BIG Holiday, BIG Sales???

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on this episode of you can't eat the grass our farm is finally full of flowers and that should mean big money but sales have been down this year is a holiday weekend just what we need stay tuned to find out [Music] we really wanted to plant the dahlias inside of a greenhouse but since our Greenhouse blew away that didn't leave a lot of options but this greenhouse the center bed doesn't really have that much in it that we need to keep in there there's a stalk and there's some Canterbury Bells but basically those either never did anything or they're done so it's time to clean up this bed anyways so I'm going to clean it up get it ready and then tomorrow Serena can plant the dahlias in here [Music] [Applause] thank you how did it go I don't know what do you think I think it looks pretty good I think it looks really good you better think it looks really good because I'm not telling it anymore no no I don't know maybe one or two more passes now tomorrow I can plant all the downloads yep get it done there's lots of empty buckets here you know what that means well look at this Gap in the cart filling things but yeah I've been working for a while to get stuff picked and I'm nowhere near nowhere near uh what I need to get picked before I should finish for the night my goal is I want to have everything picked for when Rox and Nelly are here to make bouquets with me tomorrow morning but I failed I've failed to do that every single week so far every week I like you know still have picking left maybe this is the lead this week I'm trying but come see the cooler it's getting dark already where's all my Solstice daylight going well it is like 9 30. it's like gonna be dark at 10. I can pressed everything look it's way back but actually I have to pick this much still and all I picked is like buckets and buckets of Euro I haven't even completed the Euro picking um I picked all the lilies I started doing the greenery but I still have like [Applause] bits of Rebecca I need to get other greeneries I need to pick my daisies and scabiosa uh my bee balm my new exciting bee balm there's lots more come in here oh let's get in here already I know told you I told you it hadn't been Slack there's Just Flowers pick which I'm not gonna complain about it's not having flowers the last few weeks definitely gives me appreciation of having too many flowers to pick the scaviosa is really producing this week which is exciting because they're so pretty I love them these are the ones that we started last year so this is their second year and they're producing really good like I'm I'm really happy with how many stems I'm getting off of them more I think I want a full bet like a full bed of white a full bed of blue all right [Music] crazy that's a pretty long stem I know [Music] and Rebecca is looking pretty amazing you know when it's like wall of it blooms it's love I know they're the best and they're so big the first flower is always really really big makes me so happy I could border the entire farm with these I love them so much I forget having a boxwood hedge just like a Rebecca hedge maybe ideas [Music] look at that right like this there's there's no perspective this is like it really is that big and we have sunflowers this week very first sunflowers doing these bunches where it's like Rebecca and sunflowers next week we'll have our very first perennial sunflowers [Music] very excited about this how about this for height almost as tall as me my friend this is an annual Bergamot that we've planted late last summer obviously this is the right way to grow it but it just started blooming and the color on these I love it it's like pinky purpley tone so pretty we finally got some vocals with the Rebecca the sunflowers with the lilies the daisies you know we still have lots of filler with the euro and then having this as like a Greenery with some you know some fun flower textures to it this has me very happy [Music] let's go up into the bucket it's getting dark so it's headlamp time [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay geared up but I don't want any more filming because I want to listen to my audiobooks so get out of here Ian well I know when I'm not wanted [Music] [Applause] it's officially cherry season they're so good right now [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] well my book finished so I think that means I probably done enough for the day it's looking good though I think we're gonna have a full cooler and then I probably still have an hour and a half of harvesting for the morning so better be a good Market [Music] it's Friday and Serena is already down there making bouquets so let's go do a little check-in on her [Music] I need to pick a few things first let's do it foreign this week and so because of that I was trying to get as much as possible picked last night flowers they need some time to hydrate they Wilt occasionally in the heat but I saved a few things that are a little bit more a little bit more Hardy to the hot weather and so pick pick some more stuff we need some options lots of sunflower colored bouquets this week lots of yellow lots of yellow Rebecca yellow and orange yarrow but when we get this beautiful fuchsia color into the mix then they're gonna look good you might have to fight the bees for the flowers we can share [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] I just checked the stand there's only two bouquets left up there so It's gotta gotta get some stuff up there I gotta sell everything let's go get some of these into the stands shop how empty the stand looks I did an Instagram post maybe this marketing thing maybe there's something to it maybe I should get you Ian to put up a Facebook ad we were supposed to do that every single Friday this year and do it once we've missed a few oh somebody's just pull it over perfect [Music] I always get a little bit of anxiety when I'm writing the signs out because of exactly this it's hard to leave enough space for these words you always think you're doing good and then all of a sudden you get to the end your letters are half the size it takes forever to clean these sticks so one-time deal you know no redos practice makes perfect to you you just need to write The Sign more often I know oh and now we have more flowers up here we're Reloaded ready to sell 25 bouquets from the stand today what do you think are we gonna sell 25 you're right they're selling really good so far so 25 would be nice kind of takes the pressure off the market a little bit we still want to sell a lot so the market but it always makes you feel a little better when the stand sells so good Serena is back harvesting but before I go down there and see how she's doing let's check the cash and see how much money's in this box [Applause] can't make pink bouquets unless we have pink ingredients two facts so far yellow orange bouquets on to pick up look how good that looks foreign I love the colors when they're all mixed together [Music] [Music] looks pretty good huh it does how's it going pretty good guess how many we have uh 85 108 108. except for we have to get some of them to the stand let's put eight in the stand make it a nice even hundred in the cooler so I just checked the stands because it needed reloading again and I think we might be at the mid 300s being sold out of the stand today it's already yeah it's a pretty good day foreign [Music] was completely full of decades next year we might have to make another walk-in cooler that makes me feel a little pretty good I like that idea [Applause] tomorrow is the market and I'm super excited doesn't happen very often that the market falls on the same day as Canada today so you know one of the biggest party days of the year you know there's going to be lots of people going other people's houses looking for bouquets so you know there's just it's going to be easy sales as for me right now I'm going to pack the truck and then I'm going to go check out the stand you know just kind of get everything ready for tomorrow and then you know most important thing that I got to bring tomorrow is cherries so I'm gonna go pick a little bucket of cherries too so I got something to munch on while I'm at the market tomorrow Farm is looking good [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] I did the math we didn't make 500 today we made 510 dollars today from the roadside stand so we achieved our roadside stand goal that's pretty amazing right that that's really encouraging and just shows the power of the roadside stamp [Music] thank you [Music] I think that's enough series for me tomorrow it's more than it looks it's pretty full little bucket there they're so good they're so good I just eat cherries like that's it I just eat cherries my whole life [Music] I've done nothing since you left me here 15 minutes ago but I'm gonna make six forty dollar bouquets step one in making my 40 bouquets is I'm gonna go pick good stuff that I've hoarded and refused to use my 20 bouquets because it's too good for twenty dollars [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh I picked them all then I can't enjoy them outside [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] okay that should be something to do something right uh yes [Music] okay bikes are good stuff okay make your best bouquet the best bouquet of them all one all right I've got a core I haven't made one of these in so long right there do I still know how to do this how long do you think it'll take me how fast can I do a big spiral bouquet five minutes five minutes five minutes saved all of these just for this this is exactly what I was thinking you know why because I've made it before you remember you just don't remember why you remember you're like there was something that went with those blue sea Hollies you think it'll sell before 9am well the big ones sold early people who had like events that they were shopping for in literally didn't you say like someone bought one of these as like a bridal bouquet once I thought you said that like someone came and like bought bouquets before their wedding and like bought a big one as like a bridal it's so good it's now lore someone once said definitely like hit the dollar point before me okay then we have to see is it big enough you know what the test is okay Moment of Truth I don't have there you go I'm waiting waiting for you to take back your fail that's it though first time made it I'm so I'm waiting congratulations on second place okay I am going to bed now I got a big day ahead of me and you have a big day ahead of you tomorrow too so don't stay up too late I'm only gonna make six of these and we said they only take five minutes 25 minutes to be done in no time [Music] it's July 1st and it's also Market morning briefly I'm very excited to be a Canadian there's lots of wonderful places to live in the world but it's hard to complain when you're born in a place with all the opportunities that we have here it's really provided an amazing life for me and my family but on to the market I gotta get that truck packed and get off I've been Dilly dallying inside for a little too long this morning so I gotta get moving you gonna help me Bo thank you [Music] the truck is packed super tight today there's lots of Lily bouquets so they're really like large in size and then there's a lot of them I'm bringing 80 of the 20 bouquets down to the market and another six or seven of the 40 bookcases so there's you know close to two thousand dollars worth of product to sell today but before I go I gotta take these bouquets up to the stand we're obviously not going to break any records today but with the roadside stand looking so good so much product going down to the farmer's market today like who knows it would be awesome to have an over two thousand dollar day today and I think we can do it I think that that's really possible [Music] oh [Music] the market is almost open and I'm excited time to get this show on the road it's a little bit windy I'm hoping that my tent doesn't blow away but other than that I am foreseen smooth sailing all day so let's see what happens [Music] [Applause] it's 9 A.M and I'm thinking a brief break to film this it's been super busy we're at 380 already so great start the 40 bouquets are selling really well there's only two of them left we've already sold so much that I have to push the whole display forward we're two hours into the market now and we're at 6 10 so we're choking along it was a little bit slower this last hour lots of people but uh you know just not quite as many buying but still doing great and uh I think I think that this next hour is going to be busy decided to show up no it's Canada day I have to come and enjoy all the activities and the fun so we're visiting Ian at the stand before heading downtown to do fun kids events that's pretty exciting because the market is is actually doing not bad this week we're in the mid-800s already and there's still lots of flowers left and there's still an hour and a half left I think and the flowers flowers look really good so we haven't sold anything apparently I'm cursing the market since I showed up and hasn't had a single sale so I don't know if we're gonna hit a thousand anymore but it's gonna look really good you know it's always fun to be at the market and it's especially fun when there's beautiful flowers to look at [Music] it well that's it for the market a bit disappointing we didn't make it to a thousand final was 8.70. I think that the financial realities are hitting people a little bit this year and that you know the flower bouquets just aren't selling quite as well because of that the business has to continue to evolve but I think every business has to evolve and we just have to realize that markets aren't going to be like they were last year this year at any point in time I'm gonna back up get home and check that stand [Music] foreign I saw that all the other flower Farmers still had tons of flowers left as well so you know one thing for sure there was nothing different about what we were doing compared to everybody else I'm sure everybody else was having a similar sort of day today specifically because Canada today you know it's July 1st it's kind of like the most summery day of the year and it's a big deal here in Kelowna uh I think everybody's kind of like going out to the beach or there's like a big thing downtown where there's just like tons and tons of different events and so people don't want to be carrying bouquets around so it was a different customer first thing in the morning first thing in the morning it was people who were on a mission they were getting ready to go to a party or they were putting on a party themselves that day and people who are coming later on that was part of the like Canada day crew you know they were wearing the Canada Day stuff they weren't in the market for bouquet they weren't going to buy a bouquet because they're not going home even still the things had carried on it's not like today would have been a 1500 day at the pace that it was going so you know there's definitely some things to think about in a slower economy um you know obviously presents challenges but there's opportunities in that challenge as well uh in seeing you know where the market is going right we're going to have some thinking and I'm sure we'll do lots and lots of talking about this off camera because we always do we'll make a plan we'll be all right because uh you know we got a lot of things going for us you know I like I've said in other videos I think we're uh we're gonna have some more markets where we are questioning whether they're profitable for us or not
Channel: You Can't Eat The Grass
Views: 40,435
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: you cant eat the grass, family farm, farm life, gardening, flower farm, farmers market, growing food, team flowers, team veggies, florist vlog, flower farmer florist, family farm life, farm life vlog, gardening ideas, flower harvest, flower harvesting, farm work to music, florist arrangement, floral arrangements for beginners, flowers, farm fresh flowers, flower farm farmers market, roadside stand, farm business, flower farm slaes
Id: 4eCMeOUhjH8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 11sec (1631 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 02 2023
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