BIG MOOD BASE | Base Invaders w/ Lizzie, Oli & Steph

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click this not click beep it was clickbait I have to anger them and then they will spit spit on me until I die please cam ban on guys is this what you want Maleficent is this what you watch hey guys and welcome to my first ever bass invaders challenge my fellow bass invaders are the Orion sound aka Olly oh yeah Stef Oh Sims my name's Dave ldshadowlady hello and of course me so if you're new to the bass invaders challenge this is how it works each of us have builds a bass filled with puzzles traps and/or secrets and within that bass hides our skull which the other players must locate and obtain within 5 minutes so of course first up I need to make my bass and I think the most fun way to do this is to build it in a live stream I will link the live stream video in the description below in case you missed it but I'm gonna build the outside of the bass on live stream but then do the inside of the base in secret so nobody can cheat all right let's reveal my bass in 3 2 1 and here is my bass basically my idea was to fill each one with a different challenge that corresponds with that emoji so we have the crying laughing one is water-based feeling sick one is of course nausea beast the heart eye one is love based and the poop emoji one uh well you know you'll see and to show what I did on the inside welcome to emoji tower each emoji holds a challenge corresponding with that emotion first up is the crying laughing emoji above our three water slides made of tears choose wisely and then of course they'll climb up here and they have three different boat water slides to choose from if they go to the left we what a good time Oh No yes that's right the left one is not the correct waterslide let's try the middle oh my goodness it's a bunch of evil morons it will kill you and send you right back to the top so of course the right one is the correct waterslide says congrats press the button press the button and oh oh no you've been doused with nausea can set your spawn over here then you must do nausea parkour you don't look so good pray and I am the worst at parkour and I was able to do this so I think it's not too difficult up there we go see it's click this button and then we're in the heart eye emoji you can of course set your spot again so you don't go through that there's some milk in case you're still nauseous and then this is probably my favorite of all of them so if you go to the door it says love is the key to opening this door and then over here it says search your heart for two more weeks of course you could take this one piece of wheat and then oh here's the heart that they must search and they'll quickly be able to find that one and that one and they'll be like oh I found all three then you give one piece each to the sheep they make a baby sheep which can slip under the fence and then you lure it with the third piece of wheat onto the lever which will open the door and let you progress however when you get in here it says oops your heart had four total wheat I hope you found the other two in which case either they looked around really good and they already found it and they're gonna be ahead of the game or they're gonna be like crap what are you talking about they're gonna have to come back they'll be looking around oh there's the one they didn't see the first time then if they come this way and look up there's the other one so then they've come back here do the same thing make them have a baby cow that would go onto the button and would open this door and then they come over here all you need is love press the button turn around and of course we're in the poop emoji you've reached the final pool emoji Congrats now you just have to dig with your hands through this disgusting slime to find my head buried within it hint it's somewhere along the floor and they're pretty much gonna have to keep searching until they find my head and there it is and then they win but I spent so much time on this base guys I hope you guys like my ideas and make sure to check out everybody's videos in my description to see if they were able to reach and obtain my head alright now let's go meet up with everybody else so we can unveil all the bases and them unveil next up is my build are you ready ready I'm ready it's a crazy car waitin Alex's name is Lizzy I see a rollercoaster though and I'm excited about that that's new oh don't be excited about that very big this one's tough I'm surprised your first ever minecraft bill doesn't you've never played the game before depression it is huge it's just a huge space that says subscribe that would be okay well let's see all of this okay okay so I would like to introduce you to my mind of course we have stepheson at the bottom I was initially going for me crying but then it turned into Kim Kardashian crying and then I have a little bit of a foliage fetish so that's what's going on out there and then I love the sins it's horrifying idol build is always yeah I sign up again last time then a little fun with it faze invaders today we got something wholly new face whose faces are they surely you can tell like I'm melting find a little bit about yourselves you know it's not suppose we step in the middle yes yes you're very square face is very similar well those are our bases invading alright so I think the order I'm gonna go it's from who I think may be the easiest to the hardest because I have no confidence in myself in doing this so Stefan Sims does not play minecraft like ever I'm very interested to see what hers is and I'm thinking maybe it'll be the easiest because she's very new to everything so I think hers is a good one to start with alright so let's start the timer in three two one go you have five letter blocks to find they will spell out the location of the key for my head oh gosh do I have to go up here and through here oh no it's gonna be like walking on coals quickly quickly cuckoo cuckoo banana okay there's a chest with the leaver lever goes here okay guys it's Tefo Sims you've entered my mind do you know what I'm trying to go really quick you need 200 IQ needed to enter I have 200 IQ s I just messed that up okay there's the head you are entering hell step oh sin welcomes you oh no steps brain is held but it doesn't have to be like this find everything you need from this maze to help Steph make a mental switch okay okay so we got to get in this door oh my god what is this okay door okay I'm looking at the door or must have something to do with the lava do I have to swim in the lava okay there's a chest here and a question mark there okay well there's no way I'm gonna survive with the lava I definitely need like a resistance potion of some kind what's the question mark okay so it's gotta be all the way up in the corner okay so this is up in the corner okay okay well I can't get in here I just like click around yes potion of fire resisted three whole minutes okay so I need to stare at this there's one right under where I am okay let's take this and let's go okay there's yes okay we got a B all right let's go around here there we go another one bo alright is this where the Liebherr is is it in here oh I just had to press it okay how do I get back up alright here we go yay yay okay okay okay Oh No what's that do oh okay Oh what what no it's a button room I hate these oh okay Oh what happened oh okay I got a frame oh okay okay where am I even going what am i doing is it through the picture frames and not through this what is it stepwise you're so hard you were the one I was counting on to be oh it goes this way oh wait I have the attention span of a rat must find the part of my brain that is completely irrelevant to anything useful here you'll find conspiracy theories naked mole rats and Trisha is having a mental breakdown for six minutes tree don't worry you think something's because it's oh that means did I just go to like the wrong area I don't know oh I see a chest oh can I reach it yes for this story okay okay okay it's lime ladies it's family-friendly beauty guru get ready to slay some do-it-yourself slime click this not click beep it was click mate darn you step Oh soon it's too bouncy too many buttons too bouncy ooh ooh yeah no I'm definitely not winning this one stab yours was my only hope to get ahead o slime trampoline not click bake tutorial down below do I see this though ah what feel like my timers about to go off ha oh I'm so stupid I should've did that from the beginning mad of time no I have no hope of beating these other ones I'm just gonna finish it out all right we already lost I'm just gonna go to cream Oh up here like how far away was i from hit that facade has flooded the path with her tears hope you found the slime Weaver what well I didn't so I had no hope anyway oh this is so dark left brain right brain left brain left brain loves McDonald's fries oh my gosh brain development this is all about steps brain okay we're on the green part so it's got to be the top sometimes you make it to the top and then spiral to the bottom go get those wings is not eyeliner wing do I look like James Charles apparently they're supposed to be wings out here I think I don't see them so yeah this was a failure I progressed at least next up is Ollie's and I can see lots of things to read I don't know what direction to go exactly but let's start in three two one start float o matic 5000 faulty awaiting repair could probably use this screwdriver or something face invaders it's time for us to get to know each other better better explore each other's heads climb higher and find yourselves succeed and maybe you'll even get to know me a little better or lose that's possible good luck alright let's go in here Lauren's brain is big it'll take a big jump to get up to her frontal cortex better start hunting for something useful in here Oh God a cute boy a spicy boy a red tulip I don't know I'm just gonna take everything mister a potion one mystery potion two potion of leaping is that all I need potion of strength potion of eels in lava Oh God Lizzy's what is it Lizzy's really nice Joel's wooden leg okay this is getting weird let's just keep taking stuff I don't know I don't know if I need everything or what night vision harming bucket so now I gotta do some parkour and I'm definitely gonna be terrible at it let's see if we can do this at the time that the jump moves last Oh what about this I think I was going the wrong way just to see if you'll need to no killer no answer her brain is probably cute and cuddly why enter I entered my own brain okay what's what's this paper oh no turns out Lauren's brain is one big horror game better find the eight pages before it's too late oh my gosh okay um I like this don't make eye contact oh gosh the old mine oh oh I see one okay we got two danger deep water ooh got it before okay got one got another one oh crap crap crap crap I'm gonna die Oh 700 Oh No can I use one of these potions to help me maybe a visibility right well I'm breaking this to get this yeah we got them all insert your notes do I put them here yes yes ah you fool now you're trapped in my mind unless this painting wait what oh the way out don't forget anything okay thank you do I go oh wow you did it nice oh um what I don't know maybe I'm supposed to do this oh dude I'm doing quicker you did it now on two steps head I wonder what she thinks about what button Oh welcome to step oh brain complete the Sims test don't forget to grab your mouse from the chest wait what Gary must tend to the cow plant Margaret needs to get out of the bath she's pruning Allie that was such a long such a long test okay so Bruce wants to be toasty he is already perfect then a Gertrude wants a sandwich know how this works do I just like drag it oh he's a you got it yes go go go where's Margaret yes and I think the last one is missing so I'm gonna improvise can I throw one of these things down there oh he moved I'm just gonna throw objects down there Ollie what is this oh it did it transported me the villager just stepped on it Congrats on escaping steps Breen don't forget your plumb bob okay Club pops yes finally Lizzy's brain what mysteries are in store in here you must take the famous cuteness test succeed and get a head fail and while I win the animal test the non animal test the animal test which is cuter dog hamster cat I see doors in there does that mean good oh yeah which is cuter wither creeper creeper you were wrong neither are cute turn around no that means let's do dog okay now which breed Sheba lapin Court Corgi of course oh what's this great choice you certainly know cute you even got past my slightly scary tripwire final decision who is cuter Gary Gertrude or Bruce um oh they're up there um Gertrude oh no no you fool Gertrude actually is a scary demon you're trapped let's do Gary Oh God all right is it Bruce oh and then we come up here and then there's the wings and a lever I'm just gonna I'm just gonna take it and see what happens then I guess you come down here put levers on the gold No Oh levitation I'm so confused still Oh Oh what okay well it's about to run out and I'm about to die yeah what what what okay there was no way I was winning this I guess when I levitated up I would have had to levitate in here yeah there's his head all right and last but not least Lizzie's face which I thought was gonna be the hardest so if I actually get her head I'm going to laugh all right three two one start Oh evil Mickey oh there's her head if you collect these items I will unlock this gate five items cool I guess we should probably start this one ooh Donald Duck go down the drain and face our underwater challenge oh my god I love that this is Disney themed okay oh what's the challenge clue look closer at the blue coral okay the blue coral or they all shulker boxes oh I got it yes okay how do we get back up magical fire escape oh okay ooh fire assembly point okay we have the feather the first one okay go over here down to see the dwarves up to see Pinocchio Pinocchio whoo hey Pinocchio I've needed to practice lying seek out my life for a reward you can tell a wolf's health by looking at its tail oh so we have to pick which one's a lie creepers are scared of ocelots and will run away from them that's true gasps spawn in the nether that's true polar bears spawn an icy biome that's the wither is summoned using 8 wither skulls I don't know if that's true if that's 8 tato crops can produce a poisonous potato that's true the cake recipe requires one egg that's true you tell wolves health by looking at its tail I guess that out it's gonna be the wither one yes ok ooh did it alright let's go back in there but then go downstairs oh it's all the dwarves the other four dwarves died in a horrific mining accident oh god am I supposed to take the card horrific mining accident I feel like something may happen ok ok oh is that the roller-coaster part I'm excited Oh a fire ski ok so we got to get out run get this one okay Dimond okay we got it yay okay let's do there she is complete target practice I'll give you an emerald okay okay shoot three targets oh this is gonna be terrible I'm so bad at this that isn't the right target what the chickens I guess oh I got the Emerald yay magical fire escape no I just go back up okay you have all of them except for the one potion one Oh Melissa then if you want my breath you must first perish Oh God really okay is this what you want is this what you wanted oh oh oh oh okay that was the life we'll do it again oh really really how there's no lava I'm trying to get this chest more llamas oh oh oh I have to anger them and then they will spit spit on me until I die please kill me kill man aw guys kill me oh my gosh this is lowest F ever is this what you want Maleficent oh I killed one whoops is this what you want yes yes yes did I get it one more time are you kidding me ride the death coaster okay whatever you watch go go go with deaf coaster oh-oh-oh-oh oh-oh-oh-oh okay all right thank you I suppose that's enough death for today yes oh my gosh fire escape go go go there go oh my gosh oh oh I did it I did it I did it I did it oh my gosh oh my god I just just made it I'm still wearing the Elector wings from Ali's thing I made it yes yes yay all right guys well that's gonna be it for base invaders but I enjoyed every single one make sure to check out all of their channels and see how they did with my base maybe my base was just as hard I don't know I hope it was now as always guys if you made it this far in the video then make sure to leave a like before you go subscribe if you're new to the channel I put out new videos every single day there's always I will see you guys soon [Music]
Channel: LaurenzSide
Views: 2,078,411
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, Laurenzside of Gaming, funny girl gamer, minecraft, mini game, minecraft base invaders, minecraft base, build a base, best base, secret base, puzzle, ldshadowlady, theorionsound, steph0sims, minecraft emoji, emoji build, base invaders, big mood, meme, laurenzside base invaders, ldshadowlady base invaders
Id: G3gVIE1KXvs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 39sec (1179 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 04 2018
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