We're Going Nocturnal!?!

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on this episode of can eat grass record hot temperatures are here to deal with the heat we are embracing the night and going nocturnal but even if we make it to this market will any customers find out now [Music] it's now or never we gotta plant sunflowers where there's no more planting until next year sad cats can work with us made myself a full blend sunflower mix normally we do each row one color but we're going through this fast this is our chance we're planting a bunch of it so i just did a blend [Applause] ian's been working hard he's cleaned up some beds for me they look beautiful so we gotta fill them up we do four rows per bed one million seeds i'm going to get you you're scared i don't know why so i'm gonna get you all done 1 000 sunflowers [Music] for october here we come this farming thing sure is easy i know that's what they always say okay we're all done with the seizure now there's one more thing we need to do before calling out a night we gotta have tomato snack they're very good but hidden [Music] hey you have much to do tonight i just have to harvest an entire farm before i go to bed no big deal well i think it's going to be so hot this weekend that maybe the market will close early i'm not anticipating having a lot i think the market's going to be super slow [Music] [Music] you're making lots of progress as he picked a little tiny little bit right up there oh you picked a little bit over there too just got all the rest of that to do there's just a bit of status right now there's only a little bit [Music] [Music] what a specimen [Music] how you feeling lazy [Music] is that yawn for dramatic effect no authentic that was enough fantasy this week we're going nocturnal checking the weather this week has been a little disconcerting because there's this scary red bar that says heat warning and when you click on it it tells all the ways that you need to protect your life because it's so hot out that you're gonna die today it was a hundred out and that's a little uncomfortable to work in and the flowers uh refuse to live if you pick them in those kind of temperatures we knew this was happening this has been happening before today and it's going to keep happening after today so our plan is that i slept in super late today i got up at 11 because i'm gonna stay up all night tonight i'm gonna spend the entire night being a nocturnal flower harvesting animal and then tomorrow i'm gonna sleep super super late and then i'm going to get up and i'm going to work into the night to get all the flowers done and then we will be all set for ian to go and not sell anything at the market because it's going to be too hot for customers to come you know we've done markets before during heat warnings and there's still good markets any market in the summer in kelowna is an amazing market get down there who knows maybe other flower farmers aren't there because it was too hot for them you never know what can happen on a market day so you just have to go prepared with as much product as you can and you know whatever serena makes me i'm gonna get down there and i'm gonna try and sell it maybe this is the week when the fresh to dry bouquets are really gonna shine because they will not melt in the heat they will look amazing all the way to the end but nothing will happen unless we get outside and get it all harvested [Music] right now i'm trying to make serena's life a little easier so i am giving a little cleanup in here and i'm prepping all of her buckets which uh she doesn't she doesn't think i'm doing that so i bet she's gonna be stoked when she comes out here and sees that she doesn't have to do it herself did you see what i did for you i did i got lots of buckets ready for me to fill up a little bit intimidated by the mars rover i know i think the mars rover might be too big for you to carry it's like i mean it rolls very easily it does roll very easily it's meant to go over like martian surfaces right but you have to be careful with it going downhill because i don't want it to like brush me you know okay i will say this this was half as hard as this to roll we need three people picking before this is gonna be having a purpose next year this year till then we'll stick with mini cart looks like this is the week for my fancy rubecchias these are double daisy and then i got some brown ones in here the sahara mix so i'm very excited they're they're absolutely gorgeous [Music] [Music] it's so hot out still even though it's like almost 11 that i need to be making sure that i'm getting these into water really quickly it's it's very hot out you know i'm gonna maybe i'm just gonna go inside now and i'll come back out in a little bit okay [Music] well it's four o'clock in the morning it's finally cool out after being stupid hot all night um and i'm done the cooler is filled with flowers i have an abundance to have to put together tomorrow so now i go to bed and we continue the nocturnal cycle gotta clean up before we make a new mess i'm gonna put away all the flowers that didn't sell that are dried flowers from last week kids to wash all the buckets for me fill them back up with fresh flowers before the market what are these we have a special order someone ordered eight bouquets so these are all finished up so they should be coming anytime anytime now sam don't pour water on your sister [Music] this is all been up for a while let's take this down [Music] [Applause] this is the preferred spot i got a little selection of the different bouquets that we've already dried uh lots of ranunculus look at the colors on these like yellow and i guess that was probably red or orange yellows and orange those are so cool and look at the dark blue on this larkspur larkspur is just so amazing to dry and these ones right here too these purpley colored ones they look really good as well remaining dry cars [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] bye [Applause] damn don't go out it's six o'clock now and we haven't gotten a ton done we're working on stripping stems um which normally would have me feel like a little but the plan all along was nocturnal the reason why we don't have much done is because i slept till like noon so we're good to go i got lots of sleep and i'm ready to be hitting the night shift running and the plan is we're gonna be sending very money down to the market we need a bunch for the farm stand um but we're probably only gonna send like 1600 worth down to the farmers market and you know i've been sending 2 000 um it won't take much to get there tonight and while you're doing that i'm gonna take the kids to the beach are you two ready for a no mommy trip down to the beach [Music] uh [Music] yep [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] one thing left one thing left what are you gonna get zinnias ooh i'm coming along [Music] so [Music] all hazy from how hot it's been classic okanogan haze [Music] that's a good looking one [Music] okay and for scale [Music] [Applause] wrapped around my feet oh he's he's tying you up i think it's time for you to go back inside dusty no he's running oh no he's going down to mummy oh i can't you're so adorable a little farm boy come here you're going there i have a lot of mosquito bites right now from doing these nighttime harvests yeah i'm almost done harvesting and it's gonna be bouquet making time okay you take them back up to the house then time to brush your teeth okay this room is full of flowers right now and trina has so many things to make cool bouquets out of this week uh the standard is gonna look amazing i can't wait but uh i have to do some truck packing so i'm gonna do that serena's just resting up for a second and then she's gonna get out here and get back to making bouquets [Music] [Music] i was checking your work seeing how many bouquets you got made so far zero zero bouquets how do you feel about that it'll be fine had a coffee recently oh yeah [Music] the larkspur in the is that scaviosa the perennial yeah they like match perfectly i know the blue we did these last week and you said that they sold yeah they didn't have the scavengers yeah they did oh i did these two of these as the 40 bouquets and you said that they disappeared first so send them another two oh yeah sure color of the year very parry right looks good [Music] look how busy i've been in las vegas i'm running out of this box which i only opened a couple weeks ago 11 100 elastics in there that's a fun lot of bouquets by ut yeah spiral they do sit nicely though the spirals you sat so good on my hand you can hand only magic oh here i think it's maybe i just have one perfectly balanced center stem it is what's going on my approach to flower farming and market bouquets is everything that we grow and everything that we sell can be dropped like literally this bouquet i could drop it and pick it up and it'll look fine because i grow stuff that's not delicate because how else would we get it down to the farmers market with it still looking good if they were so delicate that they couldn't be dropped i always talk about the smash test you need to be able to smack it against the wall and still be able to sell it and i do it and they look perfect okay so i have to show off the thing that i'm so excited about for this week because i picked everything in the dark so i didn't even know how good it was until i got it in here but look at these this i think is oreck o-r-a-c-s worsh or something but i grew three colors of it um and the green apparently disappeared but this i love this this is great um and it seems like it's gonna have like really good stem life because it's these seed pods um and it also seems like i'm never gonna get rid of it ever again because it's gonna throw seeds everywhere it's gonna be a weed for the rest of my life on the farm um which i'm excited about but yeah and then with the albion black pods look look at that for appearing i made a really cool bouquet for it um that heather heather took home with her which i might have to make again it was with like dusty grays and and like moody colors okay there that's that's cool but i want to see a zenita bouquet we want to celebrate the first zinnias of the year maybe with some liars for old time's sake the serena special we'll make a zinnia bouquet white straw flower are you doing a 20 or 40 i'm doing a 20 and then we'll start putting in a couple of these lime queens they're so good and some of our first cosmos contrast against the hard textures we're gonna play up the apricotti tones snapdragons we're getting close and then we'll finish it with some apricot status okay how about that so pretty so romantic looks great i like it all right we got one bouquet done well it's almost my bedtime there's one thing that i'm gonna do before i go to bed i'm going to go check the stand oh yeah can we close it no i haven't closed it but we we didn't have anything in there when everyone was coming by i don't i don't know how much we ended up doing in the end today well i'm gonna go find out there's only three fresh bouquets and then three of these fresh to dry bouquets left in here so this stand sold 200 with the e-transfers and then serena did a 160 special order today as well so that's like 360 bucks that's pretty good um hopefully we do a lot more tomorrow [Music] [Music] good morning still going it's been slow moving so i don't have enough bouquets yet how many kids you know i don't know are you gonna keep going until the end i'm gonna go until i got some of these fresh to try options because i think that these are gonna hold up good in the heat it's gonna be hot it's not hot right now but it's gonna be hot serena's got these racks here all filled there's there's lots of good looking stuff stuff's looking good it looks like you're pretty close it's very beautiful out there that's right i did there's lots of colors [Music] [Applause] so [Music] well it ended up being a stupid late night for me i don't even know what time it is i'm rushing to make bouquets so ian can take them with him to the market um things were just going slow things were going slow today these bouquets weren't going together as fast as i wanted them to um you know there's there's only so much i can do there's only so many hours in the night um i feel fine because of how late i slept um and i'll sleep late again so we'll be okay honestly it's i think it's 5 30 now and i'm not even gonna go to bed yet i'm just gonna make a few more bouquets for the red side stand because i didn't even have time to make anything for the roadside stand you know i'll give it another half an hour an hour go to bed stupid stupid late um and then just do nothing tomorrow or today of course serena working so hard spending all night making flowers with numbers running around in her head probably [Music] [Music] case [Music] oh wait i need to go in there [Music] so [Music] so [Music] all right we are off it's just after eight o'clock the market's open i've sold eighty dollars so far one of the forty 40 bouquets went uh it looked great so no surprise there but yeah i'm excited the weather is great and there's lots of people showing up already so i think it'll be a good day [Music] good morning hi okay [Music] a little update it's about nine o'clock and we're at 300 even so it's pretty good start to the day we'll see if everybody's just coming early and it's going to be slow later on or if it's going to stay busy all day so far so good [Music] okay it's just after 10 we're at 600 bucks so we're kind of doing that 300 an hour which is which is pretty decent you know uh it's supposed to be like super hot out today so i am a bit worried that maybe you know around 11 everything really starts to slow down my favorite design this week has already sold out uh no surprise there because it looked really cool there's like yellow marigolds and snaps and some of those those zinnias that are so cool there's still lots of other good stuff i really like this this dark bouquet as well and i just started to bring it up to the front and now it is selling as well so if it's not one thing it's the other [Music] it's afternoon now and it is so hot i i'm feeling pretty uncomfortable it's just like swampy hot here we're at like 950 so it seems like we're destined to have our worst market of the year so far which is fine as long as we get over a thousand but i don't know if we're gonna do that it's really slowed down we only sold ninety dollars in the last hour and uh this last hour of uh the market being open could be really slow because you know by now the traffic is starting to calm down as people you know they don't really want to come out to the market when it's when it's almost 100 degrees they want to do it earlier in the day i hope i can sell a few more bouquets and and make a day of it because you know serena worked so hard one way or another though i am excited for this market to be over so i can cool off the market's over now it is our worst market by far this year uh 1030 bucks so at least we broke that one thousand dollar barrier um you know if we were selling last year with the veggies and the flowers probably been the disaster so hot the last two hours the traffic just dropped down a ton and you know in general people just weren't really uh in the mood to buy bouquets it's a bit of a disappointment because we worked so hard this week to you know get everything here and look so good next week's another week we'll just uh we'll have to regroup and rethink and maybe come up with a new strategy for for next week because it's probably going to be hot too
Channel: You Can't Eat The Grass
Views: 47,950
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: you cant eat the grass, family farm, farm life, gardening, flower farm, farmers market, growing food, team flowers, team veggies, heat waves, climate change 2022, florist, florist vlog, floristry for beginners, flower farmer florist, snapdragons, farmers market vlog, flower farmer, flower farming business, farmers market setup, gardening videos, gardening in canada, gardening 101, family farmhouse, gardening ideas, flower farming for beginners
Id: gsfR2y_0L2A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 46sec (1966 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 13 2022
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