BIG SEA BABIES | Sea Of Thieves #5 w/Mark, Bob and Wade

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*grunting*(motivational music plays) Oh hey, didn't see you there. I was just, uh-... training for the Jacksepticeye "How Did We Get Here" live show tour. It's happening in about two weeks- -and we are going to all these beautiful locations at these dates. But you gotta act fast cuz tickets are going quickly. Go to for more information if you need it. See you there! Bob: I've never played this before. Does anyone know... things? Jack: I have like 10 hours in the game. I'm good. Okay. Mark: You're- Mark: We're not good. Jack: It's okay I'll kill everything for you. Wade: I've played couple of hours. Wade: All I did was drink! Wade:-when I played... Mark: Wait, am I playing? Jack: Whoo! Hello, Foozhoo! Aw, he is- haha Mark: Wait, hey where am i? Mark: There you are Jack: Hi. Oh my god. Mark: you're hideous! Jack: you look like someone found out with the liquify tool in Photoshop is *all laughing* Mark: you look like someone took the "bulge" tool to every part of your face. Jack: 'Q' is to bring out your shit Mark: mmm Bob: Okay. Jack: And if you hold 'Q' and then press 'F'- You can go down to more shit where you can get your- Mark: I got a bucket! Jack: -you can get your musics Wade: or, you can get your RUM! Jack: Well yeah, you can get very drunk very quickly. Mark: Oh ho ho. Guys. Bob: Hey. Bob: I got a compass. Mark: Wow! Jack: You look so angry about this, like look what I found. This shit was in my pocket. I need sunshine I need air *all talking over each other* Mark: Oh my god, Hey look there's a skull in the sky, that's-... that doesn't seem good. Jack: Oh wow, that's new! *talking over each other* Mark: Well that is definitely not good Wade: I can't get it out- Whoaa Jack: I need to turn the fucking audio in-game down I can't hear you fuckers. Mark: Yeah, that makes sense. Jack: Whoever plays the song first everybody else who tries to play the song always joins in Bob: Oh really? Jack: Yeah, so we can't play separate songs Bob: oh my god Jack: You hear that? Wade: Hey guys! Jack: We're the bass Mark: Whoops, sorry sorry I pulled out my gun! Jack: Oh, you vomited everywhere. Oh god! Mark: sorry! Jack: Are we all getting drunk immediately? Is that what's happening? Bob: yes pls. Bob: how are you throwing up? Jack: *laughs* I heard that It's like the fucking exorcist around here. Mark: I can't stop! come here. Jack: oh god, you puked on me! Ah, fuck! I'm- I'm- oh god almighty! hahaha I HATE THIS! Oh yeah! when you play the music while drunk it's all out of tune . Mark: If I play it in the water what happens? Jack: It goes muffled *Mark and Jack laughing* Bob: oh my god! Mark: Ah, its nice. It's the good shit. *all laughing* Bob: This is how music works. This is how all of this works. Jack: We are playing air instruments underwater. Bob: Jack just swing around with this squeeze box Jack: This works! Mark: Did you just call it a 'squeeze box'? Wade: He did call it 'squeeze box'. Bob: Isn't that what's it called? Mark: You went to music school! You called it a 'squeeze box!" Bob: We call it an accordion, that's not an accordion. Jack: Its a 'melodeon'! Bob: How do I put my things away? Jack: X. I don't want to have things in my hand anymore. Jack: X. Mark: If you get a mission do we all get that mission? Jack: Yeah. Mark: Okay, don't leave that to you. Then you gotta get on the boat. Jack: He's got to propose the voyage Bob: Captain Jack! Jack: That's me! Jack: load yourself into the cannon Mark: I don't- that feels like a bad idea Jack: It's fine, it's fine. Is fine. Don't even worry about it Are you ready? Bob: Guys I have a cool mustache now! Mark: Yeah, I'm ready Jack: Bye. Mark: Whaoooh! *all laughing* Mark: Am I gonna die? Jack: I don't know! Mark: I feel like I'm gonna die! Mark: Ow, I'm fine. Wade: wait, what? AH! Ow... Mark: where did you go? Jack: He just landed on the shack next to the boat Wade: He shot me 3 feet into the side of a barrel! Jack: Wait, me next me next me next! P-P Put me somewhere good. oh god. no. oh god, What are you doing? I'm gonna end up in a different game! AAAAHHHHHHHHH HA HA HA HA! AAAHH HELP oh god Bob: oh my god, you went so far. Jack: I'm in the ocean. Bob: You landed safely in the water. Jack: I did. ooh Senior Trader Mandy. She's new. She's so spiffy! Bob: Mandy is in this game? Mark: Mandy? Jack: Merchant Alliance offers Whaaatt? Bob: Just curious, is this what we're supposed to be doing? Jack: We got to propose the journey! You need to come upstairs to the Captain's quarters. Mark: Alright! Bob: Ugh, I don't know what that meeeeans Mark: Wait, are you saying that you're the captain now? I don't know if I voted for that. Bob: Whoa, whoa. His name is Jack. He basically has to be captain. Jack: And I'm the only one who seems to know the fuck I am doing? Wade: I could be captain. Jack: You have to press F. Mark: Ah Bob: A polite contract from the pitiful Mrs. Tarrant. Jack: Yeah, these are- these are new. Jack: These weren't in the game before. Jack: So if you hold E and go up to the top, you get a thing! See? You see my thing? Everybody? Mark: What about the giant skull? Jack: Does everybody see the thing? You see the thing? Mark: -I have a feeling is a high level area. Bob: 1 speckled chicken, 1 black blue chicken. Jack: -Oh, he turns red. You see- you see- you see the thing? Do you see the thing? Wade: Yea, do you see mine? Bob: Do you fucking see this thing? Mark: I don't even know how you got that thing. Bob:Look at my thing. Jack: Okay, okay. This voyage sucks. Let's vote for a different voyage. Jack: Okay. We're doing actual treasure hunting now. Mark: -I don't even vote? what did I didn't even vote? Jack: You don't need to. Wade: We all voted. Jack: Everybody voted. Mark: -I DIDN'T VOTE?! Bob: We have to go to- Are we going to the top one or the top right one? Jack: Top one Bob: What Sea Dog's Rest look like? That's it! That's it. That's the one! Jack: Take out the second map and see what that looks like. cuz then we can just marks and do both. Marl: It's a circle. It's a circle. Jack: -Is it this one? Mark: -It's like a circle of four different islands rocky Bob: Yea, that's it that's it. Jack: -Okay. Wade: All the cannons are loaded, captain. Mark: Woah, this is so- Bob: Oh my god. This is amazing. Mark: -This is so cooool! Bob: This is beautiful! Wade:-Wait till you guys sail through a storm. Jack: Yeah, and fuck your shit right up. Seriously. Mark: -oh my god. These are the most beautiful waves I've ever seen in the game Jack: Right? MArk: Oh my god! Bob: -This is ridiculous. Mark: How is my computer rendering this? This is beautiful! Jack: It's all on the cloud! (laugh) Um- You don't wanna go to that giant rock. Bob: I'm working on it. Jack:-Okay, I might raise this sail a small bit so you can see a bit better Bob:Aw, thanks bud. Mark: Rock, dead ahead! Jack: ICEBERG! Mark: I'VE FELL OFF! Jack:-Oh my god. Mark: Help. Wade: Get up the ladder. Get up the ladder! Mark: Helllpp. Jack: He's probably way behind us now. You gotta raise sails. Raise the sails! Mark: ELPPP! Bob: Mark, where are you? Mark: I'm underwater. I've been pushed under the water. Jack: Are you under the boat? Mark: No, I'm behind the boat. Help. This is so scary. I don't like this. Jack: I'm raising- I'm raising the sails. The boat stops Mark: -Where are you guys? I can't- I can't see you guys. Jack: (laugh) look at 'im.. Put the fucking sword away. Mark: I- w-w-what do I do? What's gonna make me swim faster? my- my- squeeze box? Jack: Hold SHIFT Mark: Ooooohh, that is something. Yeah. That makes sense. Okay i'm climbing back on. I'm sorry Jack: I feel like we need a ship- a ship basics crash course. Oh guys, this is so pretty with the sunrise. Bob: Oh my god. That's so beautiful. Jack: Look at that Lion King's sun. Bob: -How is this game look like this? What year is it? Mark: Yeah. Jack: Th-That little island on the right is where we need to go to. Jack: Okay. -those little trees over there, you see it? Bob: Gotcha, I'm turning in Bob: -Slam down that anchor? hit this way it is that the small one Mark: I don't think the small ones are island,is it? Jack: Yeah, look at the map. Mark: Oh, I can't. I'm in the Crow's nest Jack: Yeah, is that one right there so we gonna have to get ready to drop anchor and raise the sails and everything. Bob: Is- is- someone on anchor? Wade: Yeah sure. Mark: Yeah, okay, I'm on anchor. I'm up in the Crow's Nest though. Jack: You should fly down the ladder. Wait. Okay? Oh there you go. That's not the ladder. I want to see if this still works Later If you charged your sword off the shore, you go faster. :oh, okay. I gotchu. You can fire yourselves! 3,2,1 Wheeee! Aw, I didn't get the right distance. Whoa! He is on the island. I slammed into the bottom of the ocean real quick. Oh god, I catch you, I catch- Aww, so close. Wait, Mark, fire yourself. I'm trying, I'm gonna try. I don't know how but- WHOOOO I gotchu- I got- Oh god. look, look, look. I found a message in the bottle. Whoaa. It's a new map! Let's do this one first. Okay everyone take out your map. Leave this one to go straight for that so it's in like the middle of the island Grab this planks. a big rock right here should be here. It's like like here. Got it. Oh Fuck yeah This is beautiful there's a storm over there fucking nuclear cloud. That's warning Oh my god that storm what storm that? Giant ass cloud Right there. Oh, we got a Brig Yeah, yeah, we can technically all vote for one of us to be locked in there all right well I'm just gonna go ahead and say and I think Wade should be a menace menaced all of us We need to go southeast You know storm together because when you check the map it shows you where the next thing is to check the map This is why you get locked in the break in ten minutes Okay, it should be the island straight in front of us what island in front of us oh God one you got another one look look. That's good different weights not this one Blowing potions on the street, I don't trust them there you go got it Is there only one here, yeah, Oh Guys more cannonballs over here. Yeah, I got some over there. There's a few more Just where I could job me laddies Fuckin Voldemort's over there looking down on us Yeah Okay, he's asleep now What do we do with these chests we bring them back to the guy that we got the mission from Why would we bring them back? Why don't we just keep the chest it seems like? Do they have money in them, then we could just dig them does everyone have my have my bought message in a bottle Situation yeah, I just miss Martin Okay Referee refuge Look at you Let's go to mermaid's hideaway first cuz that one's much easy to trade treasure guys. We're Pirates. It's all fine Are we T. It's actually a pretty cool? I could do this for a long time no yeah, this is it's very addictive, and you can even do like tiny boats on your own - That sounds awesome and dangerous. Yeah wait smaller boats are faster, but they blow up easy. Hell yeah Sounds like musical farts I keep forgetting you don't need to press click when you get The big island just over there, that's so big I'm wheeling I'm wheeling my way over. This is like I in like a in like a non Douche bag way. This is like what I always wish gaming would be like eventually Yeah, yes, it's very beautiful. Yeah, I was saying to Robin This is the type of game that if I had when I was in like College or something and just had a bunch of friends to play with Yeah, there's even like a beautiful shadow on the instruments if you look at the Sun while you're playing. Oh my god. You're right We're such nerds And I love it God and just what a smart decision just to give people Musical instruments to play like just during the open seas there is this transitional time. That's so smart It's fun To collect chickens What a stupid mission I'm not even on the island just wait for me wait wait for me Bananas we don't have that mission anymore. Oh my god pigs okay with a creep Let me carry on we shoot them all the way let me shoot him wait I shot I shot one once oh Oh it just disappears when it does Pink one. There's a pink one Hey, so we came up on the left-hand side of this island so we need to go yes Town, yeah wait eat a banana. Just give me one shove this down my gob. Yeah down there Kill him wait we trust in you have we found the chest yet. No no, and it should be right here wait for a thunk or if you dig Skeletons don't hurt okay Milton didn't hurt who this is a fancy chest Hold on does this guy like gold on it, bro. Oh, I should have known I knew what it was - These are the two pathways I got this one Nice This one this one's a fancy chest - its. I think it's so Marauder. What is a fancy chest like dragon I? told you Dragon hide - dragon chest That's what it was Oh God so this is worth a lot, but it fills up your boat with water oh So they get rid of it, you need to constantly like be taking the water out of the boat I'll make it my responsibility. I guess okay. Oh god shut up chest Okay, so somebody's going to have to be on water duty. You don't have to take your pocket I'll do it. Where does the water go does it go? Fuck oh it doesn't seem to do anything Okay, it's Good yeah, we need to turn the ship 180 degrees is there water up here is this water Answer splashes. Let's eat. Oh That's so cool Would you catch that wind the sails are like Oh the chest is crying I'm guessing is when the boat moves. Then wow this bucket is brief. Yeah, I Think that's our island just in front of us to the left all right. I'm gonna go get on the steer you goose Yeah, I'll just keep on this bucket duty you guys do whatever Call a focus When we stop that's a theory of God oh The ship is tilted the waters all tilted at the bottom of the boat the physics of the water applies to inside the boat is so cool the inertia of the cannibals Having a moment oh This is a talky man whoa? Okey, ma'am Tokyo Drift boyos So the map uncovers itself more when you get there oh? Wait guys, there's people on the island Oh People on the island like oh, they're human like like I know it's you okay? Okay hold up your map and tell you where to go to the grave adorned with rope to the southeast is it This is this a grave look. There's some. There's a little bit of rope So this this is the place right? Also. Did you guys go up because it could be up? Yes, I tried to get about as up as I could Is it like an underwater grave, maybe maybe there's a cave They're not that complex though. You want to thank go southeast usually you're not that complex though. I know I'm very Simple to understand human being where you think you found something should we all jam out? I mean it should be only Maybe it's not the right song wait. No wait hang on. I found it a litter of there's literally graves, and there's one adorned with rope okay weird Hi, I'm unlocking it. It's happening at Wanderers well up high the large earlier Your reward is almost fun. Seven paces northeast and break the ground. Okay, dig it's here should be Seifer okay, you claim that you gotta bring it even though we all share loot, but whatever I'm gonna make sure our ship isn't gonna say Wait so we can go cash in our quests now right we have all we have all thats done So we should go back to this somewhere and something yeah So sometimes in the sometimes in the water you gotta be careful cuz sharks will come and eat your ass Go back to shore and drop your chest The fucking chicken No no no that's a siren, that's how you get back to your boat. Don't click it. Oh I shot it Okay, I'm drowning story chest there What happens now is that I'm gonna go get the boat, and then I can bring it back But we just need to remember what Island run and we someone needs to get our chests in case another ship show okay? How about Tuesday all right? I'm an excellent boat guy I'll stay okay, maybe we should like put them in a less conspicuous location The bushes Behind you just like stand there and play music I recognize to see here Keep keep driving How do you guys go back to get the boat way to go touch the Merman just a siren? And it just brings you back to the outpost that was unfortunate. Do you remember what that island of Wanderers Island? Yeah, so if you guys press Z. You can do emotes Okay, Oh yourselves entertained kids God I just remembered how ugly I it was the wonder of refuge, right? Yeah Southeast take a knee with me real quick. Can we sing it island, so how would you sing what? What do you really think about the other guys well I? mean Let me put it this way like this I want the chests so we have to go, but I don't want the guys with they're kind of a package deal Yeah, yeah, we sort of left them in charge of that. Do you sense a dickish this and the force mark I do We fucking breach you need to come down you need to come downstairs and fix our boat the Ground to hit us a lot quicker you take okay, where are you there wait? Oh god mark? They're coming the island Are they on the other side of the island no no? In Island wow that's my fault I was emptying the ocean If you bring in the chicken coop god damn, I'm gonna punch you right in the dick Yeah, seriously wait we're I'm voting you in the break if you're bringing the chicken coop Oh, yeah, there's a skeleton there, thank The guy trying to drain the ocean by dumping the Entertainment I Think they were right to leave All the chests, I'm putting the chest no no no there's more. There's more I Put my chest in the captain's room All right, just get the ship going to be dumping it okay Bob. We need to go back. I'm north. Wet it Got you. I'm gonna full sail this shit Fucking needed weight nobody fucking it cares I I promise you you did not see your chicken coop. I hid it very well. I mean Weird Catch some chickens you make damn. I wish we had that chicken coop if you guys if you guys press escape and go to My crew, there's a there's a vote to lock wait in the Brig I would Order okay, my crew okay, all right all right I can break You're just gonna vomit yourself and drown from there Actually, I have no idea how we release you from the bridge Wouldn't we just go back. I can't oh. No. It's not that Oh, and I can't go. I can't unlock it Dear I didn't know how this worked actually Wait wait wait Okay, we'll figure it out one more back wait Wait wait wait I'm about to sell Marauders chest sold neat and then It was sold Well, then that's what we all saw oh, it's fine wait. I got no money Let me go to a vendor and find out if I have money chest of sorrow Solos kidnap a vendor and lock them up with me. Where are you were you saying giving us money? You have to come way down across all the bridges on the island Stupid piece of shit all right wait. I'm gonna come back and help you now. Do you know how no no? Yeah, keep doing this way Marc to our dismay. We got no money for those I think the game's broken You happy I don't know all I see is what God I? Don't all I see is white oh. Hey. What's up for? Listen I like to think you did that to yourself yeah Where's my chicken coop whoa I got a reputation increase Hey, we got money from that one whoa Yeah, yeah, I got eight hundred forty four months. Hell. Yeah damn. Oh wait now. We're getting money for them So that was the first one okay? Oh? So I'm seeing just delayed oh, yeah, whatever thousand gold now I want awesome zero zero coins in my thing Can I oh dude I've got zero coins to the fuck. Yeah, I got zero coins. Also as well I have ten 73 1037 saw I saw nothing do we have to split them what the fuck hey hey Hey, what's these fucking cold fuck How the fuck do you vote someone to the brig?
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 2,821,271
Rating: 4.9667845 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, Sea of thieves, sea of thieves game, sea of thieves gameplay, beta, open beta, PC, PC gameplay, collab, walkthrough, playthrough, character creation, pirate game, sea of thieves jacksepticeye, online multiplayer, ship game, pirate ship, sailing, pirate simulator, digging for treasure, treasure, voyages, mission, treasure map, ocean, sea, water, scale test, mark, bob, wade, markiplier, muyskerm, lordminion777
Id: EG_7Y5i8M5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 59sec (1799 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 11 2018
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