Big Kinder Eggs 2018 | Ashens

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hello well easter has come and gone once again but you know what we missed a little bit of it this year and that's because i decided to put the blockbusters video up earlier than i planned for what we missed was whatever kinder surprise we're up to with their easter eggs this year if you see at easter time they do larger eggs and they're usually licensed off some property that the kids like and this year it was dc super friends they're friends they're super and they live in washington dc no way is dc comics you know the ones that when it comes to films probably wish they were marvel to be making a lot more money so yes there is a big toy inside and a lot more chocolates and a slightly more posh egg these retailed for i think five pounds but i bought them for four because they were slightly reduced hooray for me because i end up buying four of the damn things as we get to but anyway fine milk chocolate shell with milky white lining containing toy mainly in kit form yes it's in the form of kit the popular car from the knights rider tv series so what might we get then speed bloke super bloke or bat bloke all your favorites yep and they look uh batman appears to have pulled his charger out of the wall good for him uh superman is being very upset by a large metal h for some reason and there's lex luthor who's looks like he's going to get an h in the face and there is the flash riding his giant mechanical yellow slug against captain cold yep that's everybody's favorite thing onions right what's it like inside then the answer is probably quite cardboardy until you remove all that yep it is as ever a larger kinder egg and inside a giant suppository aren't we lucky children we need some chocolate don't know why i've had it a hundred times on camera am i making more of it answer because it's very nice which means my mouth's gonna be gummed up with it for ages yay planning right there is a big yellow egg who are we going to get i kind of want batman but we are going to get superman he really isn't kit for me it's not even pulled to pieces right i think this will be quite easy to build uh yes so that goes on there and that goes on there comes uh and here's his giant h which i don't quite understand well there we are that's yeah sort of a cartoony super deformed thing going on he's got very big boots relatively small head um so actually now i super deforms like that specific look with the large heads actually isn't it so this is a bit different this is more large leg small head there's a phrase for a t-shirt for you and the modeling is existent the paintwork is decent it's not that exciting to be honest when you might keep the kids amused for five seconds what does it do then where is our luther that we stand up so presumably oh look at that remember when he stole those cakes and it was terrible was it pies i can't remember anyway stay there there we are and i'm gonna presume yes you put the h behind superman's arms and he chucks it at luther like ready steady the that was slightly impressive what the heck um uh right so the arms actually here they do the arms do kinda go back but oh god this is weird let's see how a kid would do this you need quite a lot of strength and it seems to just break at the first opportunity right let's try that again let's put around this way see if that makes any difference ready steady pure ready steady oh it's got oh it's coming out with bloody hands now look bloody wars how difficult is this thing go get i am really unimpressed with that superman what a load of skank i'm not talking about the interesting dance oh deary me um yeah that's that's really not impressive at all it just fails to actually throw the damn it just doesn't quite work it keeps coming a bit to the waist but i don't worry my friends because i bought another one and i ate the chocolate bloody months ago but in here i'm hoping we will have either flash or batman to mix things up a bit [ __ ] it out as another superman um well that's ruined that maybe this one works um i don't think that's very likely is it i'm not well i'll put this on in case it's somehow an integral part of it yep that's exactly the same you know and then fling your age old son do it do it it just doesn't work oh my god i've just realized stomping the leg hang on push the foot down what it's just a hard lump of plastic oh wait a minute right after all that we've sussed it it doesn't really have an action feature it's just at an angle the idea is you go huh well gonna be honest with you here kinder i'm not quite as excited about this as i think perhaps i could have been you literally hoss it by balancing it behind his head and going i am sorry for breaking your arms of the superman there no kissing makeup um no that's disappointing isn't it however there is a little extra cola to this four kinder were doing also justice league kinder surprise small ones which obviously is the same property but i imagine realized in a different form the start is a much smaller one all right let's just open this up and it was a dark color this one inside is sweet gugly jesus on a tricycle yeah that's not a smaller version of that at all is it right let's just get a gist of this absolute monstrosity put what put pull down the thing in his brain and you can attach him to your um pencil case and then his arms go up or right so it's kind of the flash at least there's something pretending to be the flash i suppose um oh god i tried to pull the thing down the whole thing shot across the room all right there we are yeah brilliant pull those down his arms come out and then you can hold him like that apparently this is great i've just realized i was given one of these at the live bastions thing of aquaman yes that one specifically that one can't think where i've put it damn if i could i'd be showing it now i tell you what we'll jump cut at the end of the video and i will have found it so yeah you could have ridiculous superman crap wonder woman awkward tit green disappointment something that looks like cyborg looks more like somebody being consumed by the michelin man the worst batman cosplay ever the flash good god naught to three sad onion joker that's absolute rubbish that really is i didn't realize it did that the one i was given um yeah that's absolute tut a shame on you a pox on you kinder your boys toys have been awful and i say boys toys because they're also girl themed eggs with dc superhero girls supergirl wonder woman and harley quinn which is she a good guy in the dc superhero girls thing i don't know i'm not very up on it there we are you can have little uh slightly more in proportion oh actually there's four different ones there's batgirl as well this is weird because they look like better models and uh there's also more um choice as well hmm these appear to be considerably better than box perhaps they're really really small or something anyway you'll notice the egg isn't in it because um i've already eaten all the chocolate from those so we should just open the own differently colored um mighty suppository egg and find ah it is batgirl fat girl i tell you right so that goes in there like that and i was going to say this doesn't do anything like the other one but actually as it turns out and doesn't do anything either you just have to move him forward well it's smaller but it's kind of the same scale um you know painting application things are all right what is i don't understand what that is about oh here we are here's a stand um looks like it goes on like that and there we are running into action all excited like she's in the 60s series or something um i know it's just really she's got like a bat hoodie on um yeah that's that's kind of better than these ones i think they're sort of more in proportion also they can do that but also they come with a stand and all actually what is all this guff there's also some sort of wrist thing it looks like a compact mirror does that uh clip onto there like that bloody does and you get like a batgirl compact mirror for the same price you get a load more stuff does that fit onto there is that it's looking a bit uh nope hang on hang on we can do this yeah we are yeah so you get like a compact mirrored toy thing that um connects to your wrist and also the figure well i've got to say i think the girls ones are absolutely beating out the boys ones this year at least as far as it comes to the large figures right i do have another one i'm really hoping it's not bad girl again it's going to be isn't it i can tell it's going to be i already know my god it isn't we've got away with it it's harleen quinzel the uh not very uh good psychiatrist lady who ended up all evil in that and was known as harley quinn and there she is being a bit cute but that's that's quite an annoying pose actually there's something about that it looks like somebody coming across the street who you recognize vaguely from a job yes again you really don't want to talk to oh hello how you doing yeah uh that's well still better than that bloody thing isn't i'm really disappointed with that playing it off as if it has an action feature i reckon the other ones probably did as well anyway there's also one of these because why wouldn't there be answer i don't know and there we are this is harley quinn one of those hmm and thrice hmm well i say the girls eggs won out on this one this year oh wait nope i've got a small one as well oh i've dropped it i've found it now all the stickers as well look even stickers to put on things um do they go on the front here yes quite clearly tell you what let's affix one now and we can pretend this is art attack or something yeah but if tony hart taught me nothing else it was to remove stickers from the packaging i'm going to be honest he didn't teach me that at all right i can get on there lag date and why did i do that through the viewfinder there's a lot to go wrong and there we are and now that sticker will come off really easily and look awful right let us try the little egg was another harley quinn it was very similar to the harley quinn up there except the heads on backwards or something was but hmm this is interesting so is she doing a handstand i think that is the only answer isn't it yes indeedy do can't actually attach the bloody thing but if i could we would know oh look there's a hammer in the base a little bit of attention to detail oh look at that that's quite nifty what else did you get in this set it is like a smaller version of the uh statues from the larger eggs yeah we have worked out how to do that um eclipse oh oh it's unlucky little seesaw thing so you can go and then just get bored about really quickly so there's all sorts of ones on offer look at that we've got katana nobody's favorite poison ivy bat girl and no wait batgirl isn't there it's camelman and is that the wasp a version of the wasp there i think it probably is that's that's far far [ __ ] better than whatever the hell that thing the flash was i've lost it already here it is but this one does have an action feature he shrugs when you ask him why he exists absolutely brilliant well that's a weird old one isn't it well yep the kinder verdict this year is the girls toys were far better than the boys toys jump cut yep as promised here is the bastion's aquaman thank you to whoever gave me that now the curse has left you and been passed on to me so yeah what have we learned this year it's not pink for girls and blue for boys it's blue for crap and pink for half decent stuff apparently so regardless of your child's gender get them to buy the pink eggs if they want something that isn't crap unless they're massive fans of batman because the only chance you've got overweight you'll just get two [ __ ] supermen subscribe for more [Music] you
Channel: ashens
Views: 187,338
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: surprise eggs, easter egg, egg surprise, surprise toys, kinder surprise, kinder eggs, eggs surprise toys, kinder surprise eggs, blind bags, ashens, dc comics, superman, harley quinn, review, funny, surprise egg, batgirl, big egg
Id: uI2YtvI15Ow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 05 2018
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