I'll give them one more camp meeting oh oh yeah I'll give them more time for worship oh oh yeah I'll give them more time to become honest with me and tithe and offering all year I'll give them more time to become to become compliant to that commandment they're always breaking a whole year I'll give them more time to have the kind of relationship with their spouse they ought to have one more year I'll give him more time to be the father you ought to be one more year one more year twelve months twelve months I don't want to be super dramatic tonight I don't believe in in hell's fire kind of preaching at least sometimes I don't sometimes I do but I got to tell you like it is I got to tell you like it is there are people sitting here tonight who won't be here next year you see every time I preach a sermon Clive I'm convinced God sends somebody who needs that particular sermon I don't think I've ever preached a wasted sermon in my life because God is in the appeal business nobody says in Jeremiah 29:11 he says my thoughts toward you are not evil I want to bring you to a good in but-but-but-but-but I got a deal with you according to your need and and after this after this after this grace and and mercy and and time and and so forth look at the sad words of verse 30 the King spake and said it is not is not is not this great Babylon that I lord have mercy have built for the house of the kingdom of the might of my power for the out of my majesty in verse 31 verse 31 while the word was in the king's mouth there fell a voice from heaven saying O king Nebuchadnezzar to thee it is spoken the kingdom is departed from you you will not wane any longer you will not abuse my mind any longer you will not use my body the way you please any longer you're bought with a price Nebuchadnezzar you're not your own how dare you like you can decide for yourself what you will be and do I paid for you on a cross you're mine you belong to me that's why the Kings valet was running that morning Nebuchadnezzar for the next seven years and the ancient records indicate that toward the end of his reign nebuchadnezzar kind of kind of faded off the scene of action I imagine that the astrologers Russell and the counselors having heard Daniels interpretation said well maybe there's something to it so they kept it quiet for seven years that the king was crazy nabonidus became co-regent God protected Nebuchadnezzar in his insanity you do know that sin is insanity don't you so God protects you in your insanity why don't you give him a good Amen keeps you going in your insanity your belly is full of liquor your mind is dulled by it the car crashes God brings you away from the crash protects you in your insanity you're going places you have no business with people you have no business and and and the devil is trying to claim your life that night and God protects you in your insanity because he said save the roots you ought to be saying Amen he said save the roots say the roots I'll take what's left of Henry and make it what it ought to be that's why you're sitting here tonight you're not sitting here tonight because of the years of righteousness you're not sitting here tonight because of your long record of goodness you're not sitting here tonight because of all the sabes you've kept in all the time you returned that's not why you're here tonight you're here because God loves you more than you love yourself that's why you're here save the roots save the roots save the roots so Henry right out there in Dayton Ohio years ago growing up in an Adventist home his father and elder knowing the Bible running around with gangs running around with gangs Henry what are you doing running around with gangs boy and so I wind up in a cell and who comes to speak on my behalf oh I've embarrassed the whole family my father who says to the judge if you keep him in jail then I'll join him in a Cell my father save the roots seven years represents perfection and represents God's perfect work it represents the fact that God stays with you till he has completed his work aren't you glad for that I'm glad for that and see don't be discouraged even if people talk about you even if people close to you wash your face with your bad deeds just keep your mouth shut don't defend yourself just know you got a buddy and glory you got a friend in heaven that has not given up on you even if you've gone through the business of disfellowship in the church that's all right you probably needed it that's all right evils they put you out of the choir in the church that's okay you probably couldn't say that's all right they took you off your board but that's not your thing you're not patient and you you'll growl at people at the door and you don't you don't you don't you know you that's all right it's okay you no longer counting money in Treasury that's okay doesn't mean you're a thief you may be but it's all right you see folk we get too wrapped up in earthly measurements I'm only concerned about seeing the face of Jesus and that's why I get so excited when I read the book of Revelation and they tell me there that John saw this great crowd see first he sees 144,000 Thomas had been confused about that Adventist had been wrastling back and forth about that for years out in 44,000 well first of all this just use a little common sense there 15 million seven day Adventists not to mention that Jesus says many chief I have not in this fold so the only a hundred forty-four thousand want to be saved let's just close this Bible sing a closing song and go home because most of us here ain't gonna make it I gave up a long time ago trying to get into the hundred and forty-four thousand because I read in Revelation there's another verse there's a number which no man can number come on somebody standing on the sea in glass now you can struggle from the hardened forty-four thousand god bless you you got in my cheers but I'm working on that big group I just want to go in so God God in His mercy in this grace brings Nebuchadnezzar full circle let's ended up now enough preaching that's ended up look at this look at this last part of chapter four it's just it just it's just the love of God pours through chapter four in such marvelous ways look look look look look verse 34 at the end of the days I never could Nestor lifted up mine eyes unto heaven and mine understanding returned unto me and I blessed the most high and I praised and honored him that liveth forever whose Dominion is an everlasting Dominion his kingdom is from generation to generation and all the inhabitants of this earth are reputed as nothing and he doeth according to his will look look at his attitude he does what he wants to do and the army of heaven and among the inhabitants of the earth and and none can stay his had listened to Nebuchadnezzar and said to him what do us now I can't even question him says Nebuchadnezzar at that at the same time my reason returned into me and for the glory of my kingdom mine honor and brightness returned into me and my counselors and my Lords sought unto me and I was established in my kingdom and excellent majesty was added unto me now I never could Nezzer praise and extol whereas the stuff about killin folk and making folk worship the Lord where's this stuff about if they don't follow the god I serve out cut them in pieces no no this is a new land that Nebuchadnezzar now totally renovated by the grace of God hallelujah thank you Jesus if God can do it in a heathen kings surely surely he can do it in us so by closing verse which I want you to read with me Isaiah 54 Isaiah 54 Isaiah 54 and here the Lord records something that is just powerful to me as a a 54 verses 7 and 8 I don't think I gave you this verse outline I'm sorry about that I was a a 54 7 & 8 come on up grace now folk these two verses Russell saw Henry right through one of the toughest times in my life Isaiah 54 these verses are precious to me my wife found these verses for me as I struggled with Henry right for a small moment have I forsaken thee but with great mercies will I gather thee and a little wrath I hid my face from thee for a moment but with everlasting kindness will I have mercy on thee saith the LORD thy Redeemer save the roots [Music] God you've touched my heart today that is why I've come to pray you see [Music] all the things I've tried [Music] Jesus I believe that [Music] Angeles whose prayer touch this broken heart and me [Music] please hold [Music] and all the sir yeah every day you be Jesus I believe and you're listening to this [Music] remember [Music] in your name is prevalent and life will be now I hold my hand and tweet [Music] a sinner's prayer a sinner's prayer let me just talk to you how's it going have you become fully submissive yet to his will is the beast in you yet destroyed have you mistaken your years and the church as a substitute for true connection with God are you still dabbling here and there it makes no difference what the church members think of you what the pastor thinks of you God knows you and tonight his spirit says even to the veteran in the church to the longest-living seventh-day Adventist Christian in this audience right now God's Spirit is saying there's more work to be done but I'll save the roots and so tonight if you're truly willing to trust yourself in the hands of a God who will not miss one corner of the closet of your soul he's gonna clean it all up would you want to trust him to do what he needs if you're ready to really give him permission would you stand with me right now would you stand with me right now I'm already standing but I wasn't I would stand up grace and I are standing already but we want the Lord to open up every closet in our life don't we grace Airy attic a basement Jesus and clean out the stuff I've hidden there don't you want that ladies and gentlemen do you want that raise your hand not just as Rick let let's testify to God we're gonna it's scary it's scary the insanity of sin is scary but if you trust yourself to him they'll get it done now I want to pray for you I want to pray for me I add my prayer to the song prayer from grace here this sinner Oh Lord I'm sorry Jesus that I give you such a rough time I'm sorry Lord that I refused to see clearly I'm sorry Lord that I've still got those pet territories that I tell myself that's not so bad you want to make me whole and I keep saying come on Jesus sit in the living room the bedroom is not ready for you yet lord please a whole congregation I believe of Simms sincere people have stood up saying we're a little nervous about it even a little scare but lord if you got to cut me down please save the roots rebuild me remake me with Santa Clara our voices tremble as we pray this prayer but we have no place with I wouldn't trust myself with anybody else but you Jesus but you'll do it right so help us Lord and as we leave this place tonight maybe we do so solemnly may we seek out a place of prayer tonight and extol the God of heaven as Nebuchadnezzar did who does all things right whose ways cannot be questioned and then bring us back tomorrow night Lord as we study five things we must deal with to let you reign in Jesus name I pray and all the people said amen I love you God bless you [Music]
Channel: Tim Ormiston
Views: 7,670
Rating: 4.7560978 out of 5
Id: a0E4yqxwIo4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 19sec (4219 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 15 2018
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