Big red for sale!!!

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what's going on people i thought i'd do a video um having issues with the left knee uh even though and before anybody says anything i was going to head that direction i do float up and down but stopping and going the clutch is becoming somewhat of an issue and it's only gotten worse over time so as much as i don't want to do it it looks like we may have to purchase a automatic uh if we're gonna keep driving uh yeah so uh you know i got a good eight years to retirement so or even think about retiring and i can guarantee you i'll need a knee replacement by then if i keep driving a clutch uh it just is what it is things fail you know didn't take it easy on the body when i was younger and it's showing now uh but yeah um we're looking at 30 000 for the truck um everybody's seen it uh if you need any photos or details let me know it does have an apu it was p.m end of last year it's about due for another one um the truck was just pm just got about 800 miles on the recent oil change it doesn't burn any oil it doesn't use any coolant it's got a brand new radiator coolant reservoir tank uh thermostat that's all new and the fan switch that mounts on the firewall that's um new so that's done uh the clutch fan works great uh i'm trying to think about all we've done it's got the centromatics on it it's got the drive tires are got a lot of tread left on them the steer tires do also we replaced shoes and hardware um trying to remember when we did that it was mid-summer last year i think i'd have to look up the receipt on it uh but the shoes and hardware are relatively new uh still they're pretty thick so you won't have to do any of that for a while uh the ac compressor on the apu is brand new um i'm just trying to think what else have we done to this thing uh it has the legacy driver seat is a legacy c uh it's not the you know eighteen hundred dollar seat but it's a nice seat it's definitely nicer than the factory one to come in it which was worn out uh and the the lumbar support bags were falling out the back of it so that had to be replaced the passenger side is still the same one uh interior wise trucks in really good shape i mean i can show you the dash real quick so i mean it's not all beat up torah uh air pressure wise i've pretty much nailed that down it still has a very very slow loss rate on air i mean you sit overnight you'll lose probably about 40 pounds um which compared to what it was just a month ago is awesome um it has you know i've chased leaks and replaced tons of fittings and air lines and uh so that's good order there trying to think there's anything else brake chamber on the front drive axle on the driver's side that's new that was done by the dealership when i bought it they replaced the uh depth filters in it they were remand filters they put in it but they did replace them it uses very little depth and since i've had it it's only asked me for two regions um i don't idle the truck a lot again we have the apu so why would you uh that works just great um yeah so again uh refrigerator wise we did take out a portion of the cabinet on the passenger side uh and put in a good size refrigerator i mean it's not a full-size house refrigerator but it's not one of them itty bitty little ones that you know you can barely put a 12 pack of pop in it's got tons of room in it it's got a little freezer works awesome uh has a 2000 watt inverter in the truck uh that's new or relatively new we bought it when we bought the truck it came with one but that one was shoddy at best so i replaced that uh trying to think what else what else have we done with this thing besides everything or nothing i mean nothing major like i said it doesn't burn oil um where they left the oil mark when i just got the oil change coming down here climbing hills it's still exactly where it was it doesn't use any coolant that's all been taken care of and you know i've done things here and there like the centromatics that are on it um i'm trying to think what else i mean it's not beat up and as far as it's got one ding in the side of the truck and it's right behind the driver's door uh it happened before i bought it it was there if you look at the video when i got the truck uh my dad actually pointed out that that ding with anybody to scratch when i got it all i did was take the e-log sticker and put over so technically it has no scratch um yeah uh it's in great shape so if anybody's interest uh leave a comment if you know anybody that might be looking for a truck leave a comment um and we'll go from there again if you have any questions you want any oh winch wiper blades they're new but you have any questions if you want any photos oh the fifth wheel uh plate is new that came when i got the truck they had to replace that because it wouldn't pass schneider's uh d.o.t inspection at that time dealership replaced it with a brand new one all the guts and the plate are new er so that should last quite a while there's no it doesn't leak like any diesel uh you know there's places where you can see seat that's very minimal on this truck uh it does not drip anywhere uh i'm i'm under the impression but i have not proved it that this has had some major work done to it at one time because what six hundred and uh you know twenty some thousand dollar twenty thousand six hundred twenty something thousand mile truck do you know that doesn't burn any oil and here it is so i'm guessing before this got traded back in uh some major work was done to it at one point cluster's in great shape uh other than that good truck you made shelves uh yeah there's shelves there's a cabinet on this side anybody's been in the freightliner you know they usually have a rod going across from hanging clothes uh we put some wood shelving in there so that you can you know because there's two of us on the truck trying to separate things out a little better oh that's in there obviously anyway they bought the truck you know they can keep it or throw it away that's up to them but yeah just throwing out there seeing everybody got an idea i will tell you it is financed through my credit union so there there is a process there whenever you're dealing with a bank or a financial institution there is a process um for getting the title clear because mississippi being you know the great state that they are are one of the few remaining holdouts that actually hold your title but the credit union does have you know their own copy of it they can once they receive payment they would sign off on it and they would overnight it to me um when we sold our camper that's exactly what they did as soon as the funds hit the account they signed off on it and they overnighted the title to me and then we they were able to get it transferred same thing here uh yeah so again let me know truck for sale
Channel: Trucking with Brock
Views: 350
Rating: 4.75 out of 5
Id: Vt1geaqVTtk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 50sec (590 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 08 2021
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