Scarlett opens all 24 days of the Harry Potter Magical Minis Christmas Advent Calendar

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So today we're going to open the Harry Potter and the calendar even though it's not Christmas that's right this is the magic all right this is the magical minis Harry Potter Advent calendar so and I love and you're just opening the whole thing at once you're not going to do it day by day mhm so and I love ad door what oh there's a little instruction sheet there we'll put that aside let's get a good look at this goes down all the way goes down all the way down yeah the tree pops out oh supposed to stick up more huh oh this part here yeah it sticks out pretty good and I don't know why this doesn't want to wants to come up a little B it doesn't we have to put some heavy there to heavy how do we do this that video I don't know it's okay we can leave it up like that for a minute while we open things right okay okay so so far I only see door number one I think that where she we should start oh yeah where are all the other door how come there's only one I thought this was a 24 day calendar me too well how do you is it not working too well may would you like a assist yeah all right see I can do it ow just kidding did it actually that was a big one let's see what's in there a Harry Potter oneand oh is this your first Harry Potter one I can't yeah it's magic it's not a real one from the world right oh yeah probably not it's a magical mini one light up wand it's a light up wand how do you know that what just I think it is you know what it looks like you might be right oh oh oh it is a light oh you have to hold it down that's the problem whoa I can see all the Christmas lights oh the lights light up oh there a golden snitch oh there's a golden snitch on you can't even tell without the wand yeah I found like a oh now I see how you find the other number so where's number two is the question let's look 17 six see 10 five [Music] seven 24 18 1922 three three well we know where three is when we get to two yeah let's look over here look I found the cup and also number two number two let's open it up I'll hold it down I think and also I have to guess because I watch a video this one oh yeah you going to see you can guess what's in there what do you think I think there's a Ron Ron Weasley yeah Ron weasy all right let's see if you're right that is Rong weasle it's like he's ready for Christmas morning he's in his PJs yes he is and he's standing by the Christmas tree but I think I think number two is somewhere over here he's laying down by the Christmas tree okay you're number three now remember I know no right there oh yeah wait can you close that oh yeah yeah okay was two I think it's h [Music] is it someone's clothes maybe maybe I think like hairy sweater yeah or Ron sweat I'm going to guess Harry's sweater Harry I was going disagree on on both though okay I watched a little bit of your video but I didn't the thing from it that's to keep it good shape so it is ready to wear hey you should have Ron wear it just to be sneaky he did not get his yet so yeah so he has to wear harri's right nah not right now or's it not fitting him it's not fit I don't think it does I bet she does put the right character I think the two characters are about the same size hold on hold on I think there's Harry R her mining I think so too probably because we saw in the video but probably because it just makes sense now everyone's GNA think he's Harry Potter right no no he doesn't have the scar does he have a scar Noe no Scar and his hair and his hair is different look there footsteps I just realized they're footsteps let's see what happens is that from when he's like wearing his invisibility CL no I really love this that tree looks amazing huh number four number four oh I forgot there's 11 13 over [Music] there where is that number where could four be it's on this side I see five not four where's four I know keep want to go up higher maybe wow these are H 14 this is I found it is it one of the paintings right who do you think it is or what do you think it is it is but I think it might be um two butter beers two butterbeers I think it's the any flavor beans that's going to be my guess yeah because I kind of forgot what is this oh I know who oh it's the um Hermione's OT Patron yes otter petronis we both wrong we were both wrong yay all right let me see let me get a good look at it can I how I remembered I need to hold it down with my foot the thing so here's the peton I need to hold it down with my foot for some reason yeah I think I found saw five over here when we were searching yeah there's Ron with Harry sweater on oh yeah five was over here y okay see what's in there oh wait I need to guess yeah I think the thing that can make you float or sendable ears okay I'm going to guess the any flavor beans again cuz I remember them being yeah every flavor beans it's every I've got a few of these right so far every flavor what's your favorite any flavor Bean Scarlet is it ear wax oh we need to put stuff down to hold it wait let go let's see what happens okay that's going take heavier than those guys okay so now I I forgot where number six is so I don't think I even remember paying attention to six so I think six is up here why you thr that one pretty quick all wait what are you going to guess let me see the shape of it I think it might be Hermione think Hermione huh mhm I'm going to guess uh scabbers I remember hearing scabbers kind of some point I can't open all right just say um expecto opopo oh expecto patronum oh yeah I forgot in the video I've been waiting for this one too it's the Gryffindor common room chair I see it oh that is a good Comon I remember you remember who sits at this one at the end of the movie the end of the first movie remember Neville nille he's waiting for him when they walk in oh yeah hiding in Behind the Chair and he comes out from under and surprises him yeah I think so and then Hermione immediately uh no turns him into a stiff uh petrified guy or something I I think it's extendable ears what's what is your answer uh I'm going to go a scout until we find scabbers scers am I right yes scers well I don't even know what to guess anymore that was the only other thing I remembered I guess I could start guessing Hermione and Harry can get it come on scabbers get out of there who's the world's greatest rat is it scabbers yeah or not really not really I don't know all right there's scabbers okay you got him out finally finally he got longer CH in this oh I know yep I guess he got he'll be right here to get make his some is he your favorite rat in the movie yeah and now we now how many movies have you watched so far Scarlet or how many books have you read I'm on the third one you're on the third one we haven't finished it yet so okay skyers is in the thir we're number eight right eight yep wait was that seven down there yeah we're eight I found it oh hey what are you going to guess extendable ears yes I'm going to guess um the wizard cat or the cat oh you think crook Shanks yeah I'm going to guess that yeah I'm going to guess that one what's it called the um wisby was whatever I don't know um oh my first answer for one of them so I'm still right the thing that make you float yeah that's what I was trying to say I don't care what they're called I know and now we're both right because I said before and that still count if he said that sure can get it out maybe things are sniff stiff stiff okay now we're number nine now wait I need to light it up again to make sure I think we're number nine yep number nine that's number 10 nine might be on the other side then there you go I think it's Hermione I think it's Hermione too I don't think it's Harry so it must be Hermione Hermione Hermione I think it's SE Snape Hermione he doesn't come with a yeah you right I agreed with you as soon you just said it you know why because when I watched the bur remember it was went round and then her miny then hairy all right let's see what she looks like here oh she's styling in her can I do something Christmas celebration outfit I guess I guess it kind of looks weird at the Christmas outfit yeah she actually wasn't there that first Christmas she went home for the holidays yeah so I so what was she doing there okay expecto patronum is something yeah expecto Pon and there's her otter did she make that one in the first second or third yeah and it said that the Patronus is Ron that comes in here I think oh no actually Harry's Harry's stag St I think Ron is a dog right jack terer or something no yeah yeah but I think I remember seeing 10 up on the side yeah yep you remember too I'm going to guess crook Shanks extendable ears I actually I was thinking kind of the chest that it was hermion her you didn't say it huh no but and then I kind of that was my second guess but I didn't want this is her min's chest yeah because there's something inside of it what's inside of it this say in the thing it's hers and it's a what's in there her let me see can you get it I need help I need help I should Clos closed it more oh here we go and it has wait I want to show all right her Min one scarf oh it's her scarf scarf oh very cool she gots to wear this right now she gots to wear it she didn't get a sweater from Ron's mom huh maybe actually she made this oh wait how do we know this isn't hermion is with the H on it h is also for Hermione but it's also for Hermione they could share it and he didn't he did not get it because it's not Christmas actually so plus the reason she didn't get one is cuz she wasn't there for Christmas that first year yeah yeah okay number 11 11 I forgot where you are 11 11 these already yep or did I check them twice and then I just want to see the tree because it's just like Santa chicken is list [Music] huh oh wait I skipped it you skipped it I thought okay now you're saying extended blers yeah no I think ex I'm going to Extended I'm going to say yeah I'm going to say crook Shanks yes I was right extendable all ears all right let's see him can you get him out or not really I cannot oopsies he knock someone over but I got him out extendable is gone and I got to be honest I don't think these were in the movies if they were I already forgot about it and I didn't read the books far enough to get to those so I don't even know those are from like cool yeah I was hoping for they probably were in the movies and I just forgot cuz a lot of the later movies I only saw ones I thought 12 might be over here no that's 20 so I jump oh there's 12 12 you're halfway done now what do I think I think it's Kook Shanks I think K Shanks too that's my guess until we find her or him I don't know if crook shinks is the Bo oh it's the Sorting Hat oh the Sorting Hat I think it's sort of cool don't you sword of course let get ity hat Y and it needs to be that's sort of a joke can I get a good look at it let me see it's a big Sorting Hat well it's remember how big it was on no oh there's his little mouth and eyes hold on wait can I see the mouth and eyes I oh let me see if it fits one of them like herone it does that wrong it does fit wrong yep says I sort you into Slytherin ha have fun with Draco said that yep wa so the one that we just opened is that one 131 13 has to be crook Shanks right it has to be crook Shanks 13 there it does not look like the size it so I'm you think it's a chocolate frog a chocolate no butterbeers or chocolate FR oh butter beers I'll say chocolate frogs oh it's a male it's a mail oh it's a letter so that means um um what's his name again who Swig hewig got to show up hedwig's got to show up cuz otherwise who's going to deliver the mail certainly not the post office oh scabbers yeah scabbers got to be good for something right yeah I remember 14 was right over in this area no right there I think it's Harry oh is it time for Harry already that's good what do you think I think scabbers we already got scabbers I mean crook Shanks sorry crook Shanks what I meant okay go ahead told you oh well that was a big I should big door I should have paid more attention how big the door was but isn't scabbers a pretty big cat I mean c yeah she is but not as big as Harry fall out of bed why do they always make can I have my sweater back he's like well it's kind of cold in this big drafty Castle so I kind of need it and since my mom made it and I don't have mine yet I think okay you're taking it that's fine well he's taking it now so your lat I know if he was a real gentleman he let her mind to use it he probably offered she's like yeah no thanks now he's like oh thank you but I would have a red but it's okay okay 16 you ready you know like you like how you like how I said it red you know I said red yeah she kind of looks like something like that yeah that would be more her coloring so 14 where's 15 15 where are you 15 15 15 24 15 15 15 15 that's 17 oh 15 15 all right and I think it's butterbeer crook shank CR sh I'll say CR butterf beer crook Shanks or butter beer I got my money on Crook Shanks me too which want is this one oh no over here I didn't know where I was sorry no no no wait wait I want to see what happens if I do this no it just blinds everyone looking at it see okay all right it's a potion huh it's a potion oh is it a cauldron E I know what it is what I think it's a cauldron for um Goblet of Fire I see for goblet fire oh for what for the potion that she turns into a cat it has it in the that and it's supposed to go in morning M's bathroom so oh so it's the one where they make potions yay I made the potion oh and her potion is bubbling over yep well you know means it's ready to go no it's not it's not too much she need to restart all right what's next 16 said that yeah yeah was that 15 mhm all right let's find 16 let me check again with my magic W yes okay 16 16 look at this Christmas yes you do 16 I forgot 16 it got to be over here got to be down here I don't get it where is it 16 have you checked every spot let me think six I can't really tell from my angle what's was six e what is that here I know maybe start back over here again and check this side again I keep turning it off this is really riveting can you find it no that's so weird that's so weird maybe let's try up here again oh six oh there it is so weird that it took long I I think it's crook Shanks that's right we're still waiting for crook Shanks that's our guess oopsies oops what happened did you break it that's all right can you open it for me yeah let me see I can open should done that that's all right we can tape it you always tape it but it might be her at this point I can't even tell where it opens now to be honest um it's fine can you get in there enough to yeah it's just a little things that's hairy stalking let me see all right try to find 17 hopefully it's easier than 16 on see her mine is starting over with her potion right now that does have an age for Harry 17 is right here I remember oh you found that fast I think because I remember and I think it's butter beer or the cat I'm going say the cat I'm going save butter beers for [Music] later chocolate fries oh chocolate frogs I forgot we're waiting on those to so that means we both got them I was going to guess Dumbledore I'm glad I didn't guess Dumbledore there's no Dumbledore in here W even better than I can make him atically appear you know how how and then guarding liosa all right let's see did you do it no no no no no no try it again do you the spell try again U maybe it has to be Patronus one what is it again expecto patronum expecto patronum oh there you go there's dumble now he joined the crew I told you he could be there he said that he might be in one of those boxes but and he's not I remember so I can make him appear here at Christmas time yeah he came to visit and say hey happy Christmas Ron happy Christmas Harry yeah because and happy Christmas herione where did you come from you and home for the holidays no this is the third book oh third book okay no second second okay she's there she is there for the second okay what's the next one 18 hey extendable ears yeah that was 17 you did yeah 18 18 18 18 18 18 I just like to look at this staving Christmas tree there think I can't see the numbers anymore hope you can see them all there you go you got it and um crook Shanks crook Shanks got to be you oh a chest I was thinking a chest is it a Wizard Chest set no not a chest set oh aest a chest they said a chest I'm like well that's cool you do it again yep oh wow that's a big one yeah is there anything inside of it no check let's check is it a quitted set whoa there's look at the this part it's green look how much air is in there so much air let's put our things in there or stuff yeah okay hermion thing is bubbling over again okay what up now number 19 so now let's put all the stuff in can you fit that much stuff in there that that oh W let me put see if I can more all of that see some room for butterbeer or Does Butterbeer not what you put in chest you can put butter beer in here can you wouldn't it spill everywhere oh no Scarlet it wouldn't okay sorry all right what do you got now 19 19 19 I forgot where it is no no no I think I there righty it's my lucky number it's going to be crook Shanks sh or but be now it's my lucky number and I guess I've been guessing crook shank so this is the number I'm finding going to be right on or my butterbeer R sweater that was not lucky for me oh but lucky hey R is for Russell so you are lucky I am lucky it's like it's my sweater but it's actually R that's true I was about to do this well I got to be honest I don't think I'd wear a sweater with all right number 20 wait oh you got to put it on R first he's freezing remember remember he said that especially after Harry took his sweater back her money is actually is cold no she's warm because she has her she has her sweater I mean her um scarf sweater thought she had a scarf oh yeah she does but put it you didn't put it on her because it's a not Christmas time and these guys woke up early oh fair enough I think was over here somewhere yeah [Applause] okay oh yeah it's Harry's thing is what the T oh the Stag can you get it stag oh man it's all spiky ouch how do they want anyone to get this out of there without hurting themselves ouch it's super spiky really yeah you got all the ow can I see I didn't I'm not bleeding cuz they're not sharp but that did not feel good get that one out me they may have wanted to put the Stag horns the other way next time they put those in there okay so she's her person is done for snap's class bring up Snape again wait no no no no expecto patum snap snap yep snap SN snap I cannot give him to stand up I can only do it by pulling his robes like this see that's okay and then she good job hery Grand snap's like oh I better come to the Griffin or common room and wish everyone a Merry Christmas she's not supposed to be there so don't sayy hey get out oopsies he says you're a little get out of here yeah and then I he no professors can be in there so oh yeah maybe it's Christmas so everyone's going to be nice to everyone mhm so and she's like good job hery expecto Patron pretend I just do all right 21 you have four left like we know we got crook Shanks and butterbeer left but I don't know what else is left wait the cat yeah thought I said CR Shanks okay ready 21s I think 21 was over here y That's 21 right yeah that was 21 what do you think let's guess butterbeer or the cat I'm going to say the cat cat butterbeer butterbeer I cannot keep yes I was right I cannot get but beer I was right are we sure there's a crook Shanks or are we just guessing wrong no we're not guessing wrong you have watched the video right yeah and cook shs was in there all right well then I'll keep isn't Hedwig also in here somewhere yeah yes uhoh okay we're on 22 H there be more butter bears for everyone well least two people get butter beers anyway is there two of them yeah yeah we'll say they're for Harry and Ron since they were the ones that were actually in the room what I got another one from a different thing that's true they can all share butter beers now yeah okay 22 22 22 by the quick ch crook Shanks Into the Fire yay finally finally crook Shanks all right I guess we'll guess hewig next what oopsies is hedwick the last one Scarlet is it is hewick 24 no what's 24 23 oh look they're best friends now scar they don't chase no they're chasing Oh I thought they were acting like they were best friend I think on Christmas though finally crook shinks decides to give scabbers a break from that from the summer just on Christmas day though no and the day after he's going to chase him again okay all right 23 yeah I guess so what all right 23 Headway is Right 23 which I found right there which is head wig right which is head wig head wig I think at least if not we know what 24 is no we don't I already know what 24 is and it's my last guest oh and it's not head wck huh get it head Wick hewick head wake this is head W this what it is yep and then look at this stumble door is going to be really funny okay ready tumbled door is going to be funny time okay here we go last one 24 no hold on funny time there's actually stand behind there oh there's a stand behind hiding right now is he going to jump out from behind and start scaring people as they walk by yeah here's 24 and I know what's in it no Harry's visibility cloak oh that's right I forgot about the invisibility cloak and that was his GI Christmas gift right yeah oopsies did I rip it again no I thought I did no just the one all right let me take a look at this invisibility cloak ready Scarlet I can't even see it look at that it's totally invisible look it's right here no I've got it it's invisible oh okay never mind only invisible person we invisibility clo I can see it really well cool in the inside oh that is cool and light up inside and on the back oh it's got the Deathly Hollows deathly hols wow I didn't know that was on there in the thing it is definitely Hollow all right so what do you think of the set now that you not just watch the video but open one yourself yeah it's amazing working so hard you have been for a long time a long time yep uh he not going to put this on all right well put on with this on it he'll be too warm so would you say do you think other people should try to get this and play with it Harry wake up what do you think happy Christmas Harry happy Christmas Ron d do you give us a big thumbs up um guess what I did what 100 100 thumbs up 20 thumbs up 120 thumbs up so that's pretty good review pretty good rating because pretty good satisfaction I'd say let's see if it works on him he Hollows does not come with Snape or Dumbledore but it comes with everything else here right yeah I just added them in wait where's Dumbledore he's hiding behind the tree no don't J I mean I have no idea where he is's how and this is so cool I like the deathly hols on there that is way cool all righty and the other light up Christmas tree it looks cool lots of good light up stuff and and it becomes a place that you can play with even after you've opened everything right and I hold everything down now good and that and that and that now it's all the way down all right wait hold on I need to do something where's the letter and that was in here I don't know I found it the letter the letter you know why I said that why I need the letter for them he's delivering it right now it goes in him it I'm trying to put it in I don't think it actually goes in there Skyla as nice as that would be I don't think so they probably made it pretend like it did but they were not holding it you're invited discover the Wizarding World wait can I see what that looks like sure you're invited discover the Wizarding World and then open up the just kidding yeah I can't do that yet not yet bye for SK kid bye the hold on the death the hold on the Deathly Hollows and also batteries are included in the set and also there's this thing you have to take off the plastic bye
Channel: Scarlett
Views: 10,035
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xV2dFacZtmY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 51sec (1971 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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