BIG MISTAKE Assembling the Segmented Bowl. Can it be Saved??

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welcome to pawpaws workshop today is day three of my segmented Bowl turning project and today's video I'm actually going through the process of how to assemble the bowl preparing it to be able to turn and I'm showing you a couple of different methods on how to glue the bowl together the other thing is based on some questions that I had I've gone back just a little bit and I'm talking a little bit more in detail about how I use the sled to be able to cut the wedges so let's get started [Music] I had a number of questions about how to use this sled from the last videos so I wanted to take a little bit of extra time today and show you a little bit more in detail how it's used I have everything in place now ready to go the sled moves freely and also on the left side of the screen I had the guide that controls the length of each wedge to cut this Bowl out I'm using 12 segments and that's the 30 degrees so I'm using this template for my setup of my sled itself and all I do is I can just drop it in place and I want to make sure that it is square with the lines that I have in place right along that point and then I can take another piece of woods that I know is straight and just slide it in to the sled and then use them my template line it up to make sure that it fits exactly with no gap at all they're not tighten everything down now the next thing that I'm going to do these boards or inch and 5/8 and there were two of them that were the inch and 5/8 the outer board width of that was 2 inches and I had two of them that are same so I need 12 and 12 so that's 24 segments that I need to be able to cut now I didn't show cutting the long sticks answered 5/8 I didn't think that was really necessary the only other thing that I did to be able to get the edges cut accurately is I just used the stop measured over my two inches to be able to cut consistent wedges now safety is very important please use a stick of some type to be able to move the wedges away from the saw blade or turn the saw off to move them now I've cut the first ring and I want to just double check to make sure that all of the joints are perfectly tight because of this knot then I have to make some adjustments and to hold this ring together I'm just using several rubber bands and for a small bowl such as this the rubberband works well now if you look at this those joints are very tight and that's what I'm looking for so now that I know that the sled is accurate I can go ahead and cut the remaining of the Rings for this bowl now that I've got this together I'm just holding it together with a couple of rubber bands at the moment and don't forget I haven't sanded anything yet it's time to assemble all of the different rings and I know I showed this in the previous video but there will be some out there who have not seen it so I just have to sand each one of these segments to get rid of the little pieces of tear-out off of the edges and then I can just go ahead and glue them together and I'm gonna put a link up top to the previous videos so that you can watch this in more detail with all of the rings completed it's time to be able to sand the surface of them and how I'm holding my vacuum hose looks like that's gonna have to be another video building an attachment for that to be able to hold it right up to catch the sawdust but only thing that I need to do it on this step is just lightly sand the surface and make sure that it's completely flat now because my sanding disc is actually smaller than the Bowl I still need to be able to just slightly rotate the ring to be able to get full complete coverage over the entire surface it's a little minor inconvenience but it is something that you have to be aware of otherwise you're not going to get a flat ring and that's the most critical part at this stage I'll continue this step now for each of the Rings until I have all of them sanded I wanted to get a close-up view for you so you could actually see the sanding process now this ring is just about the same size as a sanding disc but I find it still is easier to be able to rotate it just a little bit to make sure the standing evenly throughout the entire surface while I'm standing I think it's also important to stop every few minutes and take a look at the ring itself because I want to make sure that it's standing even and that is flat now this ring is actually pretty easy to do and it's looking really good if I have a ring that for some reason with a little bit rough I'll actually put a pencil line around the ring so as I sand it I know that I'm sanding evenly and I'll sand away that pencil line the next thing I'm doing as I just took a scrap piece of a 2x4 and put it into the Chuck and I'm going to go ahead and turn that round and basically create a tenon to be able to have the chuck support this wood and on top of this wood I'm going to glue each of the segment's to it this is going to be my waste block so after just a couple minutes of turning this scrap piece of wood I had the tenon that I'm looking for so I'm just going to turn this around and remount it into the Chuck and then I'm going to go ahead and do the same exact process I'm gonna get all of these square corners off and turn it round now the most important part is I need to make sure that this surface is completely flat because I'm going to be gluing the Rings onto this flat surface so I'm actually using a parting tool here to be able to cut this nice and flat and then I take the sandpaper on a brothel hood and and it kind of will ensure that it's perfectly flat okay the block is now ready it is perfectly smooth and flat and I can go ahead and glue on the first ring now like everything else I like to test fit everything so I'm going to just put this in place and make sure that it's perfectly flat now that I know that it's perfectly flat I can go ahead and take some glue and I'm going to put that on to the surface and have good coverage I do not want this bowl to break apart from this scrap piece of wood so I'll put a smooth coat on and then I'm going to go ahead and line up the first ring number one onto the bottom of this doubt to get the proper alignment I'm just going to bring the tail stock right up and temporarily hold it right in position after double checking to make sure that is dead center I'm go ahead and put just a little scrap block in here so that I can go ahead and add some pressure on that glue joint to hold it tight the next thing I'd like to do is just put a little bit of hot glue on this ring to be able to help hold it in place while it's drying you don't really need a lot of hot glue but I do like to have a ring of the hot glue going all the way around the entire ring okay the first ring is gluing over on the lathe and I'm gonna work on the next two rings I put a little pencil mark exactly where the center was and I'm just adding the glue now I'm going to spread that glue out evenly and put this next ring into place now to clamp these two rings I have a dedicated clamp that I use for the ring and I just slip it right in place make sure that it's centered and then I can clamp it down now it's not necessary to have a lot of force but the pressure does need to be even so I just want to make sure that I clamp it down tight enough to be able to hold it securely in place so the only thing I need to do now is let these Rings dry and then I'm going to go ahead and add these two rings over onto the lathe next thing I do I just went ahead and set this down measured on each side centered everything once I had it exactly where I wanted it I just want to head in drew a pencil line all the way around and then that shows exactly where I need to put the glue then I can put that right back in place so there we go that's exactly where it needs to be and then just a double check I'll measure these that is fifteen sixteenths that is fifteen sixteenths there we go so that's centered all the way around so now I'll go ahead and clamp that in position now rather than put this back on the lathe I think I'm just going to go ahead and use this clamp to be able to hold it in place this time and again this should show some of the different options that you have you can do it multiple ways you know I just slide it over to the center of the rack and then tighten it down I'll let this sit now for about a half an hour and I'll add a couple more rings I want you to look at this bowl and I bet you can see what's wrong and you guys may have picked up on it earlier I didn't catch it in time because I was too much concentrating on trying to do a video and not looking at what I was doing but if you actually look I put a ring in out of place so this is going to mean that I am going to have to modify my bowl just a little bit but that's part of what turnings are all about is being able to be a little bit creative when you make a mistake now I'm gonna let this dry overnight and then I'm going to put this on the lathe and start turning and we're going to fix this mistake by turning and creating this shape that will work for it the other thing is I do have the other half of the bowl over here and we'll add the those rings after I turn the bottom half of the bowl hi everyone thank you for watching my video today if you liked the video please go ahead and hit the subscribe button down below and the little Bell next to it so you'll be notified on the different videos that I upload also check out the videos over here to be able to stay up to date on the happenings in my shop so again thank you for watching my videos
Channel: Paw Paw’s WorkShop
Views: 6,080
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: inventables, Easel, how to, create, torched flag, CNC for beginners, DIY, april wilkerson, i like to make stuff, steve ramsey, izzy swan, dude perfect, the king of ramdon, 5 minute craft, build something, socket storage, shop orgnization, inkscape, pen turners, Beginner woodworking, jig saw basics, EDC, cabinet building, laser for CNC, wine rack, millennium Falcon, tiling on the XCarve, Ninja Turtles, shop upgrade blast gates, Electrical circuit, micro and relay switch
Id: Nf9JbKg3QxA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 40sec (760 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 01 2020
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